2023, 2024 climate change records defy scientific explanation

Started by RE, Dec 17, 2024, 01:25 AM

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The oven is getting hotter faster than expected.  Scientists don't know why. Who cooda node?

Maybe it has something to do with all the waste heat produced by AI Data Centers and white desert sands covered with black solar panels?


2023, 2024 climate change records defy scientific explanation



Quote from: RE on Dec 17, 2024, 01:25 AM

The oven is getting hotter faster than expected.  Scientists don't know why. Who cooda node?

Maybe it has something to do with all the waste heat produced by AI Data Centers and white desert sands covered with black solar panels?


2023, 2024 climate change records defy scientific explanation


It correlates to CO2 concentrations in the air which continues to accelerate.  Which anyone with a brain should know.  Heat from human activity radiates away quickly and is small compared to solar heat.  The sun gives 173.5 billion MW of energy to the earth.  Human activity provides about 19 million megawatts MW of power globally.  That is based on 2022 energy consumption data.

This ratio of power is approximately 9,130 to 1. The energy from the Sun reaching the Earth each day is about 9,130 times greater than the total power generated by human activity.

Atmospheric CO2

November 2024     423.85 ppm
November 2023     420.46 ppm
Annual change:  +0.81%      <--- From one year ago.

We are closing in on a 1% change in CO2 concentration per year.  Evidence is beginning to suggest this is a problem.

Carbon Fee and Dividend should become the law of the land.