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Tech Won't Save Us / - Electricity Juice Hogs
Last post by comrade simba - Feb 10, 2025, 05:10 PM
The idea is Russia takes the high ground with the Palestinians like they did with the Jewish oblast. Even though there will be no takers a depopulated buffer between Russian oblasts and Galacia is a win.
Politics / Trump says Palestinians will h...
Last post by RE - Feb 10, 2025, 05:04 PM
"In the meantime, I would own this," Trump said of Gaza. "Think of it as a real estate development for the future. It would be a beautiful piece of land. No big money spent."

Well, Trump has made his ETHNIC CLEANSING plan for Gaza explicit, declaring that the Palestinians could never return.  What if one of them wins the lotto?  They wouldn't be allowed to buy a condo on the Riviera?

Also note his use of the pronoun "I" as opposed to the FSoA.  He says HE will own Gaza with this plan.  Isn't there a slight conflict of interest here?  Since when is the POTUS allowed to use the military to buy property for himself?  The area would of course require a huge number of troops to keep his construction sites from being demolshed as fast as they went up.

I can't see any way the UN would allow this plan to be implemented.  What about these new settlements he proposes to build for them in Egypt and Jordan?  Who's paying for those?  He's gonna put up housing for Palestinians in Egypt before building it for the homeless we have right here?

This whole plan is totally ludicrous, and the only way they could get the Palestinians out of there is by putting them in Boxcars at the point of a gun, the way Hitler got the Jews out of the Warsaw ghetto.  Promising them they were going to a better place with food and housing.

The only question is how far he will go to push it?  First he would have to at least get somebody else to agree to take them.  What sort of sanctions will he toss on Egypt and Jordan if they don't comply?

Trump says Palestinians will have no right of return to Gaza under his plan

Global heating / Closing in on 1% a year. Ther...
Last post by K-Dog - Feb 10, 2025, 01:59 PM
Atmospheric CO2

January 2025      426.56 ppm
January 2024      422.80 ppm

Annual change:      +0.89%    <---------------

Last updated: Feb 07, 2025
Source: Global Monitoring Laboratory

* Closing in on 1% a year.  There has been significant acceleration since I began annual tracking of the increase.
Tech Won't Save Us / - Electricity Juice Hogs
Last post by K-Dog - Feb 10, 2025, 08:08 AM
Farmin in Ukraine?  Maybe they can grow tobacco.

Kushner and his squeeze can fly around.  To keep them working.
Tech Won't Save Us / - Electricity Juice Hogs
Last post by RE - Feb 10, 2025, 01:54 AM
Quote from: comrade simba on Feb 09, 2025, 06:00 PMPoland will have their piece of the ukraine - Galacia.  and  Hungary will take Transcarpathia. Slovakia is just a loser nation so no spoils for them, and Romania loses their bid for Moldavia, (for being NATO patsies) with Transnistria joining the Russian Federation via referendum. No reason Russia couldn't do the world another solid like they did with the Jewish oblast and grant one of the western oblasts bordering Poland or Hungary for the
Palestinians. 40 acres and a tractor and a brand new simple 3bed living room kitchen bath and laundry/mud room for anyone wanting to flee the fucking Jews and have a new life.
Learn Russian, become a citizen. Or stay in Gaza chucking concrete bits at Jews and watch your kids die. Whatever.

I don't see why this would be an affront to anyone.

The chance of Palestinians being relocated to Ukraine and furnished with a tractor and mud hut to farm wheat is about the same as them being sent to Iowa to grow corn or China to wade through the rice paddies.  Nobody wants to import millions of impoverished Muslims who will be nothing but trouble.  They're certainly not going to be grateful.

Back in the real world, El Trumpo will up the pressure on the neighboring countries to take them, and with no water, no electricity and little food being shipped in, they'll be forced out.  Then they'll try to build hotels and condos for rich people, which nobody in their right mind will buy.

Diner news / - Diner Forum News
Last post by RE - Feb 09, 2025, 07:20 PM
Quote from: comrade simba on Feb 09, 2025, 06:18 PMnyuk nyuk nyuk!

Is this supposed to be 3 Stooges humor?

Diner news / - Diner Forum News
Last post by comrade simba - Feb 09, 2025, 06:18 PM
I'm entertaining myself watching the growth of Russia, China,and ROW as murica disintegrates. "Doomering" is sooo last decade. Focus on the positive, nyuk nyuk nyuk!
Tech Won't Save Us / - Electricity Juice Hogs
Last post by TDoS - Feb 09, 2025, 06:02 PM
Quote from: K-Dog on Feb 09, 2025, 12:56 PM
QuoteI was under the impression that 'MURIKAN indoctrination began early in the public schools of America?

There are many kinds of indoctrination.  Seems some of us can pick and choose our poison.

Personally I find the domination of others incompatible with freedom, but I guess that is just me.

Well, based on last election results, it might be you and 49% of the population, but the other 51% sure seems different.
Tech Won't Save Us / - Electricity Juice Hogs
Last post by comrade simba - Feb 09, 2025, 06:00 PM
Poland will have their piece of the ukraine - Galacia.  and  Hungary will take Transcarpathia. Slovakia is just a loser nation so no spoils for them, and Romania loses their bid for Moldavia, (for being NATO patsies) with Transnistria joining the Russian Federation via referendum. No reason Russia couldn't do the world another solid like they did with the Jewish oblast and grant one of the western oblasts bordering Poland or Hungary for the
Palestinians. 40 acres and a tractor and a brand new simple 3bed living room kitchen bath and laundry/mud room for anyone wanting to flee the fucking Jews and have a new life.
Learn Russian, become a citizen. Or stay in Gaza chucking concrete bits at Jews and watch your kids die. Whatever.

I don't see why this would be an affront to anyone.
Tech Won't Save Us / - Electricity Juice Hogs
Last post by RE - Feb 09, 2025, 03:18 PM
Quote from: TDoS on Feb 09, 2025, 10:48 AMI was under the impression that 'MURIKAN indoctrination began early in the public schools of America?

It does, along with the historical spin from Hollywood in film and TV.  Its very successful with the weak minded.  If you're aware of it, the sales job doesn't work so well.

Far as the past is concerned, the winners try to whitewash the past and paint themselves as the good guys.  After enough time passes, they acknowledge the atrocities of the past and apologize for them.  They even occassionally pay reparations.  Never give back the land though and obviously don't bring the dead back to life.

Whitewashing ongoing atrocities is more difficult, particularly since the advent of TV and now the internet.  During Vietnam TPTB learned this and thus began to carefully control the images and stories coming out of war zones.  Unlike in the movies, IRL J6P grunt isn't always the good guy liberator, he's the oppressor ruling by force and intimidation bombing civilians with the Death From Above.

In the case of Israel, 2 groups of people have conflicting claims over the same crappy piece of land.  Jews got the deed from the Brits and claim it as theirs,  Palestinians claim it because they never accepted Brits as their rulers, the UN handed it to them as a "protectorate" and they've been living there continuously since Roman times.  It's never been its own country though because of its religious significance.  Believers from all places make pilgrimages there.  Jerusalem has been passed back and forth between Christians and Muslims since the Crusades.

While the Brits accept the UN charter as legal and binding, the Muslim world doesn't, and despite many Crusades, the Knights Templar never managed to conquer the Towel Heads.  So they didn't get the genocide necessary to take over that part of the world.  They just don't go in and roll over the Jews because it would start WWIII.  They support the Palestinian terror campaign tho.