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Eco Socialism / - The ACP
Last post by TDoS - Sep 06, 2024, 08:12 PM
Quote from: K-Dog on Sep 06, 2024, 05:09 PMMy understanding is you traveled 1500 miles to lurk, and you then did not introduce yourself.
Talking for half an hour isn't lurking in my book. Got his entire spiel for the EV scooters as well. Spoke to Wendy as well, she was passing out literature which was useful as it had phone numbers and whatnot for the SUN thing, etc etc. RE was busy demoing  the scooter for a youngster who asked about them, stopped back to say goodbye afterwards.

And of course I didn't introduce myself. Neither did he.

Quote from: K-DogAnd you still have not learned that a mystery man can't get traction.  But that assumes you want some.

I've already said my piece about RE's investigation of who I am (as did he, in this very forum...did the MIB get that?) and how he and Haniel sorted it out. Did RE mention that Dave was busily posting pictures from those investigations and everything at the Diner, or was that before your time? How many named, photographed and pictures posted like a wanted poster can take place before someone isn't a mystery men?

Eco Socialism / - The ACP
Last post by TDoS - Sep 06, 2024, 05:48 PM
Quote from: K-Dog on Sep 06, 2024, 05:09 PMMy understanding is you traveled 1500 miles to lurk, and you then did not introduce yourself.
I was there. You weren't. Personal experience matters, a point you've made before. My memory is quite good, and 30 minutes talking with RE, watching him demo a electric scooter for a young man who asked about it, and yack away, isn't "lurking". I did lurk for 5 minutes after I spotted him and his squad telling myself, " you REALLY want to do this"...before forging ahead. Wife thought I was silly, after having been around for the last episode of bumping into internet folks. It was reasonable to be cautious. I was once revealed online, my fault, and the nutter showed up at the gate and tried to get past the armed guards. That was old peak oil days though, prior to the Diner, and prior to RE showing up at

I've been more careful since, and stopping by to see the squad seemed like I might be asking for it. John is a big guy.

Quote from: K-DogAnd you still have not learned that a mystery man can't get traction.  But that assumes you want some.
A mystery to you perhaps, if you've never asked RE for my name. RE has stated quite clearly the process he used to find me out, how he substantiated and independently confirmed what Haniel had found out using IP tracking on my posts, conferences I went to, IP verified, etc etc.

But if you want to pretend, as RE does, that he didn't do exactly what I just said, that is up to you.

Eco Socialism / The Spirit Level of the United...
Last post by K-Dog - Sep 06, 2024, 05:17 PM

I have been following Richard Wilkinson for years.  He had a book of his own before the first one with Kate.  I bought the 'Inner Level' and am looking at part 2 which gets into the scientific facts which explains why understanding the spirit level is so important.  In other words, proof.

The above will not mean anything to you unless you are also on the spirit level.  Read the you tube description.
Eco Socialism / - The ACP
Last post by K-Dog - Sep 06, 2024, 05:09 PM
Quote from: TDoS on Sep 06, 2024, 03:51 PM
Quote from: RE on Aug 30, 2024, 02:21 AMIf he really wanted to chat with us, one would figure he would grasp that showing some respect is required?
Interesting. I once traveled 1500 miles to chat with you. And Wendy. I already demonstrated "really wnated to chat with us" beyond anyone but some in the inner circle...Monsta won that contest, Eddy came in 2nd, but I beat out Dave and John in terms of distance. 

As far as respect in the sense that you are probably thinking about it....that can be a little tricky. There are required conditions that need to remain consistent in terms of the interaction with folks on internet forums.

My understanding is you traveled 1500 miles to lurk, and you then did not introduce yourself.  And you still have not learned that a mystery man can't get traction.  But that assumes you want some.
Eco Socialism / - The ACP
Last post by TDoS - Sep 06, 2024, 03:51 PM
Quote from: RE on Aug 30, 2024, 02:21 AMIf he really wanted to chat with us, one would figure he would grasp that showing some respect is required?
Interesting. I once traveled 1500 miles to chat with you. And Wendy. I already demonstrated "really wnated to chat with us" beyond anyone but some in the inner circle...Monsta won that contest, Eddy came in 2nd, but I beat out Dave and John in terms of distance. 

As far as respect in the sense that you are probably thinking about it....that can be a little tricky. There are required conditions that need to remain consistent in terms of the interaction with folks on internet forums.
General Discussion / September 4 Georgia school sho...
Last post by RE - Sep 05, 2024, 06:07 AM
Been a while since we had the Regularly Scheduled HS Shooter Massacre.  In today's Gunfight in the School Lunchroom, our suspect shooter is 14 year old "Colt" Gray, who apparently was investigated  last year for threats to do a shoot-em-up.  Named after a Revolver and hailing from Atlanta, the Capitol of Ole Dixie, this kid was clearly born to grow up and become a Shooter.  lol.

Rack up 6 Points for Colt from his Six Shooter, 2 points each for 2 teachers, 1 point each for 2 kids.  No points awarded for the 9 wounded who are expected to survive.

I wonder if he gets tried as an adult and gets sent to Prison or he goes to Juvy and gets out  when he hits 18?    Big difference in outcomes there.  Do the other prisoners get prosecuted for Child Molesting after sodomizing him in the shower?

Just another day in Collapse.  :P

September 4 Georgia school shooting news

Climate Fuckifications / Charted: The World’s Carbon Em...
Last post by RE - Sep 04, 2024, 07:31 PM
Not many environmental stats the FSoA compares well against other countries with, but at least on making a marginal improvement here with a slower increase in use of FFs for energy production than most other countries.  Mind you, that DOES NOT mean we decreased our use of FFs.  It only means our rate of increase slowed down by a pretty pathetic -2.7%.  That still a lot better than the Billions of Indians, who increased their consumption by a whopping 9%.

Looked at as a Global Carbon Balance Sheet, we're a loooong way from net zero, much less reducing the carbon footprint of Industrial Civilization.

General Discussion / - Bugout Machine Subdivision...
Last post by K-Dog - Sep 02, 2024, 10:40 PM
General Discussion / - Bugout Machine Subdivision...
Last post by RE - Sep 02, 2024, 09:26 PM
Quote from: K-Dog on Sep 02, 2024, 06:30 PMDanny Shaw is part of Midwestern Marx.  But he needs a new way to buy the beans.

With many colleges closing and downsizing, professors are an endangered species anyhow.

General Discussion / Fired for Protest
Last post by K-Dog - Sep 02, 2024, 06:30 PM

Danny Shaw is part of Midwestern Marx.  But he needs a new way to buy the beans.