The FSoA Police State, Fascism Lite and Martial Law

Started by RE, Mar 07, 2024, 02:18 AM

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Kickoff article for a new topic.  This one to focus on the signs of the movement to war establishing a police state and implementing Martial Law.  This is likely to occur in stages, rather than the wholesale deployment of the military inside FSoA borders, in a boiling frog process.  A little at a time, so unless you're paying attention, you be frog stew before you ever even notice your goose is cooked.  OK, too many metaphors, but you get the idea.

Da Goobernator of NYS had deployed the National Guard to combat crime in the NYC subways.  Since when s the NG allowed to do regular police work in cities?  Quell Riots and stop Lootin after natural disasters, catch mugger on the subway, no.  That is the job of Transit Cops, a separate division of the NYPD too stupid to qualify for the street level job, and condemned to life as a subterranean enforcement squad to catch the lowest level criminals haunting the netherworld.  So far, the Cops union, which normally would oppose such a deployment threatening their jobs has been silent.

Now as I understand it, it is unconstitutional to use the military to combat crime inside FSoA borders.  Also the city's responsibility and jurisdiction for law enforcement, note the State Troopers who patrol the highways to catch speeders and issue tickets to pay their salaries.  So, neither the NYS Troopers or thee National Guard has any business catching crooks in the NYC subways.  Yet there they now are doing just that, and nary a peep of dismay over the latest turning of the wheel.  Down the slippery slope we slide, from fascism lite to the Nazi party, SS and Gestapo.  The concentration camps are already being set up, on Floyd Bennett Airfield and the Texas border.  It won't be long before you hear "Let me see your Papers please as you walk to work in the morning.

Gov. Hochul to deploy 1,000 National Guardsmen, state cops to carry out bag checks in NYC subways


In line with their historical role as leaders in the battle against social justice and the right to freedom of assembly and free speech, the rednecks of the deep south states are winning their most recent attack on organizing mass political protest by holding protest organizers financially liable for any actions by any protester OR counter protester that harm any individuals or damage any property.  The SCOTUS refused to hear a case from Louisiana where a cop was hit in the face by a rock thrown by a protester, and the BLM leader who organized the protest got sued despite not having anything to do with throwing the rock.

Now, refusing to hear the case doesn't mean they approve of the decision of the lower court that held him liable, but until they specifically state that you can't do this, nobody will organize a protest down there because you can't possibly control what happens when you get a large group of people in the street with cops with billy clubs and water cannon.  Violence happens during political protests, it's almost guaranteed if the issue is polarizing enough.

Down the road to fascism we go, one case at a time.

The Supreme Court effectively abolishes the right to mass protest in three US states