Figure out how to live in the worst-case. 
Or play Rambo in the woods, and max out your privilege. 

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The facts of life, getting older on the doomstead

Started by 18hammers, Jul 10, 2023, 10:24 PM

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Quote from: RE on Dec 02, 2023, 07:18 PMDid you take that photo recently?  When did you go by there?  If so, I would say the neodymium magnets are oxidizing faster than I expected.  I thought the epoxy coating would keep the air out better.  I wonder if they still hold their magnetic properties?    Did you try sticking any ferromagnetic object to them?

Photo from early November. Didn't realize they were magnets, looked like support pins or some part of holding it together. The locations on the US map look like they are doing the same thing. Are they magnets?


Quote from: TDoS on Dec 03, 2023, 07:18 PMPhoto from early November. Didn't realize they were magnets, looked like support pins or some part of holding it together. The locations on the US map look like they are doing the same thing. Are they magnets?

Yes, the ones on the globe are magnets also.  Not just on the US map, also one on Rio de Janeiro in Brasil and another on Sydney, Australia.  All the locations I lived for 2+ years.  The idea was visitors could attach a memento to any of them.  The top ones were to attach a metal top piece which I never got round to having welded together.

I must say you have made me extraordinarily happy to have had at least 1 person who is familiar with my years writing on collapse that has visited the monument.  How did you find it?  It has been years since I last published the location.

I myself have not been back to Springfield since the final placement of the stones, at least 5 years ago by now I think, so that's a good little interval to see the initial wear & tear.  I am not sure of the process on rusting with Neodymium, if it rusts through and corrodes away completely like Iron, or if once the surface oxidizes it protects what is beneath like Aluminum.  I would guess at least for now they still hold their magnetic properties, but if/when they oxidize through they no longer will.  Very powerful magnets though when new.

I don't suppose you got photos of the 12 Principles of Sustainable living for Homo Sap on Earth?  I can't find any of my old files with that stuff on it.

For anybody else who wants to make the trek there, it's at Greenlawn Cemetery on North National Street in Springfield , MO, 37 degrees N latitude, 93 degrees West longitude.  I used to have the location to 4 decimal places, I also can't find that.  ::)

Other than the rusting magnets, structurally it looks to be pretty solid and the site looks like it is being well maintained with good gas powered lawn tractors and Monsanto weed killer.  :-\ I wonder how long before it becomes all overgrown?   Anyhow, I think that cemetery is pretty safe from being developed with McMansions dropped on top of it before we get full on collapse.



Quote from: RE on Dec 02, 2023, 07:18 PMI don't suppose you got photos of the 12 Principles of Sustainable living for Homo Sap on Earth?  I can't find any of my old files with that stuff on it.

I can't quite make out 5-6 and 12, they are behind the shapes, but having the others might remind you of the missing.

Quote from: REFor anybody else who wants to make the trek there, it's at Greenlawn Cemetery on North National Street in Springfield , MO, 37 degrees N latitude, 93 degrees West longitude.  I used to have the location to 4 decimal places, I also can't find that.  ::)  Section C is the general location.
Search for Christopher Cantrell, born in 65, passed in 96, Section C, Lot 252. Spit hard enough from that headstone and you'll hit the SUN monument.


Quote from: TDoS on Dec 07, 2023, 07:05 PM
Search for Christopher Cantrell, born in 65, passed in 96, Section C, Lot 252. Spit hard enough from that headstone and you'll hit the SUN monument.

Double thanks!   8)

I can't make out the text either, but that's OK.  Gives people a reason to go visit the monument.

Great shots btw, and it looks overall like it's holding up well, particularly the Stonehenge Headpiece which I was most concerned about because of the small size of the stones and small suurface area for the glue.  They are drilled and pinned of course, but the epoxy covers the whole joining area.  Not sure what the lifespan on that stuff is.

The pins are also made from steel rebar, which will eventually oxidize even though it should be pretty well sealed airtight.  I wanted them to use basalt rebar, but it is very hard to come by and can only be purchased in large quantities.  That stuff never rusts, like the stones themselves.  So in a few hundred years the stones probably will come apart pretty easily.  Pretty heavy to pick up and run off with though, except for the small ones at the top.  Well, the polyhedrons also not too hard to carry.  The real prize for the grave robber of the future though is the Globe.  Embedded inside the globe and inscription stone are Secret Chambers which hold copies of my DNA, photographs on paper and a 10,000 word brief history of my life on earth on acid free paper, as well as a micro SD card with about 1.000.000 words of blogs I wrote, and a longer biography, if there are computers around to read it.  I only expect that if someday the dead earth is visited by Aliens and an alien Indiana Jones finds the stones.  8)

If anyone else wants to visit, 2 weeks from now on the Winter Solstice at High Noon, the SUN should fall directly between the uprights of the Stonehenge, if the whole stone was placed on the correct axis.  Still not sure about that or if I was 90 degrees off positioning the Stonehenge before pinning it.  ???  Same true for the Summer Solstice, which is a nicer time of year to go visiting.