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Big oil firms knew of dire effects of fossil fuels as early as 1950s

Started by RE, Nov 12, 2024, 11:51 AM

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Of course this will be no surprise to long term readers of the Diner as well as anyone familiar with how the various corporate behemoths in industries like tobacco and pharmaceuticals employ scientists for the specific purpose of obfuscating and camouflaging the damage they do to both the health of people and the health of the planet.  It is worthwhile though to get specifics on who knew what and when they knew it in terms of at some point perhaps assigning blame and prosecuting the managers, scientists and engineers who were instrumental in what will in due time be the largest Mass Murder of homo sapiens in history.  If you cover up activity you know is deadly, that makes you an accessory to murder, so all the leading scientists and engineers who worked for the fossil fuel extraction industry should be tried for multiple counts of 1st Degree Murder and then Executed once found Guilty.

Of course, with Judges now being appointed by Trumpovetsky it's more likely said murderers will be given the Congressional Medal of Honor, but at least when they face Eternal Judgement we can be relieved to know they will Burn in Everlasting Damnation in the Fire & Brimstone of HELL.

Big oil firms knew of dire effects of fossil fuels as early as 1950s, memos show



QuoteBig oil firms knew of dire effects of fossil fuels as early as 1950s, memos show

The roots of morality lie in applying logos to natural social relations.  This requires thought and is a cultural activity.  Natural social relationships are biological based on instinct.  Without culture biological relations dominate.

Tribal relations have the biological basis.  Successful application of logos to tribal instincts requires extensive cultural conditioning.  Tribal roots are deep.  Difficult to adjust.

Tribal relations say do not give a fuck about anyone but you and yours.  And the morality of certain traditions says everyone is in your tribe.  Problem solved.

But the going from A to B is not a thing that is automatic here.  Common morality worships biology over logos.  The morality of the useless eater.  Logos is in short supply.  Defining everyone as a member of the tribe is an enlightened tradition and not the default.

Consider MAGA and think about dropping the second A.  Make America Great does not have strong power without the 'Again'.  The 'Again' represents existing tribal membership.  It gives warm fuzzies to the circle-jerking tribe and fucks everyone else.  Without 'Again' people feel naked and alone.

The big oil tribe took care of itself and fucked future generations.  This is normal human behavior.

Logos is in short supply.