Figure out how to live in the worst-case. 
Or play Rambo in the woods, and max out your privilege. 

Your thoughts?

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The four horsemen / - Amerikan Dictatorship
Last post by K-Dog - Jan 28, 2025, 11:10 AM
Quote from: RE on Jan 28, 2025, 12:06 AMIn case you haven't noticed, Il Duce Trumpo is rapidly changing the FSoA goobermint into a Dictatorship. 


Tech is always to the rescue / A shocking Chinese AI advancem...
Last post by RE - Jan 28, 2025, 05:49 AM
Dropped this on earlier, but so far Kdog hasn't got it restored.

Not only won't tech save us, it's wreaking havoc with the stock market.  AI is a huge bubble, and this newz from China is just the pin to pop it.  It should be quite interesting watching the conjvulsions as a trillion in speculative investment goes up in smoke.

A shocking Chinese AI advancement called DeepSeek is sending US stocks plunging

The four horsemen / Amerikan Dictatorship
Last post by RE - Jan 28, 2025, 12:06 AM
In case you haven't noticed, Il Duce Trumpo is rapidly changing the FSoA goobermint into a Dictatorship.  He has spent his first few days in office issuing Presidenttial Orders in almost every area of da goobermint, firing hundreds of people involved in oversight, declaring an Emergency in Energy and now cutting off funding of loan and grant programs.  Basically he is using War Powers to govern by diktat, which is the definition of a dictatorship.  Doesn't matter if CONgress has passed legislation, if he doesn't like where the money is going he cuts off the funding.

Of course previous POTUS have made executive orders on taking office, the difference here is the scope of what he is doing.  He is running the country like Elon Musk runs his companies, as though he is both CEO and majority stock holder.  It doesn't matter what the rest of the Board of Directors think, he makes all the decisions and if they don't agree, too bad.

The Donald gets a thrill from being in charge and dishing out orders, and the more upset people get by his diktats, the more he likes it.  People who have this kind of psychology need constant reinforcement of their power, and he'll keep on doing it and pushing the envelope to demonstrate he is IN CHARGE.  If that means ordering the Marines to invade Greenland and Canada for "National Security", he'll do it.

The question is when or if the CONgress and Amerikan people will realize this and try to put a stop to it before it's too late.  Right now it's not looking too good.

All federal grants and loan disbursement paused by White House

Diner news / - Diner Forum News
Last post by K-Dog - Jan 27, 2025, 10:32 PM
I accidentally deleted the database.  It is restored it but the topic and board references are jumbled up a bit.  I will fix it.  Nothing is actually lost but clicking on some other messages will not go to the referenced message until I fix it.
Eat the rich / - To resist the climate cris...
Last post by RE - Jan 26, 2025, 11:33 AM
Quote from: Surly1 on Jan 26, 2025, 09:44 AMA modest proposal-

Nice to see you came around at last.

Quote from: Surly1 on Jan 26, 2025, 10:29 AMBoy, this thread is vintage RE. I told you what I was, I told you why, and then you turned around and called it nonsense. From the Greatest Hits collection.

I try to stay consistent.  :)

Quote from: comrade simba on Jan 23, 2025, 05:01 PM
QuoteQuote from: comrade simba on Jan 22, 2025, 06:11 PM
    I am at peace.

Quote from: RE on Jan 22, 2025, 10:07 PMNonsense.  You're only at peace because currently the taxman's cut doesn't constitute an existential threat.  Once it does, the only way you'll be at peace is dead.  You either have to rebel and not pay up or you'll die.

Anyone who thinks taxes are an existential threat needs to harden the fuck up.

Quote from: RE on Jan 22, 2025, 05:22 PMFew people are at peace with having their taxes hiked up.
I said I was, and gave you specific reasons why taxation never bugged me. And then you dismiss it as "nonsense". I'm putting you on "ignore" for the rest of the month. I don't have a cooler button.


Boy, this thread is vintage RE. I told you what I was, I told you why, and then you turned around and called it nonsense. From the Greatest Hits collection.
Eat the rich / - To resist the climate cris...
Last post by Surly1 - Jan 26, 2025, 09:44 AM
A modest proposal-

Eat the rich / Seig Heil!
Last post by RE - Jan 25, 2025, 12:52 PM