Hydrogen Hoopla

Started by RE, May 05, 2024, 06:56 PM

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I've been wondering when this type of catalyst would be developed and made economically viable.  This provides a means to make Green Hydrogen useful as an aviation fuel as well as using atmospheric CO2 as the carbon source, thus making a closed loop with net zero carbon emmisions, as long as the electricity is produced by renewable carbon-free methods.

Developing the right catalyst is just the first step of course, they also need to produce the hydrogen cheap enough and be able to filter the CO2 from the atmosphere and combine it with the H to make Methane (CH4), which would also require electrical energy input for the reaction to go forward.  Finally, they would need to use the methane to produce longer carbon chain liquid synthetic fuel, another endothermic reaction.  At the end of this process you get your Jet Fuel.  Very expensive jet fuel.  Still chump change for Elon Musk and other Private Jet owners though.





In the never ending propaganda theater of "unlimited" clean energy, this latest one of TRILLIONS of cubic feet of hydrogen waiting under the earth's crust to tap is stretching credulity well past the breaking point.  Said reserves, IF they actually are there are buried 10-20 km deep under the earth's crust, generated in theory by chemical processes in the mantle.

Now, the Soviets drilled a borehole down to around 12km which yielded some interesting geophysical info and indicated a presence of hydrogen, but it didn't come blowing out of the hole @ 1000 ft3/sec o pop into cannisters or liquify and sell with no further muss and fuss.  There's no evidence that this vast store of H is accessible or even focused in one spot.  It could very well just be swimming around as little bubbles under huge pressure in the molten rock.  Besides this the cost of drilling that deep is phenomenal, and since there was no direct economic benefit coming out of it, after collecting the scientific data, they quit drilling.

So what are they gonna do here?  Willy Nilly bore ultra deep holes in the North Dakota cornfields and hope the motherload of H comes squirting up?  If indeed there WAS an immense cavern filled with H at immense pressure and temp, exactly how would they plan on collecting it as it exits the hole?  What could possibly go wrong? lol.

Anyhow, I would bet on Fusion Power coming online before this nonsense yields "unlimited" clean energy, and you guys know my opinion on that hopium propaganda.  ::)   They keep dishing it out though.


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