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Saudi Super City Stupidity

Started by RE, May 07, 2024, 07:55 PM

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Leave it to the Saudi Princes to go the Chinese Central Committee one better than their doomed Silk Road initiative to build the biggest and most wasteful white elephant public works project ill-conceivable as their final legacy to the Age of Oil.

They couldn't waste enough money on Rolls Royces, Private 747 Jets and Cruise Ship size Luxury Yachts or gamble enough away at the Baccarat tables in Monte Carlo, so they got wasted one night with some architects and drew up plans to build a 105 mile long city in the Sahara that rises up to 2 skyscrapers that rise 1640 feet and has a total of 7 Billion square feet of air conditioned floor space, 29% more than all the buildings in NYC.  Estimated cost is $2 Trillion, and already plagued with comical errors, cost overruns and construction delays.

Will this ever get finished?  Even partially finished?  Will anybody but the 100,000 construction workers they are employing to build it ever live there?  Can you think of any more stupid way to spend trillions of dollars?

Saudi Arabia Discovers It's Hard to Build a 105-Mile Skyscraper