Figure out how to live in the worst-case. 
Or play Rambo in the woods, and max out your privilege. 

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Return to the Middle Ages?

Started by RE, Jul 28, 2024, 07:19 PM

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I am aware of the political issues surrounding Venezuela.  I recall reading a couple of years back that Venezuela/s largest oil play in the GoM was tapped out and their oil exports were vastly reduced.  This leading to fiscal problems.  There are also border issues with refugees from Colombia drug cartel violence.

Of course this is all political, and their abiity to pump and sell oil may be being interfered with to destabilize the goobermint.  That would not be a surprise.  Cuba is also under extreme stress financially now and has been experiencing huge outward migration.  Also political, but also related to diminishing energy supplies.    Nations which don't play ball with the FSoA are squeezed financially.  That is an old story, it's just worse now as energy and food get more expensive.



True story, here is the fucking link.  The fucking link.

Let's be clear.  This is not NEWS.  This is planted propaganda.  America is at war with socialism and has been all my life.  The ruling power scrapes profit from the economy.  The duopoly will not allow alternative arrangements here or where America will next get their tiger in the tank from!  Consequences be dammed.

Where is the bag holding the hundred million?  I want to know.

QuoteCurrently, the U.S. State Department offers up to $15 million for information leading to the arrest or conviction of Nicolás Maduro. Diosdado Cabello, along with other high-ranking Venezuelan officials, faces a reward of up to $10 million for similar information.

These officials are charged with serious crimes, including narco-terrorism and drug trafficking.

Would the check be in the mail?  $10 million is a nice chunk of change.  Is it tax free? 

I don't know, but I'm more interested in what other hobbies the leader of the Bolivarian Revolution has time for.  Wood turning?

If the dude has time to both be president of Venezuela and smuggle drugs too, he must have time to do lots of other cool stuff.  A talented guy 4 sure!

Here is some background info on Maduro's day job:

QuoteChávez became a strategic target for the forces of imperialism and international finance capital. Under the Bill Clinton administration, the US government tried to co-opt him. Once they understood the strength of his convictions and his leadership, the George W. Bush administration attempted to overthrow him through a classic coup d'état that failed to materialise because the Venezuelan people came to his rescue, putting everything on the line. An Obama administration that sought to whitewash the bloody War on Terror opted for more covert destabilisation mechanisms, trusting that his physical disappearance would mark the end of his leadership.

However, part of Chávez's legacy was to leave the Bolivarian Revolution with a collective leadership that, under Nicolás Maduro and the revolutionary and popular forces of Venezuela, has, for over a decade, resisted the strongest aggression that the country has been subjected to both economically and socially in its entire history. The maximum pressure strategy implemented by former US President
Donald Trump, aimed precisely at destroying all the social welfare gains that the revolution had built, collided with the resilience and revolutionary conviction of the Venezuelan people, who remain inspired by the leadership of Hugo Chávez.



The truth is as ugly as ugly gets.

Brown people with brown oil.  White people up north who will freeze without that brown oil in ten years.  Our useless eaters want it.  Listen to the video as JOHN BOLTON, the mofo representing rich useless eaters is shown explaining.

US gov't-linked firm is source of exit poll claiming Venezuelan opposition won election.


Carlos Garrido is back from Venezuela.  Seems to have been a stop on the road to Damascus for him.  A life changing experience.  I have watched Carlos for a while.  He is clear headed, someone who you should listen to.

This is also inspiring.



Jackson Hinkle makes the case.  Nice Job.


Quote from: K-Dog on Aug 02, 2024, 09:46 AM
QuoteThese officials are charged with serious crimes, including narco-terrorism and drug trafficking.

Would the check be in the mail?  $10 million is a nice chunk of change.  Is it tax free? 

Compared to the CIA, Maduro is a low level dealer.



The Cubans are back in the dark yet again, and one has to wonder how long this can go on for before there is some kind of change in the situation.  Perhaps a popular uprising or coup d'etat?

One has to figure anybody with enough money for a plane ticket would leave and ask for asylum just about anywhere else.  Also given the proximity to FL that people without enough money would be jumping in any boat that floats at this point.  There's no way they are going to have any money for buying oil or fixing their power plants anytime soon, and nobody is offering to give it to them for free, so what's the solution here?

Cuba's electric grid collapses after power plant failure, millions without light