Electricity Juice Hogs

Started by RE, May 02, 2024, 02:03 AM

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The flip side of the daily parade of "new" clean, renewable energy projects paraded out in the MSM as solutions to the Techno society's insatiable lust for MOAR POWER is an equal or greater number of projects planned or being built already that will consume all of this new clean juice.  Jevon's paradox at work, of course, and you have to keep running harder and faster every day just to stay even.

No surprise Virginia is at the center of this battle for more electrons, since it's home to a whole alphabet soup of 3 letter agencies busy keeping track of where every last person is and what they are doing every last minute of every day.  However, that's not enough and Google, Apple, Microsoft and media companies and banks all need their Juice Hogs all over the country also.

I think the simple, obvious answer to this is that anybody who wants a data center has to build a power plant to supply it with juice.  Why should taxpayers and residential customers have to share the cost and energy output with these privately held companies?  Bad enough we have to pay for Da Goobermint spooks to spy on us.

Anyhow, I felt this consumption are deserved its own thread, since I have made separate threads for all the new supply side we are supposed to be getting.


States rethink data centers as 'electricity hogs' strain the grid



Globally, the infrastructure of the electric grid can't support the CURRENT load reliably and is already experiencing major outages with  weather conditions that are just moderately stressful.  A heat wave or a Cat 1 hurricane is all it takes to knock out power for millions of people.  To this already fragile and unstable system the current plan is to double or even triple the load in the next decade.  Whether they can even build enough power plants to supply that much power is questionable, but beyond that there's no coherent plan to get them all connected to the grid to supply the power.

Beyond that, while adding the necessary connections must be done, there is no plan to improve all the municipal grids to handle the bigger loads and be more resilient to weather disruptions.  Houston is a great example.  More power plants wouldn't get electricity to the customers when all the wires are down.  For Houston and many other coastal cities vulnerable to hurricanes, they need to bury the cables, a very expensive, time consuming and labor intensive job.  Who is going to finance this build out?  What will the cost of power be for the customers?  Will they be able to afford to run the A/C essential to being able to live in that environment?

The Blackouts of the Olduvai Hypothesis are already here.





I downloaded it:

Classically Jevon's is only about coal, we know it can be extended to a basket of energies.  Use of any kind of energy will in the absence of limiting restraint increase if any energy becomes more efficient to use.  The inter-dependencies between energy supplies is huge.  A fact not appreciated.  Energy sources do not replace each other.  The truth is they reinforce each other.  Use of one increases the use of others through links that are both physical and through links that result exclusively from human nature.

Most people will regard what I just wrote a blasphemy.

* Like most of the financial podcasts this one is a top notch source of information.  Deep analysis in financial podcasts in general is shallow, but this discussion is good.  It is about emphasis attention, and knowledge. Where it is your attention pointed. 

Find deep analysis in the Diner.