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- Drugs for the Doomstead

Started by 18hammers, Aug 26, 2024, 11:57 PM

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Funny story, I was sent a free sample of a drug a online chemical supplier just started carrying. Included it in with a order of Bretazenil blotters I ordered. It is called pro- Diazepam.
The pro part just means it does not become Diazepam until your body converts it to diazepam through digestion. It would be illegal to sell Diazepam without a prescription but pro-Diazepam is just fine in Canada.
 Now I did  not know what this was, had never taken it before but from experience with other products if pro is in the prefix dose size should be a little more than the parent drug as some potency is lost in the conversion process to the parent drug.
Well I decided to try this as A sleep aid and just guest a amount to take. I was knocked out, and I mean out for over 12 hrs, the dogs could not even wake me, and I felt messed up for that day and part of the next, but man did I ever get good sleep, this was just what I should have have had when I had my tree felling accident. Anyway I went back to figure out why this hit me so hard and as best I can determine I took a order of magnitude more than I should have. Roughly greater than the equivalent of 90 ish mg of Diazepam in one shot. This is a drug I can highly recommend for pain relief, and sleeping aid, but only occasionally as from all I have read it can be highly addictive. So if you are in Canada this is a must have. I will put away 3 grams in my alternative medicine kit.


Good to know.  I looked up what diazepam is.  Valium.  I had a low dose once for pain when it was used in medicine  and not next to impossible to get.  It worked, and being a small dose did not do much.  I did not 'feel' anything.  I thought.  However, it chilled me out and caused me to stop smoking.  Weeks went by before I started again.

Years later when I wanted to quit smoking and explained the above could I get a small dose to quit smoking?

Oh fuck no.  Now it was considered a horrible addicting drug.

I quit using the 'Patch'.  I know a stupid 10 pill one time prescription at half a normal dose would have made things much easier.


I had to chew that nicotine gun for almost a year to break my smoking addiction. Smoking is a tough one to quit. I was surprised I could order that Diazepam or more correctly I was surprised how effective it is. May as well stock up while its available, everything good seems to get taken away. From what I have read it is shelf stable.


Quote from: 18hammers on Dec 28, 2023, 09:17 PMSo since my accident a few months back, and since I could do little but surf the web for about a month, I looked up non script pain products. Turns out that Canada does not have drug analog laws, so much to my surprise there is a whole range of drugs that are sold as research chemicals. Analogs of Barbiturates, benzodiazepine and other such types. My experience has been hit and miss, but I have found 4 products I am building up a supply of, No 5 products, I forgot to include Kratom.
 What I have started looking for now is a supplier of Antibiotics. I had a supply of a couple types from roughly 15 years back, One I got from a vet and the other from a supplier of fish antibiotics. I tossed them A few years back (kept in my freezer) just because of their age thinking I would replace them. Now I can't find any supplier of even fish antibiotics that will ship to Canada. Considering what I can buy this just seems crazy. If there are any Canadians that have a supplier of antibiotics that will ship to Canada, could you let me know the name. Best to private message me.

 Are these drugs ( ex. antibiotic ), legal and rare...maybe pharmacies could get a hold of? Where would you actually make a contact with someone who has them. The reason I ask, is I am on several sites that a large number of people are from Canada. How should I ask questions to find what you are looking for. PM me if you want.


Tetracyclene.  I remember.  I was once into tropical fish.


Quote from: K-Dog on Nov 18, 2023, 01:37 PMI don't understand the logic.  ???  'You can read about its effects elsewhere.'

This is a forum where your personal experience is VALUABLE.

Just found this gem and thought...really? It must not apply to certain topics perhaps? I agree that direct personal experience is of value....and that of certified, top flight industry professionals, with connections to both domestic and international companies and developments spanning decades must be like...priceless then?


Quote from: TDoS on Aug 28, 2024, 07:11 PM
Quote from: K-Dog on Nov 18, 2023, 01:37 PMI don't understand the logic.  ???  'You can read about its effects elsewhere.'

This is a forum where your personal experience is VALUABLE.

Just found this gem and thought...really? It must not apply to certain topics perhaps? I agree that direct personal experience is of value....and that of certified, top flight industry professionals, with connections to both domestic and international companies and developments spanning decades must be like...priceless then?

You are far from priceless, you contribute nothing.


Quote from: K-Dog on Aug 29, 2024, 07:52 AM
Quote from: TDoS on Aug 28, 2024, 07:11 PM
Quote from: K-Dog on Nov 18, 2023, 01:37 PMI don't understand the logic.  ???  'You can read about its effects elsewhere.'

This is a forum where your personal experience is VALUABLE.

Just found this gem and thought...really? It must not apply to certain topics perhaps? I agree that direct personal experience is of value....and that of certified, top flight industry professionals, with connections to both domestic and international companies and developments spanning decades must be like...priceless then?

You are far from priceless, you contribute nothing.

The arena matters for that statement to be true. Try google scholar, do you get more than 10 pages or 14, I stopped scrolling after awhile. In a forum with less than a handful of members consisting of childless geriatrics who have been mostly waiting decades now for the world to end..maybe not. In order to contribute, according to the rules you enforce through tactics like the med in black have apparently taught you, I would have to join in on claiming doom next week...and after a quarter century of getting it wrong...not notice how accurate my claims are. Perhaps Albert's quote explains it better?


Quote from: Knarf on Aug 28, 2024, 03:18 PM
Quote from: 18hammers on Dec 28, 2023, 09:17 PMSo since my accident a few months back, and since I could do little but surf the web for about a month, I looked up non script pain products. Turns out that Canada does not have drug analog laws, so much to my surprise there is a whole range of drugs that are sold as research chemicals. Analogs of Barbiturates, benzodiazepine and other such types. My experience has been hit and miss, but I have found 4 products I am building up a supply of, No 5 products, I forgot to include Kratom.
 What I have started looking for now is a supplier of Antibiotics. I had a supply of a couple types from roughly 15 years back, One I got from a vet and the other from a supplier of fish antibiotics. I tossed them A few years back (kept in my freezer) just because of their age thinking I would replace them. Now I can't find any supplier of even fish antibiotics that will ship to Canada. Considering what I can buy this just seems crazy. If there are any Canadians that have a supplier of antibiotics that will ship to Canada, could you let me know the name. Best to private message me.

 Are these drugs ( ex. antibiotic ), legal and rare...maybe pharmacies could get a hold of? Where would you actually make a contact with someone who has them. The reason I ask, is I am on several sites that a large number of people are from Canada. How should I ask questions to find what you are looking for. PM me if you want.

Sorry for the delay in response Knarf, Life has just been kicking me in the teeth lately with little time for the internet. I might PM you for specifics later but I may also have found a partial solution that I am investigating. I have  just had to put this on the back burner for right now.