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Alaska Energy Woes

Started by RE, Feb 09, 2024, 12:50 AM

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Well,if they actually get this nailed down and break permafrost on it, it's Good Newz for RE.  8)   Building the pipeline probably takes 3-5 years and will juice the local economy with lots of well paid construction jobs, then once the NG starts flowing it should keep electricity and heating costs affordable and also juice the PFD with revenue from sales of the gas to the Chinese and Japanese.  So hopefully it keeps Doom from arriving in Prince William Sound until I'm pushing up daisies.  No guarantee though, since the likelihood Trumpovetsky either starts WWIII or causes a global depression grows stronger every day, and he hasn't even officially taken office yet.

Definitely if they build it and I was still in the market for a car, I'd go for an ICE vehicle with a conversion kit and tank for CNG.  ICE engines work much better up here during winter than EVs.  If I could afford 2 cars, I'd also have a hybrid NG/electric car for April-November.

Alaska nears agreement with private company to lead state LNG project