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Billionaire Tech Wet Dreams

Started by RE, May 04, 2024, 05:27 AM

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Not sure how much he is publishing these days in Astrophysics Journals, but Neil has been making a name for himself in the Carl Sagan mode as a bona fide scientist who explains science in terms J6P can understand and in his case calls out the bullshit being spouted by Famous People who have ridiculous ideas.  He recently debunked Terence Howard (the actor from the 1st Iron Man film who played Tony Stark's pal) who wrote a Theory of Everything book which claimed among other things that 1+1 does NOT equal 2.

Now he is bashing Elon Musk's vision of Mars colonies, which is only slightly less ridiculous than the math of TH.  Elon of course has credibility as a Billionaire Tech Bro with his own Rocket Biz, which makes its money primarily by putting Space Junk into low earth orbit, but also makes headlines doing Space Tourism for the .01%ers who can afford the price tag of a rocket ship ride and fuck the stewardesses in Zero G. lol.  Along with saving humanity from self-extinction by personally impregnating as many A-list Super Model vaginas well dosed with fertility drugs, he wants to make sure his progeny lives on by having a second home and bunker built on Mars.  So he is always out there trying to get goobermint Pols and other Billionaires to invest money in his schemes, which generally amount to wasting as much energy as possible to benefit as few extremely rich people as possible.

Of course I heartily approve of Neil trash talking Elon on social media, although despite his credentials as a scientist I don't think his gravitas is enough to shut Elon up.  Money talks loudest in our society, and Elon's Billions make him a formidable force helping our society further down the collapse highway.  Like John D. Rockefeller, Henry Ford and Thomas Edison in the early years of the industrial civilization, he leads society down a path with promises of a brightly lit future but which ultimately are not sustainable.  Today we pay the price for buying the future sold by Ford, Edison and Rockefeller, tomorrow we will pay the price of following those of Musk, Bezos and Suckerbug.  We will AI ourselves right to oblivion, and it won't be on Mars.

Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson Dismisses Elon Musk's Mars Vision: SpaceX CEO Hits Back, Says 'They Really Don't Get It'



This explains a lot.  It totally explains Elon and our modern clusterfuck.