I liked it...entertaining. We are smack dab in the middle of ( maybe getting near the end of ) an "Abrupt Climate Event".
McPherson forever goes on about aerosol masking.
If aerosol masking is really a 'thing' there would be science to show the effect.
All anyone would have to do is choose a big city and keep track of wind. Measure the temperature on all four sides on the ground and at altitude using balloons. If aerosol masking is significant there will be an observed difference in temperature on downwind sides of the city. Nobody has done this, including McPherson.
McPherson and others forever go on about tipping points. As an engineer who has had to endure feedback theory in coursework I HAVE HAD ENOUGH.
The earth does not have 'tipping points'. There are earth systems which when disrupted will INCREASE warming but NO earth system is strong enough to snap earth into a runaway situation where the earth goes Venus. Including the methane bomb. To do that the feedback equations describing earth systems would have to have stronger mathematical coefficients.
All humans are going to do is make the Earth incapable of feeding our population when the oil runs out. Then wars make us extinct and the earth gets green again.
End of story.
Concentration on tipping points show an ignorance and hubris I am no longer willing to tolerate. McPerson has not been a professor for twenty years, but he still calls himself one. Guy is a professor and Robert Malone claims to have invented mRNA technology.
Purveyors of pseudoscience are always quick to claim credentials.
The arrogance and hubris of the man makes for good dinner theater, and that is it.
When I saw Guy I enjoyed his show. I left him a nice donation as only 3 people showed up. At the time I thought what Guy was doing was raising awareness. I no longer feel that way.
And every time Guy says 'peer reviewed' I want to throw up.
In '1984' George Orwell described the 'Two Minute Hate'. In the book the hate was a mandated expression of emotion that manipulated people into hating the 'right' thing. Guy's crowd is a special kind of hater. And in their hate is impotence that can't make change.
Kevin ranted about the fuck-you-shema radioactive water. Kevin obviously can't do math because the oceans will dilute the fucked-up water so much that maybe 1 in a million extra people might get cancer. And then only for a century since tritium has a short half-life.
Catastrophic thinking makes people angry, but this anger does not do any good. It leads to no positive result. Anger can't be sustained and burns out.
Quote from: K-Dog on Sep 06, 2023, 07:43 AMAll humans are going to do is make the Earth incapable of feeding our population when the oil runs out. Then wars make us extinct and the earth gets green again.
I don't think even Global Thermonuclear War will
exctinctify (new word, I get the credit for coining the term if it goes viral! ;D ) Homo Sap, at least not right away.
There are both Goobermint built and Billionaire built bunkers as well as some individual smaller ones for say 10 or so Doomers that will survive a full exchange of ICBMs between the major powers. In said bunkers are long lasting foods with shelf lives up to a century or so, although I don't think they will stay underground more than a few years while the atmosphere clears the dust particles with a few cycles of rainy springs and winter snow melt. This will wash most of the radioactive heavier elements out to sea, diluting it. Background radiation will be higher, and after survivors emerge cancer rates will increase substantially as well as birth defects, but again you will get some survivors who do reproduce and some normal births. These are people with higher tolerance for exposure to radiation, just as some people have more resistance to viruses. These pathogens like radiation cause cancer by breaking DNA and messing up growth rates and metabolic functions. Some people have greater ability to repair these breaks and errors, so they don't get sick as easily. Of course, if you are close enough to Ground Zero and get a huge exposure nobody can tolerate that, but after a while the radiation just isn't that strong. Plenty of wildlife now lives right around Chernobyl, and you would probably have similar levels within a few miles of an impact from a nuclear missile, but this would dissipate over time with exposure to the elements.
So, left in the wake of a GTW you likely have your typical post-apocalyptic movie scenario, with bombed out and deserted cities, army bases, power plants, ammunition manufacturing factories and other major targets, as well as mostly deserted suburbs and rural areas where the unprpepped will die off fairly quickly from radiation poisoning and starvation, though they probably will go so fast they won't have time to scavenge everything.
The few people left in any given area after say a decade will be quite small, and wildlife will rebound faster than the Homo Sap population. Before long there will be mice, squirrels and pidgeons running around, along with deer and feral dogs and cats. Plenty of food for the few Homo Saps with good resistance to meat that glows gently in the dark. lol. Said pockets of HS will be around not just in the FSoA, but China and Russia as well. Also remaining will be a few Sherps in the Himalayas, a few Cannibals in Africa and New Guinea and a few Tlingit north of the Arctic Circle.
Said survivors of Armageddon may die out after a generation or two, or they may evolve in some way as some radiation induced Mutations end up being beneficial and begin to grow the population exponentially again for a while, until the pockets of surviving Mutants start bumping into each other and fighting for territory. Even if they manage to do that though, there will never again be huge reserves of fossil fuels that allows one group to dominate all others and take over the world as the Europeans did after the invention of the Steam Engine. After that happened, we simply overan every other culture and kept reprocing until all the fossil energy got burnedf up. That won't happen again.
Remember, the mitochondrial DNA record shows that 75,000 years ago there were only 10,000 human souls or 1000 breeding pairs left after the Genetic Bottleneck. The cause of that bottleneck is disputed now, it might have been the Supervolcanic eruption of Toba or maybe a climate shift or disease. Whatever it was, it only took 75 millenia to bring the population to about 600M, where it was around ~1500 at the time of the Black Plague. After the disesases ran their course through the population it stayed fairly stable, but starting in the late 1600s exponential growth returned and we ballooned it up to the current 8B. We'll never get there again, but 500K is conceivable a millenia from now after the Rapture takes all but a few to the Great Beyond.
Anyhow, i don't think we'll last a millenia to Party like it's 2999 and welcome in the year 3000.
My bet is we make it to the Year 2525 before the last Homo Sap goes to the Great Beyond and the Crows take over. New version with video featuring Scarlet Johanssen. I like the original by Zager & Evans better, but I drool over Scarlett. lol.
Here's the original by Z&E.
One hit wonder back in the summer of 69 as I recall, I was 12 years old. Those were the best days of my life.
QuoteRemember, the mitochondrial DNA record shows that 75,000 years ago there were only 10,000 human souls or 1000 breeding pairs left after the Genetic Bottleneck.
And so it could be again. But perhaps with only ugly people to carry the flame forward. Speculation can be endless.
QuoteAfter a Yang attack, Spock investigates the field of battle and finds evidence that Tracey has been helping the Kohms, in violation of the Prime Directive. Kirk tries to contact the Enterprise, but is prevented by Tracey, who tries to justify his violation by revealing that the planet's natives are not only immune to the mysterious disease, but have also developed lifespans of over 1000 years.
QuoteSpock then conjectures that the history of Omega IV had closely paralleled that of Earth until the former was devastated by a biological war that Earth had avoided.Spock then conjectures that the history of Omega IV had closely paralleled that of Earth until the former was devastated by a biological war that Earth had avoided.
Quote from: K-Dog on Sep 08, 2023, 11:41 AMQuoteRemember, the mitochondrial DNA record shows that 75,000 years ago there were only 10,000 human souls or 1000 breeding pairs left after the Genetic Bottleneck.
And so it could be again. But perhaps with only ugly people to carry the flame forward. Speculation can be endless.
Possibly,but then what seems ugly to us now will seem beautiful to them. Beauty being in the eye of the beholder and all that.
Personally, I'm hoping all the descendants have mitochondrial DNA from Scarlett Johansson. ;D
Decent chance, since she's rich enough to have her own Bunker.
Scarlett Johansson is Mensa Material as well as being healthy and beautiful. It does not suck to be her.
But: In 'Brave New World' Aldous Huxley describes exiling a group of 'alphas' to an island where they quickly built a society that destroys itself.
I'd like to find how it really turns out. Get me a tardis! What is happening in 2223?
Quote from: K-Dog on Sep 08, 2023, 03:04 PMI'd like to find how it really turns out. Get me a tardis! What is happening in 2223?
The Earth is spinning on its axis and orbiting the Sun every 365 days or so. There are clouds in the sky and rain falls periodically somewhere. There is water in the oceans with some form of life swimming, floating or crawling on the floor beneath it. On land there is something green growing and some kind of animals are crawling, slithering, walking, running, brachiating, gliding or flying around. All these life forms are undergoing mitosis and sometimes meiosis, the plants are pollinating and animals are fucking.
Not happening are any carz rolling or flying around, no helicopters hovering or planes taking off, flying and landing or rockets lifting off, orbiting the earth and reentering the atmosphere and landing.
Beyond this, my Crystal Ball is cloudy. If I am reincarnated as one of Scarlett Johannson's descendants, I will let you know the rest when I get a clearer picture in 2200.