
Doom => Global collapse => Topic started by: RE on Sep 14, 2023, 09:00 AM

Title: Chinese Toast
Post by: RE on Sep 14, 2023, 09:00 AM
As all veteran Diners know, I have long predicted Chinese economic collapse under the catchphrase of "the Chinese are TOAST!".  This actually predates the Diner and goes back to my first bully pulpit on the forum, going beyond economics to social, environmental and population collapse as well, but economic collapse is the leading indicator for all of those problems.  The MSM is finally catching up to me as the economic prooblems long papered over and suppressed by the CCP are now boiling over.  When China really goes down, the FSoA will be caght in the undertow and will not be far behind.  Here's the latest status report on the sinking of the Chinese economic Titanic.

China's economic collapse carries a warning about our own future

Title: Chinese Toast
Post by: K-Dog on Sep 15, 2023, 09:28 PM
Quote from: RE on Sep 14, 2023, 09:00 AMAs all veteran Diners know, I have long predicted Chinese economic collapse under the catchphrase of "the Chinese are TOAST!".  This actually predates the Diner and goes back to my first bully pulpit on the forum, going beyond economics to social, environmental and population collapse as well, but economic collapse is the leading indicator for all of those problems.  The MSM is finally catching up to me as the economic prooblems long papered over and suppressed by the CCP are now boiling over.  When China really goes down, the FSoA will be caght in the undertow and will not be far behind.  Here's the latest status report on the sinking of the Chinese economic Titanic.

China's economic collapse carries a warning about our own future


China may be going down, but not from the reasons given in the Hill article.  The Hill article says China is failing because they have a failed socialist centrally planned economy.  Your article is classic anti-commie propaganda.

Having nothing to do with the fact that China oriented their means of production to serve exports to capitalist countries.  Countries which have now gone full leisure class, and thus can no longer can generate an income to buy Chinese stuff.  America no longer has income that can support capitalist onsumption.   Failure to grow is a death sentence for capitalism.

Or perhaps the country is getting hammered by climate change.

China won't be wanting to invade Taiwan anytime soon.  A weird video.  Audio does not match.  Asian politics involved?

Title: Chinese Toast
Post by: RE on Sep 16, 2023, 08:04 AM
Quote from: K-Dog on Sep 15, 2023, 09:28 PMChina may be going down, but not from the reasons given in the Hill article.  The Hill article says China is failing because they have a failed socialist centrally planned economy.  Your article is classic anti-commie propaganda.

Agreed for the most part, except that although the problem was not central planning it WAS the economics they took on after Mao in the 1070s and opened China to capitalist investment and foreign capital.  Also at this time they vastly increased their own internal debt in their own currency, the Renminby or Yuan.  That's also why China has two currencies, one for commerce inside China and another traded abroad in the currency markets.

China had the same issues as other developing nations and became enslaved to the econmic Hitmen of the IMF, but because of its size and the ability to create internal debt those prooblems eren't as obvious as thes in South America and Africa.  Until now.

Now these problems are now so big that when China hits the Argentina moment, it's going to take the rest of the world down to the bottom of Davey Jones locker with it.  The Chinese Titanic has hit the economic iceberg and is taking on water fast.  She is going DOWN.


Title: Chinese Toast
Post by: K-Dog on Sep 16, 2023, 09:50 AM
But what do you mean by going down.  If the American economy fails, roving bands of zombies we shall have.  And zombies don't do farming.


If China falls they fall back to fundamental revolutionary communism, and then they execute all their imperial capitalist running dogs who won't do farming.


At the end of the day.  Will the lucky few have roasted possum and cattail roots around a campfire for dinner in both places?  Does it play out the same?

If you could pass for American or Chinese, which collapse would be better to live in? 

Culturally I say the Chinese have a better chance of getting their shit together.  China has less of the cult of me.
Title: Chinese Toast
Post by: RE on Sep 17, 2023, 01:55 PM
Quote from: K-Dog on Sep 16, 2023, 09:50 AMIf you could pass for American or Chinese, which collapse would be better to live in? 

Can I pick Door #3 Monte?


This actually is an interesting question though.  For me now as an aging cripple, Alaska seems like about the best place I could be, but if I was younger and still had all my appendages that might not be true.  Now, regardless of where I am I don't expect to last very long so it doesn't matter much where I am.  One place to die is as good as the next.  Once my spirit leaves this meat package, it goes to the same place regardless of my physical location on earth.  The Great Beyond.

If I was younger, ambulatory and in reasonable physical condition, Alaska still could be a good choice, though winter survival would be tough.  Actually, with winter coming on and no solid plan in place, the Anchorage City Council just allocated a few million FRNs to the Homeless problem, and are looking at a few abandoned buildings like the solid waste disposal building as low barrier shelter for homeless hard cases come winter.


I really don't know China well enough to choose there, it's one place I never visited.  Europe is mostly out, though Finland might be OK.  New Zealand might be OK, particularly if I could make friends with a Billionaire with a big bunker there.  8)  Maybe pin dick Nick Hanauer has a bunker there and read some of my articles on the Diner in the old days?

I don't like anywhere in Africa or South America, except maybe those islands off Costa Rica where they filmed Jurassic Park.  I could hunt T-Rex with a Bow & Arrow maybe?  Cuba might be OK, they are pretty resilient and pretty good Communists there.

Anybody else got ideas?

Title: Cash, corruption, crumbling dams — that's China's Belt and Road Initiative, 10 y
Post by: RE on Oct 17, 2023, 01:01 PM
Just horrible when the Chinese do exactly what the IMF has been doing for the last 80 years.  ::)

Regardless of this obvious anti-Chinese, anti commie bullshit propaganda piece however, it is true that the BRI is and always has been complete bullshit designed primarily to lure in foreign investment.  No surprise either that it is the poor hnations taking it in the shorts...the people sure to get paid here are bondholder of the top rated securities sold by the Chinese Goobermint to our favorite Wall Street banks.

Cash, corruption, crumbling dams — that's China's Belt and Road Initiative, 10 years in

Title: Chinese Toast
Post by: K-Dog on Oct 18, 2023, 03:02 AM

If anybody is alone give it a try. Who's to know.  Some creative singing.  Hope you come back for more.

It's the Belt and Road Jack
And its coming back for more and more and more and more
It's the Belt and Road Jack
And its coming back for more

And its coming back for more

Oh baby let me tell ya......
Title: Unemployment, defaults ... is the Chinese dream dying?
Post by: RE on Dec 05, 2023, 10:55 AM
Back to the farm for Chinese youth?  Sounds like a recipe for another Cultural Revolution.

The Chinese Toast is getting darker.


Unemployment, defaults ... is the Chinese dream dying?

Title: China Vanke debt downgraded to ‘junk’ status by Moody’s as liquidity concerns mount
Post by: RE on Mar 12, 2024, 02:59 PM
Another Chinese RE developer is on the rocks, and based on past history with Evergrande it should take about 1-2 years for them to go belly up and need a bailout from the CCP.  Given China's more depleted economic condition now, it will be interesting to see how well they can withstand another big domino falling in their increasingly unstable game of smoke and mirrors the MSM refers to as an economy.  As with the game of musical debt being played here, the smartest guys in the room can only keep the music going for so long before the ballroom dancers realize there are only a couple of chairs in a room full of banksters doing the tango.  At some point there's going to be a mad scramble for those last 2 chairs when the whole ballroom collapses into the basement.  The carnage will be magnficent.

China Vanke debt downgraded to 'junk' status by Moody's as liquidity concerns mount amid tumbling property sales

Title: China's property crisis could get even uglier. This time, a state-backed developer i
Post by: RE on Mar 13, 2024, 05:53 AM
Looks like the Vanke collapse is moving along quicker than Evergrande, at least so far.  Interesting to see if there is any contagion with the FSoA commercial RE problems.  The same banks who buy Mortgage backed securities her buy them on the international market also.  If they have a margin call on either end of Venke misses a coupon payment, the problem could bleed across markets pretty quickly.  I love times like these.  You can see Bankster assholes puckering with each new story.  It's what I live for these days.  lol.

China's property crisis could get even uglier. This time, a state-backed developer is the one raising concerns.

Title: - Chinese Toast
Post by: K-Dog on Mar 13, 2024, 01:28 PM
QuoteProperty sales in mainland China declined for the tenth straight month in February, as lower demand during the Spring Festival holidays weighed and expectations are the beleaguered sector's woes will continue, pressured by low homebuyer confidence.

From an article.

Boom and bust is a feature of the system.
Title: - Chinese Toast
Post by: RE on Mar 13, 2024, 06:15 PM
Quote from: K-Dog on Mar 13, 2024, 01:28 PMBoom and bust is a feature of the system.

That was the old system.  Now it's the Bust-Bailout-Bigger Bust cycle.