
Society => Diner news => Topic started by: 18hammers on Nov 23, 2023, 10:04 PM

Title: Death on the Doomstead
Post by: 18hammers on Nov 23, 2023, 10:04 PM
I spent parts of the last 3 days digging a grave. I am about down to my hips when standing in it. That will be enough. I don't think one of my dogs will make the winter and I needed the grave dug before the ground freezes up. I put my dogs down myself when the times comes, always have. It is harder to do as I get older but I have found a easer way. I give them a strong muscle relaxant, let that sit for a hour, then will give them a couple strong pain killers like Morphine sulfate. The combo lays them flat out asleep and feeling no paid. Then the .22 comes out.   
Title: - Death on the Doomstead
Post by: 18hammers on Jan 11, 2024, 03:26 PM
The old dog is still hanging in, let her outside this morning to pee, and watched her go, then laid down in the -36 snow. I think she just wanted it over. Called her back inside. I have seen the same with the elderly, there comes a point they have had enough.
Title: - Death on the Doomstead
Post by: 18hammers on Feb 05, 2024, 07:51 PM
The old dog is done, She had a good life, I will get her in the ground tomorrow. Down to one dog now.