
Doom => Conspiracies => Topic started by: RE on Nov 27, 2023, 01:49 AM

Title: Conspiracy: Who cares anymore?
Post by: RE on Nov 27, 2023, 01:49 AM
So, Rob Reiner, "Meeathead" from the sitcom "All in the Family" says he has at last solved the greatest conspiracy theory question of the 20th Century, "Who killed JFK?"

Besides the fact it is just about impossible at this point to conclusively "prove" a 60 year old murder that has been gone over with a fine tooth comb by 1000s if not 1000000s of conspiracy theorists for the last 60 years, even if he had such proof would it make any difference now?  Even if it proves it was the CIA or the Mafia?  Anyone who might have been directly involved has to be dead by now, or so old they might as well be dead.  It's not going to change anything occuring today.

Why are people still obsessed with this episode in Amerikan History is beyond me.  Anybody old enough to remember it with the least bit of CFS and understanding of history knows the official Lone Gunman Theory is a crock of shit.  Once yo accept that obvious conclusion, by definition it had to be a conspiracy of at least 2 people.  Knowledge of the following murder of Jack Ruby tells you more than 2 people were involved.  Once you know that, you  know that the only possible folks who could have pulled it off are the CIA, the Mafia or the Russians, or all 3 in some sort of unholy alliance.

Once you know all that, what further is there to say or do about it?  It's over, it's history, literally.  Nothing changes even if the Meathead can prove his theory, which I doubt.

Why do people still care about this ? ???

Director Rob Reiner claims he's unearthed PROOF that JFK was killed by FOUR shooters not one - and says the reason the first shot missed president's motorcade is KEY to theory