AH (Aging Hippie) mentions shadow-banning a few minutes in.
Both Veg and Sandy are prolific, so I won't keep up. But here and there a post letting others know about their videos, I can do.
In the second video Max Wilbert has a lot to say. I have been following Max for a few years, but not in the same way the FBI tracks both of us. He is a fellow traveler. An hour in, the discussion turns to overpopulation.
The IPAT Equation: I = P x A x T Environmental Impact = Population Affluence Technology. The Rich have a MASSIVE ' I '.
LithiumAmericas (https://www.lithiumamericas.com/) <-- For reference after you listen to Max. Max pushes this book, (https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/0/05/The_Ministry_for_the_Future.png) I would like to get it. So much to read so little time.