Society => Diner news => Topic started by: K-Dog on Mar 11, 2024, 12:28 AM
Title: The Aging Hippie's Conspiracy Channel
Post by: K-Dog on Mar 11, 2024, 12:28 AM
The Absurdity of Life and the Certainty of Death
Title: - The Aging Hippie's Conspiracy Channel
Post by: Vegematic Deluxe on Mar 14, 2024, 12:41 PM
I'm almost nervous to post on here because of the Googleocracy's penchant for censorship. I used to think that YT censorship wouldn't be a concern for such a small channel, but man was I naive. The enshitification of the platform has continued unabated. The amount of corporate mainstream media has easily tripled over the last few years as has the censoring of comments. I really miss the old you tube that was primarily ordinary people with average lives posting whatever was on their minds. There has never been a real competitor to Google's monopoly of online video. As a result, this has given one mega corporation the ability to shape the narrative of public discourse. Along with the takeover of Twitter by an insanely wealthy oligarch, we are witnessing the further erosion of any opinion that the corporatocracy deems unacceptable.
Title: - The Aging Hippie's Conspiracy Channel
Post by: K-Dog on Mar 14, 2024, 02:02 PM
You should not feel nervous about posting here. This website is privately owned. By me. Remember you are already on 'the list', and beyond the pale ( Once on the list you do not get off. So what you going to do? Going quietly into the night don't seem right.
Owning the website does not mean I have a page on a corporate platform or anything else. It means I write and I manage ALL the code that runs this website. I rent space from an international hosting service. This is not a Blogspot or a Medium or a Wordpress a Substack or Anything else! The current hosting service is the third I have used. I switch providers when they start thinking I am Joe Rogan rich or something.
The truth is more like this. You are miles from nowhere in a digital sense. On a digital island where I write all the code on the island. Including all the modifications to this forum. Code for which originated in the public domain. Censorship of us on other platforms keeps us unknown. That is what shadow banning is all about. As long as nobody knows we are here we have free speech. Anybody could get here, but our location is hidden in a digital sea. Various techniques are used to keep us from advertising ourselves..
Structuring the website the way I have is done on purpose. Done to ensure that any fuckifications to this website constitutes theft of private property, violating my right to free speech. I have used the word 'all' a lot in this post. This is not my arrogance. This is to emphasize that 'censorship' here by the kings men gets a spotlight with no fine print to hide behind.
I found out about heavy behind the scenes censorship years ago and decided that if I ran my own show any censorship would be obvious. Censors here can not not hide behind their fascist corporate mask. Essentially this is what the Diner is. Self publishing without a corporate layer to screen out censorship civil rights violations.
Mission accomplished. 'They' have removed posts three times in the last month. The first was fool me once shame on you. Now I have some ability to restore what the Kings Men take away, the first raid on the printing press caused me to learn how to restore what was lost. The last two attempts failed. Improving my capability to keep work from being lost and modified is one of the things on my website to do list. But nuff said about that.
QuoteOne mega corporation the ability to shape the narrative of public discourse.
So it seems. There is a bit more to it. But today is not a day to quibble about details.
Perverting the narrative of public discourse when public discourse is the only hope for humanity. We have very bad wizards.
Wizards who do not like talk of gang stalking programs run from American Fusion Centers ( And who do not like their psychological manipulation tricks discussed.
'They' consider us unworthy sheeple. None of this website is here to show how smart I am or that I can write code. This has all come about because what the kings men are doing is seriously repulsive.
Title: - The Aging Hippie's Conspiracy Channel
Post by: K-Dog on Apr 06, 2024, 10:35 AM
Veg lasted six minutes-twenty seconds being nostalgic. Sickly so to tell the truth.
Then he went off into a rant. It was worth the wait.
You could say his face came out of the rain. Funny to me (My EE identity again) was him going off about 'analog' and how digital destroyed the world. Making You-Tube possible in the process. Aaaaaahhh, the contradictions of life. Where would we be without them.
As the rant progresses Veg reveals the hidden crevasses of his mind. He pops the hood and lets you peek inside.
The part about admiring people who can do denial --- not my thing. But if you pop the hood on somebodies cranium and have a look inside.
You have to be ready for what you might see.
Title: - The Aging Hippie's Conspiracy Channel
Post by: Vegematic Deluxe on Apr 06, 2024, 05:33 PM
An interesting take Keith. The video was about delving into the unconscious and attempting to deal with the cognitive dissonance of questioning whether I want to survive or give up in this age of mass planetary entropy. I make videos like this one by recording my stream of consciousness babble and then retrieving any useful nuggets of insight into my fractured psyche. Self knowledge is a dangerous path to embark upon.
Title: - The Aging Hippie's Conspiracy Channel
Post by: K-Dog on Apr 20, 2024, 04:31 PM
In Canada it is Aye-Eye. This latest incantation of out of control technology which has made a mess of the planet.
AH (Aging Hippie) looks down on the sewer of consumption. The cancer on the planet that crawls north to consume him as it always has. The retarded giant on the doorstep never had a chance.
Final message:
QuoteHave a good week and try and be kind to almost everybody.
Title: The Aging Hippy: What's so funny about Peace, Love & Understanding?
Post by: RE on Apr 20, 2024, 06:24 PM
The video asks the question are Hippies Doomers?, and pairs up "Hippy Doomer" to consolidate it, but in fact true Hippies of the Whole Earth Catalogue-Back to the Land movement of the 70's were the leading edge of the Doomer psychological mind set. So it's kind of redundant.
Hippies of this variety were most concerned with the environmental issues outlined by Rachel Carson in "Silent Spring", they were anti-capitalist and anti-consumerism with the "tune in, turn on and drop out" philosophy of living poor and not working rat race jobs, and self sufficient starting communes like The Farm in Tennessee. I did several interviews with Albert Bates, one of The Farm's founding members on the Collapse Cafe, my video arm of the Doomstead Diner doomer franchise. lol. 8) The Farm is still in existence and Albert is very much an active Doomer himself, though The Farm has morphed over the years and got a bit touristy in order to survive. You couldn't just run on Peace, Love and Understanding for the last 50 years, it took money too. lol.
Here's an interview I did with Albert back in late 2013, a little over a decade back. Haven't spoken to him in a few years, hopefully he's still above ground:
Here's my playlist of Alberts vids:
Title: - The Aging Hippie's Conspiracy Channel
Post by: K-Dog on Apr 26, 2024, 09:51 PM
This is very good. It's GROVY !
A tour through the doomosphere. The universe laughs at our dreams and hopes. But we sing a happy song. Or try to.
* Note: This video is best watched stoned. (
If that's your thing.
Title: What lead in gasoline has done.
Post by: K-Dog on Apr 28, 2024, 10:48 AM
Convenience before consequence, every time.
QuoteThey're the ones in charge, hey hey hey lets drop some bombs.
I don't know man, I'm just so tired of it. Who gives these people the right to screw around with peoples lives in any way they want. It is all the power thing man. And anybody that wants power probably should not have it. Like these are the last people that should have power.
Title: - The Aging Hippie's Conspiracy Channel
Post by: K-Dog on May 04, 2024, 11:28 AM
We meander through life and we encounter ugliness and we encounter beauty. Often what we encounter is our choice. Why see the ugliness right? We can't change the world, but we can each change our own world.
Wise parting words.
Title: - The Aging Hippie's Conspiracy Channel
Post by: K-Dog on Jul 27, 2024, 10:29 PM