sing to the tune Cruel to be Kind
It's cool to be queer in the 2000s
It's cool to be queer it's a very fun time
Cool to be lezzie, means girls who eat pussy
Homos and trannies use the same toilets
You've got to be queer to be cool
Add another reason the birthrate is falling. lol.
Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not a total homophobe. ;D I'm all in favor of freedom to use your genitalia however you want with whoever likes to play with it. However, the steady increase in the percentage of people in the society who prefer playing with people with the same genitalia, or want to exchange what they were born with for a surgically created facsimile of the opposite gender is a little concerning.
Besides the obvious fact that as far as the media and what is considered these days to be "woke" and politically correct, I'm interested to hear Diner opinions on what is driving this change in sexual preferences and what is considered acceptable behavior here in the 2000s? Clearly those Biblical ideas about the need to go forth and multiply and not engage in unnatural sex like sodomy or cunnilingus are no longer being taken seriously by a growing portion of the population. Cui Bono? Who benefits from this change in the moral code of modern industrial society?
Inquiring minds want to know.
Nearly 30% of Gen Z women identify as LGBTQ, Gallup survey finds
QuoteWho benefits from this change in the moral code of modern industrial society?
Those who benefit from the change?
What do other diners think? I am not the one to ask. The sexual confusion that seems to be a part of modern life Seattle experienced about forty years ago. Seattle has been a destination for sexual minorities for decades. Puppies in the burbs might not know what I am talking about. But Seattle would not be Seattle if it did not have Capital Hill.
So what do I think. I am wary of people who have an extreme itch to let their freak flag fly because at the end of the day they seem to be all about themselves. Live and let live, what matters about people is how they treat others. I am tolerant of anybody who treats others well.
Who Benefits?
The high priests of distraction benefit. Murder in Gaza is easily hidden by sexual distractions. Of any kind.
Queer, or straight, whatever distraction does the job.
The more shocking the distraction, the better it grabs the eyeballs. A lurid appeal keeps your eyeballs from looking at what the distractors don't want you to see.
Quote from: K-Dog on Mar 16, 2024, 12:40 PMThe sexual confusion that seems to be a part of modern life Seattle experienced about forty years ago. Seattle has been a destination for sexual minorities for decades. Puppies in the burbs might not know what I am talking about. But Seattle would not be Seattle if it did not have Capital Hill.
Seattle's emergence from the closet came more that a decade after NYC, when the Stonewall riots in 1969 centered around the gay community in NYC's Greenwich Village kicked off the Gay Liberation movement, not long after Women's Liberation and the Civil Rights race riots of the 1960s.
However, it was not until the 2000s that you started to see gay couples featured in the media and pop culture, with TV shows having alongside a multi racial and multi ethnic cast, at least one happy gay couple raising a child in blissful harmony. Not to mention openly gay candidates for POTUS and comic book superheroes with Cocks of Steel who could ejaculate semen over tall buildings with a single spurt. lol.
Today, to even hint that there is something fundamentally wrong with transexual (trans) women competing against biologically born (cis) women in HS, NCAA and Olympic sports invites lawsuits and claims of discrimination so vehement the governing bodies of those sports are terrified to declare them ineligible, or at least create another division to make the competition more fair.
Yes, this is a distracion, particularly when it devolves to who uses which bathroom to excrete while shopping at Walmart, but the fundamental shift in the moral code isn't just a distraction, IMHO. There is something deeper going on here, which includes as well the decrease in sperm count and hormone levels in the population also. That you can attribute in part to chemicals in the environment, but perhaps also to population density, since similar effects are found in mice subject to overcrowding in behavior experiments by the kind of psychologists I became well acquainted with as a lab rat back in the day.
A distraction? Sure it is. But methinks there is more to it than that. JMHO.