Depopulation and collapsing fertility rates in Industrialized countries has now officially become a part of right wing politics, and I wouldn't be a bit surprised if Elon Musk ran for POTUS under the Natalist Party banner at some point. Of course, since he was born in South Africa,first they' have to change the law and let naturalized citizens be eligible to run, but I'm sure that can be managed.
Currently it sounds like the worst possible combination of eugenics, Nazi ideology and fundamentalist Christianity you could stew up, which guarantees it will become a major force in politics south of the Mason-Dixon line. Rednecks will be encouraged to breed like rabbits to save Amerika from the invading hordes of refugees on the Texas border.
The Far Right's Campaign to Explode the Population
The Far Right Already Exploded the Population Depopulation and collapsing fertility rates in Industrialized countries is the best thing that could happen.
Lets be clear on this. I am a human myself. I don't 'hate' useless eaters. I much prefer useful eaters, but I talk about useless eaters because they take from the planet without any desire or behavior that respects what the Earth provides.
So billions of confused people stop breeding. That would be great. That would mean the human race DOES NOT go extinct. This is why
Left behind by explorers, merchants, whalers and pirates, goats arrived in the Galapagos in the 16th and 17th centuries. Over time their numbers multiplied. By the 1990s, around 250,000 goats were bleating across the Galapagos. They ate everything and stripped the islands of their vegetation in the process. The islands' tortoises, those ancient standard-bearers of biodiversity, began to die out.
After years of debating, planning and consensus-building, the Galapagos Conservancy (formerly called the Charles Darwin Foundation) initiated Project Isabela, a systemic eradication of all of the goats, feral pigs and donkeys on the main Galapagos islands.
The project began with a ground hunt, but eventually the team brought in helicopter pilots and sharpshooters from New Zealand.
90 percent of the islands' goats were killed within the first year of aerial hunting. But that still left thousands of goats on the islands – and goats can't keep their hooves off each other. The scattered remainder, now clued into the lethal significance of a helicopter's appearance, began to breed and repopulate in hidden enclaves.
The goats remaining 5 to 10 % learned how to hide from helicopters.
The remaining goats were killed but that required a change in plans. Judas goats were used. Had there not been a supplemental plan the first plan would have failed.
At eight billion meat packages humans would be knocked down to 400 million with the same reduction to 5%. That is 100 million below target.
- Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
- Guide reproduction wisely – improving fitness and diversity.
- Unite humanity with a living new language.
- Rule passion – faith – tradition – and all things with tempered reason.
- Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
- Resolve international disputes in a world court.
- Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
- Balance personal rights with social duties.
- Prize truth – beauty – love – seeking harmony with the infinite.
- Be not a cancer on the Earth – Leave room for nature – Leave room for nature.
It '
blows me away' that some people have a problem with this list.
This guy would NOT be a friend of the Diner. He is right wing conspiracy theorist who advocated for blowing up the Guildstones because they were Satanic in 2005. Before they were blown up.
Conservative bible thumping modern crusaders against the New World Order only want THEIR truth etched in stone. But on this day I like what he is doing. It is a hoot. You can pretend he tolerates other points of view.
I hope Dice understands (
he doesn't) that there will be a certain number of people who will sign to make a graceful exit from the situation. Knowing that this petition is worthless.
No way you are going to stop Amazon. Sign it and move on.
Quote from: K-Dog on Apr 29, 2024, 08:13 AMIt 'blows me away' that some people have a problem with this list.
Yea, I always thought the Georgia Guidestones had a pretty decent prescription for a sustainable population of Homo Saps. I kind of modeled my 12 Principles on my Tombstone after them. So far nobody has blown it up. lol.
I also find it kind of ironic that after decades of apocalyptic sci-fi featuring an overpopulated planet like Soylent Green that people have now become terrified that we don't have enough babies. lol. The terror of course mostly comes from Capitalists who can't fathom a world without Growth. Population growth underpins all other economic growth, more people=more unit sales=more profit. It's also the source of Power. The more people under your control, the more powerful you are.
Ironic also that it's capitalism that is causing the declining fertility rate. The fact that women had to join the capitalist workforce and leave their traditional work as homemaker and child bearer is why they now delay marriage and delay further pregnancy until there's really barely time left on the biological clock left to have even 1 child. I was the 3rd child my mom had at age 28, and my parents both seemed old compared to parents of other kids my age. Now, if a woman has a child at all, 30 is pretty young.
Of course there are plenty of other reasons also, declining sperm counts and less interest in having sex at all by the latest generation of social media and screen addicted teens and twenty-somethings has a lot to do with it also. The economics are IMHO the driving force though, and the reason all the petitions and political movement and tax credits and Influencers begging people to have more kids are not going to work. The big question mark is how society will deal with it in another decade or so when there just aren't enough working age people to fill all the drone jobs in our society. Maybe the robots will be good enough to take over. If there is enough energy available to keep them all charged up to do the maid service at the resort hotels.
Yes, a society with eight billion citizens that only lasts fifty more years is not as good as a society with four hundred million citizens which lasts a million years. Not even close to being the same. Solve for the unknown variable and compare it to a million if you don't believe it.
What could have been.
Right on cue.
Opinion: Beware of a falling population
Quote from: RE on Apr 29, 2024, 11:45 AMRight on cue.
Opinion: Beware of a falling population
It figures the Mormon news source would think so. From the article:
QuoteAs I've written before, capitalism relies on steady growth to maximize outputs and increase markets through competition. If the nation begins contracting, paying off the national debt becomes much harder. Social Security would struggle to continue, as a lack of young workers makes it hard to fund benefits for a large population of retirees. Funding a strong military, and keeping it stocked with plenty of young soldiers, becomes a challenge that threatens U.S. influence abroad.
There are a lot of them (more all the time) and it does not serve me to insult them. There have to be a few good ones among this bat shit crazy cult that went mainstream almost two hundred years ago. In consideration of them I'll be kind.
Prophecy is big to them ( Mormons embrace all sorts of bat shit crazy nonsense. Mormons are all about capitalism and patriarchy and their woo-woo understanding of reality makes it impossible for them to understand exploitation. Mormon scripture simultaneously denounces slavery and abolitionism both. Teaching that it is not right for men to be in bondage to each other.
But that one should not interfere with the enslavement of others. Hee-Haw patriarchy, and any exploitive system can't exist without that loophole.
Mormons don't follow the teachings of Christ. As I understand them to be, and I do understand them. Their founders rewrote the teachings of Christ to suit their private agendas.
If you hear a voice in your head Mormons believe god is talking to you. God talked to all their founders. Some will even be Ok with you saying you saw an angel walk through a wall. They are all about the apocalypse, as many social pyramids are. It absolves everyone of responsibility when everyone believes in the end of the world. It lets you do what you want in the present moment. It was part of gods' plan for your ass to be kicked. Deal with it from their point of view.
Mormons are great preppers though! They also own the Flying J, which is a great truckstop with a great buffet. If it wasn't for Mormons, who would wear all those styles from the 1950s?
This from a hater I'll not name:
QuoteIt has been observed that a clear majority of the pro-Hamas activists are young women — which makes sense considering that they are the largest demographic evincing mental illness on America's social landscape these days.
A comment more about the metal state of the author than about young women for sure. The author further shows himself to be a failed human experiment with this:
QuoteThey are marching in support of a sect that specializes in the rape, mutilation, and murder of young women like themselves, or at least treats them as chattels, hidden under black bag-like garments.
Quite the deluded point of view. The black bag-like garments is correctly descriptive, giving the brain fart an air of unearned respectability.
Even among young horny Moslem men, the number of rapists who get their jollies with mutilation and murder is below 1%. Way below.
I find it hard to believe young Palestinian men are thinking about raping American women as they catch their Z's at night between apartment building explosions. The idea that students might be protesting the
murder of innocent civilians by American weapons has no purchase in the authors mind. In his mind the students have no minds. He imagines that the outside forces of George Soros are funding page agitators to masquerade as students.
It takes a total prick to put out this bullshit. Knowing damn well George Soros don't play that way.
* I remind myself that watching a man decline from the corrosive effects of hate is not something I should enjoy. Then I remember this man is really making his money as a paid government propagandist who runs a honey trap, not as an author. Then I don't give a shit. He is on the bean feed. His crime is ongoing. I suspect the man, who is now a cold war anachronism, attracts few new victims. But once on the bean feed that does not matter. Billions have to be spent. It is in the budget. Once hooked up, you stay hooked up.
But liars for the mainstream have nothing to fear despite what Cornel and Cenk will say.
Quote from: RE on Apr 29, 2024, 06:25 PMMormons are great preppers though! They also own the Flying J, which is a great truckstop with a great buffet. If it wasn't for Mormons, who would wear all those styles from the 1950s?
Prepping is an exclusionary mindset that does not support community. It can be overdone. Pointing out that Mormons are great preppers makes my point. They have an attitude that they are chosen ones.
My boy don't play that way. Everybody is on the team. There are no chosen ones.
( All dogs eat, and save as many as you can.
Everywhere I turn today, the stench of right wing neo-liberal bullshit greets me.
QuoteMy show on The Real News has been canceled because of my critiques of the Democratic Party and Joe Biden <-- Chris Hedges
I was just informed by Max Alvarez, the Editor-in-Chief at The Real News, that they will no longer run my show. The reason for the cancellation, he said, is that my critiques of Biden, especially for the genocide in Gaza, jeopardizes his nonprofit status. My last show with Dennis Kucinich, who is running as an independent for Congress in Ohio, was removed from the site.
I will resurrect the show on an independent platform, although it may take me a few weeks to get this set up.
I am not going to try and figure out how running a show with Dennis Kucinich, who is running outside the duopoly fucks up nonprofit status. I have better things to do. The iron heel comes down.
QuoteIf it wasn't for Mormons, who would wear all those styles from the 1950s?
A remnant shall survive.
QuoteWe could be in Palestine
Overrun by the Chinese line
Quote from: K-Dog on May 03, 2024, 11:33 AMPrepping is an exclusionary mindset that does not support community. It can be overdone. Pointing out that Mormons are great preppers makes my point. They have an attitude that they are chosen ones.
I was being sarcastic.
Quote from: RE on May 03, 2024, 12:48 PMQuote from: K-Dog on May 03, 2024, 11:33 AMPrepping is an exclusionary mindset that does not support community. It can be overdone. Pointing out that Mormons are great preppers makes my point. They have an attitude that they are chosen ones.
I was being sarcastic.
No problem. Sarcasm gets conversations started. You certainly get the down side of Prepping but how many people new to collapse gravitate to prepping in exclusion to everything else. It happens to a lot of people. There is an illusion to prepping that makes people think they are part of something.
But what are preppers part of? Everybody who preps, preps alone. Watching you tube videos on how top do prepping is not community. You tube algorithms have identified me as a doomer, so I get all sorts of prepper adds pushed at me.
We Engineered This Holster to Feel "Like it Ain't Even There"
We made the VNSH holster from premium material to ensure this holster is the most comfortable one you've ever worn.
From stretchy "yoga pants" fabric on the inside of the belt, ultra-soft but durable Cordura nylon for the holster itself, and non poke, non binding velcro on the 3.5" belt this holster comfortably clings to your body, holding your gun and 2 mags secure while you go throughout your day.
Plus, the VNSH holster pulls the holster close to your body so it makes the holster "vanish" while you wear it.
I would pay real money never to see an add for the VNSH again.
You have to be a doomer a while to realize prepping is a dead end. You and I are here to save people time and help them avoid dead ends. People start by thinking that silver will be worth something after collapse. Will it. How the fuck should I know? America has not collapsed before. When it does everyone will be in for a few surprises. If you survive long enough, the only certainty will be that your ideas about what collapse would bring were wrong.
Is all prepping wrong, no. Turning it into a lifestyle is. I will not live my life being afraid of my own shadow, living in a paranoid delusion.
Prepping is like having money in a savings account. Everybody should have minimum of 6 months worth of bills you can pay even if you lost your job and couldn't get UE checks. Everybody should have enough preps so if the supermarket shelves go empty due to some disaster, you have enough food and fuel etc to go for a few months. It's an insurance policy.
You can go overboard of course. But I'm OK with 2 years worth of freeze dried food.
Quote from: RE on May 03, 2024, 02:57 PMPrepping is like having money in a savings account. Everybody should have minimum of 6 months worth of bills you can pay even if you lost your job and couldn't get UE checks. Everybody should have enough preps so if the supermarket shelves go empty due to some disaster, you have enough food and fuel etc to go for a few months. It's an insurance policy.
You can go overboard of course. But I'm OK with 2 years worth of freeze dried food.
That's reasonable. Comparing it to a bank account makes sense. What you withdraw from when the banks are gone.