Before u pass this by, please read/scan this for me. I would like to know if this might help us understand and mitigate our climate woes.
Quote from: Knarf on Jun 05, 2024, 06:47 AMBefore u pass this by, please read/scan this for me. I would like to know if this might help us understand and mitigate our climate woes.
I don't see how. The model predicts weather, it does not change it. What good is information that has no purpose? Knowing the weather better for what reason? More profits?
What good does all the info we have about doom do? Every indicator screams our civilization is about to bite the dust. And all these indicators of doom are ignored in one way or another. This model would be different how? None in any way I see.
If the model provides knowledge that causes something good to happen, then the model has value. If the model predicts weather perfectly without error, but the information is only used to maintain business as usual. The model has
negative value since BAU is on the road to ruin.
The value of a model is determined by what the information is used for. That is a consideration every bit as important as how good a model technically is.
Technology itself has no value whatever unless it is used to do good.
As most technology is used in some for of human masturbatory activity, most tech is without value. Sad to say.
Quotemitigate our climate woes
Everyone take a vow of poverty and cuts use of fossil fuels by half. No more than two kids per family.
Or build the best climate model in the world and die.
Thnx K-Dog. I knew you would let me know. :) UI understand the total lack of confidence in humankind implementing anything that would improve his lot. History lets us know how man as taken the ignorant road, the profitable road, to improvement. We can't count on the universities to let policy makers and manufacturers put into the public sphere any sustainable, models. Over and over man has screwed the pooch. I really know what a pipe dream I entertain with dreaming of fantastic ideas put into practice so our societies will function without being predominantly neurotic. Taken that,
When you have spent most of your life in a monastery, living off of hand me downs, and not having the luxuries of choice you learn how to entertain yourself. In that realm there is a dreamer. A musician, and bard. A maker of fantasy and mental flight. We create ne worlds, and think of things that would have maybe never been. When I play with ideas of AI, I play with some pretty heavy duty symbolism. We all can relate to this because of our love of good sci-fi, and people who think outside the conventional world. So , not to say that your pouring black paint all over a vision, would be somewhat appropriate. :) You can if you let yourself not only dream of ways of having AI itself arrange the stupid humans into a compliance. Probably by just suggesting over, and over, and over to do "X". and he will. So everything fixed by IS sci-fi.
Is it a waste of precious time/action. Maybe. Lecturing on how impossible it is to implement any real change is stating the obvious. Can we actually be fierce enough to pinpoint the ribs that need to be poked in order for anything to change. I usually have an "I don't know" approach to those type of issues. So, for now, as AI is exploding and humankind is imploding, no one is gonna get this puppy right. It is all a crap shoot. The thing that I find frustrating is the lack of flexibility that the average mind has. We would rather stay with a gas guzzler than a vehicle that will take you there for free. Go figure...but the reasons are oh so complex.
Telling the raw and truthful story is most important, and we need to listen. But, I will maintain that are future is too complex to predict, and if I think like that, there are many possibilities that can affect how it manifests.
Quote from: Knarf on Jun 06, 2024, 02:55 AMBut, I will maintain that are future is too complex to predict, and if I think like that, there are many possibilities that can affect how it manifests.
Yogi said it best.
AI is a topic this year. Talked about everywhere.
I recently asked chatGPT what war crimes Putin has been accused of? The response was a page of total filth. You would think I was asking about Caligula, Nero, Hitler, or some other nasty expired tyrant. Somebody who cooks babies.
Then I said. 'I don't give a fuck about allegations. What is proved, what evidence is there that Putin has committed war crimes. The response was. (
after an extended delay as AI operand-conditioning trained me not to use 'fuck' by giving me a 20 second time-out that most people won't notice.) (People who will soon be treating a machine with dignity and respect. You want me to jump how high?)
There is no credible evidence that Putin has committed war crimes. A night and day difference in the response. The second request wormed it's way around canned programming that portrays Putin as an evil despot. Perhaps Homeland Security would like to discuss how to properly give AI a political bias that is more 'airtight' with me?
Artificial Intelligence, and an artificial member of the John Birch society at the same time. Just what congress ordered.
Mankind's tool making ability surpassed man's ability to wisely use tools as soon as a saddle went on a horse. AI is a tool. A tool that will be abused like all others have been.
A tool that will be exploited by the proponents of hierarchy, the enslavers, the anti-anarchists among us.