
Society => Enshitification => Topic started by: RE on Nov 06, 2024, 10:11 PM

Title: N.Y. dropping Regents exams as a graduation requirement: Here is the proposed ti
Post by: RE on Nov 06, 2024, 10:11 PM
NYS will put the final nail in the coffin on the Regents Exams in 2027, so now schools won't have to worry about their pass rates to push the kids out the door on their 18th birthday, whether they can read and do addition and subtraction or not.

Of course for most kids, Public Schools in NY have been dogshit for 30 years, but the kind of bullshit they peddle these days to disguise the fact they teach nothing makes me want to puke.  Read this "Portrait of a Graduate" nonsense as an example:

Transformation 1: Adopt the New York State Portrait of a Graduate

This is intended to create a shared understanding of the skills and knowledge that New York state public school graduates have mastered.

To earn a high school diploma, a student will have to demonstrate proficiency in each component of the portrait, meaning that they must be critical thinkers, innovative problem solvers, literate across all content areas, culturally competent, socially-emotionally competent, effective communicators and global citizens, according to the state.

What does it mean to be "culturally competent"?  ??? ???  HTF do you measure this?

What a load of crap.

N.Y. dropping Regents exams as a graduation requirement: Here is the proposed timeline

Title: NY State Ed has fallen into total irrelevancy — and should be abolished
Post by: RE on Nov 20, 2024, 09:52 AM
And right after that, they should close all the Public Schools, fire all the Administrators and start over from scratch with each PTA running their own school independently.

NY State Ed has fallen into total irrelevancy — and should be abolished

Title: NYC parents sound off on entrance exam for specialized high schools
Post by: RE on Dec 13, 2024, 04:18 AM

As regular readers of this thread know, NYS is at the forefront of the war to destroy the last vestige of any standards in education.  They recently abandoned the Regents Examinations which used to be required to receive an Academic HS Diploma and now hand out some kind of global multicultural lipstick on a pig that certifies you survived 12 years of public school and possibly can add 2+2 if you are given a calculator.

Until now however, the Special HS for Science & Math, Bronx HS of Science, Brooklyn Technical HS and my Alma Mater Stuyvesant stood as shining beacons demonstrating at least some public schools could deliver a first class education to 1% of the HS students in each year's graduating class.

The way this was accomplished as to sieve off the creme de la creme of students with an entrance exam given in 8th Grade and your score on that test got you in, nothing else matters.  Your grades in elementary school, your attendance records, how much time you spent in detention in JHS all are irrelevant, you start with a clean slate.

However, as is true with all standardized tests of this type, poor kids from the slums do poorly on them, particularly black and hispanic kids.  This because what the scores most closely correlate to is the socioeconomic status of the father, just like the SAT and IQ tests.

So, despite the fact more than 45% of the kids who take the test are black or hispanic, only around 12% of the kids who score high enough to get in have that racial/ethnic profile.  Thus this is seen by affirmative action types as discrimination, and so now they are likely to screw with this system also with racial quotas to balance out the distribution.

This probably won't change the quality of the education that much, anymore than Affirmative Action changed the quality of education at Harvard very much.  Putting a few minorities to the head of the line doesn't change things overall since there are always enough who can do well if they get in.  What it does though is screw some White and Chinese kids who got better test scores out of their spots.  Not the highest scoring ones, the very top scorers still get in.  The ones who lose their spots are in the lower half of the draw of who gets accepted.  That's where they will pluck out a white kid who scored 680 and replace with a black kid who scored 650.  All the kids who scored over 700 still get in.  All the kids who score 500 still get rejected.

I suspect though that the culture in the schools will change and there will be quite a bit of resentment from kids who don't get in, or more accurately from their parents.  Getting in to BHSoSc is the difference between the kid eventually getting into MIT or ending up at APEX Technical College with a 2 year certificate for HVAC maintenance.

That's actually the good result in this situation.  The bad result is the decide to get rid of the test completely and develop some politically correct multicultural evaluation in its place.  In that case, the lack of a standard will end with these schools becoming the same kind of mish mash as the regular schools, and the teachers will have to start dumbing down the curriculum.

Fortunately, I was born before collapse had really taken hold in the public education system.  It is beyond help now.