Society => Tech is always to the rescue => Topic started by: K-Dog on Jul 05, 2023, 09:20 AM
Title: This Woman Turned Her Tesla Model 3 Into a Pickup Truck
Post by: K-Dog on Jul 05, 2023, 09:20 AM
If you want an electric pickup truck, you sort of don't have any options right now because none currently exist for the public to buy, at least here in the U.S. There's the Rivian R1T, of course, but it isn't available yet. And there's the Tesla pickup truck which we're told might happen this summer. So, if you want one now, you kind of have to build it yourself.
She and her team decided early on that they were just going to wing it, which is honestly how the best plans are conceived. They used a Tesla Model 3, which has a steel chassis and is easiest to wrench on. Plus, it's the cheapest Tesla you can buy new.
That's not a problem if you are amateur robot builder and YouTuber Simone Giertz, also known as "The Queen of Shitty Robots." She's no stranger to using angle grinders and welders, so there's really no stopping her otherwise. This project will yield, as Giertz claims, the first functional Tesla pickup truck ever. I'm so onboard. (
Title: Hertz puts Uber Drivers in Tesla Seats going to the Repair Shop
Post by: RE on Oct 29, 2023, 02:54 AM
Looks like a Lose-Lose investment for everyone except the repair shops at the end of this technologically innovative supply chain for the rent-a-car biz. On paper, EV carz do seem a perfect application of this technology, combined with the web based Ridehail system it seemed a marriage made in heaven for everyone buying stock in Tesla, Hertz and Uber. Sadly, something seems to have gone south on the way from manufacturing the batteries to selling off the used hardware. Real life has a way of throwing a few monkey wrenches into these bright ideas.
Title: Study determines the astronomical true cost of electric vehicle ownership
Post by: RE on Nov 24, 2023, 06:11 PM
Study funded primarily by FF friendly Koch brothers, but reality is true that hidden costs and logistical difficulties are major obstacles to further expansion of EV replacement of ICE transportation in the J6P market.
Mentioned in this article is something we don't often discuss, which is that most of the early adopters of EVs were people who had a GARAGE attached to their PRIVATE McMansion, allowing said owner to easily and conveniently plug in and recharge his wheels nightly after returning from work to swill beer in the backyard bbqing or watching the NFL on Fox on his 60" OLED TV with Dolby surround sound.
Sadly, even many of the fairly rich people who own their own Brownstone in Brooklyn Heights don't have a garage, and they park their cars on the alternate side of the street system forcing them to move spots every day for street sweeping. This actually created a whole job class of people who move the cars across the street to double park for 4 hours until the sweeper goes through, then move them back. Many people who own a car don't have their own garage to plug it in every night, and running an extension cord out the window to your car is pretty impractical.
Then you have Homeless people who live in their cars, obviously they have nowwhere to plug it in except a charging station, or if they can find somebody who has an outdoor outlet and they have a long enough extension cord maybe they can pirate the electricity. Or pirate off of street lamps. I wonder how many EV owners do that ??? ???
So anyhow, to own an EV in practical terms, not only do you need to be able to afford the already higher cost of the vehicle, but the even higher cost of housing space big enough to house not just you but your vehicle also. Minimum would be a Carport in an apartment complex with an AC outlet on your account meter circuit. I had such an arrangement at my old place prior to losing my leg. This construction is reasonably common in AK so you can plug in a block heater, but not in the lower 48. Even here, I would say fewer than 20% of apt complexes wire their carports right now.
So, inevitably, once the small-ish market of people who live the full Amerikan Dream of a McMansion with a white picket fence and a 2 car garage was saturated, the larger market of car owners who live in more compact housing arrangements has been slow to follow EV adoption, leading to lower than hoped for demand, lower profits and less investment.
Question is, how low can Elon cut his profit margin on the Teslas before the yield on his corporate paper skyrocket? A few percentage points, and all those Billions in debt becomes a problem.
Study determines the astronomical true cost of electric vehicle ownership
Title: No one wants to buy used EVs and they’re piling up in weed-infested graveyards
Post by: RE on Dec 24, 2023, 08:16 AM
File this under unforseen blowback.
The latest economic problem for EVs is their poor resale value on the used market. It's particularly nasty for the rental car companies which always have to use late model vehicles if they want to charge the market rates for bizness and vacation travelers. Nobody on a Hawaii vacation wants to Rent-a-Wreck. They want a nicer, NEWER car than the 7 year old Toyota they commute to work in every day. So rental car companies lease vehicles for 3 years, then resell them. Personally, when I rented a car I was disappointed if it was more than a year old.
A 3 year old Tesla probably has a battery pack with a lot of charge-discharge cycles on it if it was used in the rental bizness. It's going to have diminished range on a charge, and probably will need a full battery replacement in 2-3 more years of use by the new owner. Factoring that future cost in, the new owner is not going to pay the same resale price as an equivalent ICE vehicle, which still will be getting pretty much the same gas mileage as when it was new and goes just as far on a tank of gas.
Besides that, the majority of individuals who bought new EVs were high income people. They don't buy used cars of any type. If you're rich, you buy a new car every year, or every 2 at the most. So these folks keep dropping their 2 year old Teslas off at the dealership to trade for the newest model. Now the dealers have to try and sell the 2 year old Tesla, and there aren't enough buyers for those.
Result: a lot of vehicles with a HUGE embedded energy manufacture cost are sitting in lots with weeds growing around them. add in the fact that charging stations are slow in being built, particularly in smaller markets, its making it hard to sell new Teslas except to rich people who live in major markets. That's a pretty small market.
What this means is that until gas prices either really skyrocket or gas gets rationed, most people are not going to transition to EVs. With ongoing demand destruction and fewer miles being driven, gas prices aren't rising very much. So even as less oil gets extracted, it's still enough to supply the core market in the FSoA. Happy motoring here can continue for the folks with ICE vehicles for quite a while longer, just based on Oil supply-demand numbers.
The bigger problem is economics, because low prices for gas makes expensive tight oil and shale oil extraction uneconomic. That will eventually cause that production to stop, at which point supply will really drop, to just the cheap legacu oil left in conventional fields. Simmering in the background is another looming financial crisis from the bond market and falling money supply. A crash in 2024 seems likely to me, although cheerleaders in the MSM tell us falling inflation and low unemployment numbers reflect a robust and healthy economy. I don't buy it, but my timelines on calling crashes isn't perfect. Nevertheless, I'll go out on a limb and predict a recession starting in the 2nd or 3rd quarter of 2024.
No one wants to buy used EVs and they're piling up in weed-infested graveyards
Title: Hertz to Sell 20,000 EVs in Shift Back to Gas-Powered Cars
Post by: RE on Jan 11, 2024, 01:52 PM
More problems for EVs in the rental market. It's not looking like the transition away from ICE vehicles is going to move forward smoothly, until the fuel prices take another upward jump. There also needs to be a further build out in charging stations, which needs further grid improvements.
On the upside however, Amerikans continue to drive less, and although it's tough to find global data on this, my guess is that the drop in driving is even bigger outside the home of Happy Motoring.
Hertz to Sell 20,000 EVs in Shift Back to Gas-Powered Cars
Title: Tesla Is in Trouble
Post by: RE on Jan 25, 2024, 10:44 PM
Similar to my "Chinese are Toast" declarations I have been making since I got into the collapse game in 2008, I have been adamant that Tesla was Doomed practically from the day Elon first rolled an EV off his production line. Between the huge amount of debt to finance the company and the complete lack of an infrastructure to support EVs when the company was founded, I never could see how there was any chance it could succeed. Good thing I don't play the market though, because the adage that stocks can defy logic longer than you can stay solvent has been true, and Tesla is still producing carz while Elon keeps producing babies with his A-list Vagina girlfriends.
The cracks are starting to appear though, particularly with Hertz dumping 20,000 used rental EVs and shifting back to ICE vehicles. Poor resale value and high maintenance costs have soured buyers, and numerous articles in the auto magazines lately have featured horror stories about the lack of charging stations outside of major markets. So I may finally be proved correct here in the end.
There are few Billionaires I would enjoy seeing go belly up more than Elon Musk. I think only seeing Trumpovetsky in bankruptcy court would be more gratifying. ;D ;D ;D
...and the Chinese are STILL Toast! ::)
Tesla Is in Trouble
Title: Tesla loses legal action in Sweden as dispute with Nordic unions escalates
Post by: K-Dog on Jan 26, 2024, 01:56 AM
Tesla loses legal action in Sweden as dispute with Nordic unions escalates
Court decides postal service does not have to deliver licence plates, for now, in latest twist in row over collective bargaining
Tesla has lost a legal action against Sweden's postal service as a dispute with Nordic trade unions escalates.
A Swedish court said on Thursday that PostNord did not, for the time being, need to deliver licence plates to the electric carmaker that were being blocked by the postal service's workers, in the latest twist in a battle over collective bargaining agreements.
Tesla, which is run by the billionaire Elon Musk, is facing growing pressure in Sweden, Norway and Denmark from unions backing IF Metall mechanics in Sweden who went on strike on 27 October, demanding a collective agreement with the company.
A large Danish pension fund on Wednesday said it would sell its holdings in Tesla because of the carmaker's refusal to enter into such deals, while Denmark's largest trade union has joined strike action by the company's workers in Sweden...
Read more here: Guardian source article. (
QuoteThere are few Billionaires I would enjoy seeing go belly up more than Elon Musk.
The Swedish union trouble is good reason to second your motion.
Title: Evidence EVs are a fading fad is ‘rolling in fast’ as Tesla, GM and Ford slash p
Post by: RE on Jan 26, 2024, 11:48 AM
EV critics are piling on today, in this article EVs are characterized as a "fad" like breadmakers in the 1990s. So in addition to the repair costs and low resale value, you can add bad press as a major headwind for EVs.
Of course what this also means is that those targets for having an all-electric transportation fleet by 2030 and carbon free travel are out the window. What will be interesting to see is if building the necessary infrastructure of charging stations and upgrading the grid to handle bigger loads moves ahead or if it stalls. If it stalls, you can pretty much kiss EVs goodbye as a replacement for Happy Motoring, although they still could help in major markets with commuting. Long as you can charge at home and your trips are within the range of the vehicle, that works.
A different system will be needed to make a full transition to electric power though. Flow batteries?
Vehicles using 1970's technology and conventional batteries would have been better at fulfilling social needs. Here is an old school S-10 pickup truck after conversion. It could only get you a hundred miles between charges, but that is enough for most people to get to work and run errands. And it would have been affordable.
What could have been. Before Musk stole the future.
I have this book. I once wanted to do a conversion. (
I took the picture myself. The book was published in 1980. It did not introduce anything new. It documented what others had learned to do.
Living like we had the mobility of a previous age would have been better than death. Instead we have the cult of Musk who cooperated with conventional mythology and showed that an electric car built to rival the performance of fossil fuel costs too much for an average person. He cooperates with the status-quo gaming it to his advantage. The end result will be no car for most people. We do not have sufficient lithium. (
The cult of Musk. The Alpha and Omega of doom. He is called an innovator and I am not. All hail the innovator, who has advanced inequality like few men have, spreading inappropriate complacency and unfounded optimism while clouds of ruin gather.
Title: Top 10 Mini EVs and Mini Electric Cars to Hit the Highways
Post by: RE on Jan 29, 2024, 01:02 PM
These are the sort of EVs that should be being promoted and marketed, which actually make economic sense and would go a long way toward reducing congestion in the large cities with traffic problems. However, here in Happy Motoring FSoA, you hear nothing about them, they are sold mainly in Europe and China. I don't know if there are even any dealerships here that sell any of them. Definitely not in Alaska.
Title: Elon Musk’s $56 billion Tesla compensation voided by judge, shares slide
Post by: RE on Jan 30, 2024, 04:31 PM
Elon's trying to give himself the biggest Golden Parachute of all time. Once he gets the package and cooks the books, he leaves the company to eventually go BK and be bailed out by Da Goobermint as TBTF. I mean, come on, really? A $53B paycheck? ::)
Capitalism. We make money the old fashioned way. We STEAL it.
The end result of lower EROEI vehicle MUST be a more expensive vehicle.
If a billionaire does not have their own space program to make sure they get the guvmint sweet deals, how the hell is capitalism supposed to get a company like Arrival off the ground? Arrival competes in a capitalist marketplace that only rewards low cost and high EROEI. Without a planned economy, any company that tries to do what Arrival is doing is DOOMED TO FAIL.
A basic knowledge about how the world works seems to be missing.
Arrival might as well be based in Argentina if the cost of delivery battery tech is not subsidized. Making battery powered vehicles large enough to move freight is a huge technical problem and no battery powered delivery vehicle has a chance in hell of competing against a diesel or gas powered equivalent.
In the 'market' as it is.
* this is an EROEI problem. Energy Invested is not hard to quantify. EI is what it takes to build the thing and what it uses. Easy enough. We do not have to worry about how to ER is calculated because we are comparing two vehicles that would do exactly the same thing. However Energy Returned is calculated it is calculated the same way for both vehicles, and mathematically the ER term cancels out. Nice.
The wisdom of the market also does not know about Jevon's Paradox.
Title: - This Woman Turned Her Tesla Model 3 Into a Pickup Truck
Post by: monsta666 on Feb 02, 2024, 11:33 AM
Electric vehicles have their pluses, but their benefits are overstated. Ultimately, transporting a person (or two) in a metal box weighing a ton or more is just not an efficient means of transportation. We need to adopt a less car centric lifestyle and have more walkable communities with public transport and bikes taking more of a centre stage.
Reducing car ownership in favour of the above also means people will move more resulting in less obesity which is plaguing many countries. Not saying this will stave off the inevitable but if you had your business-as-usual hat this is a far better solution than changing our car paradigm from oil to electricity. We got to remember that battery production leaves a significant ecological footprint and creates a lot of pollution. The issue here is all that mining pollution happens in distant lands that nobody really acknowledged. Out of sight out of mind. The car centric model is flawed no matter the energy system you use. It leads to worse outcomes for the planet, our physical health, and our general wellbeing.
Title: - This Woman Turned Her Tesla Model 3 Into a Pickup Truck
Post by: RE on Feb 02, 2024, 02:09 PM
Quote from: monsta666 on Feb 02, 2024, 11:33 AMThe car centric model is flawed no matter the energy system you use. It leads to worse outcomes for the planet, our physical health, and our general wellbeing.
Well, we need some form of transportation. Horses won't work, there aren't enough of them and we couldn't feed them all.
Bicycles and bike-cars?
Title: - This Woman Turned Her Tesla Model 3 Into a Pickup Truck
Post by: K-Dog on Feb 02, 2024, 03:09 PM
It would be fun to build a lightweight streamlined bus that is all rowing machines inside hooked to generators that feed a motor that drives the bus. There is a battery, but that is to smooth things out and does not store much. Only the driver does not row. Twenty or so hard rowing passengers could get it to highway speeds.
More fun that this was. Same basic principle. This is a must watch clip. It is a hoot. Riding the Greyhound, 2050's style. Add an overhead rack like air-plains have for carry-ons. Row the friendly inter-states united. There will be no first class.
* When I had the youth 'Ben Hur' had in this scene, I met the man. Later he would be the one to say: "it's not soylent green, its people!" <-- same guy.
That will be about 12 - 15 years after this clip was made.
Title: - This Woman Turned Her Tesla Model 3 Into a Pickup Truck
Post by: monsta666 on Feb 02, 2024, 03:24 PM
Quote from: monsta666 on Feb 02, 2024, 11:33 AMThe car centric model is flawed no matter the energy system you use. It leads to worse outcomes for the planet, our physical health, and our general wellbeing.
Well, we need some form of transportation. Horses won't work, there aren't enough of them and we couldn't feed them all.
Bicycles and bike-cars?
That and making communities more walkable and generally more pedestrian/bike friendly. Have mixed zoning so shops, hospitals and schools are all within a walking/biking distance. The whole suburbia setup is built around the car; we need to move in the opposite direction. Everything needs to be closer to your footstep.
This all goes towards the general movement of less centralisation and more localisation. Advantage also is if everything is closer then it will get people moving and using their own feet (or pedals) more. I know it is a pipe dream but even if you assume a business-as-usual forever mindset this idea makes sense.
Like I said, more manual power reduces not only your carbon footprint but gets people active and more engaged with their environment. Easy to be more detached when you are in a climate-controlled metal box.
Title: - This Woman Turned Her Tesla Model 3 Into a Pickup Truck
Post by: K-Dog on Feb 02, 2024, 04:11 PM
QuoteBicycles and bike-cars?
What about getting food from farm to market. What do you think about this?
Volvo's heavy-duty electric truck is put to the test: excels in both range and energy efficiency
The tested truck was a Volvo FH Electric, a zero-exhaust emission vehicle with 490 kW of continuous power and a gross combination weight of 40 tonnes. The German trucking journalist Jan Burgdorf tested the truck on the Green Truck Route, a 343 km long route that includes a variety of motorways, hilly terrains, and tighter roads that is used for testing different manufacturer's trucks in a wide range of conditions.
Quote"I have to say, when driving this truck it is as agile, or even more agile, than a diesel truck. Drivers will be very surprised about how easy it is to drive, how quiet it is and how well it responds. There are no vibrations whatsoever," says Jan Burgdorf.
The Volvo FH Electric kept an average speed of 80 km/h over the whole route, which was on par with the Volvo FH equipped with a diesel engine and the fuel efficiency package I-Save. Based on the energy consumption of only 1.1 kWh/km, the electric truck had a total range of 345 km on one charge.
"These test results show that it is possible to drive up to 500 km during a regular work-day, with a short stop for charging, for example during lunch time," explains Tobias Bergman, Press Test Director at Volvo Trucks.
In the Green Truck Route tests, the Volvo FH Electric used 50% less energy than a Volvo FH with a comparable diesel engine.
"The electric driveline is very efficient, making the all-electric truck a very powerful tool for reducing CO2 emissions," comments Tobias Bergman.
Volvo Trucks goal is that electric vehicles will account for half of its truck sales in 2030 and in 2040, 100% well-to-wheel based CO2-reduction for new trucks sold.
"We are committed to the Paris Agreement on climate change. Science-based targets have been set and we are taking action to fast-forward the development to dramatically lower CO2 emissions related to on-road freight transports. I believe that the broad electric range we already have on the market is very clear proof of that," concludes Tobias Bergman.
Facts about the test and the truck
Gross combination weight: 40 tonnes Average speed: 80 km/h Energy consumption: 1,1 kWh/km Battery capacity: 540 kWh Output power: 490 kW continuous power Total test track distance: 343 km Total range based on one charge: 345 km
The tested Volvo FH Electric can cover up to 500 km during a normal workday if a top-up charge is added, for example during the lunch break.
Facts about Volvo's range of electric trucks:
Volvo Trucks have a range of six all electric trucks designed to cover many different transport assignments. The Volvo FH, FM and FMX Electric models have a GCW of up to 44 tonnes. Sales are ongoing in Europe and production will start in the second half of 2022. Serial production in Europe of the Volvo FL and FE Electric, for city distribution and refuse handling, started in 2019. Production of the Volvo VNR Electric for North America began in 2020.
Source Link (
Walk-able communities would be nice. But not so nice if there is no grocery store that gets a truck like this in to stock the store with food in the middle of the night.
Can it be done so a loaf of bread still costs less than $10 ?
Title: - This Woman Turned Her Tesla Model 3 Into a Pickup Truck
Post by: RE on Feb 02, 2024, 04:23 PM
Well, there's plenty of selection out there now of the mini EVs and bike cars at least in Europe and China. There are a couple designed for pulling cargo also, one of the companies has a contract with DHL. The technology is all there, but reconstructing cities and suburbs around those type of vehicles will take quite some time. Probably more time than we have before the current model fails.
Title: - This Woman Turned Her Tesla Model 3 Into a Pickup Truck
Post by: K-Dog on Feb 02, 2024, 04:26 PM
And detachment is at the root of many problems. The experience of human life becomes meaningless inside the box if you can't ever get out.
Title: - This Woman Turned Her Tesla Model 3 Into a Pickup Truck
Post by: RE on Feb 02, 2024, 04:28 PM
The problem here in the FSoA for EV trucking is the distances between charging stations once outside the major markets. In Europe the distances are much shorter. Either we need a huge upgrade in the grid here, or design the trucks with flow batteries.
Title: - This Woman Turned Her Tesla Model 3 Into a Pickup Truck
Post by: K-Dog on Feb 02, 2024, 04:30 PM
Quote from: RE on Feb 02, 2024, 04:23 PMWell, there's plenty of selection out there now of the mini EVs and bike cars at least in Europe and China. There are a couple designed for pulling cargo also, one of the companies has a contract with DHL. The technology is all there, but reconstructing cities and suburbs around those type of vehicles will take quite some time. Probably more time than we have before the current model fails.
Beyond which there is no political will to get ANY of this done. And I have felt no change in the wind.
Title: - This Woman Turned Her Tesla Model 3 Into a Pickup Truck
Post by: K-Dog on Feb 02, 2024, 04:38 PM
Quote from: RE on Feb 02, 2024, 04:28 PMThe problem here in the FSoA for EV trucking is the distances between charging stations once outside the major markets. In Europe the distances are much shorter. Either we need a huge upgrade in the grid here, or design the trucks with flow batteries.
I'll get offline (for a while) because I'm generating comments that are saying the same thing. There is no political will to get ANY of this done. Any such will is antithetical to freedum and the free market. The next election cycle will ignore all social need.
But repeating the disgusting facts gets in front of the good idea of changing what will fail, and fail soon. Charging stations on inter-states is a really good idea. So I'll be back. With less negativity.
Title: - This Woman Turned Her Tesla Model 3 Into a Pickup Truck
Post by: RE on Feb 02, 2024, 09:26 PM
Except for where they intersect with cities, the interstate runs through very low population areas, particularly out west. Because the population is so low, they don't have any high voltage substations, no wiring. The best you can do here is to upgrade the wiring at the truck stops that currently serve the ICE trucks for the 240V charging stations, but even with that, the batt packs for a semi that could pull a 20 ton load would take at least 12 hours to charge, probably more. IOW, what currently takes 30 min to fill your tanks with diesel would take half a day, minimum. Generally speaking when you are running you fill up every day or every other day. So switching to EV trucks doubles how long it would take to ship...except...
At any truck stop you will usually have about 8-12 pumps all going filling trucks, all day. Each one takes 15-30 min to fill. If those all were electric charging stations, you would have a truck parked there all day charging. If you even have enough electricity coming in to the stop to run 8 stations I would be surprised. But that's nothing, a truckstop refuels 100-200 trucks every day. There is no way you will ever get that much power running in to a truck stop.
EV trucks can work inside cities on local routes, charging overnight. For the interstate OTR bizness, it can't work with charging this way. Flow batteries could work though, maybe. You would still need a lot of electricity to charge up the fuel in the truck stop storage tanks..
Title: - This Woman Turned Her Tesla Model 3 Into a Pickup Truck
Post by: K-Dog on Feb 02, 2024, 09:55 PM
QuoteBecause the population is so low, they don't have any high voltage substations, no wiring.
Better get the linemen from the county working!
People who wear radios at work plant them in a charging stand overnight. The same idea works for trucks if the charging stand scales up a couple of thousand times. If a battery needs to be charged quickly the battery should be swapped for a battery that is already charged. Flow technology is one way to do that. There are others.
Perhaps we did buy into the idea that without diesel we all die a bit too much. It might just only be that a HUGE NUMBER dies.
Title: - - This Woman Turned Her Tesla Model 3 Into a Pickup Truck
Post by: 18hammers on Feb 02, 2024, 10:12 PM
The tested truck was a Volvo FH Electric, a zero-exhaust emission vehicle with 490 kW of continuous power and a gross combination weight of 40 tonnes. The German trucking journalist Jan Burgdorf tested the truck on the Green Truck Route, a 343 km long route that includes a variety of motorways, hilly terrains, and tighter roads that is used for testing different manufacturer's trucks in a wide range of conditions.
Quote"I have to say, when driving this truck it is as agile, or even more agile, than a diesel truck. Drivers will be very surprised about how easy it is to drive, how quiet it is and how well it responds. There are no vibrations whatsoever," says Jan Burgdorf.
The Volvo FH Electric kept an average speed of 80 km/h over the whole route, which was on par with the Volvo FH equipped with a diesel engine and the fuel efficiency package I-Save. Based on the energy consumption of only 1.1 kWh/km, the electric truck had a total range of 345 km on one charge.
"These test results show that it is possible to drive up to 500 km during a regular work-day, with a short stop for charging, for example during lunch time," explains Tobias Bergman, Press Test Director at Volvo Trucks.
In the Green Truck Route tests, the Volvo FH Electric used 50% less energy than a Volvo FH with a comparable diesel engine.
"The electric driveline is very efficient, making the all-electric truck a very powerful tool for reducing CO2 emissions," comments Tobias Bergman.
Volvo Trucks goal is that electric vehicles will account for half of its truck sales in 2030 and in 2040, 100% well-to-wheel based CO2-reduction for new trucks sold.
"We are committed to the Paris Agreement on climate change. Science-based targets have been set and we are taking action to fast-forward the development to dramatically lower CO2 emissions related to on-road freight transports. I believe that the broad electric range we already have on the market is very clear proof of that," concludes Tobias Bergman.
Facts about the test and the truck
Gross combination weight: 40 tonnes Average speed: 80 km/h Energy consumption: 1,1 kWh/km Battery capacity: 540 kWh Output power: 490 kW continuous power Total test track distance: 343 km Total range based on one charge: 345 km
The tested Volvo FH Electric can cover up to 500 km during a normal workday if a top-up charge is added, for example during the lunch break.
Facts about Volvo's range of electric trucks:
Volvo Trucks have a range of six all electric trucks designed to cover many different transport assignments. The Volvo FH, FM and FMX Electric models have a GCW of up to 44 tonnes. Sales are ongoing in Europe and production will start in the second half of 2022. Serial production in Europe of the Volvo FL and FE Electric, for city distribution and refuse handling, started in 2019. Production of the Volvo VNR Electric for North America began in 2020.
Source Link (
Walk-able communities would be nice. But not so nice if there is no grocery store that gets a truck like this in to stock the store with food in the middle of the night.
Can it be done so a loaf of bread still costs less than $10 ?
Over all those are very good numbers, I don't question the accuracy but a couple things to note, first what was the cargo weight moved? they give the gross weight, I would like to know the cargo weight. Also they have achieved that with a 80 km average speed. That will help keep wind resistance down. In Alberta Currently the hyways speeds are 110 to 120kmhr. Doing 80km would risk you being run over or off the road.
Title: - This Woman Turned Her Tesla Model 3 Into a Pickup Truck
Post by: K-Dog on Feb 02, 2024, 10:28 PM
QuoteOver all those are very good numbers, I don't question the accuracy but a couple things to note, first what was the cargo weight moved? they give the gross weight, I would like to know the cargo weight. Also they have achieved that with a 80 km average speed. That will help keep wind resistance down. In Alberta Currently the hyways speeds are 110 to 120kmhr. Doing 80km would risk you being run over or off the road.
For 13 years (January 1974–April 1987]), federal law withheld Federal highway trust funds to states that had speed limits above 55 mph (89 km/h).
During World War II, the U.S. Office of Defense Transportation established a national 35 mph "Victory Speed Limit" (also known as "War Speed") to conserve gasoline and rubber for the American war effort.
It will be a long war or a 'long emergency'. I vote for the long war. The speed limit in 2045 could match the speed limit of 1945. I prefer that over the long emergency libertarian nightmare of:
( 35 and alive or 80 and Fred is dead. I do not see this as a hard choice. I too would like to know what 'fully loaded' means. Popcorn? I want the kilograms.
First technology must be able to get the job done. Then it has to be implemented the right way.
Title: - This Woman Turned Her Tesla Model 3 Into a Pickup Truck
Post by: RE on Feb 03, 2024, 07:58 AM
Quote from: K-Dog on Feb 02, 2024, 09:55 PMIf a battery needs to be charged quickly the battery should be swapped for a battery that is already charged. Flow technology is one way to do that. There are others.
Whatever the swapping method is, the issue is the number of trucks in a day that arrive with an empty fuel tank (or battery) and need to leave with a full one.
Say it is a relatively quiet stop that fills 100 tanks/day. If you were swapping batts, the stop would need an inventory of about 200 batts on hand. 100 on chargers + 100 ready to be swapped when the truck rolls in. Those are mighty big batt packs, and you need an average of 3 for every truck on the road. That is a shit load of lithium if you are using Li-I technology. You would also need some type of robotic forklift system to do all the swapping between charge station, drop station, ready station and onto the truck. This could not be done by the driver alone like pumping diesel.
Then the problem of charging up the packs. Say you could get the charge time down to 6 hours from empty to full charge. That station would need to push a lot of juice, and in 24 hours 1 station can charge a max of 4 batt packs. That means you need 25 of these stations running simultaneously. Can you imagine how much electricity that is flowing through the supply line wire? It basically would need its own high voltage cable running in there and transformer substation! You would need to do this for all the major truckstops along the interstates. All the TAs, all the Petros, all the Flying Js, all the Pilots.
Bottom line: Even with flow batteries I don't see how this can be made to work without a grid upgrade that is way beyond what they have planned in even optimistic scenarios. IMHO, EV trucks can only work for local market deliveries where the truck does a round trip to its home terminal each day and charges up overnight there. There will need to be a change in the logistics to accomodate that.
The only way I can see is to use the rail system and truck only from rail hubs to distribution points. However, the rail network would need to absorb all the freight currently using the interstate highways. I don't think it has the capacity for that.
Title: - This Woman Turned Her Tesla Model 3 Into a Pickup Truck
Post by: K-Dog on Feb 03, 2024, 11:14 AM
Quote from: RE on Feb 03, 2024, 07:58 AMThe only way I can see is to use the rail system and truck only from rail hubs to distribution points. However, the rail network would need to absorb all the freight currently using the interstate highways. I don't think it has the capacity for that.
Table 1
Summary data for comparing energy transmission costs in $/mile, $/MWh, and $/mile-MW Electrical Liquid Pipeline Gas PipelineEnergy carrier HVDC Crude Oil MeOH EtOH NG H2Total flow (Amp, kg/s) 6,000 1,969 1,863 1,859 368.9 69.54 Delivered power (MWe, MWLHV) 2,656 91,941 37,435 50,116 17,391 8,360 Capital cost ($M/mile) $3.90 $1.47 $1.92 $1.92 $1.69 $1.38 Power loss in transmission 12.9% 0.78% 2.02% 1.51% 2.67% 1.94% Capital cost ($/mile-MW) $1,502 $16 $51 $38 $97 $166 Amortized cost ($/MWh/1000 mi) $41.5 $0.77 $2.2 $1.7 $3.7 $5.0
Where I got this pile of facts. (
I really do mean pile of facts. It is quite a jumble. Not the be all and end all but a place to start.
What does it mean for electricity to cost forty times what an oil pipeline costs to transmit the same power. That ratio is huge, but an interstate itself is not cheap to build and maintain. Would a parallel transmission line or two or three cost that much more? I do not know.
Before any analysis is done the question of total power consumption by a normal fleet of trucks on a thousand miles of freeway has to be answered. 10,000? Ten per mile? That could mean a lot of transmission lines.
Rail with truck hubs is definitely a better idea. Trains are more aerodynamic and a better use of fuel anyway.
The normal way to approach this problem, and the way I used to do it makes the circle of abstraction too small. Solve the problem for one truck and multiply up leaves a lot out. A more correct way asks all the questions. Where does the power come from. How much will all the power lines cost to build and maintain over fifty years? And so on. Questions that in the collective we are too lazy to ask.
I usually stop my analysis when I get the answer I want. Do you do different? <-- rhetorical question
Title: - This Woman Turned Her Tesla Model 3 Into a Pickup Truck
Post by: RE on Feb 03, 2024, 04:39 PM
Actually, I figured out what is probably the only plausible way to do this. You need to use Simon Marchaux's mini-nukes.
You drop a mini nuke at each of the main truckstops, which are all spaced out at about 300 mile intervals. The nuke charges the trucks. No grid upgrade necessary. The nuke could support super fast charging pushng really high loads.
Estimating the number of mini-nukes needed, I think about 50 would be enough. 100 tops.
Title: - This Woman Turned Her Tesla Model 3 Into a Pickup Truck
Post by: K-Dog on Feb 03, 2024, 08:39 PM
QuoteSimon Marchaux's mini-nukes.
So after spending a few trillion to upgrade the transportation network what gets shipped?
If we have no diesel there is no bunker fuel. Nothing is coming in from China. Trade between American city states? Chicago sends its laundry to Detroit and Detroit sends dirty laundry to Chicago. What kind of economy is that. If we do not know what the world will look like, how do we know what to build? Have city workers put down video games and moved to the boondocks to do farmin? The new world is a transformed world, and the interstate transport system has nothing to transport if they have not.
What happens when they don't want to stop playing video games and won't move to nowhere do farmin?
Title: - This Woman Turned Her Tesla Model 3 Into a Pickup Truck
Post by: RE on Feb 03, 2024, 10:43 PM
True that in the long term there will be much less being shipped around, but as long as we have people in cities in New York and Los Angeles and most of the food is grown in Iowa and Nebraska cornfields, the food needs to move around.
Once we hit the year of the Great Famine, when we have crop failures in say 2 of the main growing regions of the world like the midwest and SE Asia or Ukraine, all bets are off. So many people will die in such a short period of time none of the big systems we have will survive, or be needed. Same with a powerful pandemic (like Covid except 1000X worse).
However, as long as it remains a gradual shrinkage, we'll need to transition as much as possible from FFs to EV. Far as shipping is concerned, those big container ships are ideal for powering with a nuke, we already do that with aircraft carriers.
Is it really plausible that we can build that many mini nuke reastors and mine up all the thorium salts needed to fuel them for powering the whole global transportation fleet land and sea? Probably not, but we're supposed to not be negative and try to come up with solutions, right? Not just throw up our hands and say we're mostly gonna die anyway and live like stone age H-Gs. That's what I really think will happen, but I'm not supposed to say that because it's too Dr. McStinksion.
Title: - This Woman Turned Her Tesla Model 3 Into a Pickup Truck
Post by: monsta666 on Feb 04, 2024, 03:23 AM
I don't think a transition of the trucking fleet in the US (or anywhere else for that matter) is really on the cards barring some short distance local deliveries. The way trucks are used, the mileages they accumulate, the loads they carry just make an EV transition fanciful. People will stick with diesel for as long as possible.
If things start going south there won't be the money to fund any major investment in nuclear technology. And I am assuming there is the political will to do that which is far from certain considering the amount of people who are against nuclear energy. Also, nuclear energy production and their associated industries have a significant lead time.
Title: - Ahh ! The endless perils of fevered egos !
Post by: UnhingedBecauseLucid on Feb 04, 2024, 05:23 AM
Quote"... Trade between American city states? Chicago sends its laundry to Detroit and Detroit sends dirty laundry to Chicago. What kind of economy is that. If we do not know what the world will look like, how do we know what to build? ..."
That pretty much sums up two thirds of the problem ... the other third being that we actually have a few clues as to what that world will look like ... but many just get shell shocked by them; others really just get truly butthurt by the realization of having been duped into believing a childish fantasy.
Title: DeLoreans of the EV Age
Post by: RE on Feb 06, 2024, 01:14 PM
As if Teslas weren't unrealistic enough as the Future of Transportation, these so-called "next gen" EVs take the fantasies of rich technophiles to a whole new level. As you might expect, the pricetags on all but one of them are stratospheric, and they boast performance specs that make a Ferrari ICE 12 cylinder look like a lawnmower engine.
You will positively puke when you listen to the advertising text that the narrator gushes out, as he practically has an orgasm describing the features of each of these vehicles.
There are some good concepts in here, a mini cargo vehicle system and a monorail vehicle that takes a standard railroad track and turns it into a bidirectional public transit system, but even these ideas are totally overwhelmed by impracticalities and outrageous pricetags.
Stuff looks great at the annual car show, and keeps a few lucky auto engineers who are probably related to the Ford family or Toyota family in a high paying job. Otherwise, you'll never see them in production. John DeLorean is smiling in his grave.
Title: Electric vehicles release more toxic emissions, are worse for the environment than g
Post by: RE on Mar 05, 2024, 10:25 PM
The propaganda push back against EVs is now in full gear, as in addition to all the criticisms we have alreadt discussed of their viability which I mostly agree with, they have now added that besides that they are worse for the environment and more polluting than ICE wehicles, which I mostly do not agree with. This is not pollution due to CO2 emissions, but from particulates that wear off the polymer tires they use. This is comparing apples and origins and is misleading even if it is true, which is doubtful.
What's the reason? Is it the auto or oil companies trying to keep the public buying ICE cars? I don't think so. I think it's politicians who need to back off from their green energy mandates for a transition to EVs, which can't be met. They need an excuse to do that, and claiming EVs are worse for the environment than ICE vehicles is the way to do that. This makes being "green" but against EVs plausible to dumb ass J6P. Totally transparent bullshit.
First OEM tires on my EV lasted 45K miles. What do tires on ICE powered machines last nowadays, significantly more? And the article might have missed the concept that on my EV, I rarely use the brakes. It is still on OEM pads and rotors, more than plenty of life on them. Turns out, you don't use your brakes very often on EVs. Instead you generate electricity, to put electrons back in the battery. The brake pedal itself, when applied, only puts more juice into the battery, except in a hard application. You've got a meter on the center console that tells you when you are just powering up the battery, or kicking over into needing friction brakes. It becomes a game. How few times can you NOT touch the brake pedal.
This isn't my first EV. My old one also went about 50-60k miles per set of tires. And after 170k miles, it still had OEM pads and rotors. Wonder how easy that is to achieve on an ICE machine.
Title: - This Woman Turned Her Tesla Model 3 Into a Pickup Truck
Post by: RE on Mar 06, 2024, 05:04 PM
As I said, this article is quite obviously propaganda to cover up the inability to achieve the stated goals for reduction of CO2 emissions. Even if they were true, which from your experience doesn't seem to be the case, the pollution they are being blamed for isn't CO2 at all. It's just a scare tactic to throw at greenies who think EVs are the Holy Grail and will solve their climate concerns. They are not, but not because the tires wear out too fast, because they'll never be able to substitute for the current ICE fleet, nor will a charging network capable of handling such a substitution ever be built. Nor will they ever be charged by all renewable energy. Nuclear is conceivable, but the cost of building all the reactors and mining all the fissionable isotopes necessary is cost prohibitive. There's still quite a bit of money to be made building these things though, which they will right up to SHTF day arrives, and never even get switched on to deliver their first nanowatt-microsecond of juice to your EV.
Title: - This Woman Turned Her Tesla Model 3 Into a Pickup Truck
Post by: K-Dog on Mar 06, 2024, 10:49 PM
Comparing tire and brake dust to tailpipe emissions. ::)
Somebody has way too much time on their hands.
Title: - - This Woman Turned Her Tesla Model 3 Into a Pickup Truck
Post by: 18hammers on Mar 07, 2024, 01:01 PM
First OEM tires on my EV lasted 45K miles. What do tires on ICE powered machines last nowadays, significantly more? And the article might have missed the concept that on my EV, I rarely use the brakes. It is still on OEM pads and rotors, more than plenty of life on them. Turns out, you don't use your brakes very often on EVs. Instead you generate electricity, to put electrons back in the battery. The brake pedal itself, when applied, only puts more juice into the battery, except in a hard application. You've got a meter on the center console that tells you when you are just powering up the battery, or kicking over into needing friction brakes. It becomes a game. How few times can you NOT touch the brake pedal.
This isn't my first EV. My old one also went about 50-60k miles per set of tires. And after 170k miles, it still had OEM pads and rotors. Wonder how easy that is to achieve on an ICE machine.
I don't understand this, on any drive you take the braking force used should be the same through the tires to the road surface regardless of EV braking or ICE rotor and pad braking. What am I missing? the exact same braking force is applied to the road surface is it not? The braking is done at the road surface.
Title: - This Woman Turned Her Tesla Model 3 Into a Pickup Truck
Post by: TDoS on Mar 07, 2024, 03:32 PM
First OEM tires on my EV lasted 45K miles. What do tires on ICE powered machines last nowadays, significantly more? And the article might have missed the concept that on my EV, I rarely use the brakes. It is still on OEM pads and rotors, more than plenty of life on them. Turns out, you don't use your brakes very often on EVs. Instead you generate electricity, to put electrons back in the battery. The brake pedal itself, when applied, only puts more juice into the battery, except in a hard application. You've got a meter on the center console that tells you when you are just powering up the battery, or kicking over into needing friction brakes. It becomes a game. How few times can you NOT touch the brake pedal.
This isn't my first EV. My old one also went about 50-60k miles per set of tires. And after 170k miles, it still had OEM pads and rotors. Wonder how easy that is to achieve on an ICE machine.
I don't understand this, on any drive you take the braking force used should be the same through the tires to the road surface regardless of EV braking or ICE rotor and pad braking.
Quite correct. The braking force is the same, regardless of what it is putting drag on the tires, and the tires seem to wear no differently than other sedans and compacts I've owned, regardless of how much heavier than are. Maybe...if I squint...I can believe I lose a thousand miles or three on the EVs, but I have to squint, and really hard, and I'm stil not sure.
Quote from: 18hammersWhat am I missing? the exact same braking force is applied to the road surface is it not? The braking is done at the road surface.
You've got it right. One salient point made in the article is that EVs tend to be heavier than their normal ICE counterparts. Ergo it would seem normal if they used brakes and tires up slightly faster. Proves that the author has no clue about what can be used instead of brakes/rotors to slow the car down. That point doesn't change the wear on tires, but it changes the brake wear issue BIG time.
Title: - This Woman Turned Her Tesla Model 3 Into a Pickup Truck
Post by: RE on Mar 07, 2024, 05:50 PM
Greater weight would translate to a higher coefficient of rolling and static friction, so when stopping or turning the friction between the tire and the asphalt would grind it down faster, along with grinding the asphalt and sending particulates into the atmosphere.
Title: - This Woman Turned Her Tesla Model 3 Into a Pickup Truck
Post by: K-Dog on Mar 07, 2024, 10:58 PM
Greater weight would translate to a higher coefficient of rolling and static friction, so when stopping or turning the friction between the tire and the asphalt would grind it down faster, along with grinding the asphalt and sending particulates into the atmosphere.
Yes, and this nonsense is turning out to be effective propaganda. The sponsors of this bullshit got their money's worth. I have seen an airhead denier quote the study about EV 'emissions' in a local Seattle forum. We are used to people pontificating and not checking things out in the doomosphere. But people on plain Jane forums like 'Nextdoor" check NOTHING out. Facts, who needs them when opinions work fine. So on it goes.
It all makes me think we are doomed.
Title: - This Woman Turned Her Tesla Model 3 Into a Pickup Truck
Post by: RE on Mar 08, 2024, 07:06 AM
And so we are. What isn't clear is where that doom will take us, to extinction rapidly or more slowly, or to population knockdown and stabilization at some level, and then possible rebound, taking a few cycles before ending in extinction in an unknown number of cycles and years. It could happen as fast maybe 10 years with Global Thermonuclear War or it could take 10,000 years as per the prophesy of Zager & Evans. Theoretically it could take as much as 500 million years, when the Hydrogen on the Sun has been exhausted, it begins to expand into a Red Giant and the radiation level at the surface of the earth becomes inhospitable to any higher life forms, proceeding until a few of the hardiest forms of life like Tardigrades and other extremophiles that can survive around sulfur vents at the bottom of the ocean are the only living organisms remaining. Once the sun expands enough and the oceans boil off, even the tardigrades won't be alive, but they can revive after being frozen in space when dropped back into a suitable environment.
The longer scenarios to extinction become unlikely because at some point the additional hazards of super volcanoes and asteroid impacts kick in, rare events but they do happen at regular intervals. Yellowstone is overdue for another one, I think Toba is also. I doubt we'll get that far though.
So, like having cancer from smoking, we have a terminal disease that is accelerating the timeline to death, but we don't know if it's a straight shot or if the cancer will go into remission yet. In any case, life with cancer is much more unpleasant than when you were healthy, and some people would rather not live with cancer and prefer euthanasia as a choice. Many smokers with cancer are told, "if you stop, you'll live longer", but they go right on smoking, because they are addicted and don't really want to keep living if they can't smoke. That apparently describes the condition of our society, at this point any one with half a brain knows if we keep going on this road it's gonna kill us, but keep on anyhow because they're addicted to Happy Motoring and dishwashers and Hawaiian Vacations and don't want to give up the creature comforts they're used to. So the society keeps gong until it drops dead.
We are Doomed, but for those of us who watch it progress, what is interesting is how the society does or does not react to the impending doom. It's interesting also to observe each new manifestation of collapse as it reveals itself. Some things evident now were not apparent in 2012 when I opened the original Doomsted Diner to offer the Daily Special dish of doom, like the falling birthrate and depopulation. Then, the main worry was overpopulation. Problems with EVs like low resale value were not forseen. The list goes on and on.
The frustrating part for the activist who would like to see the progress toward doom slowed or even halted is like the doctor who can't get the smoker to quit. "You're killing yourself, you fucking idiot!" he screams, to no avail. I'm not a doctor. I'm a researcher investigating how the cancer progresses. Sadly of course, there will be nobody around to read the research when it's finished, and few read it now anyhow. So it goes.
Title: - This Woman Turned Her Tesla Model 3 Into a Pickup Truck
Post by: K-Dog on Mar 09, 2024, 12:10 AM
QuoteSadly of course, there will be nobody around to read the research when it's finished, and few read it now anyhow. So it goes.
And when your post is deleted by the men in black, few becomes ZERO.
I had to restore yesterdays posts. We were hit again. You and Knarf were both victims, but I restored what was deleted.
Seems the powers that be are hell bent on radicalizing the radicals.
QuoteSadly of course, there will be nobody around to read the research when it's finished, and few read it now anyhow. So it goes.
And when your post is deleted by the men in black, few becomes ZERO.
I look at it from the positive side. At least so far the MIB haven't shown up here yet in matching black Cadillac SUVs to transfer me to a new Gulag for old & crippled radicals in GITMO. Although I probably would receive better care there than in my current facility.
Title: - This Woman Turned Her Tesla Model 3 Into a Pickup Truck
Post by: K-Dog on Mar 09, 2024, 10:47 AM
QuoteSadly of course, there will be nobody around to read the research when it's finished, and few read it now anyhow. So it goes.
And when your post is deleted by the men in black, few becomes ZERO.
I look at it from the positive side. At least so far the MIB haven't shown up here yet in matching black Cadillac SUVs to transfer me to a new Gulag for old & crippled radicals in GITMO. Although I probably would receive better care there than in my current facility.
Based on my experience they don't just show up to take you away. You get to be followed around. Since you do not get out much, it is an easy job for them. The point of the attention will be to stress you out so you will change your behavior. America is the prison, We are captives in plain sight. The prison is so big all 'they' have to do is put us in digital solitary confinement.
Welcome to the club.
Posted onNovember 2, 2021 The source. (
What is a Targeted Individual? A Targeted Individual (TI) is someone that has been selected by the Deep State (usually FBI, DHS, or CIA) to unwillingly participate in an experimental government torture program. This program was developed under the CIA's MK-Ultra project and is designed to break down the individual and "neutralize the person," using psychological, physical, and emotional stress. The ultimate goal of this program is to control the entire population, through intimidation, fear, and threats. Political activists, Labor Union leaders, Scientists, and Whistleblowers are some of the main targets of the program. However, some people are randomly chosen. Family and spousal relationships are usually destroyed, as part of this psychological torture.
The FBI & DHS Fusion Centers run the global gangstalking program, which is designed to harass, intimidate, and break down the target. The FBI outsources much of the local harassment to community groups, such as Infragard, Citizen Corp, and Neighborhood Watch. Targeted Individuals are placed on the Terrorist Watchlist and tracked as "Non-Investigative Subjects (NIS)," so that local police and ambulance can be instructed not to assist with their emergency calls, through, which is run by AT&T.
The CIA and Air Force operate the Microwave Weapons program through the underground complex at Schriever Air Force Base, near Colorado Springs. The Vircator microwave satellite weapon, and digital beam forming from cell phone towers are used. The microwave beams generally target the head and cause long-term brain damage. See the recent brain trauma's of the Cuban Diplomats – also caused by microwave weapons, according to Dr Douglas Smith, M.D., at the University of Pennsylvania, and Dr Beatrice Golomb, MD, PhD at the University of California, San Diego. State Dept signals expert, Mark Lenzi, has also confirmed that the diplomats were definitely attacked with microwave weapons.
Voice-To-Skull (V2K) signals can be embedded in the microwave frequency (450 MHz) which allows the government criminals to send constant, hate-filled messages at the target. It is called the "Frey effect", or microwave auditory effect, after Dr Allan Frey. There are numerous U.S. Patents on these technologies. It is likely that most of the mass shooting events are orchestrated by the CIA and FBI, using the techniques developed under the CIA's MK-Ultra program. David Steele, former CIA officer, has confirmed this.
"The CIA and FBI are behind most, if not all terrorism."
– Ted Gunderson, former FBI Chief.
All to keep things as they are.
And that will be impossible. "Most terrorists are false flag terrorists, or are created by our own security services. In the United States, every single terrorist incident we have had, has been a false flag, or has been an informant pushed on by the FBI. "
– David Steele, Marine Intelligence Officer and former CIA officer
The subliminal messaging program is run by the CIA's domestic headquarters in Denver – they are targeting Senators, Congressmen, Judges, foreign leaders, and even President Trump. These subliminal messages can be used to alter a person's behavior and decisions.
Many respected Medical Doctors (Dr John Hall, MD; Dr Daniel Lebowitz, MD; Dr Edward Spencer, MD; Dr Beatrice Golomb, MD) and Government Scientists have confirmed that the Targeted Individuals Program is real, including former CIA and FBI agents. Sworn affidavits from FBI agents, Ted Gunderson and Geral Sosbee, are part of this evidence. Dr Daniel Lebowitz, M.D. has provided testimony before a Senate Committee in 2014. These attacks are also considered Crimes Against Humanity ("systematic attack against a civilian population") and War Crimes (Article 32 of the Geneva Convention).
It is estimated there are about 170,000 Targeted Individuals in the U.S., and more than 1 million worldwide. It costs more than $1MM per person per year, in tax dollars to operate the program. The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) works with the CIA under the Black Budget, and this experimental program is administered worldwide, without Presidential or Congressional oversight. The Pentagon and Intelligence community are involved, where the program is called an "Unacknowledged Special Access Program" (USAP). All USAP's are illegal. The wealthy Rockefeller family and the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) provide some of the direction and control for this massive criminal enterprise. Reference: "The American Deep State," by Dr Peter Dale Scott.
Credible Sources:
This list shows 31 Medical Doctors, PhD Scientists, and former government agents that agree with our claim, that the U.S. government is using an illegal program of microwave weapons targeting against civilians. We encourage and support all Whistleblowers to come forward with their information. Some of us are proud Whistleblowers and Political Activists, and would gladly do it again,
Dr John Hall, M.D. and author Dr Katherine Horton, PhD Oxford Univ. Scientist Dr Robert Middlebrook, PhD Professor Dr Harold Mandel, M.D. Dr Daniel Lebowitz, M.D. Dr Max Williams, PhD, Professor & State Dept Dr Barrie Trower, PhD government Scientist Dr Michael Hoffer, M.D., Univ of Miami Dr Colin Ross, M.D. Dr Ed Spencer, M.D. Dr Sue Arrigo, M.D. Dr Douglas Smith, M.D., Univ of Penn. Dr Terry Robertson, M.D. Dr Robert Duncan, PhD former CIA engineer Dr Doug Rokke, PhD government Scientist Dr Eric Karlstrom, PhD Professor Dr Nick Begich, Scientist Dr Paul Batcho, PhD government scientist Dr Paul Marko, PhD Psychologist Dr Robert Steele, former CIA analyst Dr Ben Colodzin, PhD Psychologist Dr Curtis Bennett, Professor Dr Corkin Cherubini, author Dr Sean Andrews, Scientist Willam Binney, NSA Whistleblower Kirk Weibe, NSA Whistleblower Karen Stewart, NSA Whistleblower Carl Clark, CIA Whistleblower Kevin Shipp, CIA Whistleblower Mark Phillips, CIA Whistleblower John DeCamp, Army intelligence Whistleblower
There exists a shadowy Government with its own Air Force, its own Navy, its own fundraising mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas of the national interest, free from all checks and balances, and free from the law itself."
— Senator Daniel Inouye – 1987
"Absolutely there is a Deep State because the Deep State is that the intelligence communities do not have oversight. There is no skeptic among the four Republican and four Democratic Senators, who are supposedly providing oversight, so that the intelligence communities, with their enormous power ... have become a Deep State."
— Senator Rand Paul, 2018
"The very definition of a 'Deep State' is when the very people, congressional leaders – people who are elected by the people – are not allowed to hear the intelligence reports."
— Senator Rand Raul, December 2018
"I'm worried it's something deeper than that, I'm concerned that it's an effort on those who want a provocation with Russia or other countries to sort of push the president in the direction. So I don't think it's Trump vs. Obama, I think it's really the Deep State vs. the president, the duly elected president."
– Thomas Massie, U.S. Congressman
"I defend the Constitution of the United States which says that elected officials and those that take the oath of office are supposed to be making the decisions, not backroom, anonymous, faceless bureaucrats in the CIA, in the State Department, and in the Pentagon."
— Dennis Kucinich, former U. S. Congressman
"The drive of the Rockefellers and their allies is to create a one-world government, combining super-capitalism and Communism under the same tent, all under their control ... Do I mean conspiracy? Yes I do. I am convinced there is such a plot, international in scope, generations old in planning, and incredibly evil in intent."
— Congressman Larry McDonald, 1976
According to Dr Steven Greer, there are about 38 Levels of Security Clearance. The TI program is approx Level 24, which is above the clearance of President Trump (Level 17) – he does not know about it, because his security clearance does not allow it. Such a situation is Unconstitutional and illegal, yet it is deliberately staged this way by the Deep State. Supposedly in the 1970's, Vice President Nelson Rockefeller established this security system to deny information to the President. [Diagram is an approximation].
Re: Watch "GangStalking – Wayne Morin Jr. 26 Richard Lighthouse –
Targeted Individuals – Cyber Torture" on YouTube
My education as an Electronic Engineer made me realize the claims of being irradiated with microwaves are propaganda intended to get a rise out of you. When the info was 'pushed' at me I knew it was likely fake.
But if you think you are being irradiated with microwaves you will become agitated, and the info pushed at you says you will become agitated. Then you take your agitation as proof, and become even more agitated. A feedback loop. Meanwhile Palestinians are being turned into hamburger in proxy war 2, and they have you all worried about yourself.
I also do not think the origins of contemporary gang stalking go back to MK Ultra. When it happened to me this is what I figured out. Five eye surveillance is integrated so all five countries work together. When it was more of a problem for Americans to surveil Americans, the British did it and turned over the files. Problem solved. I did an experiment to test this. I learned gang stalking was used by the British against problem veterans returning from the Falklands war. They were being denied benefits and needed to be shut up. That is how it became part of current practice. By way of British intelligence. They brought it in after 9-11.
* I figure my 'source' presented himself as sufficiently nutballish so his website stays up. I added the highlights. They are true.
Title: - This Woman Turned Her Tesla Model 3 Into a Pickup Truck
Post by: RE on Mar 09, 2024, 01:06 PM
Quote from: K-Dog on Mar 09, 2024, 10:47 AMIt is estimated there are about 170,000 Targeted Individuals in the U.S., and more than 1 million worldwide. It costs more than $1MM per person per year, in tax dollars to operate the program.
I'm fairly well acquainted with being identified and targeted by the Illuminati, since I was identified shortly after returning from Brazil at the age of 10 and outscoring the IOWA tests being used at the time to measure intelligence in elementary school students, and tested as having college level reading and math ability. That was true for reading, not as true for math at the time because while the ability was there, I hadn't yet been exposed to algebra, trigonometry and calculus then. So I was enrolled in a privately funded IGC (Intellectually Gifted Child) program, funded not coincidentally by the Rockefeller Foundation, the same folks who owned the Bank my father worked for Chase Manhattan, now JP Morgan Chase. He also had been identified by the same folks when he was graduating HS and took the Navy Assessment test on enlistment at 17. Because of his score, he was assigned to cryptography work, then on graduation directed to study business at Pace College in NYC, then offered a job with the Republican Party and finally offered a spot in their Executive Training Program with 2 other guys, 1 of whom was the son of Italian immigrants (read Mafia) and went on to start his own bank in New Jersey. The other was CEO of Merrill, Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith while I was in HS and college, later to go BK in the financial crisis and acquired by Bank of America as their investment banking arm.
While a part of the IGC program and after while attending Stuyvesant, the HS for gifted Science and Math prodigies, I was the subject of endless testing and psychological manipulation, the details of which I will not go into. Suffice it to say, I eventually rebelled against this, and that is why I did not continue in the banking business.
No idea how much has been spent on keeping track of me over the last 60 years or so, but I am sure it is past 8 figures by now. Add to that the exorbitant cost of my substandard care now of about 200K/yr, which is pocket change by comparison.
Anyhow, after leaving the path set out for me when I finished at Columbia, an Ivy League institution also heavily funded by the Rockefellers, I never again used my intellect in service of these people. I paid a heavy price for it also, that I also will not detail. At this stage of my life, there is nothing they can do to intimidate me, death would be a relief. I have already lived with about as much pain as you can take without losing consciousness, which I would rather not experience again, but there is little point to torturing me, I have no secrets to tell them and the only threat I might pose is to work for their enemies. My writing is no threat, they make sure nobody reads it.
So I am not worried about microwaves or anything else. I write mainly for myself, any readers I actually do get are just a bonus. The attention we are getting now is nothing new for me, it's been part of my life even before I returned from Brasil, though I wasn't then aware of it, at the United Nations school privately funded by Guess Who, the same bank that sent my father to Brazil in the international department of the bank. The reason he got that transfer was really for me, because at Escola Americana in Rio, they had a whole lot more control and influence over my early education than in the NYC Public Schools, where I would have been sent had we remained in NY during those years. I really was supposed to stay there through at least elementary school, my parent's divorce ended that plan. Plan B was the IGC program and Stuyvesant.
So now you know some of the true story of how I came to be what I am. The rest of the story will never be published, and I won't even try. It's history and not important, nor does it make a difference anymore. So it goes.
Title: - This Woman Turned Her Tesla Model 3 Into a Pickup Truck
Post by: TDoS on Mar 10, 2024, 07:44 AM
Having noticed the environment which can be seen in your videos, it looks fairly advanced compared to the environment my mother as one example has available. Of course, she suffers from dementia and doesn't know what a computer is nowadays. You look like you've got equipment and some basic mobility and undoubtly a bed and food. Is the food bad? Or are there other particulars of the substandard care?
Title: - This Woman Turned Her Tesla Model 3 Into a Pickup Truck
Post by: RE on Mar 10, 2024, 10:13 AM
Having noticed the environment which can be seen in your videos, it looks fairly advanced compared to the environment my mother as one example has available. Of course, she suffers from dementia and doesn't know what a computer is nowadays. You look like you've got equipment and some basic mobility and undoubtly a bed and food. Is the food bad? Or are there other particulars of the substandard care?
Oh, compared to the typical assisted living home, this place is a palace. It's the next step up the ladder, referred to as a Skilled Nursing Facility, or "SNIF", pronunced "sniff". It's the level below a full hospital ward, where you get sent as rapidly as possible from acute care (an operation, usually 3 days) for recovery, where you can remain for up to 100 days with Medicare picking up 100% or the care. After that, if you aren't able to return home to independent living, you get sent to an assisted living home, unless you can qualify for Long Term Care, which requires a certain level of disability that Medicare has some formula for determining. This is reevaluated annually. So far, I have met this requirement, so I have been here about 1.4 years now. I will never go back to an assisted care home, which are nightmares. I am capable of independent living despite my disabilities, as long as I get a reasonable amount of time from a home health care aide known as a PCA (Personal Care Assistant). That was how I was living before I got sent here, the result of my PCAs not showing up or quitting without notice and being left alone for days. I became ill, lost 1/3rd of my body weight, became too weak to make my transfers between chairs to the toilet, and developed another case of cellulitis, the infection that took my right leg. If I do not meet the requirements for LTC next time my case is reviewed, I will only go to independent living again, and for that they have to find me an apartment before I will sign my discharge papers. They can't throw you out on the street if you refuse to sign, although they do make your life miserable.
Unlike assisted living, a SNIF has a 17:1 ratio of Nurses during the day, and 34:1 at night. The main staff are CNAs (Certified Nursing Assistant, which takes a slightly longer training course and an exam to pass than PCAs, who get about a week of on the job training. These workers are slightly more professional and dedicated than PCAs, who are these days either old folks not yet old enough to collect social security, moms of school age kids who want to make some cash while the kids are in school, or HS students who do it as an after school job. They are all highly unreliable, and the old folks are often not in much better shape than you are.
However, being better than absolutely awful doesn't mean you are good. The CNAs are often recent immigrants with poor english, most can't spell even if they speak english and were born here, so if you ask one to help transcribing a grievance you dictate, you have to spell everything for them. There usually is a staff member or 3 out sick, and they are short staffed. Many patients require a lot of maintenance (not me) and wait times can be quite long if you are on the toilet waiting for help in wiping your ass. I have waited 30 min and more in the past, now if somebody doesn't show up in 10 minutes I just pull up my Depends and let it do the wiping, and catch one of them later in the day to help me change to a clean pair.
The staff doctor now is an agency, the 3rd different one since I got here. There is supposed to be 1 MD, and 1 NP or PA on staff for all 100 patients, they do almost nothing and I hardly ever see one. We haven't had an NP or PA working here since my first 3 months or so. Both the doctors and the nurses who take these jobs are the lowest of the low in the professions. Lowest paid, recent immigrants, retired nurses sometimes as in need of help as the patients. They don't understand basic computer skill for keeping records on dispensing meds, which is their main job. My meds have been screwed up and not reordered before running out on average of every other month. If you are a person with intense chronic pain, and you have to wait 2 days for your pain meds to be shipped up from the lower 48, you can become more than a little irritable.
Unlike Assisted living, they have a real kitchen staff (mostly Philipino who don't speak english), but they still use the lowest quality meat and veggies available for the recipes which are sent up from corporate headquarters. It is better though than the dog food scooped out from cans and heated on the stove from Assisted Living.
I have had to file 2 grievances in the last week due to a dementia patient invading my room because the CNA supposed to keep tabs on him was incompetent at her job, which in this case simply is to keep said patient from entering any room but his own from the common area. He can get very agitated and aggressive, and poses a danger to me and to himself. If he gets in here, he can damage or steal my personal property, and I can't sleep because of the constant threat. If I have to stop him from getting in here myself, the only means I have is by trying to push him out wth my electric wheelchair, and if I do that one of us is sure to get hurt, and I'll make sure it is him not me. My chair is heavy with a steel chassis and powerful motors. He is old, frail and unstable. He'll lose badly in this collision.
This palatial living costs the taxpayer $200K/yr. To me, that seems an awfully high price for what we are getting. Maybe I expect too much,like to feel safe, eat quality food and get help from a competent staff. Maybe I expect too much? What do you think?
Title: - This Woman Turned Her Tesla Model 3 Into a Pickup Truck
Post by: TDoS on Mar 10, 2024, 04:11 PM
Quote from: RE on Mar 10, 2024, 10:13 AMThis palatial living costs the taxpayer $200K/yr. To me, that seems an awfully high price for what we are getting. Maybe I expect too much,like to feel safe, eat quality food and get help from a competent staff. Maybe I expect too much? What do you think? RE
Moms care costs $7500/month, I think the bill for the year I just sent to the accountant for tax considerations was like $88k for the year. She is in there for later stages dementia, still physically able to walk around, which results in an occasional fall (twice of note), one of which looked really bad with the bruising being wildly colorful and resulted in a hospital visit. She went off the rails once with scissors and threatened to kill herself with them, that resulted in a psyche ward visit. The food is good, I've eaten there, every time I've walked in unannounced (which is every time) there have been things going on, activities you might expect of those late in life and living in a home. Safety is high, you can't get in without being seen, they can't get out either. Ever caregiver I've met is native English speaker and quite talkative and nice. Staff is responsive to emails, I get calls as soon as possible when some of these events happen. The turn over in patients appears substantial, either because of $$ (no insurance accepted) or they die. Based on the condition of some, I figure most are closer to the end then they'd like to think and don't usually last out a year.
Dementia runs in the family (from grandfather side, got him, and 2 of his 4 kids, 3rd didn't last long enough to see if he had it), so my question right now is how to find a reasonable exit should it become apparent I'm headed that way. Quality of life has always been more important than quantity in IMHO.
"Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming "Wow! What a Ride!" ― Hunter S. Thompson, The Proud Highway: Saga of a Desperate Southern Gentleman, 1955-1967
Title: - This Woman Turned Her Tesla Model 3 Into a Pickup Truck
Post by: RE on Mar 10, 2024, 06:04 PM
Quote from: TDoS on Mar 10, 2024, 04:11 PMMoms care costs $7500/month, I think the bill for the year I just sent to the accountant for tax considerations was like $88k for the year.
$7500 is mid-upper range for AC living, which generally house Private Pay clients and will only take a minimum required number of Medicaid patients. Medicaid reimbursement rates vary from state to state, but are generally around $4000. After that, the AC living place takes the residents Social Security and Pension checks, leaving the resident just $100/mo expense money. Avg SS check is around $1700, and here in AK many get much less than that, natives who held few jobs at low pay and did subsistence living,women who were housewives and live on survivor benefits, etc. They often get only $500-1000. The cheapest places run about $5500. They are all Medicaid. On some patiets with low SS, they get less than $5500. People who have big checks, they make more. Even if you get the max SS of $3500 or so, you still only get to keep $100 of it. You must have assets of less than $2000 total in stocks, bonds, real estate, cars etc. All that has to be spent down before Medicaid will kick in. These places are the worst ones.
Private Pay AC is better. For rich people who can afford to pay $88K/yr to keep mom or dad in one of these places or they have insurance that will cover it, life in a warehouse for the old, crippled and dying is better. It's like the difference between a Federal Penitentiary for White collar criminals and Rikers Island in NYC. Prison life is much more comfy and less dangerous.
The experience of walking in to one of these places is nothing like it is for a person who still has all his marbles living 24/7 with brain dead zombies walking around, periodically falling and breaking things, getting agitated daily and yelling profanity at staff and other patients, and priodically getting hold of pens, eating utensils, scissors or aything else they find they can brandish as a weapon. Everything not nailed down will be picked up and dropped somewhere else you can't find it. Cell phones go out with the garnage. Lamps get knocked over, so do big screen TVs. Even when yu're not being threatened, it's soul destroying to live with these folks in the same space. Why do you think relatives pay $88000 to send them there? Because they can't stand living with them at home, and they're related to them. I don't know these folks at all, and I have enough problems of my own. To be sharing living space with 3 zombies is not my idea of decent care. Maybe for them, they are brain dead, but not for me.
The food also sounds better where you have your mom incarcerated. This does vary, and I'm critical because I am used to eating only the highest quality meat and vegetables. Here it's actually edible about half the time for me. In the AC home I was trapped in for 7 months, I survived on Peanut Butter sandwiches and cheese and crackers and never ate a meal after the first week. It was disgusting, worse than cafeteria food in NYC Pubic Schools which I wouldn't eat as akd. I brown bagged my lunches.
My current SNIF costs more than double what you pay, $16,500/mo, it's all picked up by Medicare and Medicaid splitting the bill, and they take my entire SS an Union Pension checks and leave me $200/mo pocket money, which barely buys me my daily cokes and brownie bites I like. In indepndent living, I pay all my own bills, medicaid pays a PCA to come 4 hours a day and after eveything is paid for including the best steaks or king crap in the 3 Bears Meat & Fish dept to eat, I still have $1500/mo for discretionary purchases. However, so far I haven't been called up on one of the waiting lists to move out. Hopefully this summer.
Title: - This Woman Turned Her Tesla Model 3 Into a Pickup Truck
Post by: RE on Mar 10, 2024, 07:07 PM
Quote from: TDoS on Mar 10, 2024, 04:11 PMDementia runs in the family (from grandfather side, got him, and 2 of his 4 kids, 3rd didn't last long enough to see if he had it), so my question right now is how to find a reasonable exit should it become apparent I'm headed that way. Quality of life has always been more important than quantity in IMHO.
"Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming "Wow! What a Ride!" ― Hunter S. Thompson, The Proud Highway: Saga of a Desperate Southern Gentleman, 1955-1967
I have similar sentiments, and even still having all (well most) of my marbles still working, when I was really in pain all the time with no end in sight I definitely would have gone for euthanasia. Unfortunately, painless assisted suicide is not legal here, and unless you have a terminal disease like stage 4 cancer, not even legal in Oregon, where Dr. Kevorkian's followers still will help you take a painless and maybe even fun last trip to the Great Beyond dosing you up with a cocktail of Heroin and pharmaceutical Sandoz quality LSD that Timmy Leary got back in "65 to test on his Harvard student guinea pigs. My crew of psychologists didn't experiment on my brain with acid, but there was lots of unethical research I was a lab rat for on and off for about 10 years before I finally pulled the plug on it. The CIA still has the good stuff of course, and recently it was approved by the FDA to treat anxiety. Supposedly just one dose can relieve you of anxiety indefinitely, which I find hard to believe. If 1 pill cures you, where's the profit for Sandoz in that?
Without the pain though, I'm sufficiently entertained living disabled, I keep my mind occupied writing about collapse and beating the CNAs who know how to play some chess when they want to play or improve themselves. I can't play as well as when I was 15, probably I was better when I was 10, but I still have enough functioning neurons and synaptic connection to beat most people at the game. When I start losing, that will be a sign it's time to hang up my spurs and take the Hunter Thompson Ticket to the Great Beyond. Despite my physical disabilities though, Alzheimers is not likely for me, parrents and grandparents lived to their 80s and died either from heart problems or emphysema from smoking. So far my lungs and ticker test OK, so probably have 15-20 years left rolling around my room and common area of an independent senior living building, or a SNIF if I really can't handle not having 24/7 help. I may even get to see SHTF Day arrive, when they will no dout legalize euthanasia for cripples and old folks. This time, I hope I get the top quality Acid, Colombian Flake, and Afghanistan Poppies for my last ride. Wash it all down with a bottle of 50 year old Glenlivet single malt scotch whiskey and free my soul from this decrepit and used up old meat package to wander the multiverse in search of another planet with a life form I can park myself in for another incarnation of RE exploring the physical world around another time. Death is not the end, it's only the beginning for souls that can hold themselves together when freed from the meat package they are encased in for its lifetime. My soul holds together well, although hanging out for the next 15 years with zombies may kill it for good. I'll try to avoid that.
Title: Big Auto is begging governments to let them go bankrupt as Chinese EVs loom
Post by: RE on Mar 24, 2024, 03:28 PM
Don't say I never put up pro-EV articles! Here's a real Ra-Ra-Sis-Boom-Ba EV cheerleader piece of propaganda telling us that the public wants EVs now and without them millions of people will die and the Chinese are going to zoom in and capture the market because FSoA based auto companies are dragging their feet...etc, etc, etc.
Now, a lot of this article is true, except for the part about EVs actually being able to stop millions of people from dying as a result of pollution. Even IF we managed a full transition to EVs by 2035, they wouldn't al bee being charged up by non-carbon emitting power generation. We're not gonna build enough nukes to do that by 2035.
Also, despite all the charging stations Tesla has built, there are still huge swaths of the country where finding a charging station is almost as hard as finding an honest politician, and the contention that everybody wants one is somewhat undrrmined by the fact Hertz just dumped 20,000 Teslas because nobody wanted to rent them. They won't rent them, but they'll buy them? Well, I suppose if it's mandated they'll have to.
Anyhow, as the clock ticks down here in the waning days of the Age of Oil, the discourse is getting a little shrill. By 2035 they'll be firing RPGs at each other.
Big Auto is begging governments to let them go bankrupt as Chinese EVs loom
Title: What’s wrong with Tesla?
Post by: RE on Apr 07, 2024, 06:45 AM
Well, I don't think I can hold an "I told you so" victory party yet, but my prediction of an eventual Tesla bankruptcy is inching ever closer. :) In conjunction with his recent failure in the social media world, the Musk Magic is beginning to lose its luster.
Besides seeing The Donald broke and in an Orange Jumpsuit doing the Perp Walk, there's nothing I'd rather see more before I buy my Ticket to the Great Beyond than Elon in Bankruptcy Court. :) :) A boy can dream, right?
Title: Musk has permanent affluence guaranteed.
Post by: K-Dog on Apr 07, 2024, 10:10 AM
Quote from: RE on Apr 07, 2024, 06:45 AMWell, I don't think I can hold an "I told you so" victory party yet, but my prediction of an eventual Tesla bankruptcy is inching ever closer. :) In conjunction with his recent failure in the social media world, the Musk Magic is beginning to lose its luster.
Besides seeing The Donald broke and in an Orange Jumpsuit doing the Perp Walk, there's nothing I'd rather see more before I buy my Ticket to the Great Beyond than Elon in Bankruptcy Court. :) :) A boy can dream, right?
You can dream all you want but both Bezos and Musk are threads in the Deep state fabric.
I contend their success has been at least in part because they are supposed to succeed. Do we forget Bezos paid no sales tax for years?? Amazon Web services provides a dashboard to control and monitor web sites. Every time an Amazon Web Server is spun up big brother is there watching.
It has been years since it happened. In the right corner of my voronoi map of websites on the other page of this website is a link to John Trudel. It is there for a reason. This reason.
John Trudell was a poet, recording artist, actor and speaker whose international following reflects the universal language of his words, work and message. John was also a member of AIM (American Indian Movement). The spokesperson for the Indians of All Tribes' takeover of Alcatraz which began in 1969.
During most of the 1970s, he served as the chairman of the American Indian Movement.
The FBI was at war with AIM at Wounded Knee. The Wounded Knee Occupation, (Second Wounded Knee Occupation), began on February 27, 1973, when approximately 200 Oglala Sioux) and followers of the American Indian Movement (AIM) seized and occupied the town of Wounded Knee, South Dakota.
The FBI burned Johns family to death and whoever took remote control of the Netflix documentary I was watching kept jumping the 'bouncing ball' back to the part where Johns family is burned to death.
I had to watch it three times. Did this freak me out? Yes it did.
Did I know who was doing it? I did, and the gang stalking that started immediately afterwards confirmed it all. At least one of the gang stalkers worked for the TSA. He scored some overtime watching me. Told to buy a pair of jet-black pants and to put on a bleached white shirt. I know this because it turns out we both know someone else. The owner of a coffee shop I was being harassed at. The cover was blown. The owner and the government gang stalker went to high school together.
I was being gang stalked because I had learned some things about American troll farms the general public is not supposed to know about.
The instructions were to use my phone and arrive where I was going before I arrived. The instruction simple, to let me know I was watched and that there was nothing I could do to disseminate the information I had learned. I tried to get my information out, only to find that conventional media is trained by the FBI to never talk to anyone without an EMAIL chain. Since my email was already monitored with problem emails being returned to me in multiple copies (3 each), email was not an option.
When we talk about the men in black in the Diner I like to add 'in white shirts'. Because that is how the dozen agents who stalked me were dressed.
Americans live in a tyranny so pleasant the do not know they are without any freedom or power. Like fish who do not know about water.
After 46 years of imprisonment, it's time to free Leonard Peltier Leonard Peltier has been imprisoned in the United States for over 46 years, some of which were spent in solitary confinement, serving two life sentences for murder despite concerns over the fairness of his trial. He has always maintained his innocence.
On June 26, 1975, FBI Agents Jack Coler and Ronald Williams were murdered at Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in the southwest corner of South Dakota.
The Pine Ridge Indian Reservation is located in the southwest corner of South Dakota. Wounded Knee, South Dakota is approximately 18 miles from the Village of Pine Ridge on the reservation. The incident involving the FBI at Wounded Knee occurred about two years prior to the murders of Agents Jack R. Coler and Ronald A. Williams. There is no concrete connection between the two. However, the Indian factionalism that resulted from Wounded Knee possibly contributed to an atmosphere of tension that existed on the Pine Ridge Reservation.
Title: - This Woman Turned Her Tesla Model 3 Into a Pickup Truck
Post by: RE on Apr 07, 2024, 01:22 PM
Oh, I don't expect bankruptcy to actually impoverish Muskrat, corporate BK doesn't touch his personal wealth, and even if that was somehow attached, I'm sure he has plenty of money stashed in offshore numbered accounts in the Cayman Islands and Switzerland. It's mainly the symbolism involved. His reputation as an "influencer" is already tarnished, and that's a good start.
Far as AIM goes, the standoff with the FBI and the persecution of Russell Means and Leonard Peltier are concerned, I'm well aware of all that stuff, even going back to my years in Pirate Radio, when I talked about it on my Talk Show, where I played mainly protest songs from the 60s by Phil Ochs, Bob Dylan, Joan Baez et al.
Has Elon's success been partly engineered by the Deep State? It's possible, I wouldn't be surprised if it was anyhow. Doubtful that could ever be proved though, it's another bit of conspiracy theory. What occured at Wounded Knee however is a matter of public record, including the trial of the AIM leadership which was a total sham.
One thing also true is you'll never find a tech Billionaire who is truly left wing in his politics, because to get that rich you have to be a capitalist. You might find one among the ranks of trust fund babies with inherited wealth, but even that I doubt. You'll find some like Bezos ex-wife who support social programs that have some left wing goals, but they're not anti-capitalist. They just assuage their guilt by setting up philanthropic organizations so they can claim they help the poor. It's a nice tax dodge also.
The main point is the symbolism of icons of capitalism like The Donald and Muskrat failing publicly at the thingthey claim to be geniuses at, which is making money. Neither of these guys really makes money, they're actually the world's biggest debtors. The debts are of course all held corporately as commercial paper, so those BKs don't touch their personal wealth. The Donalds problems are that besides the fact his corporate debt is a big house of cards, he's also liable for criminal penalties for fraud and tax evasion. That couls bankrupt him personally as well, and all he'd have left is money stashed in offshore accounts. Musk doesn't have those kind of legal problems as of yet. Tesla however is swimming in debt. the only thing keeping them afloat is they are TBTF. That may not be enough though if the stock price keeps dropping and they don't sell enough carz.
Title: Made to order. This is three hours old.
Post by: K-Dog on Apr 08, 2024, 12:22 PM
Leonard Peltier and the history of the American Indian Movement | Rattling the Bars
A history of the AIM.
Of 570 treaties the spokeswoman says, 570 treaties were broken. Resulting in a trip to Washington (1968), an occupation and the birth of AIM.
An escalation of tensions where some 'good old boys' in the FBI went fucking too far. Sixty four murders of Native Americans at Pine Ridge. A reign of terror and a shootout. Three more dead two in the FBI.
Leonard is set up and made an example of.
Title: Is Tesla Stock A Buy Or A Sell As Tesla Bull Claims Robotaxi Is 'Not The Answer'?
Post by: RE on Apr 12, 2024, 03:44 PM
It's not hard to see where Muskrat is going with his "Robotaxi". He wants to turn automobiles from an Ownership model to a Service model where people pay by the use to ride around in cars he owns. In other words, a renta-car company with computerized drivers, dispatchers and desk personnel. Uber without the drivers. Just like Microsoft turned software from a program you bought on a disk and could use as you wanted to a service you get from the Cloud and have to pay annual fees for. They own it, you rent it. Classic capitalist thinking.
Although fewer people all the time can afford to buy a car and most cars sit empty and unused most of the time so it's very inefficient, people who can affordto travel around willy nilly want their OWN cars to drive around. People who cannot afford their own cars will not be able to afford the per ride robotaxi cost Muskrat will need to charge to make his idea profitable.
Title: Electric cars are dying fast and the repair industry is lagging
Post by: RE on May 02, 2024, 08:15 AM
Repairing EV batts sounds like a great side hustle to do out of your garage if you're good with electrics. How much do you think you'd need to spend on tools and diagnostics equipment to set up shop? Guesses anybody?
Electric cars are dying fast and the repair industry is lagging
Title: - This Woman Turned Her Tesla Model 3 Into a Pickup Truck
Post by: TDoS on May 03, 2024, 08:49 AM
Quote from: RE on May 02, 2024, 08:15 AMRepairing EV batts sounds like a great side hustle to do out of your garage if you're good with electrics. How much do you think you'd need to spend on tools and diagnostics equipment to set up shop? Guesses anybody?
Electric cars are dying fast and the repair industry is lagging
238k miles on 2 of them and nothing has broken on either yet. Shocks...I wore out 2 sets of shocks on the higher mileage one. So maybe the repair industry is dying because not all EVs are built poorly?
Title: - This Woman Turned Her Tesla Model 3 Into a Pickup Truck
Post by: RE on May 03, 2024, 12:44 PM
Quote from: TDoS on May 03, 2024, 08:49 AM238k miles on 2 of them and nothing has broken on either yet. Shocks...I wore out 2 sets of shocks on the higher mileage one. So maybe the repair industry is dying because not all EVs are built poorly?
To die it would have had to live first. Since the problem is the length of the waiting list to get a repair of the batts done, obviously there aren't enough technicians doing these repairs. Insufficient supply results in waiting lists. See the affordable housing problem and the medical industry, they both have the same problem.
Title: - This Woman Turned Her Tesla Model 3 Into a Pickup Truck
Post by: TDoS on May 03, 2024, 08:20 PM
Quote from: TDoS on May 03, 2024, 08:49 AM238k miles on 2 of them and nothing has broken on either yet. Shocks...I wore out 2 sets of shocks on the higher mileage one. So maybe the repair industry is dying because not all EVs are built poorly?
To die it would have had to live first.
Feel free to email the author if all you've got nowadays is being pedantic. I understand how to go with the flow, and if the concept is dying, I'll stick with flow.
Quote from: RESince the problem is the length of the waiting list to get a repair of the batts done, obviously there aren't enough technicians doing these repairs.
Or people are buying cars with really shitty batteries, or not caring for them properly? SOC in my high mileage EV is probably 80% of new, and 10 years old now. The lower mileage one is about 90%, and is 9 years old. Both or either batteries will probably outlive me.
I will be happy to engage in detailed conversations with anyone here with experience with these types of larger EV batteries of course, their care and feeding, tips and tricks on how to make them last and not need to be replaced and repaired within a decade and 100k miles of use.
Title: China Toasts Western Automakers on EVs
Post by: RE on May 10, 2024, 08:19 AM
This time it's not the Chinese who are toast, it's their competition in the EV market. According to this review of the recent Chinese auto show, they have cheaper prices and a superior product. The only problem is so far almost none of them are available for purchase in the FSoA. Even WITH the ridiculously high tariffs, they're still a better buy than the crap coming from Tesla and Detroit carmakers.
Rght now the problem is there are TOO MANY of them, and they're not all gonna last. Quite a few will close up shop as the market consolidates. Trying to get one repaired here in the FSoA would probably be impossible. So for the time being, if you have one shipped over here, you're pretty much on your own.
I Went To China And Drove A Dozen Electric Cars. Western Automakers Are Cooked
Title: - This Woman Turned Her Tesla Model 3 Into a Pickup Truck
Post by: TDoS on May 10, 2024, 03:58 PM
Quote from: RE on May 10, 2024, 08:19 AMEven WITH the ridiculously high tariffs, they're still a better buy than the crap coming from Tesla and Detroit carmakers. RE
Just got EV#1 out of the garage, crap built by Detroit automakers. A decade old now, I'll admit it has needed a couple sets of rear shocks, but 175k miles now and I'm thinking....get it out to make sure it still runs like the top, or quiver in fear and put it back in the garage? use your electric far more often than I do...endless running around whereas mine is more occasional. 1000 miles here, 1000 miles there. Maybe I should just keep driving the other electric, it has fewer miles on it, is 1 year newer, and hasn't had the horrors of crap shocks needing replaced yet. Plus, it is built in Japan, so, no Detroit involvement there.
Title: - - This Woman Turned Her Tesla Model 3 Into a Pickup Truck
Post by: TDoS on May 10, 2024, 04:22 PM
Quote from: RE on May 10, 2024, 08:19 AMEven WITH the ridiculously high tariffs, they're still a better buy than the crap coming from Tesla and Detroit carmakers. RE
Just got EV#1 out of the garage, crap built by Detroit automakers. A decade old now, I'll admit it has needed a couple sets of rear shocks, but 175k miles now and I'm thinking....get it out to make sure it still runs like the top, or quiver in fear and put it back in the garage? use your electric far more often than I do...endless running around whereas mine is more occasional. 1000 miles here, 1000 miles there. Maybe I should just keep driving the other electric, it has fewer miles on it, is 1 year newer, and hasn't had the horrors of crap shocks needing replaced yet. Plus, it is built in Japan, so, no Detroit involvement there.
Great article by the way. The wife has been after me for a Model Y, and when I compared it to other car makers more "car" makers than iPhone on wheels makers, she bashed the width of their small stupid screens as opposed to Elon's huge ridiculous thing he drops into his cars.
There is a picture in that article of a car with a screen that stretches about the entire length of the cockpit, and when I showed it to the wife she was like "that is cool! Who makes that and I can get it!" Buying a car because of a screen...geez. I told her it was Chinese and she couldn't have it and to suck it up and stick with reliable Japanese stuff that isn't chock full of Chinese spyware recording her every move. Just like the Tesla she wants I imagine.
Title: - This Woman Turned Her Tesla Model 3 Into a Pickup Truck
Post by: RE on May 10, 2024, 04:57 PM
Quote from: TDoS on May 10, 2024, 04:22 PMI told her it was Chinese and she couldn't have it and to suck it up and stick with reliable Japanese stuff that isn't chock full of Chinese spyware recording her every move. Just like the Tesla she wants I imagine.
So far, they haven't made the cripple scooters & wheelchairs smart enough to spy on what goes on inside an FSoA Warehouse for the crippled and dying boomers. I wouldn't mind having a touchscreen, voice controls and an eyeball tracker that would take the chair in the direction I look at.
Title: US set to impose 100% tariff on Chinese electric vehicle imports
Post by: RE on May 11, 2024, 07:21 PM
If you can't beat 'em, tax 'em. Motto of the capitalists who can't compete.
The Chinese have so thoroughly out performed FSoA based EV manufacturers that they have persuaded the Goobermint they despise for regulating them to protect them by now raising Tariffs on imports to...get this... 100%!!! I take back what I said earlier that Chinese EVs were a better buy with the "ridiculous" tariffs, which at the time were ridiculous at 25%. Now however they have jacked it way past ridiculous to Protectionism on Steroids at 100%.
This will effectively make Chinese EVs impossible to buy here, but it will also kill any sale of FSoA EVs to China, since they will most certainly retaliate in kind. It also means FSoA EVs won't sell anywhere else in the world because Chinese EVs will be so much cheaper nobody will buy them.
If I were the CCP, I would also retaliate with tariffs on exports of chips and other parts used for the manufacture of FSoA EVs to 100%. This has the makings of a major trade war, which just about always evolves into the more lively kind of war.
This is failure on the grand scale technologically speaking. Sure, the Chiinese play fast and loose with environmental regulations and they pay slave wages to their workers, but that has been true in every industry and until now was embraced by FSoA capitalists as a way to improve their profits by moving their manufacturing to China. Now that Chinese companies are making the profits, all of a sudden it's unfair. Talk about hypocrisy.
It also pretty much dooms the FSoA EV industry, since there aren't enough people with enough money to buy expensive EVs currently manufactured here.
After a brief vacation with some Hopium, today our future survival prognosis has dipped back again down to the 99% dieoff range.
The Chinese have so thoroughly out performed FSoA based EV manufacturers that they have persuaded the Goobermint they despise for regulating them to protect them by now raising Tariffs on imports to...get this... 100%!!! I take back what I said earlier that Chinese EVs were a better buy with the "ridiculous" tariffs, which at the time were ridiculous at 25%. Now however they have jacked it way past ridiculous to Protectionism on Steroids at 100%.
This will effectively make Chinese EVs impossible to buy here, but it will also kill any sale of FSoA EVs to China, since they will most certainly retaliate in kind. It also means FSoA EVs won't sell anywhere else in the world because Chinese EVs will be so much cheaper nobody will buy them.
If I were the CCP, I would also retaliate with tariffs on exports of chips and other parts used for the manufacture of FSoA EVs to 100%. This has the makings of a major trade war, which just about always evolves into the more lively kind of war.
This is failure on the grand scale technologically speaking. Sure, the Chiinese play fast and loose with environmental regulations and they pay slave wages to their workers, but that has been true in every industry and until now was embraced by FSoA capitalists as a way to improve their profits by moving their manufacturing to China. Now that Chinese companies are making the profits, all of a sudden it's unfair. Talk about hypocrisy.
It also pretty much dooms the FSoA EV industry, since there aren't enough people with enough money to buy expensive EVs currently manufactured here.
After a brief vacation with some Hopium, today our future survival prognosis has dipped back again down to the 99% dieoff range.
US set to impose 100% tariff on Chinese electric vehicle imports
Quote"We don't think the playing field is level," Yellen responded. "And we think China is massively subsidizing investment in this set of industries that they have targeted as critical to their growth prospects."
The bitch thinks it is a game. She thinks some people have a right to force other people to buy from them? That these same born to wear a suit people have a right to profit from exploiting others (you and me) without working themselves?
Strange indeed. I always thought the rules of capitalism were that if you can't compete you go out of business. Is there a thing called too rich to fail? Must be. Don't people like Yellen usually claim competition keeps capitalism fair? The take away seems to be that protecting dynastic suit wearing wealth is more important than competition.
Playing field really? Who gets to play? Is it my turn yet? What do you mean I don't get to play? Who gets to play then?
If an American owned company were using a Chinese factory everything would be hunky dory. But liberal free-market globalism isn't what it used to be so it seems. The Chinese are supposed to be slave workers not owners. It seems the plan of Rich American Useless Eaters had a few holes. It was not thought out too well. Given time the other foot would try on the shoe. Apparently the American MOFOs who set up the current free trade arrangement expected the next generation to reap the consequences of the shoe moving to the other foot, not them. Surprise surprise.
If it is a game, why didn't America subsidize electric cars. Or do we have arbitrary rules. Nobody asked me if I wanted to play Yellen's game. Regarding a tariff, the only issue should be are the Chinese auto workers getting a fair wage. And there is no Yellen about that, and there never will be!
Title: How to avoid the import Tariff on Chinese EVs
Post by: RE on May 12, 2024, 12:14 AM
Quote from: KdogIf it is a game, why didn't America subsidize electric cars. Or do we have arbitrary rules. Nobody asked me if I wanted to play Yellen's game. Regarding a tariff, the only issue should be are the Chinese auto workers getting a fair wage. And there is no Yellen about that, and there never will be!
It ain't about the wages, because if it was, Amerikan manufacturers could simply put the factories in Mejico or half a dozen other SA countries where there are gobs of UE people looking for jobs at any wage. It would slow down the immigration problem also. It's just an epic failure to compete, and the response is so knee jerk simplistic and bound to fail it boggles the mind.
First off, it means FSoA EVs won't sell in Europe EITHER because they will not drop on 100% tarriffs, they want cheap EVs people can afford. Besides that, the Eurotrash have their own EV models coming in at close to the same prices as the Chinese ones. So unless we add 100% tariffs to those, they will hit the market here instead. The Euros might drop a 25% tariff on since their cheap EVs aren't as high tech and cool to keep them somewhat competitive, but no way will they go up to 100%.
This leaves FSoA car manufacturers with ONLY the local market to sell to, they are shut out globally of the rest of the world. GM & Ford international divisions are a substantial piece of their annual revenue stream. They can kiss that goodbye.
The question is, will the Amerikan Konsumer rebel here? The same people who buy EVs are the ones who travel overseas and take vacations in Europe and China too. Don't you think a few will be a little ticked off when they walk around Paris or London and see EVs in showroom windows brand new listing at €15K?
Also, what's to stop you from buying one down in Mexico and driving it back home? Are they going to charge you the tariff at the border when you cross? How do they know WTF you paid for the car? As long as you have it registered and have legal plates on it, it's none of their bizness how much you paid for the car. Maybe you won it in a poker game.
Want a Chinese EV? Here's my instructions.
Contact a car dealership in Tiajuana. Give their address as the importer. Pay the Dealership maybe $500 for receiving and storage. Pay the Chinese exporter for the car and the shipping cost. Maybe $2000 in shipping. Find out the tariff they will charge at the port when the dealer picks it up. I'll guess 10%, Mexicans aren't in a trade war with the Chinese. So on a $15K car, $1500. Your cost flying 1 way to Mexico to pick it up, max $300 from anywhere in the lower 48. Your total cost, $19,300 for the car.
After it arrives at the dealership, get the VIN number, make & model from him over the phone, and have him fax you the bill of sale. Go to your local DMV with the paperwork and your home address and get plates for the car before you fly down to pick it up. Arrive in Tijuana, stop for a Dos Equis and Burrito on the way to the dealership, hand the dealer $500, bolt the plates on the car and drive it home. You can stop and pick up some cheap antibiotics and opiates if you have a prescription, and stop for some dental work also before crossing the border coming home.
The only possible problem I see is in the registration, I don't know if the VIN numbers will work at the DMV. It's possible that the way they do the tariff is the manufacturer has to pay the tariff in order to get the VIN number authorized in the FSoA, but I don't *think* it's done that way. DMV is a State agency, not Federal. I think they handle the VIN numbers. I may be wrong there though. If it is done that way, perhaps you would get caught if the state doesn't find the VIN number as authorized, then they wouldn't let you register the car
In this case, you would either have to register it in Mexico and get Mexican plates on it, or take plates from another car and use them. They wouldn't match the car though, which gets you in trouble if you get pulled over for a traffic violation. However, I don't think it works this way. Obviously, find out first before you try this. If any of you do try it, le me know if it works.
Normally, I think import tariffs are collected at the port where the vehicles arrive and they are listed in the manifest of the containers on the ship. So when a car arrives from China in Mexico, the importer pays the tariff to the Mexican goobermint before they will release it from the Customs impound lot. Once you've paid that, the car is yours.
Title: US reported tariffs of Chinese EV to backfire: experts
Post by: RE on May 12, 2024, 11:22 PM
The Chinese have wasted no time in calling out the new tariffs as in violation of WTO rules, making all the obvious (& true) points that this won't really bother the Chinese producers who have their own consumers & the rest of the world to sell their cars to, but mainly hurt FSoA consumers who have to pay more for the locally made dogshit. They also point out the FSoA subsidizes EVs here at least as much if not more than they do, and the real problem is just that they can't compete.
The other point they make is that this is a "political move" to help the Dems in an election year, except I don't see how it heps whe inflation is killing consumers purchasing power, keeping affordable EVs off the market here helps so much. About the only people it helps are Auto workers, who see this as a way to protect their jobs. Except the UAW is already staunchly Democratic and you're not going to get any extra votes. It's also pretty much bullshit that it protects their jobs, because as I mentioned previously, they will lose jobs anyhow because the cars they are building are too expensive for most people to buy.
So, we'll see how long the mega-tariff strategy works. I doubt it will help Tesla sell many more of their overpriced dogshit, and Muskrat has petty much given up on the sales model and wants to turn Tesla into a RoboTaxi service anyhow. GM & Ford have decided they will just go back to selling gas guzzling SUVs & Pickups, which are doing just fine since there's still plenty of gas at the pumps. So lots of Greenwashing about Hydrogen cars and renewable electrification projects, but same old same old in the transportation industry in the FSoA, Land of the free and home of the Happy Motorist. So it goes.
Chinese automaker launches EV that could eliminate major issue with electric cars: 'Will completely solve the mileage anxiety'
Title: The first water battery that your car can carry: infinite autonomy without rechargin
Post by: RE on May 20, 2024, 08:01 AM
Trying to decipher the claims made in this latest hype of a new battery technology was not easy. It's a REALLY bad translation from Chinese or the tech writer himself is Chinese with a poor command of english who tried to explain it directly. I suspect if he wrote it in Chinese and haf Google translate do the English translation, it would have been more clear.
In any event, at first I thought this was another claim of using Water as fuel to produce Hydrogen, but it's not. It's just a different Chemistry for a type of rechargeable battery to replace Li-I chemistry. The claim is that the battery has a far greater capacity for holding charge for a given size and weight. In other words, greater energy density. Based on what this guy wrote in garbled english, is it possible and what is it?
The answer is a qualified yes. The key is the materials used for Cathode and Anode. The anode is aluminum and cathode is magnesium oxide. Why it's possible is because the oxidation-reduction of aluminum atoms has about the largest potential difference of any element on the periodic table. It's sort of a Mt Everest of potential energy for electrons that a rock has thrown off the top of Everest.
Why I find it questionable is the use of water as the electrolyte and Protons fron the water as the positive ion charge carrier. That is very novel and weird battery chemistry. The author also mentions ATP as involved in this whole business somehow, which is totally out of place. ATP is an organic molecule used for energy transport in all living cells, but not in inorganic chemistry. Perhaps the author was just trying to make an analogy on energy density, otherwise it's nuts.
If the batt in fact works, it would give a much larger range between charges, though not infinite. It might give you something like a 1000 mile range though.
If they do make one, it will have a 100% tariff on it. lol.
The first water battery that your car can carry: infinite autonomy without recharging
Title: Is the move to electric cars running out of power?
Post by: RE on May 22, 2024, 01:24 AM
Not in China.
Is the move to electric cars running out of power?
Title: The Electric Vehicle Tariff War Will Just Make Everyone Poor
Post by: RE on May 23, 2024, 03:12 AM
No surprise the Chinese will respond with tariffs on FSoA carz. Not sure how many of these are sold in China or how big a source of profit that is for the Big 3 automakers here, but it's definitely more than what the Chinese make selling EVs here now, since that number is practically zero.
Asmentioned before, this political move has just about no economic upside and justification. Only question is how long it takes to develop blowback.
The Electric Vehicle Tariff War Will Just Make Everyone Poor
Title: Donald Trump Says He'll Stop All Electric Car Sales
Post by: RE on May 28, 2024, 10:07 AM
Not that anything The Donald says ever makes sense, but it's hard to see the point of this promise. If people don't want an EV, nobody is forcing them (yet) to buy one. FSoA automakerss are still making the big V8 powered SUVs & trucks rednecks love. How could he stop it? I suppose taking away the tax credit for buying them would depress the sales, but they're supposed to go away anyhow.
I would think promising to make them CHEAPER would appeal to Amerikans who need a bargain on something these days.
Donald Trump Says He'll Stop All Electric Car Sales
Title: - This Woman Turned Her Tesla Model 3 Into a Pickup Truck
Post by: TDoS on May 28, 2024, 10:52 AM
Quote from: RE on May 28, 2024, 10:07 AMNot that anything The Donald says ever makes sense, but it's hard to see the point of this promise. If people don't want an EV, nobody is forcing them (yet) to buy one.
Your idea on what happens between now and when California tries to make it happen?
Quote from: REAnybody think they can explain this? Donald Trump Says He'll Stop All Electric Car Sales RE
Sure. Trump says stupid shit in the moment because he's a charlatan and stupid shit sounds good, couldn't explain it himself if you asked him, so if he can't explain it, can anyone else do it on his behalf without proving they have a mind meld with a halfwit?
Title: - This Woman Turned Her Tesla Model 3 Into a Pickup Truck
Post by: K-Dog on May 28, 2024, 04:24 PM
Quote from: RE on May 28, 2024, 10:07 AMNot that anything The Donald says ever makes sense, but it's hard to see the point of this promise. If people don't want an EV, nobody is forcing them (yet) to buy one. FSoA automakerss are still making the big V8 powered SUVs & trucks rednecks love. How could he stop it? I suppose taking away the tax credit for buying them would depress the sales, but they're supposed to go away anyhow.
I would think promising to make them CHEAPER would appeal to Amerikans who need a bargain on something these days.
Donald Trump Says He'll Stop All Electric Car Sales
Easy to explain. Duck soup really.
Concerning climate change. Donald Trump would put Greta Thunberg on a spit and roast her over an open fire and then put an apple in her mouth afterwards if he could.
Trump is big oil and money all the way. This should be a surprise why?
But electric cars are big government and regulation up the ying-yang all of which is hated by the Trump base. Hated but don't ask them to explain it, they can't.
On the other hand. Biden is Mr. Status Quo, save the planet doncha-know. The following is wrong, and I give it the gong. But it has to unfortunately be seen to be discussed. As painful as that is.
QuoteWhile a Trump presidency couldn't slam the brakes on the E.V. transition, it could throw enough sand in the gears to slow it down. And that might have significant consequences for the fight to stop global warming.
President Biden placed electric vehicles at the heart of his climate agenda because scientists say that a rapid switch from gasoline-powered cars to electric versions is one of the most effective ways to slow the carbon dioxide emissions that are dangerously heating the planet. Last year was the hottest in recorded history and scientists say the world is on track to heat up even more, to the point where parts of the planet will be unlivable.
Total bullshit from Chief Fossil Lynchpin. The square-knot tying together the boomer and great generations. The current power-holder who inflicts his ignorance on equally ignorant masses. Some of whom will also abuse power when their time comes.
The planet is in overshoot, massive changes in living arrangements is the only way a new dark age can be avoided. Any attempt to maintain current arrangements is criminal and I pray for justice. Justice because what people like Mr. Biden are bringing to America is total disaster. Biden and other members of the Status-Quo liberal crowd dream of a fantasy future that reality can't maintain. When their grand experiment flops, pain and suffering for all will be the reward.
Fun Fact. After all considerations are factored in. Electric cars don't reduce carbon emissions. But you have to be able to do math to understand this. And that is not even enough. Sadly many who can do math have trouble seeing a 'big picture'. They are narrow in focus.
Looking at the big picture is necessary for comprehension here. Two contradictory skills are required to understand environmental reality. Finding both abilities in one person is rare.
Carbon Fee and Dividend is the answer. Local economies that can support a closed system of sustainable lead-acid powered electric cars would be a more appropriate electric car than a Musk Husk.
A Mush Husk is designed to compete directly with gasoline and diesel cars, It does not have a smaller carbon footprint than a gasoline equivalent.
Lead Acid cars would work better because range is limited to 100 miles and max speed would be 60 mph. Half of what a Musk Husk can do both ways. Reduced capability is better than everyone starving to death.
And this is why, (
Trump and Biden are both criminal. Both men care nothing for anybody but themselves and their tribe.
Less can be more. But in America I can't be believed. Americans are brainwashed into denying reality and get angry if their delusions are discussed. Can a country which thinks gender is a choice possibly understand that running out of stuff can really happen?
I think not, and unfortunately I know not! In America delusion is stronger than science.
Quotebecause scientists say that a rapid switch from gasoline-powered cars to electric versions is one of the most effective ways to slow the carbon dioxide emissions that are dangerously heating the planet.
Just what the doctor ordered. Same tune, different decade. At the time every brand had Scientists and Doctors explaining the health benefits of their smoke. This is just the add I chose to post. I had many choices.
Science exists, but that does not mean all scientists do it. The green revolution is a dream without steam which blossoms with delusion.
How do the Apples and Oranges compare?
Without considering Jevons Paradox which makes the carbon footprint of car use in general greater, the savings by going electric as things are now is minimal.
I won't burden you with the math, I did it.
Gasoline Car: 0.356 kg CO₂ per mile.
Tesla Electric Car (coal-powered power plant): 0.318 kg CO₂ per mile.
The final ratio is approximately 0.893.
A Tesla charged from a coal-fired power plant, produces about 89.3% of the CO₂ per mile of a typical gas powered car. The Tesla's emissions are only about 10.7% lower. The energy will be cleaner you say? Where else can you get it I'll ask.
I have not yet considered the carbon footprint of building the Tesla.
Producing a 75 kWh Tesla battery pack uses about 13,125 kWh of energy. This requires about 5.97 tons of coal. This energy is equivalent to charging the battery 175 times.
Including this in the calculation TOTALLY NEGATES the 10.7% lower emissions per mile.
The mileage lifetime at which TOTAL CO₂ emissions of a Tesla electric car EQUALS those of a gas powered car is 164,803 miles given the data considered. The data has ONLY considered the power needed to build a Tesla battery. There are other considerations such as the carbon footprint of a lithium mine. Where does the energy come from to double the size of the poser grid?
Beyond 164,803 miles, a Tesla would have lower total CO₂ emissions than a gasoline car. Below this mileage a Tesla pollutes more than a gas powered car does.
That figure is in the range of how long an average American car lasts and it takes between 11 and 15 years to accumulate that much mileage. Accidents resulting in lost cars further reduce the average lifetime of a car to less than 10 years.
Electric cars are not an environmental wash, they result in a loss. And I have not discussed the required mining operations needed to support battery production and power distribution. Both of which have huge environmental impacts.
Title: - This Woman Turned Her Tesla Model 3 Into a Pickup Truck
Post by: RE on May 28, 2024, 07:37 PM
It's not, but I still don't see why a promise to get rid of EVs gets him more votes. It might appeal to people stupid enough already to support him, but of those who currently are Undecided, which gets more votes- promising to get rid of EVs or promising cheaper EVs?
You are right of course that as long as the power to charge the EV fleet is coming predominantly from FF fired thermal power plants, there is little if any reduction in total CO2 emissions. Plus additional environmental damage from the Lithium mining as long as that is the predominant battery chemistry used.
So, neither candidate is proposing a solution that will work, but which one sells to the most as yet uncommitted voters? Or does that not even matter anymore? Is it now strictly a matter of ideology combined with a "throw the bums out" psychology where people vote for whoever is NOT currently in office because whoever is in office is held responsible for the collapsing economic and social success of the society?
Title: - This Woman Turned Her Tesla Model 3 Into a Pickup Truck
Post by: TDoS on May 28, 2024, 08:57 PM
Quote from: RE on May 28, 2024, 10:07 AMAnybody think they can explain this? Donald Trump Says He'll Stop All Electric Car Sales RE
Trump is big oil and money all the way. This should be a surprise why?
Trump doesn't have the balls or brains to BE big oil. Or little oil. Or microscopic oil. He's a semi-literate grifter of the first order and, and that shit don't fly in the oil field. Only results do.
Title: - This Woman Turned Her Tesla Model 3 Into a Pickup Truck
Post by: TDoS on May 28, 2024, 09:03 PM
Quote from: K-Dog on May 28, 2024, 04:24 PMElectric cars are not an environmental wash, they result in a loss. And I have not discussed the required mining operations needed to support battery production and power distribution. Both of which have huge environmental impacts.
Similar to ICE powered cages like...a Benz perhaps? So...effectively, neither ICE cagers nor Benz cagers give a shit about the environment?
Perhaps EV cagers using solar panels to fuel their cage have an advantage in "the holier than thou" department? Certainly cagers doing the "stomp and steer" routine are in cages for a reason, regardless.
Title: - This Woman Turned Her Tesla Model 3 Into a Pickup Truck
Post by: RE on May 29, 2024, 04:47 PM
He lies like Trump but who believed him in the first place? 50,000 trucks? If each truck were only $100K out the door. That is $5,000,000,000 in sales. From zero to 5 Billion in sales in two years? Is that possible?
Getting bugs worked out of a single line that you would scale up to produce multiple production lines in that two years is possible, but 150 trucks a day is going to mean multiple production lines.
Nobody would try and build up multiple lines without working out the problems of the first line. That would be economic suicide. What if production costs are too high? Fixing one line and copying success makes more sense than fixing a dozen mistakes all at the same time.
So Musk was not serious to begin with. No surprise, he says things that make no sense. Musk is out of this world.
Title: - This Woman Turned Her Tesla Model 3 Into a Pickup Truck
Post by: RE on May 30, 2024, 12:25 PM
I read that he actually claims to be an Alien. ::)
Title: So Many Unsold Teslas Are Piling Up That You Can See Them From Space
Post by: RE on Jun 08, 2024, 01:55 PM
Tesla may be the Edsel of the 21st Century. ;D Maybe Elon should open Factory Discount stores and sell them at 1/2 off? How about a free Rocket Ride with every Tesla purchase? lol
The BoD better pay him $53B or he might quit! God forbid. ::)
So Many Unsold Teslas Are Piling Up That You Can See Them From Space
Title: - This Woman Turned Her Tesla Model 3 Into a Pickup Truck
Post by: K-Dog on Jun 09, 2024, 12:02 AM
Quote from: RE on Jun 08, 2024, 01:55 PMTesla may be the Edsel of the 21st Century. ;D Maybe Elon should open Factory Discount stores and sell them at 1/2 off? How about a free Rocket Ride with every Tesla purchase? lol
The BoD better pay him $53B or he might quit! God forbid. ::)
So Many Unsold Teslas Are Piling Up That You Can See Them From Space
From space really? Since the eyes in the sky can read my license plate I'm not surprised.
46,561 unsold Tesla's each parked in a rectangle eight feet wide and twenty feet long works out to be slightly larger than a quarter mile in area. About forty acres or the parking lot size of all the Mall of America parking could host that many cars. That is without roads between lanes. Parked in a solid mass. Parked as if they were moving people shopping would use more room.
QuoteIf you are a janitor who smokes a fat doobie and watches You Tube all day you do not need the same political rights as Elon Musk. Musk knows what to do with stuff and you don't.
That many unsold cars calls this conventional wisdom into question.
Title: Nearly half of American EV owners want to switch back to gas-powered vehicle, McKins
Post by: RE on Jun 26, 2024, 08:51 AM
If the folks who actually bought one intend on returning to ICE vehicles, it does not bode well for EV sales in the near future. The initial buyers were the cohort of high income people who culd afford the pricetag. This is the group that carmakers hope will have good product loyalty while they grow the other segments of the market. Now, for any new buyer of EV's, they'll probably lose a customer who bought one 3 years ago. They'll have to run harder just to stay in place.
Good newz for people hoping the IEA is wrong about Peak Demand for Oil by 2029.
Title: - This Woman Turned Her Tesla Model 3 Into a Pickup Truck
Post by: K-Dog on Jun 26, 2024, 10:11 AM
Quote from: RE on Jun 26, 2024, 08:51 AM
What tune might K-Dog have posted? Ask yourself before you click.
But how much of FOX can we take seriously. Consider:
At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. military launched a secret campaign to counter what it perceived as China's growing influence in the Philippines, a nation hit especially hard by the virus.
The clandestine operation, not previously reported. aimed to sow doubt about the safety and efficacy of vaccines and other life-saving aid that was being supplied by China (Reuters Investigation) found. Through phony internet accounts meant to impersonate Filipinos, the U.S. military's propaganda morphed into an anti-china-vax campaign. Social media posts decried the quality of face masks, test kits and the first vaccine that would become available in the Philippines. China's Sinovac.
Not to worry. De NILE ( sez our government would never treat American Citizens this way. We be special and always get the truth.
More relevant to me is my personal experience with government fuckification.
Everyone else can consider how much Uncle Sam wanted to bugger Julian for showing American Helicopter Gunships gunning down Iraqi civilians. Now forgotten since Julian became an old man in prison, mass media never reports the specifics, they rebrand Julian saying he was in trouble for 'being a journalist'. And the next time someone reports against the American Military the same thing can happen. In enough time a new victim can grow old to be released when layers of dust hide the original news 'reveal' of American murder.
It was 'mission accomplished', Julian paid his dues and everyone knows it.
* The EV article used a clever rhetorical device quoting the head of McKinsey's Center for Future Mobility, Philipp Kampshoff.
QuoteI didn't expect that, I thought, 'Once an EV buyer, always an EV buyer.
Is that bad form or is it just me? It is not just me. Cognitive dissonance occurs when a person experiences mental discomfort or tension due to holding two conflicting beliefs, values, or attitudes simultaneously. To alleviate this discomfort, people rationalize their decisions, justify their actions, and change their beliefs to eliminate the tension. Claiming the head of the study was surprised suppresses any thought you might have had about Cognitive Dissonance making the study results unlikely, and most likely spun.
Indicative of subtle persuasion is the FAILURE to break down the results of the study so any knowledge generated by the study will not happen. Information was not the intent. I'm sure Seattle has double the charging stations per EV than a city like Armpit Texas. How do the relevant satisfaction levels compare??? A study would have this data. A study could not not have this data, and still be a study. That relevance would have spun the article in a completely different direction. The article intent would have been outFOXED by propaganda going in the wrong direction.
Instead results of the study were examined until an appropriate pretzel of logic could be seen that justifies the intent of the propaganda claim. 'EV bad'. And you are served up the spin. Have a big bite.
Tight oil shall be the Liquid Lebensraum of the FSOA. Until it is not.
Title: - This Woman Turned Her Tesla Model 3 Into a Pickup Truck
Post by: RE on Jun 26, 2024, 01:26 PM
Quote from: K-Dog on Jun 26, 2024, 10:11 AMI'm sure Seattle has double the charging stations per EV than a city like Armpit Texas. How do the relevant satisfaction levels compare??? A study would have this data. A study could not not have this data, and still be a study. That relevance would have spun the article in a completely different direction. The article intent would have been outFOXED by propaganda going in the wrong direction.
Of course, they cherry pick the data to demonstrate the conclusion they want to get. However, I do think it's true that there are insufficient charging stations outside of major metros that have a large number of high income residents. I'm sure cities like NYC, LA, Chicago, Houston, Seattle, Atlanta, Austin, Dallas et al are all reasonably well served.
However, what about 2nd tier cities like St. Louis, Cincinatti, Charleston, Denver, OKC, Des Moines,Albequerque, Milwoulkee, Pittsburgh etc? Below them, Springfield, Peoria, Mobile, Manchester, Burlington etc etc etc?
Then what about the inter-city routes? Take something as common as NYC-Boston. If you wanna drive to Beantown, you just hop in the car and go, you know you can get gas wherever you need it. With an EV, you need to check beforehand where you can find a charging station. Then what if you get there and it's out of service? What if the closest alternate is 50 miles away?
Even once they're fully deployed, charging stations will never be as ubiquitous as gas stations and convenience stores. Eventually this is something people will have to get used to, but right now it's an inconvenience for people used to the ease of finding fuel for your machine. Amerikans don't like to be inconvenienced.
Title: - This Woman Turned Her Tesla Model 3 Into a Pickup Truck
Post by: K-Dog on Jun 26, 2024, 11:10 PM
How long would it take a 2000W generator with a 15 amp AC output to put 50 miles worth of juice into the batt pack of your Tesla? But yea, a portable generator is a wise prep. I don't think the rental EVs come with one though, which is part of the reason Hertz is selling off its fleet of EVs. They also are a customer who decided to go back to ICE. Actually, 20,000 customers.
Title: GoSun Finally Pulled It Off! We Now Have a Solar Charger for Our EVs Everywhere We P
Post by: RE on Jul 01, 2024, 03:31 AM
This is a nice new product that actually produces enough juice while you're parked to give you a decent number of miles of driving if there is no nearby grid power to tap into.
No new technology, it's just packaged nicely to fit on your car roof then unfurl while you're camped out and charge your vehicle. If you go for a week long camping trip, park at the campsite and enjoy nature all week and BBQ some ribeyes, at the end of the week you have 210 miles of free happy motoring to the next campsite.
On the downside, this is not a device you could leave bolted to the roof of your car in any city and leave the car unattended and expect it to still be there when you return. Maybe if you park it in front of a police station, or perhaps in a fenced and gated storage center with 24/7 armed security guards on duty it would be OK. Otherwise, $3000 worth of solar panels on your roof all the time wouldn't last a week under normal driving circumstances in any city.
However, if homeless with a van, you could drive for free outside the city say 50 miles, spend 4 days at a legal campground with a typical $30/night fee, then unbolt it and put it inside the van, drive into town to work 3 12 hour shifts as a CNA in a Cripples Warehouse, sleep the 2 nights in town in the parking lot of your choice (different each night), then back to the campground after work on day 3.
Your weekly cost is $120/wk campground fee (which might even include free wifi), virtually nothing for fuel commutation cost while you earn $20/hr for 36 hours work = $720. Your tax bracket is really low, so most income tax would be ~$100, another $50 for SS withholding, you have at least $450 wk left over.
If with your van you also tow a 15' trailer (cargo or camper style), you have enough roof space for a second unit, doubling your daily solar mileage to 60 miles. Driving one day, day off for charging the next you could drive cross country for free in a little over 1 month, staying for free at truckstops along the route as well as free unimproved campgrounds. With some kind of work you can do remotely or a skill that can earn money daily you wouldn't even need the min wage job. Ray Jason's gig as a Street Juggler that he made his money at while sailing around the wrold a couple of times in his yacht Aventura is one such job. Music of course if you play guitar, Jewel did that thing before she hit it big in the music biz. A tradesman could pickup work at construction sites doing carpentry or plumbing or roofing. A retiree like me could live like a king on Social Security and Pension money. In fact, if I had a partner to do it with, I could fit out the trailer so it was accessible for my EV mobility devices and I would do that tomorrow. Keep the scooter and chair charged as well, and it would run my recliner for sleeping. Not by myself though, too risky with the one leg. Volkswagen makes a really cute EV camper van.
I prefer my own interior designs to this one, so I'd probably go for a cargo version without the commercial camper modifications and do the interior custom. That cuts the price down as well. Of course, you could do it much cheaper with a used full size ICE powered van, but then you lose the free driving miles and being fully Green, other than the embedded energy in the van and batt pack. Not sure what it's towing capacity is, but I think it should handle a lightweight camper trailer. One person can sleep in the van, the other the trailer for nice privacy. It would work for 4 people also as 2 couples, or a couple with 2 kids.
Probably won't find a partner to do it with, but it's a nice fantasy. :)
Title: Elon Musk’s Toxicity Could Spell Disaster for Tesla
Post by: RE on Feb 17, 2025, 12:45 AM
Staggering sales drops, swastika-daubed EVs, companies culling fleet models, and fan-forum owners selling their cars—Elon Musk's alt-right antics are seriously impacting his electric car business.
No problem. His new career as Trump's Enforcer keeps him bizzy.
Elon Musk's Toxicity Could Spell Disaster for Tesla
Title: - This Woman Turned Her Tesla Model 3 Into a Pickup Truck
Post by: TDoS on Feb 17, 2025, 10:56 AM
Quote from: RE on Feb 17, 2025, 12:45 AMStaggering sales drops, swastika-daubed EVs, companies culling fleet models, and fan-forum owners selling their cars—Elon Musk's alt-right antics are seriously impacting his electric car business.
No problem. His new career as Trump's Enforcer keeps him bizzy.
I can personally provide EYES ON EVIDENCE of this one in effect. I realize the cloistered nature of some limits them to internet stories of potentially dubious credibility or slanted perspective, but I've got a Tesla-phile in the family, almost got her a model Y a year ago, we were scoping out the cost...and then....ELON happened.
No way, no how is she getting a Tesla now. If you handed her a paint can and there was a Tesla dealership nearby, and there are some, she might use it. Constant swear words when his name comes on in the news, wild gesticulations.
Yup....some people are irritated.
Title: - This Woman Turned Her Tesla Model 3 Into a Pickup Truck
Post by: K-Dog on Feb 17, 2025, 12:09 PM
The Tesla is a drop in replacement for ICE cars. The original idea behind electric carz was to build a car that was less impactful on the environment. Musk gave no two shits about that, and I have always hated Teslas. Teslas are the product of a capitalist techno-narcissist fascist who never had a 'people's car' in mind..
Fuck Musk.
The idea was for society to adjust to a machine with limited range. But anybody who appreciated that aspect kept it to themselves after enough blank looks. People will not hear of limits until they are too loud to ignore. The idea of accepting less to get more goes over the heads of most people like jets.
Reduced range on carz would also have generated public transportation that was worth something too.
Title: - This Woman Turned Her Tesla Model 3 Into a Pickup Truck
Post by: RE on Feb 17, 2025, 12:42 PM
While it's gratifying to see Elon morphing into the man you love to hate on, at least so far it hasn't rubbed off on Trump. I'm wondering if this isn't calculated, with Elon serving as the repository for everyone's disgust with what is going on, while the "Teflon Don" remains beloved by his MAGA-otts?