Solutions => American socialism => Topic started by: K-Dog on Sep 26, 2024, 08:54 AM
Title: The 'ECO' prefix is redundant. Socialism implies a healthy social metabolism.
Post by: K-Dog on Sep 26, 2024, 08:54 AM
I knew there was a reason I liked Richard. This video is 100% Diner. This is what the Diner is all about.
It looks like Richard was asked to do it by the Jacobin and this place. Progressive International (
Water wars, oil wars, even lithium wars — as the climate crisis intensifies and the global population swells, we are often told that our future will be marked by a frightening scramble for natural resources.
QuoteIncreased competition over scarce resources is likely to contribute to internal tensions within countries, as well as external tensions between countries,
warned the Pentagon in 2021.
In the video:
Explicit British policy to inflate profits and divert resources out of British India and into the global war effort (1943). John Maynard Keynes himself, then a colonial government adviser on wartime financial policy for India urged this profit incentive to. "Reduce the consumption of the poor through a forced transfer of purchasing power".
Title: - The 'ECO' prefix is redundant. Socialism implies a healthy social metabolism.
Post by: TDoS on Sep 26, 2024, 03:00 PM
It looks like Richard was asked to do it by the Jacobin and this place. Progressive International (
This one, I watched it all. Marx's views were heavily supported...including some bashing of Malthus, which was interesting, and I haven't seen before.
But what WASN'T mentioned was the application of Marx's ideas, as carried out by a devotee in Lenin, and the creation of Marxist-Leninism. ( This is seemingly a common characteristic among advocates of Communism (or any other social control scheme really), a topic to be avoided certainly. The ACTUAL results, as compared to the theory.Could it be because a full view of these ideas makes them all unpalatable, with Communism being just another shitty social control mechanism, designed to just put power and control in the hands of a few and counting on the sheeple to just keep being sheeple? Capitalism, Imperialism, Communism, Marxism, Leninism, Maoism, spin the wheel and regardless of where it stops....YOU LOSE!
When Communism in any of its applied forms arrives and inflicts itself upon the people you get the Holodomor! The Great Chinese Famine! Khmer Rouge and Pol Pot!!
So...I'm just guessing here...but maybe there are reasons why while the theory of Communism sounds just jim dandy great from certain perspectives....the folks doing these videos don't tend to go into how in the HELL did it go so wrongthe last time folks gave these systems a fling and how to avoid it, that is for sure.
When doing a sales pitch you are counting on spouting only the good things to collect your cut of the sheeple, can you imagine if you told them what happens when your particular idea was implemented?
"Don't worry...we know Communism starves bunches of people just as bad as the Imperialists do...but we'll throw out the rule of law to boot as if YOU get to be a Party'll be set and it'll just be everyone else who starves!".
Title: - The 'ECO' prefix is redundant. Socialism implies a healthy social metabolism.
Post by: K-Dog on Sep 26, 2024, 11:04 PM
QuoteBut what WASN'T mentioned was the application of Marx's ideas, as carried out by a devotee in Lenin,
Quite right that was not the subject of the video.
QuoteThis is seemingly a common characteristic among advocates of Communism (or any other social control scheme really), a topic to be avoided certainly.
This is odd, you decide what should be in a video, perhaps you forget that Marx has a body of work that preceded Lenin's work, and that only Marxism is need to understand the subject which was resource wars.
QuoteThe ACTUAL results, as compared to the theory.Could it be because a full view of these ideas makes them all unpalatable, with Communism being just another shitty social control mechanism, designed to just put power and control in the hands of a few and counting on the sheeple to just keep being sheeple? Capitalism, Imperialism, Communism, Marxism, Leninism, Maoism, spin the wheel and regardless of where it stops....YOU LOSE!
That is quite a rant. Let me clarify something. My only interest in Marxist-Leninism is to learn from it. My interest in Communism is in American Communism. China adapted communism. They have Communism with Chinese Characteristics. I want Communism with American characteristics. I an not interested in giving speeches in long black leather coats, but if I do I'll look damn good.
QuoteWhen Communism in any of its applied forms arrives and inflicts itself upon the people you get the Holodomor! The Great Chinese Famine! Khmer Rouge and Pol Pot!!When Communism in any of its applied forms arrives and inflicts itself upon the people you get the Holodomor! The Great Chinese Famine! Khmer Rouge and Pol Pot!!
No you do not. Your statement is total bullshit. If you mention Pol Pot and communism in the same sentence all you do is show ignorance. Do some research on that yourself. * I already have.
QuoteSo...I'm just guessing here...but maybe there are reasons why while the theory of Communism sounds just jim dandy great from certain perspectives..
Everything looks Jim Dandy when you don't know very much about something. It is called the Dunning Kruger Effect. After you have read a few hundred pages of core socialist literature as I have we can discus feelings of 'Jim Dandy' then. When you can explain the origin of value we can have something to talk about. Better yet, explain in 25 words or less exactly what Marxism is. Until then I'll have to enjoy this myself,
QuoteWhen doing a sales pitch you are counting on spouting only the good things to collect your cut of the sheeple, can you imagine if you told them what happens when your particular idea was implemented?
You know nothing of my ideas. You speak of my ideas, but all you do is betray your own.
Your last childish comment gets no response. When you cut and pasted it in you forgot to remove the fucking quotes.
You can start to dig yourself out of your pit of ignorance with this:
* Democratic Kampuchea was "state capitalist" — the economy was state-controlled and aimed at exploiting the labor force to produce commodities for sale on the world market. The low hanging fruit was rice. Pol Pot pot was a dictator. Everyone was sent to the countryside to grow rice for export. There was nothing actual communist about Pol Pot. The FSOA bombed Pol Pot into power. Pol Pot was a warlord financed by the FSOA. The Long Secret Alliance: Uncle Sam and Pol Pot (
Title: - The 'ECO' prefix is redundant. Socialism implies a healthy social metabolism.
Post by: TDoS on Sep 27, 2024, 03:06 PM
QuoteBut what WASN'T mentioned was the application of Marx's ideas, as carried out by a devotee in Lenin,
Quite right that was not the subject of the video.
Hasn't been in any of the Communism videos I've perused to date. I've seen the idea advocated, but no one wants to discuss how it actually turns compared to their claims of how it would look.
"I have this great idea...see!" "Um..yes...sounds good...but the last couple times it was tried it turned out to be quite a pile of shit compared to what you are claiming will happen." "Um...sure...but I don't want to talk about the demonstrated results of the idea because then you won't like it any more."
Quote from: K-Dog
QuoteThis is seemingly a common characteristic among advocates of Communism (or any other social control scheme really), a topic to be avoided certainly.
This is odd, you decide what should be in a video, perhaps you forget that Marx has a body of work that preceded Lenin's work, and that only Marxism is need to understand the subject which was resource wars.
I had to look up the entire Marx-Lenin-Stalinism-Maoism relationship after watching that video to figure out the temporal component and relationships. So I know Marx came first, and I also know how it evolved. And the consequences of that evolution. Sort of like the US...designed first for rich, white male property owners....and when slavery went away these same folks were happy with apartheid...and then the women got uppity and misogyny had to appear to go away...and then damnit apartheid got overturned by colored folks getting uppity in the 50's and 60's.....and pretty soon here we oligarchy.
It would be nice if we could just take a cool idea we like and carve it in stone but human politics doesn't seem to work that way, they start with good theory and then the example of communism, to some basic crap.
Quote from: K-DogLet me clarify something. My only interest in Marxist-Leninism is to learn from it. My interest in Communism is in American Communism. China adapted communism. They have Communism with Chinese Characteristics. I want Communism with American characteristics. I an not interested in giving speeches in long black leather coats, but if I do I'll look damn good.
And so we invent American communism....and we just assume it works out differently than all the other ones know...American exceptionalism and all?
Quote from: K-Dog
QuoteWhen Communism in any of its applied forms arrives and inflicts itself upon the people you get the Holodomor!
No you do not. Your statement is total bullshit.
I'll let you explain that one to the Ukranian history professors, because I'm pretty sure there isn't any conspiracy about who caused and what happened in the Holdomor.
Quote from: K-DogIf you mention Pol Pot and communism in the same sentence all you do is show ignorance. Do some research on that yourself. * I already have.
I certainly checked out their version of Mao's ideas...and Mao was as much about Communism as the rest of them. One party rule...communism like the USSR and China for sure...authoritarian....definately....a classless society...just like the USSR and China claimed...get rid of private property...I mean really....sure sounds like communism. The killing of people randomly and stuff fits right in as well. Forced collectivazation...holy cow that is like Stalin and Mao.
If they don't resemble the communisms that came earlier in their rules and structure and results...what were they?
Quote from: K-DogEverything looks Jim Dandy when you don't know very much about something.
I know. Been dealing with it related to peak oil for 20 years now. Unlike peak oilers pretending to know about oil, I admit that political distinctions sometimes appear as distinctions without differences.
Quote from: K-DogIt is called the Dunning Kruger Effect. After you have read a few hundred pages of core socialist literature as I have we can discus feelings of 'Jim Dandy' then.
Fair enough. Same applies to peak oilers, but a few hundred pages doesn't appear to be enough. 10,000 hours in two different professions in the related sciences might do it though.
But I'll admit that political distinctions to a math/science guy might look terribly exciting to more informed politically educated types, but looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a does some political training convince me the duck is an elephant?
Quote from: K-DogWhen you can explain the origin of value we can have something to talk about.
Value of what? How to have Communism and avoid Holdomors?
Quote from: K-DogBetter yet, explain in 25 words or less exactly what Marxism is.
Hell, I'm still stuck on a definition of value without looking it up. Let alone Marxism value...all I really need is folks who claimed to know it applied it across hundreds of millions of people and we can see the results writ large.
Quote from: K-DogYou know nothing of my ideas. You speak of my ideas, but all you do is betray your own.
Oh now we're getting sideways. I don't know your ideas...philosophical ones anyway. As far as betraying my own, I agree, it should be as obvious that professionals in the field of scientific investigation can quite thoroughly test not just ideas within our area of expertise but others as well. My ideas are confusion as to why some pretty basic questions only generate "go read some tomes and all will be clear" answers.
Quote from: K-DogYour last childish comment gets no response. When you cut and pasted it in you forgot to remove the fucking quotes.
Excuse my lack of forum'll excuse me knowing in advance that I wasn't putting another article out in the GSA Geology publication. Their publication rules (
Quote from: KDogYou can start to dig yourself out of your pit of ignorance with this:
I'll take a crack at it.
Some peak oil education here ( for those who don't even know about it being claimed before any of us in this forum were born. Including that oil field hand that gave you all that insider info you depend on as opposed to the math, physics, geology and economics.
Title: Not sure why I bother.
Post by: K-Dog on Sep 28, 2024, 10:55 PM
QuoteThe underlying causes of the Holodomor are still being debated. Some experts believe that the famine was caused by both man-made and natural elements. The most prominent man-made component was agricultural changes brought about by rapid industrialization under the First Five Year Plan.
Some accuse a deliberate set of policies implemented by the Soviet Union under Stalin in order to eliminate Ukrainians. Stephen G. Wheatcroft, a historian explained that, the Soviet Union's grain yield prior to the famine was a low harvest of between 55 and 60 million tons, possibly due to bad weather and limited mechanical power.
Regardless, communism did not cause the Holodomor. Stalin (an individual) made it worse than it would have been naturally for sure.
The Bengal famine of 1943 killed just as many. Winston Churchill (an individual) made it worse than it would have been naturally for sure.
The Bengal famine was caused by price manipulation to keep food on the open market so it could be diverted to the war.
I'll meet your Stalin, and I call with a Churchill.
Title: - The 'ECO' prefix is redundant. Socialism implies a healthy social metabolism.
Post by: TDoS on Oct 08, 2024, 02:41 PM
Quote from: TDoS
Quote from: KDogYou can start to dig yourself out of your pit of ignorance with this:
I'll take a crack at it.
I made it through about the first 10 minutes to the point where it hit the self improvement plan on how to be a good American Communist. It most closely resembled a standard 10-step plan to self improvement. Be nice. Help out. Be honest. The pitch could as easily be applied to someone becoming a Mormon, a Moonie, or a recovery plan for acoholics or the drug addicted. It was a wonderful list...and if that is a led into being a good Commie, hey, nothing wrong with self improvement.
Was there somewhere after the first 10 minutes or so where they talk about the political consequences, and how their version of commie is better than being a good Mormon or Moonie? Or how American communists certainly deserve their million dollar homes and luxury cars for all the retired family members at home? Because I have to say, that is one draw for folks based on self interest, kowing American communism has a better end result than just "be a nice person and try hard to be a decent person" pitch.
Title: - The 'ECO' prefix is redundant. Socialism implies a healthy social metabolism.
Post by: K-Dog on Oct 09, 2024, 12:33 PM
Quote from: KDogYou can start to dig yourself out of your pit of ignorance with this:
I'll take a crack at it.
I made it through about the first 10 minutes to the point where it hit the self improvement plan on how to be a good American Communist. It most closely resembled a standard 10-step plan to self improvement. Be nice. Help out. Be honest. The pitch could as easily be applied to someone becoming a Mormon, a Moonie, or a recovery plan for acoholics or the drug addicted. It was a wonderful list...and if that is a led into being a good Commie, hey, nothing wrong with self improvement.
Was there somewhere after the first 10 minutes or so where they talk about the political consequences, and how their version of commie is better than being a good Mormon or Moonie? Or how American communists certainly deserve their million dollar homes and luxury cars for all the retired family members at home? Because I have to say, that is one draw for folks based on self interest, kowing American communism has a better end result than just "be a nice person and try hard to be a decent person" pitch.
I thank you for getting that far. I understand loosing interest in 'self-help'. I do my self help on my own time. My point is to show that not everything about communism is bullshit. My opinion is there is very little bullshit. But I read more than most people, and I have know our cultural hegemony is bullshit since September 11, 1973. When the first terrorist attack happened ( The terrorist attack that helped to cultivated the circumstances for the second 28 years later.
Title: - The 'ECO' prefix is redundant. Socialism implies a healthy social metabolism.
Post by: TDoS on Oct 09, 2024, 03:51 PM
I didn't lose interest in self help. I wouldn't be the man with the family and career I have today if I hadn't learned "self help" by the time I was 10 years old. Self help was needed to not be hungry. To learn how to build a log cabin alone. To learn enough to be right when others were wrong, and to then lead when the chance was offered that others might benefit from better ideas and systems and the application of science.
Quote from: K-DogI do my self help on my own time. My point is to show that not everything about communism is bullshit.
You demonstrated with your example that a solid self help outline doesn't necessarily have any more to do with Communism than it does with any of the belief systems, religions, cults, or recovering drug programs that use it. It is just a solid how to guide from those who weren't taught it by purpose or circumstance while growing up.
Quote from: K-DogMy opinion is there is very little bullshit. But I read more than most people, and I have know our cultural hegemony is bullshit since September 11, 1973. When the first terrorist attack happened ( The terrorist attack that helped to cultivated the circumstances for the second 28 years later.
Now I am lost in the maelstorm of history and its interpretation. So apparently the US wanted a Marxist out of power, was thrilled with Pinochet after he overthrew them....and that made Muslim extremists who didn't like the US (infidels) hanging out around the holy lands decide to knock down the towers 28 years later?
Religion, politics, American hegemony, and global. US peak oil in 1970 as well maybe, just for fun? Well, the butterfly effect and all that but I'll bet...real money....that you have a more solid explanation of how those 1973 butterfly wings made it all the way to Osama Bin Laden and 9/11.
Would I be right?
Title: - The 'ECO' prefix is redundant. Socialism implies a healthy social metabolism.
Post by: K-Dog on Oct 09, 2024, 10:56 PM
More than you are willing to admit.
Being as you are not even willing to admit that the US overthrew Allende.
The CIA-in-Chile Scandal at 50 (
A never ending shitshow of dirty tricks, and what goes around comes around.
Title: - The 'ECO' prefix is redundant. Socialism implies a healthy social metabolism.
Post by: TDoS on Oct 11, 2024, 06:20 AM
You appear to be ignoring the basics of what is required for the most basic scientific career, let alone a successful one, instead choosing to read into me a caricature of some sort.
Quote from: K-DogBeing as you are not even willing to admit that the US overthrew Allende.
You mean, I didn't instantly start jumping up and down salivating over a "bad USA, no cookie for you" idea coming from the distant past? I think it is fairly well established the kind of nonsense that the CIA/USA was involved in down in South America, or in many countries where the idea seemed to be to peel back the Communist scourge. The Cold War was a thing...we've all heard of it. Did you miss out on it as it happened? Is your point that Allende was trying to do it right, appeared to be doing okay, and it wasn't fair to have bumped him off or treat him like other far more famous and accomplished communists of the time, like Stalin, Mao, and Kim ll Sung?
Quote from: K-DogA never ending shitshow of dirty tricks, and what goes around comes around.
So is your point you don't like that the US became the most powerful nation in the history of our species because it did what all the others did on its way to get there? Bump off lesser nations, create a hegemony, apply its political, economic and military power to its own advantage? In this case, so that normal working folks like you could own million dollar homes and luxury cars for all retired folk in the family? And then this behavior generates blow back such as 9/11? Seems more like a perfectly predictable event to me. And par for the course of what has happened across history to the nations capable of achieving the kind of power that the US now has. The Romans weren't too thrilled with Carthage, in case you somehow think this is about politics as opposed to just people being people.
You never answered me before, because while I am able to answer nearly any question asked of me, you can't even admit that your kitchen in your nice house doesn't look anything like the Communist kitchen picture I posted, and you sure as hell wouldn't trade yours for that one. Want to bet the owwer of the commie kitchen I posted didn't even have access to fine German luxury cars, let alone the ability to purchase one?