
Planetary Material Conditions => Changing Alaska => Topic started by: RE on Oct 29, 2024, 06:03 AM

Title: Alaska Climate & Weather Newz
Post by: RE on Oct 29, 2024, 06:03 AM

First Snow of the winter has arrived!

The fluffy white hexagonal crystals of the crystalline solid phase of H2O are dropping from the sky at a steady pace here in the wee hours of Tuesday morning, exactly 1 week before the "election" of a replacement POTUS to take over for the brain dead senile walking corpse currently occupying 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in the capitol of the Fascist States of Amerika.  Looks like we will get an accumulation of at least 6" here in Anchorage, and as per forma with the first snow, Happy Motorist who manage every year to forget you have to slow down and triple your following distance behind the CO2 spewing atmosphere wrecker ahead of you to avoid ending up in a wreck yourself.  As of 8PM last night, 64 crashes had already been recorded, with another 40 vehivles in "distress".  I think that means they got stuck, not that they're worried about whether there will be liquid hydrocarbons available to fill the tank available for the remainder of the loan coupons still outstanding from its purchase.  Here in Alaska and the rest of the FSoA right now, the power packed energy dense lifeblood of the industrial civilization is still flowing copiously out of the gas and diesel pumps of convenience stores and truckstops, as 99.999% of oblivious drones believe it will be for the rest of their lives, along with the juice flowing through the copper wires strung around town delivering power to run their refrigerators and big screen TVs and information and electromagnetic signals  being delivered back and forth  in flurries of bits more dense than the white crystals currently sharing the airspace with them.  The FSoA is not Cuba, here in the Belly of the Beast both the hydrocarbons and dollars are still moving around with enough lubrication to keep the civilization humming reasonably peacefully.  It remains an open question how long it will take to disappear here after the triage of 3rd World countries dropping back to 17th century living as they undergo Demand Destruction, unable to access the credit required in the trade of oil for debt.

As it happens, the snowfall coincides with an appointment with my Prosthetician, who I am having update my prosthetic leg which no longer fits on my stump well enough to use at all, and weven when it still did fit wasn't very useful because I couldn't get it on and off without help and also caused phantom pain in y missing limb.  I am having him change the attachment system so perhaps I can use it at least on the occassions I have to venture out into the world, which in general is only for doctor's appointments or to buy cancerettes.  Everything else I get delivered, purchased online primarily food from Fred Meyer (a Kroger affiliate) or Amazon for everything else.

Last winter was record setting for snow, with small mountains of it pushed around into piles that didn't all melt off until into May this year, and which by January had turned most roadways into Canyons between 6 foot high piles on either side covering the sidewalks and bringing any movement by foot around town to a complete halt.  Hopefully this year the new mayor will do a better job managing the snow removal, which was a huge issue in the campaign.  Not counting on that though.

Finally, the arrival of November and snow marks my 2 tear Anniversary living in the Post Acute Care facility that warehouses 100 or so residents fortunate enough to be sufficiently disabled that medicare & medicaid together along with all your retirement income minus $200 in money they generously allow you to keep for personal expenses each month.  Needless to say, $200 doesn't last very long these days if you buy anything at all.  With the extreme shortage of Affordable Housing in Anchorage, as well as a similarly extreme shortage of Home Health Care workers, it remains an open question as to whether or not I will ever leave this place to live independently again, or be stuck here until I die,  Fortunately, unlike the Assisted Living Grand Guignol Kafkaesque nightmare facility I was stuck in for 7 months after the amputation of my leg, this place has a reasonably professional staff as well as decent enough food I can stomach eating.  It costs a fortune, but for a lucky few of us the socialized medicine system is working and covers the bill.

There is also other ongoing good news as I continue to work diligently on my TOP SECRET project to fund the SUN Foundation, and hope to be able to get off the ground by Spring of 2025.  K-Dog is working with me helping with the website, and I hope to be able to let the rest of you in on the project before the end of the year, but for now it needs to remain a closely guarded secret.  Suffice it to say that if all goes as planned, there will be enough money generated to develop a ( SUN Communal Living Center/Doomstead and I will be able to get out of here to live there and manage it.  Time will tell.

First significant snowfall of the season hits Southcentral Alaska

Title: - Alaska Climate & Weather Newz
Post by: TDoS on Nov 02, 2024, 11:23 AM
Quote from: RE on Oct 29, 2024, 06:03 AMThere is also other ongoing good news as I continue to work diligently on my TOP SECRET project.....
Outstanding! SUN was my opportunity to meet you and Wendy and get to see Dave and Monsta up close and personal! Wendy is out there doing her photography thing, have we heard from John for awhile? Still out there living a sustainable lifestyle with bamboo in between driving big rigs and all? The kids must be near grown by now. Maybe headed off to college like their mom to make better lives for themselves rather than what Wendy once described as living some 1800's lifestyle in a park where they would demonstrate sustainable lifestyles and how cool bamboo was to the normies.

Quote from: fund the SUN Foundation, and hope to be able to get off the ground by Spring of 2025.
Well good for you. Gotta stay busy. I've still got the old flyers laying around somewhere, I collected them for the phone numbers and whatnot, but they always sounded so...hopeful. Do you still have the Facebook location as well, to push out massive online advertising for the relaunch?

Is there a new lawsuit payout from some of your old enemies or something related to your medical injury involved to fund it? I remember some big social security/Medicare-whatever/poor care buyout you discussed once, or maybe a payout for some other societal injustice and if you didn't get it you would go straight to the Anchorage Daily News and trumpet the evil/injustice to the world! You were quite emphatic about it at the time.

Quote from: REK-Dog is working with me helping with the website, and I hope to be able to let the rest of you in on the project before the end of the year, but for now it needs to remain a closely guarded secret.
Well, discussing it on a website no one knows about with only a couple of geriatrics checking in once a month to mention not much more than they are still alive is certainly a way to keep it quiet. And even if one of us blabbed we'll be dead soon and it'll just lend to the authenticity of the rejuvenation of the good ol' SUN.

Quote from: RESuffice it to say that if all goes as planned, there will be enough money generated to develop a ( SUN Communal Living Center/Doomstead and I will be able to get out of here to live there and manage it.  Time will tell.

Well now that is quite fortunate! So certainly rule out the old theme park showing retirees in an 1800's style of living, plus you probably wouldn't like the lack of internet back then...or style of medical care.
Title: - Alaska Climate & Weather Newz
Post by: RE on Nov 02, 2024, 11:09 PM
LD's oldest boy was 6, so he should be nearing HS graduation.  I last spoke with him before the amputation, he had tried Owner-Operator for a while but it didn't work out and was going back to being a company driver.  I believe he switched from flatbed to tanker.

My new  project has nothing to do with my disabilities, it's a business venture.  The website is mainly going to be promotional for the venture at first, sales will come later.  Still quite a bit to do before we go public in any way.   I need to get the financials set up right first, I need an LLC for it.  Profits from the venture will go to the SUN non-profit 501c3.  Like Bill Gates with Microsoft and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Currently interviewing Law Firms for representation, I have to see who will give me the best deal.  Got anyone with offices up here you would recommend?


Title: - Alaska Climate & Weather Newz
Post by: TDoS on Nov 03, 2024, 07:43 AM
I remember when John was posting about the move and advantages of tanker truck driver. Wendy has a strong social media presence, reasonably current and lacking any hint of discussion of those old plans about a SUN 1800's lifestyle park kind of idea, but nothing obvious on John.

Good luck with a business venture perspective. I am familiar with several attorneys, mostly general practice type stuff, one in criminal law from long ago but he has since passed away. No one with any business specialty of note.

Isn't it best to stick with attorneys within the state you are going to create the LLC? And then that decision might be driven by tax advantages and such at the state level? The way I thought businesses do it, and why Delaware is so popular. 
Title: - Alaska Climate & Weather Newz
Post by: RE on Nov 03, 2024, 11:46 AM
Quote from: TDoS on Nov 03, 2024, 07:43 AMIsn't it best to stick with attorneys within the state you are going to create the LLC? And then that decision might be driven by tax advantages and such at the state level? The way I thought businesses do it, and why Delaware is so popular.

Well, definitely I need a firm that has an office here in Anchorage with at least 1 lawyer licensed to practice in this state, but I need a large firm with offices in NY & Seattle also.  Sydney, London, Tokyo & Beijing offices internationally would be nice too.

Title: - Alaska Climate & Weather Newz
Post by: TDoS on Nov 03, 2024, 12:28 PM
Quote from: RE on Nov 03, 2024, 11:46 AM
Quote from: TDoS on Nov 03, 2024, 07:43 AMIsn't it best to stick with attorneys within the state you are going to create the LLC? And then that decision might be driven by tax advantages and such at the state level? The way I thought businesses do it, and why Delaware is so popular.

Well, definitely I need a firm that has an office here in Anchorage with at least 1 lawyer licensed to practice in this state, but I need a large firm with offices in NY & Seattle also.  Sydney, London, Tokyo & Beijing offices internationally would be nice too.


Sounds like some high hopes with this project. Even higher than the original SUN.
Title: - Alaska Climate & Weather Newz
Post by: RE on Nov 03, 2024, 01:59 PM
Quote from: TDoS on Nov 03, 2024, 12:28 PM
Quote from: RE on Nov 03, 2024, 11:46 AM
Quote from: TDoS on Nov 03, 2024, 07:43 AMIsn't it best to stick with attorneys within the state you are going to create the LLC? And then that decision might be driven by tax advantages and such at the state level? The way I thought businesses do it, and why Delaware is so popular.

Well, definitely I need a firm that has an office here in Anchorage with at least 1 lawyer licensed to practice in this state, but I need a large firm with offices in NY & Seattle also.  Sydney, London, Tokyo & Beijing offices internationally would be nice too.


Sounds like some high hopes with this project. Even higher than the original SUN.

Always good to aim high.  8)   It's been a lot of effort over the last couple of months.  If I succeed,  SUN will have all the funding it will ever need.  No guts, no glory.

Title: - Alaska Climate & Weather Newz
Post by: TDoS on Nov 03, 2024, 03:34 PM
Quote from: RE on Nov 03, 2024, 01:59 PM
Quote from: TDoS on Nov 03, 2024, 12:28 PMSounds like some high hopes with this project. Even higher than the original SUN.
Always good to aim high.  8) 
Indeed. I remember thinking just that after my first Burger King whopper that my best friend in high school paid for the day he got his drivers license and picked me up that same night, a couple of 16 year-olds out on the town alone for the first time. Better than venison, groundhog, squirrel, even good rabbit, better than all of them that beef based pseudo meat product patty was. I remember thinking in the moment...."if only I could find a way to get more of these...and shit am I tired of wild game".  Turkey obtained via shotgun or store bought never bothered me though, don't know why I never noticed any difference there.

Quote from: REIt's been a lot of effort over the last couple of months.  If I succeed,  SUN will have all the funding it will ever need.  No guts, no glory.
Well, let us know how this master plan works out. It isn't as though much else in the "WEEZ ALL GONNA DIE!!!" -o-sphere is particularly attention catching at the moment. Other than the US election maybe.
Title: High winds, temps cause outages, flooding in Southcentral Alaska
Post by: RE on Jan 12, 2025, 06:22 PM

Wicked Windstorm today with hurricane force winds 100+MPH.  The window in my room blew open after about an hour of being buffeted by the wind despite the lever being locked down, the vibration eventually loosened it.  Big mess.

I've also lost the regular broadcast TV channels which we get from an antenna on the roof, but I'm still getting the free streaming channels that come over the internet connection.  Probably won't be fixed for a day or two.  We didn't lose power here, but a few neighborhoods around Anchorage and the Mat Valley did.

We've had unseasonably warm weather for a couple of weeks and added a lot of moisture yesterday giving us the wind and heavy rain.  Almost no snow on the ground, the snow we got in Nov and Dec has mostly melted off.  On the positive side, we haven't run out of NG yet this winter.