
Politics => War => Topic started by: Surly1 on May 06, 2023, 05:03 AM

Title: Gonzalo Lira, Accused of Shilling for Putin, Arrested in Ukraine
Post by: Surly1 on May 06, 2023, 05:03 AM
Gonzalo Lira, a prolific online personality who became an outspoken supporter of Putin's invasion of Ukraine, had his home in Kharkiv raided by the security services.


Ukraine's Security Service (SBU) has arrested Gonzalo Lira—a dual citizen of the United States and Chile, who has been living in Kharkiv—on charges of producing pro-Russian propaganda.

Lira, a prolific and controversial online personality, is accused of creating and disseminating materials that justify Putin's armed aggression against Ukraine. He is facing the possibility of being imprisoned for five to eight years.


Wonder if Nicole Foss is laughing?

Title: Gonzalo Lira, Accused of Shilling for Putin, Arrested in Ukraine
Post by: RE on May 06, 2023, 11:47 AM
Well, at least Speedy Gonzalo finally got his Inflation.   Question is, WTF is he doing in Ukraine and who is writing his paycheck?

Title: Gonzalo Lira, Accused of Shilling for Putin, Arrested in Ukraine
Post by: K-Dog on May 06, 2023, 01:25 PM
No doubt Gonzalo is getting Russian Money.

Mute the audio.  It sucks.  I snagged the video from Twitter.  Chief Red Pill goes down.  An Icarus fool who played Putin's tool flew too close to the sun.

Not that opposing the war is a bad thing, it is not.
Title: Gonzalo Lira, Accused of Shilling for Putin, Arrested in Ukraine
Post by: Surly1 on May 08, 2023, 04:46 PM
Quote from: K-Dog on May 06, 2023, 01:25 PMNo doubt Gonzalo is getting Russian Money.
Chief Red Pill goes down.  An Icarus fool who played Putin's tool flew too close to the sun.

Not that opposing the war is a bad thing, it is not.

Not at all. It's possible to oppose the war and yet not shill for Putin. Guess Gonzalo followed the path blazed by Greenwald and Taibbi: sell out your principles for fat stacks and checks that always clear.

I remember many years ago when Gonzalo was going to debate Nicole Foss, hyperinflationisto versus deflationista, in some internet version of a PPV cage match. Wonder what came of that?
Title: - Gonzalo Lira, Accused of Shilling for Putin, Arrested in Ukraine
Post by: K-Dog on Feb 15, 2024, 10:44 AM

American citizen Gonzalo Lira dies from neglect in Ukrainian prison.

Gonzalo Lira lived a live where outrageous behavior paid off.  The dice rolls were in his favor until they were not.

Being critical of Ukraine while living in the battle zone was as smart as me writing comments about Kunstler's website being a troll farm on Kunstler's own website.  Not very smart.  One could say I brought gang stalking on myself.  The problem with that is that I did not know about such things before it happened, and Coach Red Pill did not know that Ukraine security would give him pneumonia and kill him.

According to Newsweek:
QuoteLira baselessly branded Ukraine's leader a "cokehead," and described the Russian operation as "one of the most brilliant invasions in military history."

Implication being he deserved death for being 'crazy'.  Newsweek being ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN Volodymyr Zelenskyy (who Newsweek would not name) has never done coke.

Regardless, Coach Red Pill now finds there is no pussy after death and that his You Tube channel has had a free of charge overhaul.  I won't put a link to it since it is now curated into propaganda.

When this video about Lira was made Lira, was in the process of being killed.  The source of the video appears to be a video channel that was set up to discredit Lira and for no other reason.

Who would do such a thing?


Speaking of which...... see the next comment.  What is shadow banning.

Title: What is Shadow Banning
Post by: K-Dog on Feb 15, 2024, 11:46 AM
Shadow banning, is blocking or partially blocking a user or the user's content in such a way that the ban is not readily apparent to the user.  I decided to see what the Charles Manson of Doom is up to last night.  That being Sam Mitchell.  I 'had' to leave a comment, which you can clearly see in this screenshot from my computer.


Now I look at the same page using a remote connection.  I see that I am SHADOW BANNED.  Which is not new news to me.  After you are gangstalked by the federal government, shadow banning is a logical consequence.


The page on my home computer uses a dark theme and the remote computer uses a light theme.  I made the comment at Mitchell's website 8 hours before I took the screenshots for this post.  You can see that I have been deleted. Nobody can see my comment but me.  (Unless they connect their computer to my WiFi.  Free coffee to anyone who does.  Just park in front of the house, there is room for two of you.

Here is what is being censored.

8 hours ago (edited)
Fishing has  caused depletion.  This depletion is masked by improved technology, in the same way oil depletion is masked by improved technology.  The underlying principle is Jevon's Paradox, but in a more general sense than which the principle is normally applied.  I shall explain.

The technology of extraction improves, so the efficiency gain of the paradox is in the extraction rather than in the consumption of the resource in question.  But dialectically this is two sides of the same coin when we consider the whole process.  George Dillard is wrong, very wrong.  But he may be ignorant rather than outright deceitful.  He fooled himself into thinking the buffalo recovered.  His reality certainly is not yours.  He seems not to have visited the land of numbers.

The point of bringing improved technology into all this is to make the point that the oceans are more empty than they seem.  That alone brings George's close into doubt. 

But two minutes of research makes the close more ridiculous.  I discovered that quick that about 20% of fish are caught illegally.  Closing with any optimism knowing that there is no law enforcement and that illegal fishing is out of control would be negligent.  I hope George spends at least as much time on research as readers will spend reading his pulp when he writes his next article.

And to all who think this is no big deal, fuck you.
Title: - Gonzalo Lira, Accused of Shilling for Putin, Arrested in Ukraine
Post by: Sandy on Feb 15, 2024, 12:16 PM
Big Brother.
Title: - Gonzalo Lira, Accused of Shilling for Putin, Arrested in Ukraine
Post by: K-Dog on Feb 15, 2024, 12:19 PM
Quote from: Sandy on Feb 15, 2024, 12:16 PMBig Brother.

Exactly Right
Title: - Gonzalo Lira, Accused of Shilling for Putin, Arrested in Ukraine
Post by: RE on Feb 15, 2024, 12:47 PM
Quote from: K-Dog on Feb 15, 2024, 10:44 AM

American citizen Gonzalo Lira dies from neglect in Ukrainian prison.

One of my earliest interviews was with Speedy Gonzalo back in the early days on the Diner when he had his online pay per view debate with Nicole Foss of The Automatic Earth over the Hyper-Inflation vs Deflation debate on the outcome of Quantitative Easing.  Speedy was on the HI side of the debate while Nicole argued for Deflation.  As it turned out, neither outcome was entirely true, as the newly printed money mainly disappeared into the Black Hole of Bailouts for the banks and reappeared on the balance sheet of Federal Debt which the Taxpayers will never pay off.

He was living in Chile at the time and fiercely anti-Amerikan and anti-Capitalist.  Much like Dmitry Orlov, he idolized and deified Vlad the Impaler in his writings, but unlike Dmitry who moved himself to live safely under Uncle Vlad's protection in Mother Russia, Speedy was stupid enough to drop himself into Ukraine to do 1st person war correspondent type journalism.  To then go and write this kind of inflammatory gonzo reporting while still there would be like if Hunter Thompson wrote character assassinations of the Hell's Angels while  hanging out with them.  Hunter instead heroized them, so he got wasted with them quite safely.  If he was writing shit like that, he should have been embedded with a Russian regiment and surrounded by friendly Kalishnikovs.  Just plain dumb, and Speedy wins the Darwin Award for this early ticket to the Great Beyond.

Title: - Gonzalo Lira, Accused of Shilling for Putin, Arrested in Ukraine
Post by: K-Dog on Feb 15, 2024, 02:41 PM
If you find the interview send me a PM so we can put it on our server.

QuoteMuch like Dmitry Orlov

Yes, the two personalities share (shared) the bombastic quality of self defined expert.  Like they were brothers.  Talk louder than everyone else so nobody challenges you.  Orlov is more sneaky about it.  I agree with your analysis.  A Darwin award is in order. Living where Nazis are embedded in government, and then praising Putin who is at war with that same government is dumber than dumb.  If he was where Orlov is, outside of St. Petersberg, then praising Putin would not be so dumb.

Self-promotion works until it does not.  Self-promotion fueled by stirring shit with a stick can make a big stink.
Title: - Gonzalo Lira, Accused of Shilling for Putin, Arrested in Ukraine
Post by: monsta666 on Feb 16, 2024, 11:20 AM
Quote from: RE on Feb 15, 2024, 12:47 PMSpeedy was on the HI side of the debate while Nicole argued for Deflation.  As it turned out, neither outcome was entirely true, as the newly printed money mainly disappeared into the Black Hole of Bailouts for the banks and reappeared on the balance sheet of Federal Debt which the Taxpayers will never pay off.

In fairness to them, I believe much of this hyperinflation/deflation debate centred on the premise on what outcome would occur once the shit hits the fan. We have not reached that moment yet, so this debate is still, to me at least, an untested theory. Once we start seeing systemic collapse of worldwide banks then that would be the real acid test on whether the hyperinflation/deflation wins.

Shame about his death. Never knew he was such a pro-Russia man but would agree pulling a stunt like that was likely to end in tears.

Title: - Gonzalo Lira, Accused of Shilling for Putin, Arrested in Ukraine
Post by: RE on Feb 16, 2024, 11:40 AM
Quote from: monsta666 on Feb 16, 2024, 11:20 AMIn fairness to them, I believe much of this hyperinflation/deflation debate centred on the premise on what outcome would occur once the shit hits the fan. We have not reached that moment yet, so this debate is still, to me at least, an untested theory. Once we start seeing systemic collapse of worldwide banks then that would be the real acid test on whether the hyperinflation/deflation wins.

No, the debate was specifically about the money printing/QE being done at that time, in response to the financial crisis of 2008.  The HI hypothesis was the most popular, with collapse pundit financial luminaries like Karl Denninger & Mish calling for that also.  Nicole was one of the few who predicted deflation, in fact the only semi-famous name I can remember in that camp.

As we move forward from here, I don't think you could tie either outcome to the QE of 15 years ago.  The question you are asking is a different one, is that when SHTF Day finally does arrive, will the final collapse of the monetary system be HI or DF?  To be able to answer that, you have to be able to define what SHTF Day is, so you know when it has happeneed.  A rear view mirror definition would be SHTF Day was the day the monetary system went into a terminal HI or DF spiral.  Looking forward though, it's harder to define.

Title: - Gonzalo Lira, Accused of Shilling for Putin, Arrested in Ukraine
Post by: K-Dog on Feb 18, 2024, 09:42 AM
Quotewill the final collapse of the monetary system be HI or DF?

In collapse there is no market.  Inflation or deflation makes no sense.  What the final run-up is seems hardly to matter.
Title: - Gonzalo Lira, Accused of Shilling for Putin, Arrested in Ukraine
Post by: RE on Feb 18, 2024, 11:51 AM
Quote from: K-Dog on Feb 18, 2024, 09:42 AM
Quotewill the final collapse of the monetary system be HI or DF?

In collapse there is no market.  Inflation or deflation makes no sense.  What the final run-up is seems hardly to matter.

Agreed, either leads to the same result so it really doesn't matter.  It's more just a question of academic interest.  There's nothing around money will buy, the only form of trade that will work is barter.  Gold may work as a barter item, but compared to an equal weight of lead in a box of ammo the latter is the better barter item.

Title: - Gonzalo Lira, Accused of Shilling for Putin, Arrested in Ukraine
Post by: Surly1 on Jul 14, 2024, 02:10 PM
Quote from: RE on Feb 18, 2024, 11:51 AM
Quote from: K-Dog on Feb 18, 2024, 09:42 AM
Quotewill the final collapse of the monetary system be HI or DF?

In collapse there is no market.  Inflation or deflation makes no sense.  What the final run-up is seems hardly to matter.

Agreed, either leads to the same result so it really doesn't matter.  It's more just a question of academic interest.  There's nothing around money will buy, the only form of trade that will work is barter.  Gold may work as a barter item, but compared to an equal weight of lead in a box of ammo the latter is the better barter item.


I remember back in the day when you said one of the best preps could be a storage locker full of pint bottles of liquor, specifically for barter. That idea has aged like fine wine.
Title: - Gonzalo Lira, Accused of Shilling for Putin, Arrested in Ukraine
Post by: RE on Jul 14, 2024, 04:46 PM
Quote from: Surly1 on Jul 14, 2024, 02:10 PMI remember back in the day when you said one of the best preps could be a storage locker full of pint bottles of liquor, specifically for barter. That idea has aged like fine wine.

A factoid you may be aware of but if not will appreciate.

The reason for Prohibition wasn't due to the sweet Christian Temperance ladies.  Dirt farmers couldn't make any money off the grain they grew in the midwest because the railroads took all the profit in shipping costs.  The volume was too large for them to bring it to market using wagons.  By distilling it into liquor themselves they could bring the liquor into town in wagons and undersell the big distillers.  Thus came the "Revenooers" and taxation on liquor and expensive licenses to distill alcohol.  This kept farmers perpetually poor without a cash crop.

Just recently the SCOTUS struck down the law against home distilling, so you can now legally start your own moonshine operation as a prep.  ;D

Title: - Gonzalo Lira, Accused of Shilling for Putin, Arrested in Ukraine
Post by: Surly1 on Jul 14, 2024, 05:15 PM
Quote from: RE on Jul 14, 2024, 04:46 PMA factoid you may be aware of but if not will appreciate.

The reason for Prohibition wasn't due to the sweet Christian Temperance ladies.  Dirt farmers couldn't make any money off the grain they grew in the midwest because the railroads took all the profit in shipping costs.  The volume was too large for them to bring it to market using wagons.  By distilling it into liquor themselves they could bring the liquor into town in wagons and undersell the big distillers.  Thus came the "Revenooers" and taxation on liquor and expensive licenses to distill alcohol.  This kept farmers perpetually poor without a cash crop.

I was not aware of this as a factor for prohibition, but I recently learned something related, which I also did not know. Even though I grew up in Western Pennsylvania, the origins of the so-called "whiskey rebellion" were sort of glossed over and elided. A friend who lives in SW PA explained to me that the economic model you described is exactly the reason for the whiskey rebellion, which caused George Washington to call out troops to quell it. Washington called up the state militias from Virginia, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and New Jersey, which ultimately amounted to close to 13,000 troops, to put down the rebellion. The farmers couldn't make any money under the laws as written, and sure as hell didn't want to pay the tax. Interestingly, the tax was repealed11 years later. It proved impossible to collect.
Title: - Gonzalo Lira, Accused of Shilling for Putin, Arrested in Ukraine
Post by: RE on Jul 14, 2024, 05:52 PM
Quote from: Surly1 on Jul 14, 2024, 05:15 PMInterestingly, the tax was repealed11 years later. It proved impossible to collect.

What was impossible to do in the 18th century with GW was possible with the creation of the Internal Revenue Service in the 19th, which had its beginning just prior to the War of Northern Aggression in 1862.  The Federal Goobermint simply did not have a big enough bureaucracy in the era of Washington to do enforcement.   Said office was necessary to raise the money to fund the Union Army of the Industrialists of the north.  This enabled them to get backing from the European bankers and give the "Greenback" value.  You will recall the 2nd Bank of the US had been "killed" by Jackson prior to the Civil War and there waas no central bank again until Da Fed in 1913.  The power of taxation gave the northern banksters credit with the Rothschilds.  This of course is why the southerners hated the "Revenooers", who were agents of the northern banks.

The Civil War was the victory of the banks and the rich over the poor, not the victory of freedom over slavery.  We all became slaves at its conclusion.

Title: Voluntary Human Extinction
Post by: RE on Dec 22, 2024, 04:28 AM
On the one side we have Elon Musk impregnating as many A-list supermodel vaginas stoked with fertility drugs as he can and the white supremacists worried brown people will outbreed white people, and on the other we've got the tree huggers who wanna make the world safe for Sequoias by sterilizing everybody.

Think how great it would be!  Nobody would have any problems anymore.  The earth would be a paradise without the Homo Sap infestation.  A perfectly level distribution of wealth.  A global economy with NO MONEY!  No more Evil.  ::)

Sigh.  Can't we find a happy medium here?  500M people peacefully building windmills and growing food forests and permaculture gardens and all sharing the same bathrooms?  Calmly discussing Religion & the Existence of God over Margueritas and smoked salmon & caviar hors d'ouvres without the IEDs Uzis and RPGs?  A Dome Home & Bicycle for everyone without the McMansions and Private Jets?  Peace on Earth, Goodwill toward men?  Remember Rodney King!


I wish you were never born

Title: - Gonzalo Lira, Accused of Shilling for Putin, Arrested in Ukraine
Post by: K-Dog on Feb 27, 2025, 07:01 PM

Strange things can happen.  The Doomstead has live info!

Now please apologize for the Russell Bentley faux-pas.  Russell was a friend of the Diner.
Title: - Gonzalo Lira, Accused of Shilling for Putin, Arrested in Ukraine
Post by: RE on Feb 27, 2025, 07:23 PM
I remember the story of Speedy Gonzalo being murdered a while back.  We discussed it.

Title: - Gonzalo Lira, Accused of Shilling for Putin, Arrested in Ukraine
Post by: K-Dog on Mar 12, 2025, 12:42 PM

Lots of talk about Trump being besties with Putin. 

I take Mary Trump's advice to heart.  If Trump accidentally does something you approve of, do not give him credit.  Whatever your reasons are, they are not his.

The American public is naive and ignorant concerning what is happening in Ukraine.  It pisses me off that I never hear any opinions about Ukraine from any American that express any regard at all for the people who actually live there.  Ninety nine out of 100 Americans could not tell you where the Donetsk People's Republic is on a map, and I would put ten bucks on that.  If anyone wants to get a microphone and go to a shopping mall to find out I will bet.  And I am not a gambling kind of guy.  For this I'll make an exception.

It is morally reprehensible to have an opinion about any war unless you know what the fuck is actually going on where it is.  Generally Americans know nothing about Ukraine.  But knee-jerk-opinions about Ukraine are more common than blossoms on a spring cherry tree.  But when people are dying, ignorance is not neutral.  When people are dying, ignorance kills.

And I consider Chris's position a bit soft.  He is afraid to piss off people too much about this IMHO.
Title: - Gonzalo Lira, Accused of Shilling for Putin, Arrested in Ukraine
Post by: Goldernen Oxernen on Mar 12, 2025, 05:53 PM
Quote from: K-Dog on Today at 12:42 PMAnd I consider Chris's position a bit soft.  He is afraid to piss off people too much about this IMHO.

Well his name is Hedges... He also left out the Crimean War of the mid 19th Century, another Brit and french invasion of Rus, when mentioning ww1, ww2 and Napoleon. 

I wonder what % of the aforementioned opinions are really clueless when saying they support the people of Ukraine, not knowing thats like saying you supported the People of America in 1863. In any case I think they will be spared the reality check of how hopeless the 'ukranian' position is now.

The vietnam defeat was always explained as not being allowed to win, when in reality the US went to hitherto unseen extremes in carpet bombing and denuding foliage across a country.  This time in Ukraine it will be explained in the media as Ukraine (only a condom/ proxy for the NATO penis) not being allowed to win again, when the reality of how badly theyre steadily being defeated at this stage is not reported.

Another thing that got no mention in the MSM or by politicians is BRICS. Trump does mention it casually and is concerned by the threat it poses to the USD and US empire. I think in order to get a negotiated settlement that doesn't involve Russia entering Kiev, he will be secretly trying to negotiate offering lifting of sanctions with continued use of SWIFT and U$D, among other things. Odessa will likely be the major sticking point behind closed doors, if not publicly.

EU and UK plans, ironically led by Germany, France and UK who have all invaded Russia before, not the other way around, to build up their own military to fight RUS will just be a boondoggle for US arms dealers, while putting further downward pressure on euro standard of living. Europe has no affordable energy to build any weaponry at necessary wartime production rate or enough native (white) youth willing to go and die. I doubt many of the immigrants are interested either, so it would require a draft. Not even a sketchy plan or timeline ever gets outlined along with talk by eg von der leyen announcing 800 billion euro spending to defeat Russia, just vague platitudes and promises to do.. something or other in future. one thing for sure is with all that money they could just buy the resources at friendly trade partner prices from Russia