At last there is another geopolitical analyst besides myself who argues that rather than being the successor to the Anglo-Amerikan Empire which has ruled the world since the founding of the Bank of England in 1692, China is merely a decade away from its own collapse.
Zeihan believes that China's collapse is imminent, with only 10 years remaining before potential disaster.
The difference between Peter and me is that he is "renowned" and gets interviewed by guys like Joe Rogan, whereas I am totally ignored by such people. lol. From now on when you quote me on other websites, you can attribute the quote to ignored geopolitical analyst Reverse Engineer. ;D
China is so loaded with about every major problem facing industrial civilization from pollution to gross economic malfeasance to population overshoot and demographic imbalance it boggles my mind every time I read about the great future and investment opportunities you have if you take the on ramp to the Silk Road. The only great opportunity I see is to short the living shit on China. Maybe you need to wait a few years though. Picking the right moment is tough. Collapse timing is the hardest part of being an ignored geopolitical analyst. lol
'China Has 10 Years Left, At Most' — 100 Million Population Drop Could Lead To Economic Disaster, According To Famed Analyst
I ignore Peter Zeihan as much as I can. Peter is no lover of truth. But since Peter performs the Putin is evil, Russia is bad rituals with great alacrity, Peter earns the delight of our neo-liberal elite. So he gets paid, and you do not.
You don't want to be in Peters club. Bone crushing lies are required to get there. But if you care to sell your soul, then being found in Google searches might be in your future. If it is, say hi to Joe for me.
Scanning the article I see that Peter uses a higher derivative formula.
Imported from the land of endless speculation, writings about how fast 'change is changing' can go on forever. Reasons for change is changing can be pulled from the ass at will. On a surface level it appears to make sense, but the truth is more like this.
Articles about the unemployment rate almost always follows a higher derivative formula template. Peter has written a lot of those.
Go to his website ( is prominent.
You do not get to be a famed international analyst without Goosestepping to the Stars and Stripes.
Quote from: K-Dog on Jul 28, 2023, 09:34 AMYou don't want to be in Peters club.
Well, I'm not in his club since I don't subscribe to the Evil Putin meme, nor am I a flag waving FSoA patriot. I just happen to agree with him regarding China's likely collapse. I also think as soon as China collapses, the FSoA will also, not sure if Pete would agree with that. This is similar to Gun control where I differ from the Dem party line and am against. I am also pro-Abortion, which puts me at odds with the Reps. Which explains why the 2 Party system doesn't work, because each Party has a few positions I agree with, and many positions I do not. I need a 3rd Party which is pro abortion, anti gun control, pro legalized drugs, pro free health care, pro open borders, pro legalized camping locations with toilet and shower facilities, pro public toilet construction, anti military, anti Federal Reserve, anti censorship, anti copyright protection, anti patent protection, anti private property ownership, pro Union, pro capital punishment, pro legalized prostitution, anti marriage, pro free child care, anti tax breaks for religious organizations, pro free education through graduate school and Universal Basic Income which covers prevailing rents, food, communication & transportation.
Does Cornell West's 3rd Party support these positions?
We are the third party. Cornel is a guy running for president who is counter narrative to our current path of baked in the cake doom.
I can't speak for Cornel, but I consider him a 'live and let live' kind of guy who has only has issues with people who don't hum that tune.
"Inclusion not exclusion my brother, that is what America is missing" I'll posit as a possible Cornel quote.
Quote from: K-Dog on Jul 28, 2023, 01:19 PMWe are the third party. Cornel is a guy running for president who is counter narrative to our current path of baked in the cake doom.
I can't speak for Cornel, but I consider him a 'live and let live' kind of guy who has only has issues with people who don't hum that tune.
"Inclusion not exclusion my brother, that is what America is missing" I'll posit as a possible Cornel quote.
That is a sentiment I agree with, but it's like the first Commandment "Thou shalt not kill" and the Golden Rule "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you". Words to live by, but in practical terms not enough to run a goobermint with. The devil is in the details.
Besides that, while it is the most important political position in this goobermint, the President doesn't run the country by himself. There are two houses of CONgress also that our 3rd Party needs to run candsidates for office. What are the common positions we all have, besides being pro inclusion? We need some sort of platform. When giving a press conference and asked by a reporter, "What do you intend to do about the Federal Reserve raising the discount rate again?", what do our candidates respond with? Answering, "We will choose inclusion over exclusion" doesn't answer the question.
Cornell West needs to flesh out his position on important problems facing us and give some details about what he will do to address the problems. What will he do to address the growing homeless population? What will he do about the refugee camps on the border? What will he do about inflation? etc, etc, etc.
I agree Cornel needs to flesh things out, but he does not have to do it yet.
Cornel is a socialist. Mainstream media has not had the need to point out the Cornel red stain yet. That move will backfire if it is not done right. Bernie had supporters, and giving Cornel all the Bernie camp in one move by calling him the S-word is not wise at this time. The Cornel is a commie mud will be thrown later. After his positions get fleshed out. The pigment of Cornel's flesh has something to do with it no doubt. Throwing the S-Word at the N-word before Cornel provides clarity will make the thrower look bad. If Cornel were pure white bread the S-word would already have been thrown.
There is no rush to provide the kind of clarity that will result in mainstream attack until there is more demand to answer your questions. A bit of strategic silence is probably a good idea for now.
Cornel is the voice of the left. If Cornel gets any traction at all the Overton Window shifts leftward. Away from the fascist side of the building where it now collects the sunset of empire. If the window shifts left, maybe some fresh morning light can brighten our days.
What would Cornel do? He would cut military expenditures and funnel the freed up money into social programs. Tax breaks for the rich would be eliminated. We would have something like a new deal. Student loans would likely be forgiven. *
Cornel considers himself to be a revolutionary Christian. Cornel says there are barbaric realities that violate sacred values. Realities the violate the preciousness of fellow human beings. Realities that as Cornel says, even secular brothers and sisters know to be wrong.
Dr. Cornel West: Philosophy in Our Time of Imperial Decay | The New School
* Of course a President can't do these things alone with their limited power. I describe the direction that would be attempted.
This is old, but it is a conversation between three people with bigger brains than mine.
And that makes it worth watching for me.
I don't think the media needs to spell out CW is a socialist, that's as self-evident as his skin pigment. Of course Trumplodytes will peg him immediately with the Scarlet Letters of S & N the minute his talking head appears larger than life on the big screen TV in the local country music bar. The media doesn't have to point this out. The question is, how many voters are now prepared to accept these attributes in their choice of POTUS? They already picked the Obamanator twice, so yhe color barrier has been breached. Supposedly more millenials identify themselves as socialist these days. But are there enough of them and will they vote to counteract the aging retired. redneck boomers mailing in ballots from the nursing homes? lol. Answer: no, tjey won't.
Personally I am more interested in the question of whether the Dem and Rep parties will go and nominate Uncle Joe and The Donald again? If they do, that by itself demonstrates the pathetic failure of the Amerikan political system. The best they can come up with to drop at the top of the political pyramid are 2 octogenarian imbeciles?
Quote from: RE on Jul 29, 2023, 08:06 PMThe best they can come up with to drop at the top of the political pyramid are 2 octogenarian imbeciles?
Sad but true.