
Society => Diner news => Topic started by: 18hammers on Feb 04, 2025, 09:15 PM

Title: Comrade Simba
Post by: 18hammers on Feb 04, 2025, 09:15 PM
No something else is going on. You removed my ability to respond to  my previous post asking where he went. His name has been changed to Meg S or something, dates joined have been changed I suspect you have kicked him off for some reason. Dumb thing to do, big mistake, your choice. I can only leave if I don't like it, waited years hoping to read his posts again. always a original take on something. IF anyone knows where he is posting now please let me know.
Title: - Comrade Simba
Post by: K-Dog on Feb 04, 2025, 09:34 PM
Quote from: 18hammers on Feb 04, 2025, 09:15 PMNo something else is going on. You removed my ability to respond to  my previous post asking where he went. His name has been changed to Meg S or something, dates joined have been changed I suspect you have kicked him off for some reason. Dumb thing to do, big mistake, your choice. I can only leave if I don't like it, waited years hoping to read his posts again. always a original take on something. IF anyone knows where he is posting now please let me know.

I damaged the database, but nothing nefarious is going on.  If you think so that would be your problem not mine.  There is no reason Comrade Simba whoever he is can't respond.  However, not being the boss of him I can't make him respond.

* The Diner software is running normally and the database will be fixed.  However, the Diner is a labor of love for me for which I do not get paid.  Matter of fact the last I checked I am the one who pays the bills.  Upshot being, the database will be fixed when it is.

Title: - Comrade Simba
Post by: K-Dog on Feb 04, 2025, 10:31 PM
Comrade Simba wherever you are.  Whomever you are.  You were deleted by accident.

You were not in the backup copy when I restored the Diner.

Re-register if you wish.
Title: - Comrade Simba
Post by: TDoS on Feb 05, 2025, 06:37 PM
Quote from: K-Dog on Feb 04, 2025, 09:34 PM* The Diner software is running normally and the database will be fixed.  However, the Diner is a labor of love for me for which I do not get paid.  Matter of fact the last I checked I am the one who pays the bills.  Upshot being, the database will be fixed when it is.
Thats the attitude! You pay the bills, doesn't matter if it is the Communist or Oligarch Overlords, who gives a shit, you make the call!

K-DOG DA MAN!! Better the King on your own website than a prince in someone else's! Although, Asst VP of Facebook would pay a bunch more....
Title: - Comrade Simba
Post by: comrade simba on Feb 05, 2025, 07:09 PM
Hi guys!
Yes, something weird happened. When I tried to log on it said user does not exist. Same with lost password email.
I have checked back every few days and today it wouldn't let me log in but I could sign up. So I used my same name and a familiar password and shazam! Here I am.

Conspiracy theory - I could not get into the forum the day after PMing TDos languishing in the cooler. Hmmmmm. Perhaps their ain't no P in PMs, and communicating with prisoners is verboten.

Nice to have people wanting me around. K-Dog, the same thing happened to me at Silco years ago. I just got zorched during an update... never happened before on anyone else... never happened since. I'm okay with saying Shit Happens and moving on. I'm mostly harmless... don't know why the NSA has such a hard-on for me.

Back to Useless Eater once again :-D
Title: - Comrade Simba
Post by: comrade simba on Feb 05, 2025, 07:17 PM
And zorch that fucking MegS. Stealing my cool comrade avatar... I got an AK Mag for Meg.
Title: - Comrade Simba
Post by: RE on Feb 05, 2025, 08:37 PM
Nice 2 C U back CS.  Kdog has been tinkering with the database resulting in a fair amount of havoc lately.  Hopefully we will see improvement now.

Title: - Comrade Simba
Post by: TDoS on Feb 06, 2025, 03:37 PM
Quote from: comrade simba on Feb 05, 2025, 07:09 PMNice to have people wanting me around. K-Dog, the same thing happened to me at Silco years ago. I just got zorched during an update... never happened before on anyone else... never happened since.
I just got zorched out of Silo on general principles.

It is my opinion that the internet is the most fantastic creator of information and intellectual thought silos ever invented by humanity. Professionally, it is hysterical to watch the effects of it play out among the professional younglings. They are smart, great ideas, they come into meetings, present their new cool idea, never once reached beyond their silo, and stand there beaming at their audience at the end just waiting for the accolades to come in from the audience.

And one person asks a single quesion, that reveals without any more questioning that is is a house of cards. Makes me laugh my ass off every time.

I characterize this issue as someone saying at the beginning of their big windup... "If we start with the assumption that 2+2=5 then what follows must be true.....".

God love all peak oilers for having taught me this one long ago, to not be surprised as I watched it evolve into the real world, and then the internet builds forums around it. A riot.
Title: - Comrade Simba
Post by: comrade simba on Feb 06, 2025, 07:03 PM
The YouTube fed Flat Earthers are the most fun. That's what we really need in the White House - the whole bunch attacking themselves (the evil government) as the problem. Oh wait... that's kinda what's happening now.