It is a strange story, the entire country held hostage to half a dozen nerds.
Elon Musk has not beeen elected to represent us. How is it that he and a gang of high school hackers with questionable reputations are permitted to access the private and personal data of our federal government Data that most government employees with high-level security clearances are unable to access because they do not have a 'need to know'?
If you are accessing sensitive data without an official reason you are breaking the law with or without a security clearance. Without a valid reason you break the law even with a security clearance. Anybody who has ever been in the military knows this. '
Need to Know' is discussed in fucking boot camp. I know, I was there.
There is something fishy about the whole story. Considering the solution to unhooking the servers costs $4.95 at any hardware store the story is very fishy.
CRS Report for Congress
Prepared for Members and Committees of Congress
Intelligence Information: Need-to-Know vs.
Need-to-Share (https://sgp.fas.org/crs/intel/R41848.pdf)
The media is playing us in some strange way I can't figure.