Politics => Trump => Musk => Topic started by: K-Dog on Dec 31, 2024, 07:30 AM
Title: Stimulus checks.
Post by: K-Dog on Dec 31, 2024, 07:30 AM
Oh yeah, I was contract at Microsoft. I was treated like shit. I worked next to H1-Bs and was treated like them.
Been there done that. At Microsoft your raw rate was at times fabulous. Trouble is contract rates are short term and laying people off four times a year to hire them back on a new project weeks later was part of the game. Commonly done to the American contract engineers. It is way to control wages. Knock you down. Punch you down. It is what some of the blue badge loved to do.
When 2008 hit weeks off became months off. The end result I was glad to leave Microsoft behind. H1-B had everything to do with it. As things are, nobody cared then. And nobody really cares now. The band plays on.
Title: Stimulus checks.
Post by: K-Dog on Feb 20, 2025, 05:04 AM
Thirty pieces of silver or a DOGE look the other way cuz we are buying your dumb ass off. Same difference.
Unfuckingbelievable, send every American the value of three average social security checks because thieves have found stolen money and want to give you a cut.
(https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fstatic.vecteezy.com%2Fsystem%2Fresources%2Fthumbnails%2F026%2F774%2F573%2Fsmall_2x%2Ftreasure-with-ai-generated-free-png.png&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=b6f09a67dd58c161165de2c7e93e1ca8d0eec04b6e707ba40e5f0bd03c518cfb&ipo=images) I always post less when I get busy with the Diner software. But this new season of Trump is a spectacle that leaves me speechless and paralyzes my fingers.
The biggest government tit sucker to ever exist looks at where all the government money goes.
The French Department Of Government Efficiency met Madame Guillotine for shenanigans not unlike those going on in America's current political theater today. A circus of demolition tours America. It features a ringmaster selected by the divine right of Kings, though a similar situation happened in ancient Rome after Julianus ascended the throne upon buying it from the Praetorian Guard. Julianus immediately reversed monetary reforms and devalued Roman currency. If Julianus were alive today, Julianus would have accomplished his theft by establishing a Crypto Reserve and issuing a mime-coin.
Today with a silicon chip replacing his heart, Musk a heartless silicon-souled Jacobin leads his troupe of digital sans-culottes, to smash the state workings that made his fortune. To steal state silverware to fund Mars colonies, a new Committee For Public Safety now terrorizes America. * Social Stupidity (http://www.onthewing.org/user/Bonhoeffer%20-%20Theory%20of%20Stupidity.pdf) lets it all happen.
Mars colonies --- far too many people think this is a noble cause.
* Upon closer observation, it becomes apparent that every strong upsurge of power in the public sphere, be it of a political or of a religious nature, infects a large part of humankind with stupidity.
A stupid person is a person who causes losses to another person, or to a group of persons, while deriving no gain for himself, and possibly incurring losses.
America has the stupids.
Title: Tesla Collapse Of The Ages: Growing Credibility Issues Can No Longer Be Ignored
Post by: RE on Mar 08, 2025, 05:39 AM
Exploding rockets and swastikas painted on Teslas is at least putting few cracks in the Musk Mythology. Not like he'll ever be homeless and living in a tent under an overpass in Silicon Valley, but it's sure fun watching the investors run for the hills. :) Hopefully Tesla will go the way of the Delorean and Elon will file Chapter 11 by the time Trump's term is finished.
Title: An icon of cultural stupidity who created the WRONG kind of electric car.
Post by: K-Dog on Mar 08, 2025, 06:02 AM
In your link:
QuoteWhat Musk has accomplished thus far is indeed incredibly impressive.
I'll disagree. Capitalism destroys competition via overproduction, and when the rate of profit drops from of this overproduction enough, a thing happens called a RECESSION. The wheels of industry are seized up, and productive capacity erodes. Then when productive capacity is degraded enough by the prolonged suffering, profitability becomes restored and a boom cycle results.
A shithead like Musk who receives government welfare to build his industries and who then faces no competition from competitors is not a genius. In Musk's situation an idiot could succeed. And did.
Musk is a parasite.
The Powell Memo (https://www.thwink.org/sustain/articles/017_PowellMemo/index.htmhttps://www.thwink.org/sustain/articles/017_PowellMemo/index.htm) has been hard at work. The wheels of industry are very good at protecting idiots.
* My little town, how happy we were to put Mom and Pop out of Bizness paying no sales tax when we bought our books from Bozos. Remember that, we were happy selling our souls for years. Mom and Pop always had to pay shipping. Bozos did not even have to pay benefits or a living wage. And everyone was fine with it or too busy to notice the disparity.
Title: - Stimulus checks.
Post by: TDoS on Mar 08, 2025, 09:44 AM
Quote from: K-Dog on Mar 08, 2025, 06:02 AMA shithead like Musk who receives government welfare to build his industries and who then faces no competition from competitors is not a genius. In Musk's situation an idiot could succeed. And did.
So..do you know how much government welfare Musk received for his creation of the company that was sold to form PayPal and netted him $1.5 BILLION, thereby establishing him as someone deserving of his mail box money no different than you.
Or are you referring to later on...AFTER he obviously put himself in a different class of accomplishment and got noticed?
Maybe any of us, creative enough to make our first BILLION before the age of 32, could have done what he ended up doing, regardless of who helped him at the size and scale he leveraged his capabilities to later?
We all have worked for what we have K-Dog. You, me, Elon. Even RE. All in different ways I imagine, the results being mailbox money or accolades or happiness, hedonism or building a solid family in a world not necessarily making that as easy as it once was.
Life is funny, the way it turns out. So Elon got lucky, is smart, had advantages many of us didn't, and turned it into something other than what we did? Shit, I don't care about how he got his mailbox money any more than how you got yours. Just oozes negative vibes, wasted emotion and energy, hell it's going to be 60F tomorrow and I've got money in the bank and a motorcycle to ride and 2 publications in review and who gives a shit about what others have? I'm living my life, worrying or thinking about others is just...wasted energy. I'm old...I have less energy than I did when I was younger. Less energy to waste over trival shit.
Elon is a egotistical oligarch prick. <yawn> Enough thinking about him....I've got to find my helmet, hopefully you other geezers are having a good weekend doing what interests you and just letting negative energy roll off your backs.
Title: - Stimulus checks.
Post by: K-Dog on Mar 08, 2025, 02:35 PM
Quote from: K-Dog on Mar 08, 2025, 06:02 AMA shithead like Musk who receives government welfare to build his industries and who then faces no competition from competitors is not a genius. In Musk's situation an idiot could succeed. And did.
So..do you know how much government welfare Musk received for his creation of the company that was sold to form PayPal and netted him $1.5 BILLION, thereby establishing him as someone deserving of his mail box money no different than you.
Or are you referring to later on...AFTER he obviously put himself in a different class of accomplishment and got noticed?
Maybe any of us, creative enough to make our first BILLION before the age of 32, could have done what he ended up doing, regardless of who helped him at the size and scale he leveraged his capabilities to later?
We all have worked for what we have K-Dog. You, me, Elon. Even RE. All in different ways I imagine, the results being mailbox money or accolades or happiness, hedonism or building a solid family in a world not necessarily making that as easy as it once was.
Life is funny, the way it turns out. So Elon got lucky, is smart, had advantages many of us didn't, and turned it into something other than what we did? Shit, I don't care about how he got his mailbox money any more than how you got yours. Just oozes negative vibes, wasted emotion and energy, hell it's going to be 60F tomorrow and I've got money in the bank and a motorcycle to ride and 2 publications in review and who gives a shit about what others have? I'm living my life, worrying or thinking about others is just...wasted energy. I'm old...I have less energy than I did when I was younger. Less energy to waste over trival shit.
Elon is a egotistical oligarch prick. <yawn> Enough thinking about him....I've got to find my helmet, hopefully you other geezers are having a good weekend doing what interests you and just letting negative energy roll off your backs.
All money is the same to TDOS. Stolen money, and that earned by the fruits of labor are the same to him. But if he disagrees, I do not have to hear it for a week. I have had enough of his insulting shit. Enjoy your week off TDOS. I should altogether ban your ass permanently. You should start your own website. White racist cracker who worships the divine rite of kings. That would be an appropriate title for you. You can rant about how privilege is the natural order of the universe, and how you deserve to be one of the privileged few. One of the bullies. One of those who think they can tell others what to do just because they can, sans any rational and compassionate considerations other than that which satisfies their ego. Sans any consideration beyond their personal horizon.
There are about 2000 working hours in a year and in a fifty year working career that works out to 100,000 hours. At thirty dollars an hour that works out to three million dollars. The maximum that someone could actually earn by working. And considering that we can't save everything, having close to that is impossible through honest labor.
Elon has not earned shit, he has created nothing of value. Teslas are the wrong kind of car, and Mars colonization should not even be on the agenda. Not in this century, there is too much real work to do.
Musk has shown himself to be a heartless bastard with an emotional I.Q. of zero. Nothing more than a bull in a china shop money chaser.
* Musk became CEO of the combined company but was pushed out in late 2000 while on vacation. Peter Thiel replaced him. Musk benefited massively from PayPal's success, but he had little to do with it. He was just in the right place, took early risks, and held onto his shares despite being ousted from the company. Kicked out of the company he went along for the ride as PayPal' grew, he let other people make him $175 million when it was sold.
In America this is confused with earning the money yourself. It is a common mental illness. And from this derangement all money is seen as deserved.
Title: - Stimulus checks.
Post by: TDoS on Mar 15, 2025, 05:15 PM
Quote from: K-Dog on Mar 08, 2025, 02:35 PMI have had enough of his insulting shit. Enjoy your week off TDOS. I should altogether ban your ass permanently. You should start your own website.
Goodness...why? What use would a website be to me?
Quote from: K-DogWhite racist cracker who worships the divine rite of kings.
How rude! Sure...I was born into a crackerhood, but where do you get racist? I always thought I was an indiscriminate fact checking subject matter expert ex-hilljack and NONE of that ever involves race or gender or age or DEI category, etc etc.
Quote from: K-DogYou can rant about how privilege is the natural order of the universe, and how you deserve to be one of the privileged few.
Don't recall ever ranting about privilege, don't ever recall mentioning how little of that I ever was born with or grew along the way, (and according to the new forum rules I signed after my most recent comeback) can you quote me please where I said that it is the natural order of the universe?
And much like your sensitivity, I don't DESERVE what I have, like you I EARNED it. You, me and RE, we earned our current place in the world, working men all.
Quote from: K-DogElon has not earned shit, he has created nothing of value.
Would you care to define "value" as you see it? Because that isn't the same word as "work" which you defined roughly as "$30/hour for XX decades".
How does a 401k fit into your world of "work"? It isn't obvious, but aren't market investments, including purchasing real estate, fair game for everyone, including the $30/hr working man?
Title: - Stimulus checks.
Post by: RE on Mar 15, 2025, 06:39 PM
Quote from: TDoS on Mar 15, 2025, 05:15 PMDon't recall ever ranting about privilege, don't ever recall mentioning how little of that I ever was born with or grew along the way
You must have forgot to take your Alzheimer's meds. Every time you talk about my fictional silver spoon you regale us with your poverty filled childhood.
Far as the utility of your own website goes, no cooler there. Off you go.
Title: - Stimulus checks.
Post by: K-Dog on Mar 15, 2025, 07:52 PM
Quote from: TDoS on Mar 15, 2025, 05:15 PMDon't recall ever ranting about privilege, don't ever recall mentioning how little of that I ever was born with or grew along the way
You must have forgot to take your Alzheimer's meds. Every time you talk about my fictional silver spoon you regale us with your poverty filled childhood.
Far as the utility of your own website goes, no cooler there. Off you go.
And my silver spoon means I can pay for my coffee and croissant on the way to work in only twenty minutes after I get there. But that does not stop him from bringing up the expensive carz he alleges I have.
If you did not have that this would do:
QuoteHow does a 401k fit into your world of "work"? It isn't obvious, but aren't market investments, including purchasing real estate, fair game for everyone, including the $30/hr working man?
Being critical of normal behavior would have done. Reactionaries are always trying to confuse obvious issues. Here the reactionary is exceptionally diabolical. Social security should be strong enough to make 401Ks a relic, it is an inferior retirement instrument in an enlightened socialist society. But there is a mental trick to flip the tables at play. Their failure as reactionaries to make the distinction between personal and private property is their stock and trade. Trying to always put the words 'all owning property bad' in our mouths. That is why he brings it up. The hope is that I get pissed off and go off on a rant. Portray myself as irrational. Instead of:
Part of a strong social program should be allowing elective deductions with a 5% rate backed by the government. Mention of real-estate and such you also mentioned to confuse the issue. A working man MUST (it is a fucking right) be able to preserve some of his/hers own dead labor in an investment. Key being his/her/it's OWN dead labor, that would earn a government backed 5% should I be king. Society rewarding responsible behavior. I'm down with it.
* As I toil at my McJob with the brainpower to have figured out profit sharing could double my wage in a heartbeat, I recall that I work at the end of a third world supply chain where the number of people getting screwed are countless. I might actually be getting a fair shake if it were all balanced out. I might be the mathematical anomaly. Doin ok with a reasonable chance of passing through the eye of the needle.
Title: - Stimulus checks.
Post by: RE on Mar 16, 2025, 02:12 AM
Quote from: TDoS on Mar 15, 2025, 05:15 PMHow does a 401k fit into your world of "work"? It isn't obvious, but aren't market investments, including purchasing real estate, fair game for everyone, including the $30/hr working man?
No. At $30/hr there isn't enough surplus income to effectively invest in RE or the SM. It translates to $50K/yr, which is below the median household income. If you are a frugal person you can just about live on the median income and save a little for emergencies and medical bills.
15 years ago when I left the working world I was making $40K, the median income at the time. I am very frugal and was able to save around $3K/yr. If you extrapolate over 30 years of saving $300/mo invested with an average ROI of 7%/yr. That gives you $500K in assets. Retire, 7% gets you a retirement income of $35K. You might just squeak by with this if you never have a big medical bill or floods, fire, tornado and your kid didn't need braces or need some help with college tuition. This also assumes a very good average ROI. You don't get 7% on T-bills or CDs, you need some riskier investments in your poortfolio to get there.
Realistically these days, you need to be making 6 figures before you have enough surplus to do investing. Frankly it takes 6 figures just to afford that 1 big investment, your McMansion. Plus the first 5 years you're not saving for retirement, you're saving for the down payment. My general rule is that whatever the median income is, you need to make about double that to join the Investor Class.
Social Security is a means to insure the society as much as the individual. Prior to the invention of such systems by Otto von Bismark, the cities were full of beggars who either died or got stuffed into debtors prisons. Younger people could work faster at lower wages, so by the time they hit 60 with no job security they were on the street. It's not an investment system to make people rich, it's society's insurance against having impoverished old people begging on the street. That's currently all it does, for a comfortable retirement you need ADDITIONAL sources of income like Pensions & 401Ks. You have to be a pretty high earner through most of your life to achieve that.
Title: - Stimulus checks.
Post by: Goldernen Oxernen on Mar 16, 2025, 03:05 AM
Quote from: TDoS on Mar 15, 2025, 05:15 PMHow does a 401k fit into your world of "work"? It isn't obvious, but aren't market investments, including purchasing real estate, fair game for everyone, including the $30/hr working man?
No. At $30/hr there isn't enough surplus income to effectively invest in RE or the SM. It translates to $50K/yr, which is below the median household income. If you are a frugal person you can just about live on the median income and save a little for emergencies and medical bills.
15 years ago when I left the working world I was making $40K, the median income at the time. I am very frugal and was able to save around $3K/yr. If you extrapolate over 30 years of saving $300/mo invested with an average ROI of 7%/yr. That gives you $500K in assets. Retire, 7% gets you a retirement income of $35K. You might just squeak by with this if you never have a big medical bill or floods, fire, tornado and your kid didn't need braces or need some help with college tuition. This also assumes a very good average ROI. You don't get 7% on T-bills or CDs, you need some riskier investments in your poortfolio to get there.
Realistically these days, you need to be making 6 figures before you have enough surplus to do investing. Frankly it takes 6 figures just to afford that 1 big investment, your McMansion. Plus the first 5 years you're not saving for retirement, you're saving for the down payment. My general rule is that whatever the median income is, you need to make about double that to join the Investor Class.
Social Security is a means to insure the society as much as the individual. Prior to the invention of such systems by Otto von Bismark, the cities were full of beggars who either died or got stuffed into debtors prisons. Younger people could work faster at lower wages, so by the time they hit 60 with no job security they were on the street. It's not an investment system to make people rich, it's society's insurance against having impoverished old people begging on the street. That's currently all it does, for a comfortable retirement you need ADDITIONAL sources of income like Pensions & 401Ks. You have to be a pretty high earner through most of your life to achieve that.
Bitcoin was 70$ when my alterego told us it was the future. investing 400$ then would be a million now. never too late..
Im not 100% sure, but i think Elon may have been born a ♀️ woman. Those people are connected to the super wealthy to begin with. Family backgrounds are just cover stories.
Title: - Stimulus checks.
Post by: RE on Mar 16, 2025, 06:54 AM
Sure. And if you invested in Amazon with Nick Hanauer you would be a Billionaire. Or Google in 1996. etc etc etc.
QuoteIm not 100% sure, but i think Elon may have been born a ♀️ woman. Those people are connected to the super wealthy to begin with. Family backgrounds are just cover stories.
Doubt he was born as a woman. He has 13 kids. Trannies are sterile.
Billionaires generally come from upper class families who got start up capital from dad like Bill Gates, Elon and Trump. That + good connections gets you in the door with Investment bankers who set up IPOs.
Title: - Stimulus checks.
Post by: monsta666 on Mar 17, 2025, 01:20 PM
I can say with confidence if your parents are rich enough then you don't need to work nearly as hard. In my line of work I see many of the rich simply live off the proceeds from their investment funds which was setup by their parents.
The piglets can start their projects using funds from the family wealth but whether it succeeds or not is immaterial. They are set for life. That extra cushion also allows the piglet to take bigger risks so if they do strike gold they can really make it big. Got to remember there is a cottage industry now in managing the family portfolio of the uber wealthy. Banks make ham by luring the pigs into their books. It really is that easy for the very rich.
People just don't want to admit it and would prefer to think your level of wealth is reflective of your moral character. That is a load of bollocks.
Title: - Stimulus checks.
Post by: K-Dog on Mar 17, 2025, 02:01 PM
QuotePeople just don't want to admit it and would prefer to think your level of wealth is reflective of your moral character.
They easily justify their excess. It begins with imagining that, and being told that, things are fair. There were excesses in the past doncha-know, but we are civilized now.
Who wants to look at the man in the mirror. That is a challenge few choose to take. Delusions are comfortable. We are all special flowers.
Title: - Stimulus checks.
Post by: Goldernen Oxernen on Mar 18, 2025, 06:57 PM
Quote from: monsta666 on Mar 17, 2025, 01:20 PMI can say with confidence if your parents are rich enough then you don't need to work nearly as hard. In my line of work I see many of the rich simply live off the proceeds from their investment funds which was setup by their parents.
The piglets can start their projects using funds from the family wealth but whether it succeeds or not is immaterial. They are set for life. That extra cushion also allows the piglet to take bigger risks so if they do strike gold they can really make it big. Got to remember there is a cottage industry now in managing the family portfolio of the uber wealthy. Banks make ham by luring the pigs into their books. It really is that easy for the very rich.
People just don't want to admit it and would prefer to think your level of wealth is reflective of your moral character. That is a load of bollocks.
Maybe 'moral character' should subsume Intelligence, political beliefs, religious beliefs and other personality traits. Those are not linnear relationships though.
The trust or fund managers you speak of managing money of an idle heiress would be useful in countering the chinese belief in one generation building a fortune and the next squandering it. Maybe its the third generation, I forget. It was explained to me by my chinese flatmate. A foreign student with wealthy parents who had indeed built up wealth from scratch. He had a nice car for a student and I would hear him arguing with his mother on the phone in chinese, for more money. no free face to face over internet then, those 'trunk' calls going half an hour were 4$ a minute. Interstate calling was 2$/minute. For perspective, rent in the 2 bedroom apartment was 70$/week. He would gamble on soccer matches and other chinese guys in the complex would get him further and further into debt. When I said he should just stop and pay them off week by week, his answer was this chinese generation of building it and generation of blowing it.
There are still a lot of off the boat immigrants who both send money home and save and invest, then end up with a Mercedes and mansion. They have community and rely on it for crowded accommodation, not one person per apartment in the initial building stage. Then they hit their kids in the head with a text book if they get an A for average.
I asked one young guy under 25 if he knew much about buying crypto and he said no idea. Not coincidental hes spent thousands on tatoos, is Anglo and buys his lunch at shops.
Its definitely getting harder by the month now with runaway inflation to save anything, let alone sleepwalk into the American Dream, but there is a hell of a lot many people could do to have more later and less right now.
Everyone paying 15-20$ a week gym memberships to walk on a treadmill or lift light weights can walk on the ground or do pushups, chinups and situps. buy or borrow weights if you want to be hulk. People with new cars every 3 years can keep them going 30 years and invest the money saved on car payments. Look at all the nail salons, where the skinny asian asses doing the gluing and painting are going to end up ahead of the fat asses sitting across from them.
Title: - Stimulus checks.
Post by: TDoS on Mar 18, 2025, 07:21 PM
Quote from: REEvery time you talk about my fictional silver spoon you regale us with your poverty filled childhood.
So let me get this right...you paid for passage or airline flights, and then hotels/hostels and food while traipsing to Europe, Brazil, Australia, from your paper route and doing everything you could with odd jobs where all the money was going to helping your mother make it in the Big Shitty?
That is beyond frugality it seems like, more like childhood saint.
Title: - Stimulus checks.
Post by: TDoS on Mar 18, 2025, 07:34 PM
Quote from: K-Dog on Mar 15, 2025, 07:52 PMAnd my silver spoon means I can pay for my coffee and croissant on the way to work in only twenty minutes after I get there. But that does not stop him from bringing up the expensive carz he alleges I have.
I don't recall claiming they were expensive, but I did imply along the way that to folks of our advancing years, the Mercedes you say you buy for household members were once status symbols, meant to imply wealth and success to those who need to advertise their...socio-economic status.
What's funny is nowadays German taxicabs aren't the hot cool thing, Lexus bumped them out of that catgory some time ago, and it's just us old farts who remember the Benz as status symbols days.
Your mentioning of your cars, and a pic! I sure didn't make it up.
Quote from: K-DogI still have the car and it is actually reliable. Cruising around Washington State in it is fine. There are thousands of Mercedes here. Montana is a different story. If something goes wrong with it in the middle of nowhere you are screwed. At the time there was only one Mercedes dealership in Montana and it turned out to be the end of a strip mall with one car on display and something about as big as a Jiffy Lube to work on customer cars. It would have taken weeks to get it fixed in Montana before I could get it home.
This one is a 2008 mine is a 2007. Mrs. Dog has a 2008. They are both black.
Sorry the pic didn't carry over. But it was a Benz. But I never claimed old cars were expensive, even old Benz, and it makes sense considering the luck you've had trying to cross country with them.
I recommend 'MURIKAN!!! Plus it has a tow hitch, and doesn't break down between either the Atlantic or Pacific. Yet anyway.
Sure. And if you invested in Amazon with Nick Hanauer you would be a Billionaire. Or Google in 1996. etc etc etc.
QuoteIm not 100% sure, but i think Elon may have been born a ♀️ woman. Those people are connected to the super wealthy to begin with. Family backgrounds are just cover stories.
Doubt he was born as a woman. He has 13 kids. Trannies are sterile.
Billionaires generally come from upper class families who got start up capital from dad like Bill Gates, Elon and Trump. That + good connections gets you in the door with Investment bankers who set up IPOs.
Did Nick Hanouer put out the tip before or after though..
A woman can have 13 childerns. With the billionaire bucks you mentioned for genetic engineering and us not privy to the method of fertilization, even a woman with a prosthetic penis who has taken testosterone from before puberty.
I want to attach a foto but don't see any attach button?
Title: - Stimulus checks.
Post by: TDoS on Mar 18, 2025, 07:50 PM
Quote from: RE on Mar 16, 2025, 02:12 AMMy general rule is that whatever the median income is, you need to make about double that to join the Investor Class. RE
Does that rule apply even in the modern 401k world? I mean, I know it doesn't apply universally but we aren't allowed to talk about...you know....IRL experience or family....but what the ODDS your rule applies within the context of modern 401k rules? 95/5? 50/50?
Title: - Stimulus checks.
Post by: Goldernen Oxernen on Mar 18, 2025, 08:00 PM
I have no idea what the odds are of having a 401K if your salary is $30/hr. However, these are passive investment strategies which generally yield around 6-7% in a "balanced" portfolio. How much you can actually accumulate over your working years depends very much on the vicissitudes of life, when emergencies come up people dip into the 401K. If you're fortunate, you'll finish with a couple $1000/mo supplement to your SS check and have a more comfortable than average retirement. It's not a substitute for SS, it's a supplement.
Title: - Stimulus checks.
Post by: K-Dog on Mar 19, 2025, 04:38 AM
QuoteMy general rule is that whatever the median income is, you need to make about double that to join the Investor Class. RE
DOGE staffers are making bank as they wage war on the federal government, often from the same agencies they're cutting.
Jeremy Lewin, a DOGE staffer assigned to the General Services Administration who helped lead attacks on the U.S. Agency for International Development, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, and the National Institutes of Health, is pulling in $167,000 per year. Kyle Schutt, a software engineer at the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, is making a salary of $195,200, the maximum annual salary that a "General Schedule" federal employee can make, including bonuses. And Nate Cavanaugh, 28, whose work for DOGE comprises interviewing GSA employees, makes over $120,500 per year. That's close to what the average GSA employee, who typically has been with the agency for 13 years, earns per year at $128,565.
X = ($167,000 + $195,200 + $120,500 + $128,565.) / 4 X = $152,816
The median annual salary for U.S. workers in 2023 was approximately $48,060.
Y = $152.816 / $48.060 Y = 3.17
These DOGE staffers are making 3.17 times the U.S. median salary. Musk is helping America invest!
Why these dudes still suck air I do not understand.
Title: - Stimulus checks.
Post by: TDoS on Mar 19, 2025, 07:25 AM
A Nissan Leaf currently. And prior to that a gas/electric Ford. Sold that one last year after 180k miles.
I love my Lincoln. Had it about 3 years now, salvage title bought out of a police auction not running, leaking radiator, needed brakes, oil and radiator fluid in the spark plug holes, blown out rear air suspension, police tape everywhere including holding the doors closed (prior owner was carjacked and it sat in impound for a year waiting for the trial). Wife demanded I give it back the day I brought it home.
1000 mile day destruction testing early required a new intake manifold leading to an air leak into the intake system leaning out the mixture (old one was plastic, and destruction testing did its job) and blew out the front left bank cat while 700 miles from home. Drove it home...it ain't a digital car that shuts you down when your tire pressures are low. So total cost of repairs to get it into current globe trotting condition was about $2500, $1500 for the new cats and $1000 for the intake manifold. Wife demanded I not fix it, and give the money to support local homeless shelters instead.
Stone axe reliable, more than I remember now 1000 mile days at 80 mph at 24 mpg, secondary road driving at 50-60 is 28 mpg, uses a qt of oil every 1500-2000 miles, 45k miles on it in 3 years, North American capable with nothing more than an oil change, and ready to tow 2 wheelers to the mountains at an instants notice. Designed and built back in the day when MURIKA! meant something. Good ol' fashion analog car for an old fart analog guy. Wife hates it anyway and demanded I sell it, for fear it would make neighbors think poorly of us, for bringing down property values having such a POS parked outside.
Oh....and the Level 2 charger gets installed in the garage on Friday for the Leaf. Wife has decided she is tired of trickle charging it, wants it full of electrons, wants it now. We both love the EV, and with the new charger install we get electricity for it at $0.03/ kwH between 9PM and 6AM. $0.72/full tank of electrons, 70 useable miles of range. 4/100's of a PENNY per mile of driving. Try that in a dinosaur juice powered ICE machine.
The wife has given up. She has decided to tell the neighbors I collect classic cars in the hopes they are fooled, and just apologizes for the POS's in our driveway.
Title: - Stimulus checks.
Post by: TDoS on Mar 19, 2025, 07:47 AM
$61,984 according to Bureau of Labor Statistics, Jan 22, 2025 release here. (https://www.bls.gov/news.release/pdf/wkyeng.pdf)
Still, do we have any correction factor for the median education or experience level in the US compared to the median DOGE folks?
How much more does the market value a PhD in data analytics with 2 years experience versus a carpenter with 20?
I don't have a clue on that economically perceived "value" difference.
Title: - Stimulus checks.
Post by: RE on Mar 19, 2025, 09:10 AM
Median weekly income for wage earners in 2024 was between $1100-1300 for 2024 according to that report, depending if you were male or female. So annually, it's more like $53K.
Title: - Stimulus checks.
Post by: K-Dog on Mar 19, 2025, 03:01 PM
QuoteHow much more does the market value a PhD in data analytics with 2 years experience versus a carpenter with 20?
Who gives two fucks what a PhD in data analytics with 2 years experience is worth? That has nothing to do with anything here. Nobody on the DOGE team has those qualifications, so what is your point?
You imply the DOGE team is earning it's money by claiming their bank robbery has socially necessary value? What other point could you have.
If you are justifying DOGE, kindly put yourself in the cooler so RE and I do not have to. Give yourself three days for being a pointless contrarian.
This is not a situation where socially necessary labor has any relevance at all.
* Median net compensation in 2023 was $43,222.81 K Average net compensation was $63,932.64 K. Source (https://www.ssa.gov/OACT/COLA/central.html)
For someone who claims expertise in stochastics you should have known better. I assume you did.
Title: - Stimulus checks.
Post by: Goldernen Oxernen on Mar 19, 2025, 04:23 PM
After Nixon's Watergate and Clinton's Monicagate, I might call Trump's scandal Elongate.
Title: - Stimulus checks.
Post by: Goldernen Oxernen on Mar 19, 2025, 05:00 PM
Quote from: TDoS on Mar 19, 2025, 07:25 AMThe wife has given up. She has decided to tell the neighbors I collect classic cars in the hopes they are fooled, and just apologizes for the POS's in our driveway.
Nice project, nothing quite like a luxobarge and my 77 Chrysler will see the road again. Mitsubishi 4x4 pickup is now a high mile hero on 460k km and when it gets to half million I will put it aside but keep it registered. I said way back when I bought it the next new car i get will be Electric. Cant justify an EV conversion on a 69 Datsun coupe I have as primary transport, because of crash safety for family and no real cargo space. BYD Seal with 580km range for about 45k look good
Title: - Stimulus checks.
Post by: K-Dog on Mar 19, 2025, 05:12 PM
After Nixon's Watergate and Clinton's Monicagate, I might call Trump's scandal Elongate.
This is in a different class than cum on the carpet or breaking into a building. This is treason. Watergate did not cause social collapse, and Monicagate did not make millions unemployed, and then trigger a recession as the cherry topped whipped cream of a pie slice of shit.
Spinning what is going on now by comparing to with what Nixon or Clinton did makes it seem like what is going on now is of no great consequence. This is something a propagandist might do deliberately, or an average guy might do until it is pointed out to them, and they see the error of their ways.
Do you really see destroying government agencies without authority, and placing millions of people on the unemployment line to be the same as a blow job in a sacred room.
Watergate and Monicagate caused nothing like this.
Mental illness is at work, no argument there!
Title: - Stimulus checks.
Post by: TDoS on Mar 19, 2025, 05:30 PM
Who gives two fucks what a PhD in data analytics with 2 years experience is worth?
It is a thought experiment. In a world where someone can uphold the value of a working man, isn't it resonable to ask who MIGHT be such a creature? Level of education and lack of experience with lack of advanced education and decades of experience?
I'm not sure I know the answer myself, but the MARKET certainly gives two fucks, even if you don't. It is just a curiouity to me, the entire "working man ethos" and whether or not it can apply to both of these folks?
Quote from: K-DogThat has nothing to do with anything here. Nobody on the DOGE team has those qualifications, so what is your point?
Generally speaking, the DOGE goons looked to be technical oriented types, versus the standard run of the mill "working man".....unless of course a working man CAN be a PhD in data analytics with minor experience versus a more traditionally defined "working man", in the sense of Aaron Tippin's song.
Quote from: K-DogYou imply the DOGE team is earning it's money by claiming their bank robbery has socially necessary value? What other point could you have.
I didn't use the word "DOGE". The topic simply generated a thought experiment as to what IS working man? I picked a specific NON-DOGE example, setting it up as just a high education level with minor experience, versus someone more a high school education but decades of tradecraft experience.
No DOGE involvement anywhere.
Quote from: K-DogFor someone who claims expertise in stochastics you should have known better.
I provided my reference to the median wages and I'll stick with it. Not sure the ability to link to current wage informtion on current median wages has anything to do with stochastic modeling though.
Title: - Stimulus checks.
Post by: TDoS on Mar 19, 2025, 05:33 PM
Quote from: RE on Mar 19, 2025, 09:10 AMMedian weekly income for wage earners in 2024 was between $1100-1300 for 2024 according to that report, depending if you were male or female. So annually, it's more like $53K.
My link, dated January 22-2025, in the first sentence, said $1192 a week. X 52 equalled $61,984. Did a miss a different more nuanced number deeper in the reference that had a lower number?
Title: - Stimulus checks.
Post by: K-Dog on Mar 19, 2025, 05:46 PM
Quote from: RE on Mar 19, 2025, 09:10 AMMedian weekly income for wage earners in 2024 was between $1100-1300 for 2024 according to that report, depending if you were male or female. So annually, it's more like $53K.
My link, dated January 22-2025, in the first sentence, said $1192 a week. X 52 equalled $61,984. Did a miss a different more nuanced number deeper in the reference that had a lower number?
You can stick with it after you admit you switched in data for 2024 and the subject is 2023 data. My 2023 data is still there. 2023 data. (https://www.ssa.gov/OACT/COLA/central.html)
Title: - Stimulus checks.
Post by: TDoS on Mar 19, 2025, 05:47 PM
Quote from: TDoS on Mar 19, 2025, 07:25 AMThe wife has given up. She has decided to tell the neighbors I collect classic cars in the hopes they are fooled, and just apologizes for the POS's in our driveway.
Nice project, nothing quite like a luxobarge and my 77 Chrysler will see the road again. Mitsubishi 4x4 pickup is now a high mile hero on 460k km and when it gets to half million I will put it aside but keep it registered.
I had an old boss, owner of the company, he drove one of those regular cab 2X4 Mitsubushi pickups until the body dissolved and he couldn't find little parts like alternators and stuff. Indestuctible. My mom bought a Dodge Colt (a renamed Mitsubushi) back in the 70's somewhere. She did the same thing with it, when done it sat in the backyard and rusted. After 5 years in the yard she sold it to a guy who wanted the motor and tranny, dropped it into a handbuilt oversized go-cart chassis and drove it for another decade like an off road dune buggy thing. Indestructible.
Quote from: Goldernen OxernenI said way back when I bought it the next new car i get will be Electric. Cant justify an EV conversion on a 69 Datsun coupe I have as primary transport, because of crash safety for family and no real cargo space. BYD Seal with 580km range for about 45k look good
The wife is demanding a new electric once the anti-EV maga movement causes auto manufacturers to want to offload them for a song while they can. Friday the new Level 2 charger goes in, dedicated circuit of 220V and 50AMP wiring, probably can't get 12 kWh rates but current car can't take plus 6 anyway. Who cares, $0.03/kwh....let ICE owners allow liquid fuels to steal all their lunch money....
Title: - Stimulus checks.
Post by: TDoS on Mar 19, 2025, 05:53 PM
Quote from: TDoS on Mar 19, 2025, 05:33 PMMy link, dated January 22-2025, in the first sentence, said $1192 a week. X 52 equalled $61,984. Did a miss a different more nuanced number deeper in the reference that had a lower number?
You can stick with it after you admit you switched in data for 2024 and the subject is 2023 data. My 2023 data is still there. 2023 data. (https://www.ssa.gov/OACT/COLA/central.html)
I didn't dispute your source at all. Or its number. I just provided an updated number is all. Looks like folks have been making more recently (2024) in the new high inflation world. Probably not a surprise, over all.
A better way of doing this might be like an inflation adjusted series, going back to "the good ol' days", of both median wages and costs of stuff, cars, houses, college. That would be the big eye opener, comparing today to "the good ol' days". If the point is excentuating how the salary/value/cost of living has changed, someone has done that and it is probably a great data series.
Title: - Stimulus checks.
Post by: K-Dog on Mar 19, 2025, 05:59 PM
Your data works out to a thirty dollar an hour median wage. Something is rotten, and this is not Denmark. Last year the median wage was only a bit over 25 an hour.
Who would want to make things look better than they really are? Do we have any suspects?
Quote"Everyone will prosper. Every family will thrive. And every day will be filled with joy, and opportunity and hope."
The first step in selling this snake oil is to make everyone think they are being left behind, and the Trump machine now runs this asset:
https://www.bls.gov/ Nothing from official sources can be believed now. Not that official sources were trustworthy before. But now the situation is clarified. The sheep will of course take the official word as god given. Trump never liked the press. Now he owns it.
A median wage of 30 an hour at this time if bullshit. Next year if we have Argentinian inflation the median wage could be a lot higher. So far we have not had enough inflation to justify the reality of such an increase.
Average is believable, but not median. Somebody did a switcheroo. Or there is cherry picking. Serious cherry picking.
Title: - Stimulus checks.
Post by: K-Dog on Mar 19, 2025, 06:26 PM
Here is what the BLS might have reported six months ago. Before the most dishonest man in America took it over.
Real hourly wage (2024$) (https://data.epi.org/wages/hourly_wage_percentiles/line/year/national/real_wage_2024/wage_percentile?timeStart=1973-01-01&timeEnd=2024-01-01&dateString=2024-01-01&highlightedLines=wage_p10&highlightedLines=wage_p50&highlightedLines=wage_p90&focuses=)
A very nifty graph. With a median value of $24.75. My $25 was close, but a bit high. Close because I know what the fuck I am talking about.
62K a year puts you in the 90th percentile.
Title: - Stimulus checks.
Post by: RE on Mar 19, 2025, 07:09 PM
Quote from: K-Dog on Mar 19, 2025, 05:59 PMA median wage of 30 an hour at this time if bullshit. Next year if we have Argentinian inflation the median wage could be a lot higher. So far we have not had enough inflation to justify the reality of such an increase.
Average is believable, but not median. Somebody did a switcheroo. Or there is cherry picking. Serious cherry picking.
Due to inflation, the median income is rising, and precisely where it falls doesn't tell us much. You get a better sense of the problem looking at the distribution chart. Most recent I found is from 2023.
The median gets skewed upwards because that last bar actually rises 4X as high as as the next highest bar. This disparity has been steadily increasing since the 70s. You can see the change from this comparative chart.
Using my rule of thumb, practically speaking people in the Investor Class with stock portfolios come from the blue and purple bars in the first chart. For people in the green area, thheir main asset wealth is in real state, the McMansion they live in. Yellow and beige people struggle to meet their bills and have no savings. Mostly renters.
Title: - Stimulus checks.
Post by: Goldernen Oxernen on Mar 19, 2025, 07:15 PM
Tough audience.. 'elongate' means to stretch out to form a shape of extended parallelogram
Ill come clean.. sorry couldn't resist that. I don't know anything about DOGE other than these 3 things:
1 what the acronym stands for
2 federal workers were asked to name 5 tasks
3 they claim to have found people over 120 yrs old drawing a salary
As I see it, federal govt workers would have a lot of benefits and entitlements accrued, with big packages to be paid out. That is going to be part of each depts budget, which they definitely don't have on hand. The Superannuation funds which will almost certainly be a fed govt one most choose with lower fees than other funds would also go under if they have to pay out too many ppl
Title: - Stimulus checks.
Post by: Goldernen Oxernen on Mar 19, 2025, 07:33 PM
i also need help to post a foto, to make my case i am not a crackpot and elon may be a literal woman
Title: - Stimulus checks.
Post by: K-Dog on Mar 19, 2025, 09:01 PM
Mrs. Dog got wind of it and is looking for info. Seems the baby mamas all had to be artificially inseminated and are sworn to secrecy. If they squeal they loose the money. So not a full woman exactly, but something that needs the help of modern medicine to propagate its superior genes. Perhaps it lays eggs?
All photos are links, Perhaps Instagram could host your photos?
Title: - Stimulus checks.
Post by: RE on Mar 20, 2025, 05:40 AM
That would explain the twins and triplets. Use of fertility drugs increases the likelihood of multiple births.
Title: - Stimulus checks.
Post by: TDoS on Mar 20, 2025, 06:44 PM
Quote from: K-Dog on Mar 19, 2025, 05:59 PMThe first step in selling this snake oil is to make everyone think they are being left behind, and the Trump machine now runs this asset:
https://www.bls.gov/ Nothing from official sources can be believed now.
Trump became King Trumpster on January 20. The report from BLS I quoted was released on January 22.
Is it more reasonable that a government report, undoubtedly weeks if not months in the making, was just another governmnet report, or that Trumpster had a hard on for perpetrating lies across so many government reports at once he demanded blanket lying before he even had personnel installed to issue the orders to do the lying, or did some highly focused lying, or targeted only a few reports, and had a boner over THIS one?
Maybe about now you can't believe the BLS, but 2 days after he took over? Seems unlikely.
Title: - Stimulus checks.
Post by: K-Dog on Mar 20, 2025, 08:06 PM
Quote from: K-Dog on Mar 19, 2025, 05:59 PMThe first step in selling this snake oil is to make everyone think they are being left behind, and the Trump machine now runs this asset:
https://www.bls.gov/ Nothing from official sources can be believed now.
Trump became King Trumpster on January 20. The report from BLS I quoted was released on January 22.
Is it more reasonable that a government report, undoubtedly weeks if not months in the making, was just another governmnet report, or that Trumpster had a hard on for perpetrating lies across so many government reports at once he demanded blanket lying before he even had personnel installed to issue the orders to do the lying, or did some highly focused lying, or targeted only a few reports, and had a boner over THIS one?
Maybe about now you can't believe the BLS, but 2 days after he took over? Seems unlikely.
I went back and looked at the link. I can't verify your date. Anyway it does not matter. The date can be faked. We live in a digital age of misinformation where in the blink of an eye reality can be re-written.
So it would not matter if your date is there or not, which I could not find. It proves nothing.
Title: - Stimulus checks.
Post by: K-Dog on Mar 20, 2025, 11:38 PM
I modified the video.
Title: - Stimulus checks.
Post by: Goldernen Oxernen on Mar 21, 2025, 02:48 AM
Is Rogan incredibly diplomatic and tactful, or just in awe of someone with even more money than himself? Maybe as a fellow european/white person was flattered by that. they forgot about: Abu Ghraib, The Crusades where the zealots died like flies, eventually succeeded on about the 5th attempt then ate Muslim children. Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Napalm, Normandy ,Verdun, The Somme, Aushwitz, transatlantic slave trade, King Leopold of Belgium and the Congo, Caloocon Philippines nothing left alive, entire Phillipine-American war, Aboriginal genocide in New World, Almost continuous war in Europe since history was first recorded there, Vikings, Roman Empire rule by terror. After converting to Christian, Europeans took their instructions from the Old Testament, do slaughter of Philistines come Palestinians is Gods will.
Of course all humans have had this capacity for empathy since Neanderthal were wiped out by Homo Sapiens. Caliphate, Ghengis Khan and Aztec's get notable mentions, but you could fly a 747 through the hole in Elons transhumanist theory.
Title: - Stimulus checks.
Post by: K-Dog on Mar 21, 2025, 05:17 AM
QuoteIs Rogan incredibly diplomatic and tactful, or just in awe of someone with even more money than himself?
Rogan crossed over to the other side. On the other side money is everything. It defines right and wrong and everything in between.
Title: - Stimulus checks.
Post by: RE on Mar 21, 2025, 10:10 AM
Quote from: Goldernen Oxernen on Mar 21, 2025, 02:48 AMIs Rogan incredibly diplomatic and tactful, or just in awe of someone with even more money than himself? Maybe as a fellow european/white person was flattered by that. they forgot about: Abu Ghraib, The Crusades where the zealots died like flies, eventually succeeded on about the 5th attempt then ate Muslim children. Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Napalm, Normandy ,Verdun, The Somme, Aushwitz, transatlantic slave trade, King Leopold of Belgium and the Congo, Caloocon Philippines nothing left alive, entire Phillipine-American war, Aboriginal genocide in New World, Almost continuous war in Europe since history was first recorded there, Vikings, Roman Empire rule by terror. After converting to Christian, Europeans took their instructions from the Old Testament, do slaughter of Philistines come Palestinians is Gods will.
Don't forget the Spanish Inquisition!
Title: - Stimulus checks.
Post by: TDoS on Mar 21, 2025, 03:21 PM
Quote from: K-DogAnyway it does not matter. The date can be faked. We live in a digital age of misinformation where in the blink of an eye reality can be re-written.
Good thing I provided an unfaked US government document from a US government domain?
Dunno....can't say I trust the government much either but really....when they say shit, they tend to publish it on their own domains, their logo's, gets picked up in the media, etc etc.
I grant that misinformation is a tricky thing, but where does it end?
Quote from: K-DogSo it would not matter if your date is there or not, which I could not find. It proves nothing.
11th and 12 words on the document, not counting the seal.
Hey, I wear glasses, we're all geriatrics, I get it.
Title: - Stimulus checks.
Post by: TDoS on Mar 21, 2025, 03:27 PM
QuoteIs Rogan incredibly diplomatic and tactful, or just in awe of someone with even more money than himself?
Rogan crossed over to the other side. On the other side money is everything. It defines right and wrong and everything in between.
Is there an amount involved, money wise, when we cross over?
Like for example, any person with a net worth in the 7 figures or greater has crossed over? Seems like a reasonable number, once someone is worth $1,000,000 or more, probably can't trust them to tell you the time of day.
Title: - Stimulus checks.
Post by: RE on Mar 21, 2025, 03:27 PM
Okay. Then by what mechanism does one use to maneuver veau around it?
Quote from: REHow can you tell a politician is lying? His mouth is moving. RE
Politicians are stupid by design. PhD Colin Campbell, esteemed globe trotting geologist, scientist and devotee to Hubbert, declared global peak oil in 1990...turns out...he thought it was true, but it was bullshit. So was it honest information when he made the claim and people who didn't know better bought it as real, or was it misinformation even at that moment because those who knew he was full of crap were the ones who were right?
Is honest information to the uninformed, was misinformation to those who knew more. Same information. Two claims. How does this example not endlessly repeat itself across the entire spectrum of information?
Title: - Stimulus checks.
Post by: K-Dog on Mar 21, 2025, 06:26 PM
How can you tell a politician is lying? His mouth is moving.
I don't care to dignify him with a response, he never acknowledges a point. Digital data can't be trusted. Either he is an idiot and easily fooled, or a new trip to the cooler might be appropriate.
As to the amount of money it takes to create a class traitor? YMMV
Title: - Stimulus checks.
Post by: RE on Mar 21, 2025, 06:55 PM
Although some politicians are stupid, that's not the main problem. The reason they lie is because they always have an agenda and they are mainly motivated by greed and power.
All scientific research is subject to interpretation, and often the same data can be used to draw disparate conclusions. In climate science for instance, you'll have some scientists who conclude we'll have runaway global cooking due to the greenhouse effect, then others say we'll have an ice age due to the albedo effect. You'll also have research funded to demonstrate a predetermined conclusion, which particularly in science dependent on statistical analysis can be manipulated through careful choice of sampling methods and groups.
So what can you trust? Well, if there is a political issue at stake dependent on the conclusions, it's probably not too trustworthy. Say something like the safety of a nuclear reactor design. The folks who want to build it will hire scientists who say it's safe. Anti nuke greenies will hire scientists who say it's not. Both will present data to justify their conclusions. Who do you believe?
Chaos is another problem. Sometimes very small changes can result in wildly different outcomes. Economics suffers from this problem because there are so many things going on at once that depend on each other. Complexity leads to its own set of problems with trusting scientific conclusions.
Taken all together, it's a crapshoot.
Title: - Stimulus checks.
Post by: K-Dog on Mar 21, 2025, 10:56 PM
2 weeks
That is banned if anybody else wants to know. TDos ate another egg, it is what he does.
* Confused ? You should be, the offending message has been moved.
Title: - Stimulus checks.
Post by: RE on Mar 22, 2025, 03:28 AM
2 weeks was lenient. That one violated the CoC at least half a dozen times.
Title: - Stimulus checks.
Post by: K-Dog on Mar 22, 2025, 10:51 AM
Yes it was lenient. But the message has been moved into our new detention room topic. The two weeks might turn into three if a new troll shows up to take his place. Like what happened the last time TDoS decided to spend some time in the cooler.
Title: Musk is Richards doppelganger
Post by: K-Dog on Mar 29, 2025, 08:42 AM
QuoteDoubt he was born as a woman. He has 13 kids. Trannies are sterile.
I really don't give two fucks about Musk's sexual maladjustments. But I'm hoping Musk soon feels the way another maladjusted who had the same level of empathy felt. A man who let passion rule his actions. Someone who had nowhere to go when karma's loan was called in. I hope Elon soon feels like Richard did when Richard became the most hated man in America. When Richard saw his own face on TV as a wanted man. When TV identified him as the Night Stalker.
I seriously think comparing Musk to Richard Ramirez is too kind.
After he failed to steal a car, four men beat and held down serial killer Richard Ramirez until police arrived.
Who has killed more. Ramirez or Musk. Just closing the VA by itself gives Musk a bigger body count. And if you do not think so, you are a dumbass who can't figure shit out. I must be blunt. Musk is Richard's doppelganger. Every day there is more blood on the floor, and not enough people are giving a shit.
The same level of empathy.
Title: - Stimulus checks.
Post by: RE on Mar 29, 2025, 12:09 PM
Well, Elon is on record as believing Amerikans have too much empathy. So he is single handedly trying to make up for that.