The earth is not dying, it is being killed. And the people who are killing it have names and addresses.

Figure out how to live in the worst-case. 
Or play Rambo in the woods, and max out your privilege. 

Your thoughts?

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5 Signs a Civilization is about to Fail

Started by Knarf, Apr 28, 2023, 07:38 AM

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I found that one of the reasons for civilization failure being "complexity" illuminating. Our whole life is becoming filled with complexity at a rate never imagined. Even our life on the farm has become so, even as we eliminate as much BS that we can. We try to live as simply as we can afford, and conserve the small supply of recourses we use. But, this complexity makes it difficult for every aspect in dealing with the corporate world. We try to stay as detached from involvement with commerce now.


The insane level of complexity in our current civilization is one of the main things convincing me collapse is inevitable and will be catastrophic once it really gets rolling.  Remember when the Law consisted of 10 very straightforward Commandments? Today, just the building code fills an entire library.  Remember when banking could be done with a couple of clerks and an abacus?  Today you need warehouses full of superconducting supercomputers burning enough electricity to light up Jupiter.  When it blows, it will be something to behold.  Everybody knows.