The earth is not dying, it is being killed. And the people who are killing it have names and addresses.

Live like a Refugee

Started by RE, Jan 19, 2024, 06:15 AM

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Quote from: K-Dog on May 13, 2024, 06:27 PMThis says it all.

QuoteWhether Mulino is able to reduce migration through a sparsely populated region with little government presence remains to be seen, experts say.

Far cheaper for Panama to give them a meal and bus them to the north border.  What is this ass-kissing idiot president going to do? Build a road to bus them back south through the Darien Gap? Once people cross the Gap, getting them back across will cost a fortune if you don't build a road.  You would have to fly them out.

The money to implement the presidential plan would come from where?

Very good point



Here comes the Concentration Camps:

The less inflammatory synonym for "camps" is enhanced ICE detention space, but that doesn't have the same ring.

The point of detention, by the way, isn't to hold people, it is to remove them, as Trump noted the other day.

Of course,  these people must be removed.  We need to eliminate the problem.  This is the Final Solution.

Don't worry, this is only for illegal aliens.  We don't know how many there are, who they are or where they are, but you can be certain nobody will be detained by mistake.  Just make sure you are carrying your Identity Papers at all times.


Quote from: RE on Jun 27, 2024, 11:24 AMAt last, an article which puts the blame where it belongs!  :)

Contrast it with this article from Faux Newz.  ::)


Great find RE! I am passing this article on for others to read. Thnx!!


Quote from: RE on Jun 27, 2024, 11:24 AMAt last, an article which puts the blame where it belongs!  :)

Quite an interesting perspective. US bad...all bad things happening in world controlled by US....therefore....US bad. And it is because US maintains large military..making it bad...and therefore....what happens in US's fault. Not all claim US involved n that one.

But if you start with the premise that US=bad, therefore all bad = US, well, tough logic to beat, regardless of whether or not Suden is proof of anything related to US=bad.

Besides our membership here apparently being comprised of childless geriatrics, do we all also subscribe to US=bad? And as we all are North American based (Canada being a northern colony of the US), does anyone believe we are a large enough sample size to represent said North America?  Or is it just not a surprise that doomers are looking for bad actors, and the US makes a great target for that theme in general?


Quote from: TDoS on Jun 28, 2024, 03:41 PMdo we all also subscribe to US=bad?

Yes.  The Diner is a left wing communist/socialist website.  You missed that spin?  The FSoA is a Right Wing Capitalist Plutocracy.  These are not philosophically compatible.  People who think the FSoA=good are contrarian.  Are you in the FSoA=bad or FSoA=good camp?



Quote from: RE on Jun 28, 2024, 07:42 PM
Quote from: TDoS on Jun 28, 2024, 03:41 PMdo we all also subscribe to US=bad?

Well, feel free to claim purpose for the vast majority of the 4 regulars here (75%) I suppose.

Quote from: REThe Diner is a left wing communist/socialist website.  You missed that spin?
Looks like it. Never thought it as left wing communist, socialist leaning...maybe sometimes? Certainly not centrist or right wing.   

Quote from: REThe FSoA is a Right Wing Capitalist Plutocracy.  These are not philosophically compatible.  People who think the FSoA=good are contrarian.  Are you in the FSoA=bad or FSoA=good camp?

I don't even know what the FSoA is. If I was to label the US, it would be more along the lines of an Oligarchy I suppose, more center or left of center wing than right wing if you go by popular vote totals during national elections. It only manages to hang on to the veneer of right wing because we are captured by the combination of minority rule and the oligarchs funding it all to guarentee that the playing table stays tilted the way they prefer.


Quote from: TDoS on Jun 28, 2024, 09:00 PM
Quote from: RE on Jun 28, 2024, 07:42 PM
Quote from: TDoS on Jun 28, 2024, 03:41 PMdo we all also subscribe to US=bad?

Well, feel free to claim purpose for the vast majority of the 4 regulars here (75%) I suppose.

I didn't claim a purpose, merely identified the spin.  I also didn't claim it for the guest readers, registered members or regular posters.  The spin of a political magazine, blog, or forum comes from the owners and editorial staff.  I mean really, who do you think determines the spin of the NYT or WaPo?  How can you be so clueless?  K-dog and I determine the spin of this website.  You missed that we are communist/socialists?  Good grief, K-dog posts Marx on a regular basis.  We're not exactly the same since I'm more of a primitivist, but the philosophies are reasonably compatible.  We only occasionally argue some finer points with each other.  The FSoA is not a fine point. lol.  It's a hit you over the head with a hammer point.

Quote from: RE
QuoteThe Diner is a left wing communist/socialist website.  You missed that spin?
Looks like it. Never thought it as left wing communist, socialist leaning...maybe sometimes? Certainly not centrist or right wing.

Again, I can't see how you could have missed it.  Perhaps because you're so obsessed with Peak Oil you don'r read anything else?

Quote from: RE
QuoteThe FSoA is a Right Wing Capitalist Plutocracy.  These are not philosophically compatible.  People who think the FSoA=good are contrarian.  Are you in the FSoA=bad or FSoA=good camp?

I don't even know what the FSoA is.

OMFG.  I use that acronym in every fucking post in place of the USA, and you can't figure out from context what it means?  Bullshit.  Since I know you're not really that stupid, you're clearly playing another silly game.  But on the slim chance you are that out to lunch, it means Fascist States of Amerika  You didn't answer which side of the fence you sit on, Good or Bad?

QuoteIf I was to label the US, it would be more along the lines of an Oligarchy I suppose, more center or left of center wing than right wing if you go by popular vote totals during national elections. It only manages to hang on to the veneer of right wing because we are captured by the combination of minority rule and the oligarchs funding it all to guarentee that the playing table stays tilted the way they prefer.

Oligarchy and Plutocracy are basically synonymous terms.  It's not a "veneer", it's deeply rooted and goes all the way back to the "Founding Fathers", the slave owning aristocrats who didn't like paying taxes to the British crown.  Stayed that way while controlled by the Robber Barrons of the 1800s including most notably John D Rockefeller and JP Morgan.  Continued through the War of Northern Aggression won by the Industrialist northern states over the Agrarian south, financed by the Rothschilds.  The only folks the south had backing them were the Frogs, who are notoriously bad bankers.  not doing too well there today either.  Continued through the sellout to the Banksters on Jekyll Island and creation of the Federal Reserve.   Brief flirtation with socialism during the New Deal, ended with the rise of the MIC during and after WWII on through the McCarthyism of the 1950s.  Another short lived attempt at some socialization with the Great Society of LBJ, back to normal with Rayguns.

Out of 250 years in existence, leftist politics got generously 30 years making some headway, all quickly rolled back and stomped out afterwards.  The FSoA is as Right Wing as it gets on the Natioo State level.  "Left" in the FSoA only means left of far right.

Now, history lesson over, you go back in the cooler for either playing silly games or being so incredibly clueless about the political spin of the Diner it boggles the mind.



Quote from: RE
Quote from: Pseudo TDoS
Quote from: REThe Diner is a left wing communist/socialist website.  You missed that spin?
Looks like it. Never thought it as left wing communist, socialist leaning...maybe sometimes? Certainly not centrist or right wing.

Again, I can't see how you could have missed it.  Perhaps because you're so obsessed with Peak Oil you don'r read anything else?
Well, just chalk it up to me not going to the cool smart kids high school I guess, where perhaps politics are part of the curriculum. My political spidey sense isn't apparently what you think is normal for the 3 or 4 denizens allowed to roam freely here.

As far as the topic of the communists/socialists here, considering the small population to which you referred, it is difficult for me to confuse someone who talks about ideals that Marx and Lenin might have espoused with folks happily enjoying the fruits of their labors with multiple nice Germany luxury cars for all family members and a 7 figure investment in his own domicile. That is like $500k per person to lounge around! Would he really chuck all of that for Soviet style concrete towers where all the animals are equal regardless of results they deliver? Some animals are more equal than others of course...K-Dog appears to have earned his status through delivering said results, why would he want to walk the Communist walk at this stage of his life? I'm guessing there is intellectual discussion...and then RUN LIKE HELL from the results a Communist lifestyle. 

Now you being a communist/marxist is fine, lacking the ability to generate the kind of economic results that K-Dog did makes you ripe for a "leveling of the playing field" philosophy as it were. I mean, "If the cool smart kid high school isn't enough to get me ahead all by itself and into the favor of the Illuminati, then the system must be rigged!" being the operative idea.

I will just stick with whatever words people want to use for the system the US is nowadays, where results can still be rewards even if K-Dog and I weren't tagged by the Illuminati for greatness as a young age, and those who can't deliver said results are rewarded with....whatever.


Quote from: TDoS on Jul 01, 2024, 11:11 AM
Quote from: RE
Quote from: Pseudo TDoS
Quote from: REThe Diner is a left wing communist/socialist website.  You missed that spin?
Looks like it. Never thought it as left wing communist, socialist leaning...maybe sometimes? Certainly not centrist or right wing.

Again, I can't see how you could have missed it.  Perhaps because you're so obsessed with Peak Oil you don'r read anything else?
Well, just chalk it up to me not going to the cool smart kids high school I guess, where perhaps politics are part of the curriculum.

There were electives you could take, but I was just a science and math geek in those days.  I just took the required classes in World History and American History.

The spin of the website has nothing to do with our respective net worth or what kind of car is in the garage.  It's political philosophy which is apparent in the text. Explicitly on numerous occasions, so it doesn't matter what HS you went to as long as you learned to read at the 6th grade level.

Anyhow, I don't buy your ignorance excuse.  Now back to topics posted on over the last 2 days or you go back in the cooler again.



Quote from: RE
Quote from: TDoSWell, just chalk it up to me not going to the cool smart kids high school I guess, where perhaps politics are part of the curriculum.
There were electives you could take, but I was just a science and math geek in those days.  I just took the required classes in World History and American History.
Same here. So that is about what I know about differences in political systems, commies are X, socialists are Y, capitalism is good, don't ask about oligarchies because that will be come important in the future, blah blah blah.

Quote from: REThe spin of the website has nothing to do with our respective net worth or what kind of car is in the garage.
Does the kind of hypothetical Communism discussed around here consider the idea that some communists are more equal than others? That is certainly how it worked out, in both the USSR and currently China. The folks more equal than other folks got the good stuff...everyone else got what they got.

Is it an intellectual disconnect to argue for Communism while having personally enjoyed NON communism like here in the US?

Quote from: REAnyhow, I don't buy your ignorance excuse.  Now back to topics posted on over the last 2 days or you go back in the cooler again.

Sure. Surly posted this on reddit:
This Sudanese refugee asks: Why is the world ignoring her country's crisis? Link

The single comment and her response was great....on a classic "it sure ain't the politics", as well as Dave's response.

Quote from: RedditI think the best answer might be....because who the hell knows where Sudan is on a map, let alone is concerned about it as much as where they are going to retrieve their next latte?

And Dave:
Quote from: Surly01u/Surly01
Brown people. "Shithole countries?" Who cares? What's new on Netflix?


That was not a return to our recently posted topics.  Back to the cooler.