Tech Won't Save Us

Started by RE, Jul 02, 2023, 04:26 AM

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I feel like Dustin Hoffman in The Graduate.

One word for you today.


I'm sure it's safe.  A miracle material!  What could possibly go wrong?  It's been tested for safety by experts.  Tissues made from graphene will cure the common cold and stage 4 cancer.  Graphene will cure infertility and women will get pregnant if they just think about fucking.  Graphene fusion reactors will produce infinite cheap energy.

In 2 years your Mickey Ds Happy Meal will come wrapped in Graphene packaging.



I never really believed all the stories about driverless cars being a ready for prime time technology, and it appears the truth is finally starting to leak out.  This is particularly important in the case of Tesla, since any chance at profitability for that company was Elon's promise of a Robotaxi service rather than selling the cars for individual ownership.  If actual functioning driverless cars are still decades away, so is any chance Tesla will ever turn a profit.

Also over-hyped apparently is AIs ability to replace homo saps in ntekllectual work like writing newz stories.  At least an inaccurate piece of journalism won't kill anyone in a car crash,  but definitely getting facts wrong if it's say doing work on a legal case could end  up with somebody getting wrongly connvicted and sent to the electric chair.

Given the amount of investment though in these technologies they have become TBTF, and instead of writing down the 100s of Billions already spent as losses, they'll double own on it and throw Trillions more down the toilet.  To give up on it now,companies like Nvidia would be worthless and so would their overvalued stocks.   Think Dot Com crash on steroids.

Coming soon to a theater near you.



Further evidence of the collossal FRAUD that is Tesla and Elon Musk.  Much like El Trumpo who sold himself as a Bizness Genius who built his fortune from nothing despite in fact having inherited his father's RE slumlord empire and gone bankrupt 5 times, Elon in reality sells a shitty product out of a company built on boatloads of debt and goobermint subsidies.

The only thing more pathetic than these guys are the people who vote for Trump and who buy Elon's EVs.  Alsp pathetic is a system that rewards people like this and showers them with money and power, when what they really deserve is a jail cell, shunning and a life sentence cleaning toilets with their tongues.

Poster boys for the waning days of Capitalism.

Elon Musk misrepresents data that shows Tesla is still years away from unsupervised self-driving