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Started by K-Dog, Aug 31, 2024, 03:06 PM

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This long-assed podcast would be nice to listen to if you are a truck-driver.  Who else would have the time?

I am taking the time to develop an ability to be diplomatic in a debate without running emotionally off the rails when confronted by ignorant bully tactics.  I am watching this video as Haz has the ability I seek.  Taking a break now to post this half-way through.

This part has particular relevance to the Diner.  I could have cut the 'Limits to Growth' part out to be shorter but the part in front of it about morality and logic is fascinating.  This part leads into the second part starting eight to ten minutes in which is Diner dessert.  Come on in and have some pie.

The second part of the video is about the 'P word'.  At 18:54 Andrew says:

QuoteAll it takes is one technological marvel to open up possibilities.

This shows where Andrews derangement around this section of the debate centers. 

Andrew is a techno-narcissist who does not understand that all his technological marvels lead to more overpopulation in a vicious circle.  A never ending stream of technological marvels is needed in Andrews fantasy.  Andrew does not know the significance of the forbidden fruit.

Short term delights bring long term death.  technological marvels use finite resources leading to the day when technological marvels stop working.  Death follows.

Both of our master-debators knew who Alexandra Kollontai is.  I did not.