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Started by RE, May 06, 2024, 11:57 AM

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New thread to keep tabs on the competition to see who gets to Captain the Titanic on its way to the bottom of Davey Jones Locker.

Latest Rumour:  Uncle Joe will nominate Michelle Obama to run for the Demdope niminaation instead of himself.

If true, this would be the first really smart move by the Dem party in recent memory.

#1- ANYBODY would be better than Uncle Joe.

#2- MO has great name recognition & experience hobnobbing with other figureheads in the Nation-State cocktail party circuit

#3- Black & Female guarantees turnout and large margin of victory in both demographics over Trumpovetsky

Since it is a smart move, unfortunately this lowers the possibility it will actually happen.  If it is to happen, one would think it should be pretty soon, rather than waiting for the convention.  Obviously, they're floating a trial balloon to see  what the Poll numbers show.  I would look for an announcement in June.

Biden may withdraw his candidacy from elections and nominate Michelle Obama - Der Spiegel




Despite incendiary rhetoric over the net, if you buy the political analysts' spin from the Atlantic we still have a while to wait for the Rabid Dogs of MAGA to come out full force with their AR-15s and mow down liberals in the street.

Probably not too soon to order some Kevlar from Amazon though.

The MAGA Internet Calls for War



Will Da Judge have the Cojones to actually lock up The Donald "VonShitzinPants"?  That would definitely get the MAGA vermin foaming at the mouth.  Does he get Secret Service protection while in prison?  What about a Cellmate?  Someone to keep him warm on those lonely prison nights.  How about showers?

Since an Appeal is baked in the cake, does he get to stay out on Parole during the appeal process?  Wear an ankle monitor?  Is he allowed to use a cell phone?

What a fun moment in Amerikan Politics!  ;D

Felon Trump Drives Up Jail Time Odds With Every Word



There was no way I could watch the "debate" between the 2 Alzheimers Poster Children vying for the position of POTUS DEMENTUS.  I didn't even try and watched the Olympic Trials instead.

As it turns out, the best possible outcome came for the Demodopes, Uncle Joe apparently was  SOOO awful numerous party hacks are calling for an Open Convention to hopefully find someone with some working brain cells to carry the party banner in November.  Of course, most of them spoke anonymously since they lack the guts to break with the party machine until they come to some sort of consenssus in the back room.  They don't want to seem "divided".

At the moment also, there is nobody with any kind of national political recognition willing to step up and say they will run for POTUS as a Democrat.  This would be a great moment for an Actor or Pro Sports star who registers Dem to call a press conference and announce.  Is Scarlett Johannsen a Dem?  What about Kareem Abdul Jabbar?  He writes on politics I think.  Michael Jordan?  What about a Rock Star?  Bruce Springsteen?  How about Billionaires?  Isn't Melinda Gates a liberal?

Definitely increases the likelihood that the Dem Convention will be a total shitshow.

The reality is you would have to be out of your mind to wanna be Prez now, which is why we have 2 guys who are precisely that running.  Who wants to be Captain of a sinking ship?



QuoteThe reality is you would have to be out of your mind to wanna be Prez now, which is why we have 2 guys who are precisely that running.  Who wants to be Captain of a sinking ship?

History is full of situations were strong leadership emerged to give a dying civilization a few more years.

This will not be one of those times, and I will not be voting. 

I have become a stranger in a strange land.  There are no American politicians worth supporting.  None have a center, all blow with the wind.  They blow where money directs.  In which ever direction pays them.  Civic duty is dead. an Anachronistic notion.  In America, now unknown.

All Americans can think about is electing the rich and connected. 

They cannot imagine another way.  So brainwashed are they.


Here is another take on the debate :

Donald Trump is getting away with it
Opinion by Zack Beauchamp • 12h • 2 min read

Three separate times during Thursday night's debate, CNN's moderators asked Donald Trump if he would commit to accepting the legitimacy of the 2024 election results regardless of who won. He never did.

Instead, Trump said that he'd accept the results if he thought they were "fair and legal and good" — while at the same time repeating the false claim that the 2020 election was shot through with fraud (a claim that the moderators let stand).

Put together, the former president was all but openly telling us that he's ready to repeat the campaign of lies and incitement that produced a mob attack on the Capitol less than four years ago. (He did offer a rote rejection of political violence.)

That all of this felt normal, even expected, shows how much Donald Trump has warped our sense of what's tolerable in America. Here was an authoritarian spouting falsehoods, ranting incoherently about policy, issuing thinly veiled threats against democracy, and somehow we've come to accept it.

We're all so used to this behavior, in fact, that we have trouble reminding ourselves how dangerous it is. I can guarantee Trump's comments on the election won't be the top headline at any major newspaper in the country.

That honor will likely go to Joe Biden's poor performance, and I can understand why. The president of the United States barely stringing a cogent answer together for the first hour of a nationally televised debate is indeed a major story. It seems like the critics warning about Biden's age had a point.

But there's something quietly obscene about Trump's naked authoritarianism falling out of the frame. It wasn't only these few comments about election results: It was his entire performance, a cavalcade of lies that betrayed a staggering contempt for the American public's intelligence.
On Thursday night, an authoritarian put his distaste for democracy on open display. Opposite him was a man who claims to care about democracy above all else but has seemed wholly incapable of considering whether there might be some tension between its future and his own ambitions.

Blame Biden for running again. Blame the Democratic Party for failing to stop him. Blame CNN for burying the democracy questions halfway through the debate. Blame the Republicans for nominating Trump. Blame Trump, most of all, for acting the way he chooses to act — and his voters for standing by him while he does it.

Trump reminded us tonight that he is uniquely unfit for office and hostile to our democracy. The fact that those qualities have lost their ability to shock underscores just how much the man has bent our politics to his will.


Well, Dems are now publicly calling for Uncle Joe to resign.  Which really means he has to, because if he runs he's a total target for the VALID criticism that he is too cognitively impaired to be running the country.  If he doesn't drop out within 2 weeks I will be shocked.

This leaves 3 questions:

1- Will Uncle Joe endorse Kamala as the new candidate?

2- Will the delegates vote for her at the convention?

3- Will whoever they nominate be able to beat #VonShitzinPants in November?

The convention also apparently will have online voting before the live convention, which makes it even more confusing.

The Amerikan Goobermint is totally in the toilet.



Didn't take long for the Snowball to start rolling.

The interview he's supposed to do with StooPooDopolis to reassure everybody he still has his marbles should be quite entertaining.  The question is will he treat him with Kid Gloves and throw him Softballs nice and slow or will he bring the HEAT and rapid fire questions like "What if the Chinese invade Taiwan after your bedtime?" or  "What happens if you forget the Nuclear codes when there are Ruskie ICBMs incoming?".  Or maybe just ask him EZ questions like "What's the State Capitol of Kentucky?" or "What are the 1st 10 Ammendments to the Constitution called?" or "Who is buried in Grant's tomb?". lol.

There simply is no way he can get out of this mess.  It's like being asked "When did you stop Beating your Wife?"  Or being accused of being a Child Molester.  Doesn't matter if you're proven innocent, all people remember is that you were accused of it.  The only question is how long it will take for him to capitulate.  Supposedly the real driving force here for staying in it is Jill Biden, who likes being 1st Lady and being the Hostess with the Mostess for White House parties.  She doesn't wanna give up her station yet and fade into the sunset.

Finally, while publicly they're all saying they'll back Kamala, I don't think she really is that popular.  Plus there are other ambitious wannabees who will want to jump at the opportunity.  So the whole nominating process will be a clusterfuck for sure.

What FUN!  ;D



Quote1- Will Uncle Joe endorse Kamala as the new candidate?

Joe does not know who she is anymore so he can't endorse her.  The upper crust of the Democratic party might endorse her, and then have Joe scribble on paper to make it happen.

The un-named powers behind the POTUS would then have a new inarticulate chewer of word salad to do their bidding.  Whatever that is.  But it will all be good.  People won't give a shit.  They don't now, so nothing will change.

Another speaker of inarticulate word salad, and we do not even have to wait for her to get old.


"Joe's Gotta Go". New cheer "Joe's Gotta Go!", everybody "Joe's Gotta Go!", Jill will not like that. And who is Kamala?

I think there will be a new dark horse to appear. No one knows her yet, but she will rise amidst this climate fog, and will see her as the new world emperor! Ha! Clusterfuck is more like it. Britain just went pro-Israel. So more colonialism policies and the wealth gap continues to increase right in front of the masses who are fighting for the crumbs now...just wait till Trump gets in. What if Trump has a melt down, and turns human. :) His hair turns brown and he he initiates a UBI, and a four day work week. Takes care of the taxes by making a Maximum yearly wage at $500,000 to be taxed 70-80%. No one makes less than $50,000 tax 0%. Pipe Dream.

Yep a Clusterfuck is what the next 50 years will be, beginning today.


The "Joe's gotta Go" chant gets louder by the day, but so far he's not budging, waiting for God to speak to him while he's napping.  This article brings up the possibility they'll invoke the 25th Ammendment if he refuses to budge.  Given the short amount of time left here before the convention  , it's hard to imagine how this would play out.  There would have to be cognitive testing and debate, and the longer it drags on the better for Trumpovetsky.

The best oossibility is the money people pulling out, once Auntie Jill sees the $$$ disappear she might see reality.  Still no real good window on the new candidate.  Looks better for el Trumpo every day.




Quote from: RE on Jul 13, 2024, 09:01 PMThings are getting lively!  A supposed ASSASSINATION attempt on El Trumpo!

He supposedly got hit on the ear.  How plausible is this?  The shooter is apparently dead.

Not much else available yet.


Yes, live news coverage is a thing of the past.  It was several hours before the mighty Wurlitzer decided what story 'they' wanted to spin.

Grazed his ear.  The luck meister wins again.  And the only thing getting yanked is our chain.

Good you said supposed.

We get 'fooled' again.


Quote from: K-Dog on Jul 13, 2024, 11:22 PMGrazed his ear.  The luck meister wins again.  And the only thing getting yanked is our chain.

Good you said supposed.

To "graze his ear" and not touch his head, the shot has to come from nearly directly in front or behind and to the side of the target ear.  If the shooter is above, the graze would have a downward angle.  From below, an upward angle.  Of course Trump might have his head turned right or left at the moment the shot was fired, but that would be amazing timing.  Shot came from a roof 130 yards away.

Shooter has the appropriate 3 names, Thomas Matthew Crooks.  Graduated HS in 2022 having won a $500 Math & Science award.  No criminal record.  Not even a traffic ticket.  No bankruptcies, liens or foreclosures.  So why does a recent white HS grad math nerd decide to pull the trigger on his Trumpness, and manage to miss the kill shot at 130 yards by inches?  Then, why does the Secret Service find it necessary to kill him on the spot when he almost surely could have been non-fatally wounded?  Unless he shot himself, but that hasn't been alleged.

Obviously, I find this shooting very suspicious.  Will anyone turn up with a cell phone video?  Will said video be real or an AI produced "Deep Fake"?  Why does this assassination attempt take place right while Uncle Joe is being ripped to shreds in the MSM for being senile?  How will this affect future public appearances and rallies during the campaign by El Trumpo or whoever the Dem opponent ends up as?  If it wasn't a "Lone Gunman" shooting and is in fact a Conspiracy, who is behind it?  If the Bloody Ear was in fact FAKED, how did they cut his ear during the melee and confusion following the shooting?

To be sure, we will not get any answers to these questions which are any more believable than the Lone Gunman explanation. It will however occupy the Newz Cycle constantly right up to election day.  It pretty much guarantees a Trump victory in the election.