Quote from: K-Dog on Aug 18, 2024, 01:07 PMClassically Jevon's is only about coal, we know it can be extended to a basket of energies. Use of any kind of energy will in the absence of limiting restraint increase if any energy becomes more efficient to use. The inter-dependencies between energy supplies is huge. A fact not appreciated. Energy sources do not replace each other. The truth is they reinforce each other. Use of one increases the use of others through links that are both physical and through links that result exclusively from human nature.
Most people will regard what I just wrote a blasphemy.
More like an anicient concept replaced by the far superior modern version. Try "rebound effect" and check out the research. Sure, a Ford Model-T was original and cool....a long time ago...and this ain't that time, and a Model T sure ain't a Ford GT40.
Quote from: K-DogFind deep analysis in the Diner.
Don't you mean we find analysis elsewhere and the Diner links to it for its 3 or 4 regulars?
Quote from: TDoS on Aug 18, 2024, 05:15 PMQuote from: K-DogFind deep analysis in the Diner.
Don't you mean we find analysis elsewhere and the Diner links to it for its 3 or 4 regulars?
I do my own analysis, and it is clear how I feel about everything I link to here.
Quote from: K-Dog on Aug 18, 2024, 09:33 PMQuote from: TDoS on Aug 18, 2024, 05:15 PMQuote from: K-DogFind deep analysis in the Diner.
Don't you mean we find analysis elsewhere and the Diner links to it for its 3 or 4 regulars?
I do my own analysis, and it is clear how I feel about everything I link to here.
As do I. Back in the Cooler for insulting the Admins and purveying false inforrmation.
Worth keeping in mind every time you use ChatGPT.
Data centres may soon burn as much extra gas as California uses daily
This is not newz to Diners, we've been over this Jevon's Paradox aspect of the so-called "transition" to renewables which isn't happening, but this does give us some more detailed look at how the various types of energy are being consumed and a tineline before TSHTF and we won't be able to meet those wild consumption targets for AI and the power grid.
Maybe we've got a decade left before the shutdowns they're experience in Cuba and Moldova are spread all across Europpe and South America. Tic Toc.
Quote from: RE on Jan 06, 2025, 10:40 PM(https://thetyee.ca/Analysis/2024/12/31/EnergyConsumptionChart.jpg)
David Hughes stuff again! I remember him! Wonder if he ever figured out that Marcellus stuff since his Diner days?
Quote from: REMaybe we've got a decade left before the shutdowns they're experience in Cuba and Moldova are spread all across Europpe and South America. Tic Toc.
Well...we've been through two "got a decade left before..." episodes now, let us usher in the beginning of cheering on #3!
As usual...the odds of personal doom showing up before our hopes and doom dreams occur is far more likely among us geriatrics. Anyone want to bet on something far more serious? How many of us will be alive when someone makes the first angle for "doom in a decade", Take 4, among us surviving geriatrics?
With El Trumpo in the WH, Doom has already arrived.
It will be interesting to see how the available Juice gets rationed out as the gap between new demand from AI, heating and cooling and EV charging and new supply from renewables and nukes widens. It's fairly obvious that new demand is far outpacing new supply, which means at some point choices will have to be made about who gets the juice and who doesn't. Obviously also those with the least political power and money will be the first to see rolling blackouts and brownouts, further widening the disparity in standard of living between rich and poor. Rural areas are also most likely to see the lights dim before the urban areas.
Add to this the periodic supply disruptions from climate related disasters probably will bring down overall reliability in many areas down to Puerto Rico level inside the next decade. Here on the Last Great Frontier, we're likely to start seeing serious disruptions by 2030. They're still dragging their feet on developing a supply of NG due to the poor economics of being so remote with a low population. At least we made it through this winter though, with relatively mild weather.
Electricity is the next energy crisis
Americentricism is at work in the doomsday chart above. The proscribed treatment for americentricism is to look at the technology and resources other countries are working with. As per Trump dis Trump dat, the only significance is Trumpi has a wrecking ball aimed at D.C. that (one hopes) will take down the hard power of 'murica as well as the soft power way faster than another couple of terms we would have gotten with The Cackler and her successor.
Doomers want a fast crash. My hope for that springs eternal, but I did take down the patio set from the top of the Watchtower of Doom. My daily feed shows me the state of the world I can be privy to in a half hour or so. The rest is just cheap entertainment.
Quote from: comrade simba on Feb 06, 2025, 01:40 PMAs per Trump dis Trump dat, the only significance is Trumpi has a wrecking ball aimed at D.C. that (one hopes) will take down the hard power of 'murica as well as the soft power way faster than another couple of terms we would have gotten with The Cackler and her successor.
I don't think his objective is to take down the power of the Federal Goobermint, rather it is to extend it and bring it fully under the control of the Executive branch. He aspires to run the FSoA with the same level of control that Putin has over Mother Russia.
QuoteHe aspires to run the FSoA with the same level of control that Putin has over Mother Russia.
Trump certainly has his own oligarchs, Had some serious Guy (https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.2w4TZNKNQCwdbJ189XWzZAHaF7%26pid%3DApi%26h%3D160&f=1&ipt=76501319e64bd247edb3758af5f8495943cdbba294be313a3d0e9e2749c258c9&ipo=images) Fox rigging had gone on below the inauguration room we would be living in a different world. They were all there. Sort of, but maybe not so different a world. Material conditions determine our destiny. We blame the buffoons, but the real problem be us, and what we collectively do and think. Joe six pack and his half-rack brain.
In the Diner we can disagree on a lot of things. But one thing that unites us all is a desire to have a front row seat to the doom show.
Trump certainly has given us that.
Quote from: K-Dog on Feb 06, 2025, 08:43 PMWe blame the buffoons, but the real problem be us, and what we collectively do and think. Joe six pack and his half-rack brain.
I've never been a fan of blaming the collective "us". "We" are to blame, because we put the idiots in positions of power. We are to blame for climate change, because we all drive carz and forget to turn off the lights when we leave the room. Wars are our fault because we go out on the battlefield and shoot people we don't know or fly drones with a joystick and bomb people half a world away. The debt is our fault because we spend more than we earn. And so forth and so on. Blaming everyone is blaming no one. In this respect, blame isn't a useful concept to define the situation.
As a social creature, homo sap isn't very smart. Like the rate determining step in a chemical reaction, society is only as smart as it's stupidest people. In a Democracy, stupid always wins because the stupid always have the most voters. Can you blame people for being stupid? Whether they were just born stupid or poorly educated, is the fact they ended up stupid really their fault? Looking at the extreme case, do you blame a retard for being retarded?
Perhaps rather than blaming, framing the issue in terms of
RESPONSIBILITY is a better way to look at it?
"With great power comes great responsibility." Conversely, with little or no power comes little or no responsibility. From this POV, I am not responsible at all for the shit show ongoing in the world. The Donald and Elon can be held responsible for a lot of it though. By holding them responsible, they can be made to answer for their crimes. Accountability is essential. The question is, with no power, how do we hold them accountable?
QuoteThe question is, with no power, how do we hold them accountable?
have you ever heard the saying "Workers of the world unite."
Organize, but since everyone is busy being a class traitor it is not going to happen.
QuoteI've never been a fan of blaming the collective "us".
Yes, but that does not apply here. In this situation people voted for a specific shithead, and the country totally deserves any pain that comes from that collective bad decision. Your think too broadly. People chose to vote for Trump knowing he was going to fuck over a lot of people. Just not them, or so they thought. Now that the Trump fuckification is back I will have no sympathy for the pain.
In Seattle we had the CHOP and massive street protest. BLM was ripping the country apart, and it all stopped when Trump was voted out. People forgot how bad it was four years ago. Now there will be remembering.
Stupid is as stupid did.
Personally, I could not vote for genocide since Democratic dumfucks decided making voters happy was no longer a thing. Making $$$ happy is. Democrats became a democracy of wealth, and I won't vote for them.
Trump triggered trouble in Portland, how soon we forget:
Trump trouble will return. Naked Athena will have to get naked again.
Quote from: K-Dog on Feb 07, 2025, 05:02 AMQuoteThe question is, with no power, how do we hold them accountable?
have you ever heard the saying "Workers of the world unite."
Sure, but since most of them are stupid, when they unite they just get one big stupid.
Quote from: KdogQuoteI've never been a fan of blaming the collective "us".
Yes, but that does not apply here. In this situation people voted for a specific shithead, and the country totally deserves any pain that comes from that collective bad decision. Your think too broadly. People chose to vote for Trump knowing he was going to fuck over a lot of people. Just not them, or so they thought. Now that the Trump fuckification is back I will have no sympathy for the pain.
The country may deserve the pain, but the people who live in the country who didn't vote for him don't deserve it. How do you punish the country without punishing the innocent people living here? If you punish the innocent along with the guilty, that's not justice.
Quote from: RE on Feb 07, 2025, 09:17 AMQuote from: K-Dog on Feb 07, 2025, 05:02 AMhave you ever heard the saying "Workers of the world unite."
Sure, but since most of them are stupid, when they unite they just get one big stupid.
Lenin's concept of the vanguard party refers to a highly organized and disciplined group of revolutionary leaders from the working class who guide and educate the proletariat towards achieving a socialist revolution. This party is seen as essential for leading the working class in overthrowing the existing capitalist system and establishing a dictatorship of the proletariat.
QuoteHow do you punish the country without punishing the innocent people living here?
I'm not punishing anybody. But if lightning bolts start vaporizing certain people I'm sayin 'damn right'. And you are exactly the same way with your posting of your guillotine pics.
Trump was voted in by a majority of people, and any and all of those who voted for him are fine with injustice and imperialism. Not wanting innocents to suffer is a given. I should not have to explain. No head chopping of innocents.
Perhaps very dim bulbs who voted for Trump are not fine with injustice and imperialism. But for that to be so they would have to be so dim as to not know what injustice and imperialism is. That is not very many people.
Quote from: K-Dog on Feb 07, 2025, 12:56 PMLenin's concept of the vanguard party refers to a highly organized and disciplined group of revolutionary leaders from the working class who guide and educate the proletariat towards achieving a socialist revolution. This party is seen as essential for leading the working class in overthrowing the existing capitalist system and establishing a dictatorship of the proletariat.
Well, I'm all for an organized and disciplined cadre of Leaders to point the followers in the working class in the right direction, but said charismatic and intelligent working class heroes have yet to emerge. Hard to see how they will emerge with the cacophony of voices pitching ideas out on Social Media. Not to mention. how do you get the followers to follow when they are so easily fooled by the bullshit fed them bywannabee dictators like Trump?
QuoteI'm not punishing anybody.
Yes, you are. You said Amerika
DESERVES being fucked by Trump. That's the punishment you say is deserving. You may not be dishing it out, but you're giving it the thumbs up. Except I live here, I'm a citizen and I
DON'T deserve it.
As a materialist my use of 'DESERVES' is no more than an expression of thoughts, with full awareness that my thoughts are only thoughts. I express a logical consistency, an ideal consistency, crafted in an idealism that is not a consistency related to the real world.
Thanks for the clarification. Unfortunately, here in the real world, a whole lotta USAID workers who didn't vote for Trump are currently trying to figure out how they'll pay the bills and what job 10 years experience dishing out food in Somalia qualifies them for. They're the main folks being punished here.
@RE: In K-Dog's defense as an outsider looking in it is becoming harder to be sympathetic with the average American. And I will try and explain why. The issue here is the Americans didn't vote for Trump once but did so on TWO occasions. Now doing it once is somewhat understandable as sometimes in the heat of the moment we can make irrational decisions. I have done or made stupid decisions so yes it is forgivable to make a poor decisions however the fact people have voted him in twice indicates there is some deeper issue at play here.
You also have to consider that Trump telegraphed a lot of his moves before his elections. He was very open about his desires to implement tariffs, cut off aid, massively reduce government spending and breed a general environment of hate and contempt for others and the institutions that define people and the nation. Many people voted for him on that platform so if things go south they are also culpable because they supported such actions.
As they say, you sleep on the bed you make. Now I do get it, this sucks for the people who voted against and even actively fought hard against the Trump re-election as those people suffer the same loss of reputation as the one that gets suckered in. In this instance and especially those outside America everyone will look at you with a lower regard.
I can relate to this because the UK's standing went down a notch when they voted for Brexit. Many of the people in Europe thought we were foolish and all Brits were tarnished with the same brush even though a good chunk voted against Brexit. However in history people tend only to remember the winners and in this instance the winners were the people who voted for Trump (or in the case of Brexit voted for Brexit).
You can argue this is not fair but this is the nature on how people make their judgements and could partly explain why this belief that "it is all Americans fault" comes from. To put this more simply, what I think this argument boils down to (correct me if I am wrong K-Dog) is that while the Trump's of this world are the ones who commit the crimes their mandate comes from a large base of support that enables them to allow the status quo to continue.
The biggest grey area in this kinda debate is how informed are the public? On many occasions the public are genuinely deceived so it hard to blame them for their voting patterns but in the case of today, it is harder to say you are innocent when clear facts against Trump (or any other hare brained ideology) are presented and you choose to ignore reality and give your vote to the local populist who makes you feel better.
Quote from: monsta666 on Feb 08, 2025, 12:37 AM@RE: In K-Dog's defense as an outsider looking in it is becoming harder to be sympathetic with the average American.
I don't have sympathy for the average Amerikan J6P who voted for Trump. I have sympathy for the
MAJORITY of average Amerikan J6Ps who
DID NOT vote for him. Adding in the ones who didn't vote at all, probably 65-70% of all Amerikans didn't vote for him. I'm one of those people, and I don't like being blamed for Trump as though this is my responsibility just because I hold an Amerikan passport. That is totally unfair and unjustified.
Thus the reason I don't approve of collectivizing guilt in this case. If you're going to make a generalization like this, at minimum a majority of the people should have commtted the offense, preferably an overwhelming majority. I'm OK with collectivizations like
Eat the Rich because the vast majority deserve to be eaten. ;D
QuoteWhile the Trump's of this world are the ones who commit the crimes their mandate comes from a large base of support that enables them to allow the status quo to continue.
Yes, the average American has culpability (
nobody here is average). When Palestinians are being hunted from helicopters to clean out the place for Trump Atlantic City 2.0 Kushner hotels, the Average American has culpability.
When I was young, I would contemplate what the 'ugly American' meant. I feel like I was the only one who contemplated.
Has Trump said where the Palestinians are supposed to go? Oh, I forgot. Trump gives no fucks.
Status quo in America means 'all for me' and 'fuck you'.
Quoteethnic cleansing
Synonyms of ethnic cleansing
: the expulsion, imprisonment, or killing of an ethnic minority by a dominant majority in order to achieve ethnic homogeneity
In America this is generally considered a good thing. The Palestine situation proves it. The Trump tribe is the ugliest of all ugly Americans.
Quote from: K-Dog on Feb 08, 2025, 04:59 AMStatus quo in America means 'all for me' and 'fuck you'.
Pretty much. For example, in America, when people have EARNED their wealth through hard work, creativity, the ability to build ideas into companies and real estate holdings and bank account balances, they damn well should be allowed to keep it! Be it the success or K-Dog or Elon, these people had what it took in 'MURIKA! and it make perfect sense that they don't have to share with others...beyond whatever government tax agents require of them anyway.
The one given in this equation is that those who have achieved these lofty stations in life sure as shooting aren't about to have their wealth distibuted to the unwashed masses and their unaccomplished efforts and abilities just so they can be sure of 3 hots and cot at the end of the day! That wouldn't be 'MURICAN!, but..something else...more like a system where those who work hard are brought low in order to provide those hhots and a cot for Joe Dope Smoker or BLM activist, or others shunned by the current 'MERICA! system.
Watching what is actually happening is way more interesting than bitching about the way things ought to be. In a general sense we are fearful little bundles of belief, opinion, and memory - all of which are, shall we say, inaccurate at best, and preposterous at worst.
As per topic, I suppose once we have moved the entirety of America into a renewable energy model we can then talk shit about China and the rest of the world that won't be grubbing at the earth and sleeping in cob huts.
Quote from: K-Dog on Feb 08, 2025, 04:59 AMHas Trump said where the Palestinians are supposed to go?
Yah. He wants Jordan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia to take them. None of them are the least bit interested in importing the problems Gaza has. Trump will likely try to convince them by dishing out more sanctions if they continue to refuse.
Il Duce got his RE philosophy from his dad the slumlord. He bought old buildings and let them deteriorate until they became unlivable, often condemned by the city. Residents were forced to move out or live in unsanitary conditions. Once he got the renters out, the buildings were renovated, neighborhoods were gentrified and sold off as condos to wealthy buyers. If it didn't happen fast enogh naturally, he would infest the buildings with vermin on purpose. The Israelis have done the job of making Gaza unlivable, andd nobody will rebuild it to house poor Palestinians. The Donald sees great Beaachfront property for condos, hotels and casinos he can build if he gets the Palestinians out and Ammerika take owneership of Gaza. The Palestinian people don't fit into this plan.
The thing is, Palestine was
ALREADY a colonial possession of the Brits. The Brits unloaded it because the Palestinians couldn't stand them, any more than the Indians could. At the end of WWII, they saw it as a way to solve another problem, that of the displaced European Jews Hitler didn't manage to gas. Nobody wanted the Jews then, anymore than they want the Palestinians today. So they dumped them all in Paalestine and artificial lines were drawn so Jews were in the majority in a tiny sliver of land. They forced out Palestinians in the 1948 war.
Trump's wet dream of a Gaza Riviera for Billionaires to dock their super yachts won't happen short of genocide of the Palestinians. If they are forced out into concentration camps in the neighboring countries, they will continue the terrorism from those locations as bases of operations. Trump hotels on the Gaza Riviera will be bombed daily. Then instead of Israeli drones bombing the camps, he'll have to send Amerikan drones. The surrounding countries know this, thus they will not accept the refugees except under extreme duress.
What you have down there in all the Muslim countries is a permanent underclass under an existential threat. They have nothing left to lose, so they will continue terrorism from any location they are stuffed into. Thus the only solution is the same one Hitler came up with, the
FINAL SOLUTION. Only by eradicating them from existence can Trump build Casinos on the Gaza Riviera. He's working his way up to it, just as Hitler did with the Jews. At first he just tried to deport them, but while other countries would accept Jews who had money. they wouldn't take the millions who were poor. That's when Hitler went into bizness with Bayer AG to exterminate the Jews. It's the exact same playbook.
The huge juicy depopulated middle part of what will be "formerly known as 'Ukraine'" would be a good place for the Palestinians. Jews already have an oblast in Russia, might as well give one to the Palestinians.
Turn the whole of Israel into a nature preserve.
Quote from: comrade simba on Feb 08, 2025, 11:24 AMThe huge juicy depopulated middle part of what will be "formerly known as 'Ukraine'" would be a good place for the Palestinians. Jews already have an oblast in Russia, might as well give one to the Palestinians.
Turn the whole of Israel into a nature preserve.
I seriously doubt the Ruskies, Hungarians, Poles or anyone else surrounding Ukraine wants a few million Muslims occupying some of the best farmland in Europe. not to mention the Ukrainians still living there. That suggestion doesn't even fly as sarcasm.
Quote from: comrade simba on Feb 08, 2025, 11:24 AMThe huge juicy depopulated middle part of what will be "formerly known as 'Ukraine'" would be a good place for the Palestinians. Jews already have an oblast in Russia, might as well give one to the Palestinians.
Turn the whole of Israel into a nature preserve.
Where does the arrogance come from which says we have the right to decide how people we will never meet shall live?
Perhaps making outrageous claims is a way to control people. It seems to be very effective. Both Musk and Trump seem to be masters of the art of this steal. Your statement seems typical of their outrageous statements, and makes as much sense as moving all commies to Mars because it is the red planet. Nonsense, total nonsense, but what this nonsense seems to do in the mind is suggest 'this person knows stuff I don't. I should kiss their feet. It makes gods of fools.
Induced submission comes about as a side effect of the deliberately induced confusion.
Quote from: K-Dog on Feb 09, 2025, 04:32 AMWhere does the arrogance come from which says we have the right to decide how people we will never meet shall live?
It comes from power and conquest, and it goes all the way back to the beginning of recorded history. A group of people must have a "homeland" where they are in the majority and make the laws by which everyone living in that space lives.
Back in Biblical times, Jews were the first monotheistic religion, and with God on their side they busily smote other tribes in the neighborhood. Then they got enslaved by the Pharaohs and eventually got deported from the country and wandered around in the desert. Meanwhile in Italy the Romans with their Pantheon of Gods got busy conquering everyone and building an empire.
Jews were still around, and over the years of the "diaspora" settled communities, the so called "13 Tribes" of Israel. None were powerful enough to beat the Romans at the War game, but with the help of the Son of God they were able to convert the Roman Emperor to Christianity. At least the Jews who accpted Jesus was the Messiah, anyhow. The leftover Jews who did not accept this were once again in the minority to Christians.
Over thee intervening years without a homeland, Jews got shoved around from country to country generally being persecuted all the time. Things were very unpleasant for them during the years of the Crusades and the Inquisition and later with the Pogroms in Russia.
Meanwhile also unable to conquer the now Christian Romans over in the Eastern part of the Empire, a new Messiah popped up named Mohamed. He got enough followers for Islam to gain control over MENA, followed by centuries of warfare between Christians and Muslims fighting over land.
Then here on Turtle Island the Europeans showed up and didn't bother with trying to deport the natives, with their guns and the smallpox they were able to easily exterminate them and take over the whole continent. They herded the few remaining stragglers onto reservations as their homelands.
Over in Europe Jews survived in pockets until Hitler came on the scene, and unable to deport all of them began the process of exterminating them. Unfortunately for him and his antisemitic followers, he lost the war before he could finish the job, and left the winners of the war, the Brits and Amerikans with the problem of the leftover Jews in Eastern Europe. Nobody wanted them in their countries, so the Brits who controlled Palestine as a colony and couldn't control it shipped the Jews there, where they formed an enclave where they were in the majority and expelled the Arabs, then they got the UN to give them official status as a country. After 3000 years, Jews finally had a homeland of their own.
Sadly for them, the war in 1948 did not exterminate the Arabs who lived there before, and besides that as their population grew they wanted more of the land, thus you got the 6 Day war and expansion. The Muslims in the neighborhood aren't happy with that, so they have been fighting it ever since with a terror war.
So, the origin of the problem is the Brits who held power over Palestine gave it to the Jews which made the Palestinians who lived there unhappy. Did the Brits have the right to give the land to the Jews? Sure they did, they were the colonial owners of the property, not the Palestinians who lived there. What Trump wants to do is create Reservations for the Palestinians to, the same way reservations were created here for the natives to move to. This is the alternative to genocide in the takeover of land occupied by one group so another group can move in. Might makes Right.
Quote from: K-Dog on Feb 09, 2025, 04:32 AMQuote from: comrade simba on Feb 08, 2025, 11:24 AMThe huge juicy depopulated middle part of what will be "formerly known as 'Ukraine'" would be a good place for the Palestinians. Jews already have an oblast in Russia, might as well give one to the Palestinians.
Turn the whole of Israel into a nature preserve.
Where does the arrogance come from which says we have the right to decide how people we will never meet shall live?
Where do you think? 'MURIKANS Been arrogant for awhile now, starting with getting cocky knocking off the indigenous peoples to steal their land, then kicking out the British Empire because we didn't want to live on THEIR land we stole from the locals, but our own, and then murdering the rest of the indigenous because...well....we could...and becoming a minor colonial power ourselves, then kicking some backside in wars overseas, and exceptionalism arrived and so on and so forth.
I was under the impression that 'MURIKAN indoctrination began early in the public schools of America?
QuoteI was under the impression that 'MURIKAN indoctrination began early in the public schools of America?
There are many kinds of indoctrination. Seems some of us can pick and choose our poison.
Personally I find the domination of others incompatible with freedom, but I guess that is just me.
Quote from: TDoS on Feb 09, 2025, 10:48 AMI was under the impression that 'MURIKAN indoctrination began early in the public schools of America?
It does, along with the historical spin from Hollywood in film and TV. Its very successful with the weak minded. If you're aware of it, the sales job doesn't work so well.
Far as the past is concerned, the winners try to whitewash the past and paint themselves as the good guys. After enough time passes, they acknowledge the atrocities of the past and apologize for them. They even occassionally pay reparations. Never give back the land though and obviously don't bring the dead back to life.
Whitewashing ongoing atrocities is more difficult, particularly since the advent of TV and now the internet. During Vietnam TPTB learned this and thus began to carefully control the images and stories coming out of war zones. Unlike in the movies, IRL J6P grunt isn't always the good guy liberator, he's the oppressor ruling by force and intimidation bombing civilians with the Death From Above.
In the case of Israel, 2 groups of people have conflicting claims over the same crappy piece of land. Jews got the deed from the Brits and claim it as theirs, Palestinians claim it because they never accepted Brits as their rulers, the UN handed it to them as a "protectorate" and they've been living there continuously since Roman times. It's never been its own country though because of its religious significance. Believers from all places make pilgrimages there. Jerusalem has been passed back and forth between Christians and Muslims since the Crusades.
While the Brits accept the UN charter as legal and binding, the Muslim world doesn't, and despite many Crusades, the Knights Templar never managed to conquer the Towel Heads. So they didn't get the genocide necessary to take over that part of the world. They just don't go in and roll over the Jews because it would start WWIII. They support the Palestinian terror campaign tho.
Poland will have their piece of the ukraine - Galacia. and Hungary will take Transcarpathia. Slovakia is just a loser nation so no spoils for them, and Romania loses their bid for Moldavia, (for being NATO patsies) with Transnistria joining the Russian Federation via referendum. No reason Russia couldn't do the world another solid like they did with the Jewish oblast and grant one of the western oblasts bordering Poland or Hungary for the
Palestinians. 40 acres and a tractor and a brand new simple 3bed living room kitchen bath and laundry/mud room for anyone wanting to flee the fucking Jews and have a new life.
Learn Russian, become a citizen. Or stay in Gaza chucking concrete bits at Jews and watch your kids die. Whatever.
I don't see why this would be an affront to anyone.
Quote from: K-Dog on Feb 09, 2025, 12:56 PMQuoteI was under the impression that 'MURIKAN indoctrination began early in the public schools of America?
There are many kinds of indoctrination. Seems some of us can pick and choose our poison.
Personally I find the domination of others incompatible with freedom, but I guess that is just me.
Well, based on last election results, it might be you and 49% of the population, but the other 51% sure seems different.
Quote from: comrade simba on Feb 09, 2025, 06:00 PMPoland will have their piece of the ukraine - Galacia. and Hungary will take Transcarpathia. Slovakia is just a loser nation so no spoils for them, and Romania loses their bid for Moldavia, (for being NATO patsies) with Transnistria joining the Russian Federation via referendum. No reason Russia couldn't do the world another solid like they did with the Jewish oblast and grant one of the western oblasts bordering Poland or Hungary for the
Palestinians. 40 acres and a tractor and a brand new simple 3bed living room kitchen bath and laundry/mud room for anyone wanting to flee the fucking Jews and have a new life.
Learn Russian, become a citizen. Or stay in Gaza chucking concrete bits at Jews and watch your kids die. Whatever.
I don't see why this would be an affront to anyone.
The chance of Palestinians being relocated to Ukraine and furnished with a tractor and mud hut to farm wheat is about the same as them being sent to Iowa to grow corn or China to wade through the rice paddies. Nobody wants to import millions of impoverished Muslims who will be nothing but trouble. They're certainly not going to be grateful.
Back in the real world, El Trumpo will up the pressure on the neighboring countries to take them, and with no water, no electricity and little food being shipped in, they'll be forced out. Then they'll try to build hotels and condos for rich people, which nobody in their right mind will buy.
Farmin in Ukraine? Maybe they can grow tobacco.
Kushner and his squeeze can fly around. To keep them working.
The idea is Russia takes the high ground with the Palestinians like they did with the Jewish oblast. Even though there will be no takers a depopulated buffer between Russian oblasts and Galacia is a win.
The High Ground with the Palestinians is supporting them in their desire for self-rule and their own state where they currently live. That's what they are fighting for.