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What American Fascism Would Look Like

Started by RE, May 17, 2024, 12:34 PM

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Haven't yet read any of the articles in this series yet, but I can answer the question with 1 word. UGLY.

Considering the improvements that have been made with surveillance technology, "let me see your papers" of the Nazi era would seem like freedom.  I can forsee a law all citizens being required to wear a body cam 24/7, with AI monitoring thee real time audio & video streams for any "Un-Amerikan" activity.  The Diner will go from shadow banning to disappeared.

What American Fascism Would Look Like



The New Republic contends we do not have Fascism now, but that Trump will bring it.  I can't agree.  We already have fascism.  Our defense industry controls the state.  Trump did not start that, and we have a double dip of genocide, war, and exploitation right now.  All with Trump gone.

But if we are getting into sophomoric role play then if Trump gets to be Hitler I want to be Albert Speer.  And if their are allegations of slavery in my factories I will see...


The MIC has been in charge since 1776.  The extermination of the aboriginal occupants, non stop wars from 1812, gunboat opening of Japan by Perry, Roosevelt's Rough Riders, 2 World Wars, Vietnam, MENA.  Militarism doesn't necessarily mean Fascism though. All the colonial powers were Monarchies, not Fascist states.

Fascism has only been a definable political system since the early 1900s.  When did the USA become the FSoA in your opinion?