Newz Agency & Soial Media Censorship

Started by RE, May 07, 2024, 06:49 PM

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It's not just microscopically small purveyors of information not approved by TPTB like us who are having trouble publishing anything people are actually allowed to read these days, some bigger folks with more money behind them also are getting snuffed.  Al Jazeera is funded by Oman and Tik Tok is owned by the Chinese, so there's no lack of money for these folks.  They find themselves on the wrong side of the Israeli-Palestinian divide though, so they are getting attacked politically and forced to shut down their operations.

All this is done under the general rubric of "National Security", which is so nebulous practically anything can be considered a security risk.  I mean really, *I* am a National Security risk! lol.  Students protesting are a security risk!  Did you know that Political Science students at Columbia have textbooks about TERRORISM?!  The NYPD was horrified when these were turned up on campus!  Bathrooms are a security risk because the students can read the the textbooks in the stalls away from the security cameras in the library.

We can definitely look forward to still greater restrictions on what can be published, and even more insidiously what can be found as far as information that does not follow the party line on the Israel-Palestinian (I-P) conflict.  Look for more Op-Ed pieces decrying the "rising tide of anti-semitism" among "Left wing journalists and academics."

As long as Chevron can keep a 10% growth in free cash flow from their assets in Gaza, a little collateral damage in dead women and children is just the price they have to pay so we can live in a free democracy.  Sometimes in order to save a village, you have to destroy it.  You have the freedom to read whatever we allow to be published and you are free to believe whatever you want as long as you don't talk about it or write about it.  Let's MAGA and bring back the Aristocracy and Slavery and repeal Women's Suffrage.  Remember, Might Makes Right, Greed is Good and the eagle will fly, it's gonna be hell when you hear mother freedom tyrrany start ringin' her bell cause the Death from Above will come raining down on you...

Oh, and justice will be served and the battle will rage
This big dog hypocrite will fight when you rattle his cage
And you'll be sorry that you messed with
The F.S. of A.
'Cause we'll put a boot in your ass
It's the American way

Israel is banning Al Jazeera, America is banning TikTok. We know why