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Is Civil War already here?

Started by RE, Oct 25, 2024, 03:21 AM

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Hard to decide whether to put this under the War thread or Revolution or give it a thread of its own.  Decided on War, mainly because while the political outcome of a revolution is not clearly evident,  the violence of war is pretty much guaranteed.

The main questions are how quickly it will evolve how widespread and pervasive it will be and what forms it will take?  Also, how will the military factor in?  Will the chain of command hold up?  Will we get Martial Law?

Less than 2 weeks till Election Day.  Then the fun really begins.



The public are not united in their hatred against the government. I mean the discord between Trump and Harris is testament how split the voting public in what is right. Due to this I cannot see how the public goes against big government to cause a lasting civil war.

The alternative scenario for a civil war is if the elites are on two sides of the fence and they are duking it out for overall control of the country. While there are some disagreement most are still in favour of the status quo so I cannot see a civil war being created under this scenario either. There needs to be so other factor that creates the condition where either the public unite against the government (or elite) or if the elite themselves split into two different factions. Currently I do not see either event happening so whilst there will be friction and conflict it will not escalate into a full blown civil war.



Preppers have been ready since the Mormons were invented. They don't even need a reason. But they find a popular one in the moment, and presto...rationalization negins! Harold Camping, Yellowstone going BOOM, peak oil, climate change, Planet X, civil war, and so on and so forth. Yellowstone is still the coolest one. The Mayan calendar was a good laugh though.


I caught a film last night called "Buried" on FX I believe.  It was a 1 man show starring Ryan Reynolds about a civilian contractor who was kidnapped and buried alive by blackmailers in Syria.  It's the kind of small, non-commercial films a big time actor can do as a vanity project to show off his acting skills or for political reasons etc.  The entire film takes place with him inside this box communicating with the outside world on a cell phone.

It is of course very depressing, and tho RR gets on my nerves, he did a good job with the acting.  Just to spend all the time in the box on the set is real commitment to his acting craft.  But what is most interesting about the movie is how the FSoA Goobermint REALLY deals with these kidnappings and ransom demands, which happen a whole lot more often than we hear about on the MSM.

Forget all those feel-good movies where the ex-pat runs to the US Embassy and gets help.  The State Dept policy is not to negotiate with terrorists.  Basically, that ended with the Hostage Crisis back in the 70s, which featured Ted Koppel reporting on it on the late night newz show.  It made Ted's career and was the begining of the "Nightline" newz show.  Ted was also a war correspondent before that in Vietnam.

Those were the days before our Fascist Goobermint took control over the newz media and restricted what they can show to prevent the kind of opposition that the reporting from Vietnam fed into.  Now on YT I can't even turn up any clips of those reports, just a vid of old Ted talking about it.

Anyhow, because of this, now instead of talking to any State Dept person, the victim is given some NGO rep to talk to who serves as the intermediary.  This person does everything he can to convince the victim to NOT make a vid which the kidnappers will put up on YT, and YT also shuts them down shortly after they go up.  Under the "National Security" excuse.  This is why we never hear about this or see it, even though it happens regularly over there to journalists, civilian contractors, AID workers etc.  As they said in the film, in some neighborhoods this is the only way to make any money.

Even just contacting anyone at all to help him was almost impossible, and if your family isn't rich enough to pay a ransom demand, you can't raise the money through a crowd funding effort on social media either.  The ONLY people who will ever get any real help have to be rich and famous or politically important.  The companies that hire people to do this make them sign contracts indemnifying them from any obligations or responsibility, and in this case even falsely accused the guy of having an affair with another worker in order to terminate his employment before he died so they wouldn't have to pay insurance money to his family.  Listening to the lawyer on the phone with him while he is buried alive will make you want to puke and confirm all the worst things you ever heard told about lawyers.

Hopefully this film will convince anyone thinking of taking a job with one of the firms that supplies contract workers in MENA that no matter how high the pay is, the risk is just too great and not worth it.  If you do take such a job, make sure you go over there with a cyanide pill and be ready to bite down on it as soon as you get kidnapped.  I can think of no more horrible way to die than to be buried alive.  Because it takes so long to die, it's even worse than dying in a fire I think.

The fact our Goobermint so actively prevents these events from being reported on, it turns this into a death sentence for the victims.  It doesn't reduce the incidence of its occurence, because the folks doing it keep doing it whether or not they get paid.  If they don't get paid the first time, the victim dies and they try again.  What it shows is that our Goobermint doesn't give a shit about you if you're poor.  Nether do the companies that do the hiring.  Basically, it should be illegal for American companies to run these kind of operations, but without them the military couldn't function because they fill the logistics role. 

Desperate people will do anything when the company waves a big paycheck at them, but despite supposedly being "fully informed" about the risks, the fact is they are not fully informed.  They aren't told the truth about how many people are really kidnapped or how often they are actually rescued if it happens.  The real answers are it happens often and they almost never get rescued.

The only reason this film even got made and got on FX is because Ryan Reynolds made it.  He has gone way up in my regard for him as an actor and as a person.  I still find many of his mainstream movies annoying though. lol.



It appears Da Goobermints in Eurotrashland are taking seriously the possiblity of the war in Ukraine expanding, particularly in the Baltic and Scandinavian states.  They're pushing civilian readiness and prepping for wartime shortages and deprivation.

Now, I can't see Vlad the Impaler pulling an invasion stunt in Finland or Sweden like in Ukraine, but if these countries accept and deploy NATO missiles on the Ruskie border, he's definitely going to retaliate somehow.  The most obvious method is to cut off their supply of NG, but given the fact that the FSoA has ramped up the ability to export this stuff that actually plays into the hands of the energy companies.    It would certainly raise the price of the gas, and if he doesn't sell it he loses the income from it.  So if an embargo of gas isn't a viable retaliation, what other choices does he have?

In reality, Ukraine shows that invasion isn't really an option for anybody anymore on either side of these conflicts, and the real problem as far as wartime levels of deprivation come as consequences of the economic warfare which is ongoing.  This war is being fought by denying access to credit which starves a country of the FOREX needed to buy various energy products.  Cuba is the Canary in the Coal Mine, but any country that's not  energy self-sufficient is vulnerable to the political pressure from the supply side countries, namely the FSoA and Mother Russia primarily.

The result of this is that it's becoming clear how the reduction of energy consumption is being managed, which is by forcing smaller countries into a wartime economy.  The problem of course is that this is slowing down the Consumption economy globally, leading to the counter-intuitive result of a surplus of energy resources in the supply side countries.  Thus we get the $65 oil, which despite being incredibly cheap highly indebted countries in Africa, Asia, South America and now even Europe can't afford.  If you consider how much inflation there has been over the last decade (28.73%), $65 today is the equivalent of about $50 in 2014 dollars.  Inflation since 1984 has been 200%, so that is about $22 oil in 1984 dollars.  Actual price of oil in 1984 was $28.  So taking into account inflation, oil is actually CHEAPER than it was 40 years ago! lol.

Despite the fact the oil (and NG) is so cheap, the countries and consumers in these countries are losing access to the credit needed to buy it.  The way the energy shortage manifests itself is by a shortage of credit, not a shortage of the actual product.  Isn't that interesting?

Anyhow, despite the fear mongering ongoing in Sweden & Finland, it's highly unlikely IMHO that Vlad will invade either country or that NATO will lob a Nuke onto the Kremlin.  They will however begin experiencing Brownouts & Blackouyts as though war was ongoing.  Which it is, but it's happening inside the board rooms of the WTO, the IMF and the restauraants in Davos, Switzerland.

'Would you survive 72 hours?' Germany and the Nordic countries prepare citizens for possible war



The sources I follow concerning Ukraine make it clear that Russian intelligence is top notch at tracking NATO personnel in Ukraine.

They just took out dozens of them with drones and missiles in retaliation for a Ukraine attack.  No information about this using Google.  Use other means to find out more.  There is a lot of news since Biden decided Killenski could play with bigger toys.  But not much you are supposed to know about.  American activity in Syria is also provoking the Russians.  But when the existing POTHUS is not as smart as this guy,     

what can you say? 

France will threaten invasion over their losses, but I shed no tears over the death of people who kill for money.  And you can leave out the part about money.  The distinction is unnecessary.

QuoteFrance's President Emmanuel Macron has promised to provide Ukraine with intense support in its battle against Russia's "escalation" of its invasion, his office said.

The American human vegetable president can still kill.  Letting Killenski use long range missiles deep into Russia used the brainpower of a head of lettuce.  Whoever is actually behind it.  At this point Biden probably could not do such a thing without help.

Stir the pot on your way out,  Can you piss on your shoe too?  I bet you can.  You pissed on everybody else's shoe, so it stands to reason.  And you are responsible for the escalation.

Russian forces strike infrastructure at Ukrainian military airfields

Russian tactical aircraft crews, drone units, missile troops and artillery forces also struck enemy troops and equipment in 132 areas.

MOSCOW, November 30. /TASS/. Russian forces have struck infrastructure facilities at Ukrainian military airfields, as well as the defense industry's energy sites, the Russian Defense Ministry said in a statement.

"Russian tactical aircraft crews, drone units, missile troops and artillery forces struck infrastructure facilities at military airfields and energy sites ensuring the operation of Ukraine's defense industry, as well as enemy troops and equipment in 132 areas," the statement reads.

Russian air defense downed a Neptune long-range missile, a HIMARS rocket and 45 fixed-wing drones in the past day, ministry added.

"Air defenses shot down a Neptune long-range missile, a HIMARS rocket and 45 fixed-wing unmanned aerial vehicles," the statement said.
Battlegroup East

Russia's Battlegroup East made Ukraine lose up to 50 troops in the past day, the ministry said in a statement.

"Units of Battlegroup East continued to move deeper into enemy defenses, defeating the forces of the 32nd Mechanized Brigade of the Ukrainian armed forces and the 120th and 241st territorial defense brigades near Volnoye Pole, Novosyolka and Novy Komar in the Donetsk People's Republic. The enemy lost up to 50 troops, an infantry fighting vehicle, a motor vehicle and two D-20 152 mm howitzers," the statement reads.
Battlegroup Dnepr

Battlegroup Dnepr made Ukraine lose up to 70 troops in the past day, the ministry added.

"Units of Battlegroup Dnepr hit the troops and equipment of the 141st Infantry Brigade of the Ukrainian armed forces and the 124th and 126h territorial defense brigades near Orekhov in the Zaporozhye region, Molodyozhnoye and Nikolskoye in the Kherson Region. The Ukrainian armed forces lost up to 70 troops, an infantry fighting vehicle, two motor vehicles and an electronic warfare system," the statement read.
Battlegroup Center

Russia's Battlegroup Center moved to more advantageous positions, repelling 11 Ukrainian counterattacks and making the enemy loseover 510 troops in the past day, the Russian Defense Ministry said in a statement.

"Units of Battlegroup Center moved to more advantageous positions, hitting troops and equipment from the 154th Mechanized Brigade, the 59th Motorized Infantry Brigade, the 68th Jaeger Brigade of the Ukrainian armed forces, the 38th Marine Brigade, the 116th Territorial Defense Brigade and the 14th National Guard Brigade near Andreyevka, Mirolyubovka, Shevchenko, Grodovka, Novoolenevka and Dimitrov in the Donetsk People's Republic," the statement reads.

According to the ministry, Russian forces "repelled 11 counterattacks by assault teams from the 14th, 100th, 117th and 151st mechanized brigades, the 152nd Jaeger Brigade, the 425th and 49th assault battalions of the Ukrainian Armed forces, the 35th Marine Brigade and the Liut assault brigade of the National Police of Ukraine." "The enemy lost over 510 troops, an infantry fighting vehicle, two US-made M113 and M1117 armored personnel carriers, two Kozak armored combat vehicles, four motor vehicles, a D-20 152 mm howitzer, a Msta-B 152 mm howitzer, two D-30 122 mm howitzers and an M119 105 mm howitzer," the ministry added.
Battlegroup North

In addition, Ukraine lost over 30 troops in the area of responsibility of Russia's Battlegroup North in the Kharkov Region in the past day, the ministry reported.

"Units of Battlegroup North active in the Kharkov area defeated the forces of the 92nd Air AssautlBrigade of the Ukrainian armed forces and the Fifth Border Detachment of the Ukrainian Border Service near Liptsy, Kazachya Lopan and Slatino in the Kharkov Region. The Ukrainian armed forces lost over 30 troops, four motor vehicles and a D-30 122 mm howitzer," the statement reads.

Russian forces also wiped out an electronic warfare system and three ammunition depots.
Battlegroup West

The Ukrainian armed forces lost up to 505 troops and four NATO-supplied artillery weapons in the area of responsibility of Russia's Battlegroup West in the past day, the Russian Defense Ministry said.

"Units of Battlegroup West improved their tactical position, hitting enemy troops and equipment. <...> The enemy lost up to 505 troops, eight motor vehicles, a British-made FH-70 155 mm howitzer, a US-made M198 155 mm howitzer and two M119 105 mm howitzers. Two Anklav-N electronic warfare systems and a field ammunition depot were destroyed," the statement reads.

from Tass, the Russian News agency.


Well, if the Frogs send missiles into Ukraine that land in Moscow, I could see Vlad putting missiles in Donetsk that land in Paris.  This would definitely trigger a mutual defense clause in the NATO countries, so now you would have missiles flying all over the continent.  Not nuke, but it would definitely knock out the lights.  That would reduce energy consumption. lol.

2025 is definitely looking like a Turning Point on the Collapse Highway.  With Trumpovetsky also taking over in the Oval Office and the Chinese economy in the toilet, global geopolitics are on shaky ground.  The main question is where the first Big Quake will hit.



That's Finnish not finish;D

Finland gets Top Honors for War Prepping.  They also get the "Happiest Nation" prize.  ::)

Finland's preparedness isn't exactly good for business



Quote from: RE on Dec 02, 2024, 03:55 PMThat's Finnish not finish;D

Finland gets Top Honors for War Prepping.  They also get the "Happiest Nation" prize.  ::)

Finland's preparedness isn't exactly good for business


This author is a deep state hater.  Perhaps Russia would like to get along with Finland?  This thought does not cross this member of the Atlantic Council's mind. 


Well, everything is being spun to place the blame for any deprivation on Putin.  As far as the media is concerned, it's not an energy crisis, it's a political crisis with Putin as the bad guy who wants to invade and holding them hostage to Ruskie gas supply.

This is how it lines up on the geopolitical level.  If you join with the BRICS, you get your energy from Russia and China.  FFs from the Ruskies, Renewables from the Chinese.  Line up with NATO, you get your energy from the FSoA, Canada and the House of Saud.  That's why the BRICS set up their own credit and clearing system, so they wouldn't be hostage to the Dollar and SWIFT in political and economic disputes.

Far as Russia's relationship with the Finns, the only thing important is their geographic position on the Baltic Sea, right across from the Ruskie naval installation in St. Petersburg.  It's too far north to be a pipeline route for gas going west from Russia to Europe.  If they were to start pumping Oil from the Arctic Ocean it could be important, but with the current glut and price of oil, nobody is going to drill the Arctic.

Anyhow, I don't think the Finns are worried about invasion.  I think they're worried about energy shortages and supply chain failures.



In-group and out-group.  La de dah.  The never ending manipulation of the fabric of human relations by alpha-male opportunists.

Conventional wisdum: Hate thy enemy and love thy neighbor.  Sniff deeply, and your own shit smells good.  No?  Try again, there you go.   Ahhhh!

Love thy Enemy is the great  commandment.  And the greatest of authors knew nothing of this molecule millennia ago. ->  A molecule that functions to glue group identity together.  It will make you love your in-group.  And it will make you hate your out-group.

Do you have any choice now that you know?  Enough to make you responsible for your actions, yes you do.

The Lucifer Effect.

Not long ago I watched a two hour talk by Philip Zimbardo recorded in the Bush Days.  Zimbardo did the famous Stanford Prison Experiment and he had the good fortune because of that to be on the Abu-Graib defense team and view ALL the evidence, and study the situation as he saw fit.

Were there bad apples or was there a bad barrel?

The barrel turned out to be very, very bad and the situation corrupted the average apple, making the situation rotten to the core.  Orders to humiliate prisoners came from Donald Rumsfeld.  If learning this makes you uncomfortable.  Don't worry.  Another molecule will make you forget.

90% of people are average apples and are putty in a manipulators hands.  10% can think for themselves.

Philip Zimbardo's talk was excellent.  I watched it from start to finish.  A delight to listen to.  Zimbardo did not talk about the molecule, he only talked about human behavior.  I added the molecule.  I learned about the molecule from Sopolski.

It is an old story.  Pointing out how it has been used in the past does not stop it from being used now.  The molecule makes sure of that.  People are eager slaves to the mind of one with higher rank.

  Go Team!


Perhaps Bambi was placed by our own government so you don't pay attention to what this cow presented by Brian Berletic  is talking about.

The empire lays out their bullshit narrative.

Or is that too woo-woo crazy?


Another strong man falls.  Again chaos will reign and people will suffer.  Libya 2.0.  A day the Arab spring left behind.