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RE's NEW Global Collapse Blog!

Started by RE, Dec 08, 2023, 04:10 AM

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I started a new Global Collapse blog on Wordpress and made my first post tonight.  8)

You can find the new blog at

Global Collapse

I've pretty much forgotten how to use Wordpress plus this version is different than the one I used to use, so it's pretty rudimentary.  It's good for now though just to write on as I feel in the mood.



Quote from: RE on Dec 08, 2023, 04:10 AMI started a new Global Collapse blog on Wordpress and made my first post tonight.  8)

You can find the new blog at

Global Collapse

I've pretty much forgotten how to use Wordpress plus this version is different than the one I used to use, so it's pretty rudimentary.  It's good for now though just to write on as I feel in the mood.


We will link to it at the top later.  I will work on that other mod we talked about next.


Gravatars are a wordpress thing.  Find out how to set up your gravatar and I'll give you a link to your Avatar pic here.  Then I will change your pic to be a Gravatar here after you load up your gravatar image.  I changed my pic to my gravatar last week.  I am getting to be an expert on how SMF forum uses avatars for obvious reasons.

Nobody saw my dog change because the pic is the same.  That is how it will be for you unless you want it changed.  I like the one you have now, but i found this a while ago.

I need to fill out the contact info on my Gravatar.  Say who I am, and make sure the gravatar references this web address.


I set up a gravatar a long time ago I recall.  Might have been a different WP account.

I like both those Bullwinkle avatars.   You can rotate them periodically.



I'm in the process of getting a new set of dentures FREE from Medicaid, which hopefully will fit better and be comfortable to wear occasionally when I want to look like an upstanding, financially successful member of industrial society.  Having a photogenic smile with a nice set of white choppers is a requirement for any type of job you have contact with the public.  My sister used to work for the Vocational Rehabilitation department of the stat of MO, and getting dentures for the poor and chronically unemployed was one of the first steps to helping them get off welfare and becoming tax payers.

Go to a poor country, you always see plenty of middle age to old folks with missing or broken and discolored teeth.  This is rare in Amerika, unless you drop down to the level of the homeless or visit an old folks home, where many of us who have them don't don't bother wearing them because we don't have to make the expected toothy appearance at a job.  You don't really need them to eat with, after a while your gums toughen up and you can chew a nice juicy steak just fine.  The need for them is almost entirely cosmetic.

Anyhooo, I have a new relatively young dentist making me these teeth, and while she has been making molds filling my mouth with some kind of oil based polymer I have been regaling her with tales of doom and my take on the future of industrial civilization.  However, since for most of the time my mouth is filled up with this gooey junk I can't talk I don't have time to really explain all the details of why she is Doomed. lol.  She is very interested though since I have impressed her with my impressive knowledge base of fundamental chemistry and material science and explained I am a famous former Doom blogger, so I promised her I would write an introduction to Collapse just for her on my new blog.  It ended up as a two parter, and both parts are now up on my new Global Collapse blog.

Part 1 is titled Dentistry in Collapse, Part 2 is called Prepping for Collapse.

My thoughts and advice on these topics has evolved, so I no longer hand out the same morsels of wisdom I used to, such as moving to a low population zone ASAP.  This just isn't possible for many (most) people who need to be in communities of a decent size in order to find work at a decent pay scale.  I focus more now on education aspects in preparation than on physical preps.

I'm sure she'll find the blogs pretty depressing overall, which usually leads people toward denial in order to stay happy, so I'm not expecting to get a new member out of this.  I don't see her again until the 27th, so unless I run into her rolling around the facility before that she won't read it for a while.  Feel free to suggest changes or additions, even disagreements you might have.  I'll edit them in as Op-Ed.



My latest in Politically Incorrect ranting on the Depopulation issue, this time taking on the Woke LGBTQ party line and rising homosexual and transgender behavior as contributors to depopulation.

I'll be interested to see if this gets me any negative attention and readership. lol.



I think they should relabel the current Divisions as "Swimmers with Ovaries" & "Swimmers with Testicles", and make a 3rd Division for ""Swimmers without reproductive organs".

Ohio governor vetoes bill banning gender-reassignment treatment, trans participation in women's sports





More about the history of Peak Oil blogging.

Why aren't the Zombies here yet?

Don't forget to watch the video!



What are the root causes of the current conflicts in Palestine and Yemen?  A brief look a the modern history of the Middle East.

Blog now up at

Video podcast up on the Diner YouTube channel.