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Cornel West

Started by K-Dog, Jul 26, 2023, 01:12 PM

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The Cornel West thread.

Because the duopoly must end and because Cornel would be a night and day improvement.



No, a snowball in hell has a much better chance.  Racism in America is alive and well. 

This is a truth too uncomfortable to agree with, so I expect most readers won't agree with me.  But as long as we have ignorance, we will also have racism.  They are kissing cousins.

Analysis of big data shows racism put Trump over the top.  And racism by itself will keep Cornel out.

Virtue may not pay, it is it's own reward.  On the flip side, it does not cost anything to be a decent human being.  And if Cornel even gets 5% of the total vote.  The result will shake the empire in its boots.  Questions that stopped being asked in the last few years might be asked once again. 

As things in America are now, boredom could kill me.  The growth of censorship and our new American propaganda has reduced American intellectual life to an insufferably low level.  As I write this I have this in the background.

It is a nice way to fight the current zeitgeist described so well by these old lyrics:

QuoteShould I try to be a straight 'A' student?
"If you are then you think too much
Don't you know about the new fashion honey?
All you need are looks and a whole lotta money"

We have become a nation devoid of hope and dreams.  Cornel is antidote to this.  I enjoyed the discussion, but many people won't be able to do so.  Their 'whiteness' will let the 'blackness' of the video get in the way of tuning into what Cornel and Pascal Robert are actually talking about.  The discussion covered issues that Trump or Biden are incapable of understanding.

Biden or Trump, these are our choices, really?  I don't want that.  I want an adult world to match the adult maturity it took me many years to attain.  It was not easy. 

Biden and Trump both have the minds of children.  It is painful to have them in charge.  Either one.

I have to live with all the morons entranced by their power.  Then after four years, another idiot in charge.

As things are life now is just like living in a nation that breathed in atomized lead for fifty years.  A nation which went soft eating high fructose corn syrup.  After two lackluster presidential terms one of the two MOFO's is going to keep the rich rich once again.

A Brain Damaged Nation

* I have been accused of having a brain.  I fear it may be true.  Growing up the winds came from the north.  I was on the north side of the city.  I may be more lead free than most.

The good thing is that if we have history in 2000 years Caligula will still be talked about but Trump and Biden won't be.


What would Dr. West candidacy look like.  Would Cornel free Assange?

Would Cornel free Leonard Peltier?

Do bears shit in the woods? 

I want to head the Empire in order to dismantle it. We don't need 800 military bases around the world. We don't need U.S. troops, in over 100 countries. We need to be a nation among nations. We don't need to be the Grand Empire that every nation has to bow down to. I'm anti-Empire, anti-imperialist, in that sense, very much like Mark Twain and the most adorable American philosopher, William James.

60% of Americans are living month to month.  23% of Americans are still living in dire poverty.  Even as food stamps are cut given the debt ceiling agreement between Biden and McCarthy.  What are we talking about in terms of human  beings who are unable to flourish because of  lack of nourishment, let alone lack of access to  serious substantive healthcare, care of quality,
I don't want to chip at poverty. I want to  eliminate, abolish poverty. I don't want to chip at homelessness. I want to abolish homelessness. I don't want to chip at struggle for living wages. I want to abolish unjust wages. I don't want to chip at mass incarceration reform. I want to abolish forms of injustice that incarcerate people as  if they're animals. There's ways of dealing with  murderers, and rapists, and so forth, Things that are criminal. I'd be the first to acknowledge that, but there's ways of dealing with them.  We can learn from Finland. We can learn from Denmark. We can learn from Sweden on how you  rehabilitate persons. I want to abolish corporate  greed and on, and on, and on. That kind of abolish!

Cornel is what Bernie should have been.

I'm going straight into Trump country, man. I'm going to talk to many of those vanilla brothers and sisters.  I'm not naïve, but I'm going to say, I know  you want it. I know you're scarred. I know you're  bruised. I know you have not been able to flourish under this corporate globalization, and the arrogance of the professional-managerial class,  and the greed of the corporate elites. I want you to be able to become a part of a movement that's concerned by satisfying your basic social needs.  Give up on following neo-fascist pied pipers. Give up on the xenophobia that makes you feel good.  Yet you still catching hell economically and financially.

That's what is required. I'm not naïve, but we have a chance of reaching some of those white brothers and sisters. I don't  give up on them at all. They're human beings.  They just happen to want to come at Black folk, and gays, and lesbians, and Jews, and Arabs, and Muslims at the moment. They can be changed. 

You go out to reach them, not in arrogance.

  There is hope.  Some people just need a different leader.