Figure out how to live in the worst-case. 
Or play Rambo in the woods, and max out your privilege. 

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Global Birthrate Decline

Started by RE, Oct 18, 2023, 10:24 PM

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While numerous global species are being extinctified daily and rapidly as more of the total biomass of the planet has shifted towards Homo Sap, their Pets and the Livestock and Crops we use for food, we are beginning the process of Self-Extinctification by lower birthrates.  Many countries are now below Replacement Level or about 2.1, as our birth rates lower and death rates increase.  China, once the most populous country in the world, has now lost 1st place in the Overshoot race to India, the long time runner-up.

Birth rates in China have dipped so low that they no longer need to source Hunman Infant Formula from the Nestle plant in Ireland.  In other words, corporate elite no longer can grow enough new slaves to work in Chinese factories.  Does it not seem a very odd use of energy and resources to ship baby formula from Ireland to China to begin with?

So, China now will be self-sufficient in "Formula" for infants.  Hard to believe that once upon a time human females were able to produce enough real milk for babies to grow the population.  What ingredients are in "Formula" anyhow?  Were you fed formula as an infant Diner, or did you get the real thing?  Inquiring Diners want to know.


Irish baby milk factory to close as China birth rate drops



...and the hits just keep on coming.  22%!  Almost as good as 88 mph!

Keeping pace in lock step with the crashing value of FSoA Debt is the falling birth rate of new taxpayers to pay off that mountain of debt sometime in the mythical future.  About the only positive sign you can find for the crash in the bond market is that it's not moving as fast as the crash in birth rates. 22%! Elon Musk is very worried about this disturbing trend.

"Far too many people are under the illusion that Earth is overpopulated, even though birth rate trends are so obviously headed to population collapse," Musk said.

Who will he sell all those Teslas he is tooling his factories up to build?  Where will he get passengers for his rockets to Mars?

Collapse newz is very good today.  :D

Population rate decline in the US triggers economic alarms from experts: 'Calamitous effect'



"Far too many people are under the illusion that Earth is overpopulated, even though birth rate trends are so obviously headed to population collapse," Musk said.

At the risk of overuse of this Musk Pontification as a jumping off point for Doom posting in one day, we also find out that Korea  has an accelerating drop in its birth rate.  What few of these articles discuss and is of equal if not greater importance in our determination of which way the population balloon is going is the DEATH RATE.  In this article though, despite the fact it is only briefly mentioned, we do get a graph that traces both in Korea for the past 4 years.  Check out first the spread between Births and Deaths:

It has gone from about even in 2019 to now nearing double deaths to births. With that kind of spread, your total population is going to drop like a rock on Jupiter.  Look also at that HUGE spike in deaths in March 2022.  Can you guess where that came from?  I'll save you the trouble of Googling it, that was a COVID surge.  That wasn't even from the first wave either, and I don't think it comes close to the wipeouts in China a few times in different provinces.

How about the Death Rate in Gaza last month? Ukraine last year? Afghanistan the last decade?  What's the spread, Ted?  How come Elon isn't so worried about the Death Rate?  How come we don't have stories in the MSM focusing on the Death Rate in different countries around the world, and different counties in the FSoA?

This issue becomes important on the economic front also.  A decreasing birth rate means fewer tax payers, but increasing the death rate means fewer social security recipients and unfunded Medicaid liabilities.  Right here on my court in the SNIF, currently we have 5 out of the 17 rooms occupied by infected old folks, who tend to have a low survival rate when attacked by this virus.  For the record, this is the 5th time I have been incarcerated together with a large number of Quarantined COVIDies.  Once more, my immune system has been called in to battle.  3 days ago I felt an itch on my epiglotis.  You know, that thing at the back of your throat that if you stick your finger back there to scratch you vomit?  So I started doing this thing with the back of my tongue against it and forcing air through to make it vibrate, scratching it that way.  It kept getting more itchy each day to the point I am making this weird sound to scratch it every couple of minutes.

I figured, OK, this is it, I got it, my perfect record is over.  Next comes the cough, the fever, the pneumonia, then the death.

Nope. Today I woke up, no more itchy epiglotis, no cough, no fever, I am fine.  Was that the COVID virus trying to grab a foothold on me, like the Israeli army attacking Gaza?  Dunno, I looked up early symptoms of COVID, itchy epiglotis is not listed.  In any event, I am still batting 1.000.  Haven't got it yet.  All my swabs have come back negative this month, though I did not get one this week.  Didn't ask for 1 because I didn't want to know if I did have it.

Births down, Deaths up.  The Population Knockdown is knocking at the door now.

Korea sees accelerating drop in birth rate



From Running out of gas, a Jack Alpert video.

The large white area represents the next century.  Eight billion are here and eight billion more are coming.  By the end of the next century most people perish in the red zone.  And the sliver of green is questionable.

QuoteHow about the Death Rate in Gaza last month? Ukraine last year? Afghanistan the last decade?  What's the spread, Ted?  How come Elon isn't so worried about the Death Rate?  How come we don't have stories in the MSM focusing on the Death Rate in different countries around the world, and different counties in the FSoA?
Is the red zone coming for you!?


Quote from: K-Dog on Oct 26, 2023, 08:55 PMThe large white area represents the next century.  Eight billion are here and eight billion more are coming.  By the end of the next century most people perish in the red zone.  And the sliver of green is questionable.

A reasonable estimate.  600M left is of course very close to the 500M number recommended by the Georgia Guidestones.  Also very close to the Peak Population in the 17th century when the plagues hit.

Assuming the estimates on when the recoverable energy reserves will run dry for the empty tank scenario are correct, that gives us about 75 years left to kill off about 12B people.   If you divide 12B/75, you get 160M people every year between now and 2100.  For reference here, the number of total dead from WWII over about 6 years was:

Battle Deaths    15,000,000
Battle Wounded    25,000,000
Civilian Deaths 45,000,000

for a total of around 85M.  So, starting today, we need about double the total WW2 deaths every single year from now to 2100.  Except of course it's not going to be spread out nice and even like that.  The more years we keep going BAU, the more would have to die every year after BAU is over.  Also though, once BAU is over, the deaths won't spread out nice and even, at some point they will start happening very fast.

THAT is the 12B person question hanging out in this thread, which is WHEN between now and 2100 will the BIG one occur?  When will we get that first really BIG year of deaths?  Not a minor blip like COVID, but a real WHOPPER year, with say even just half the WWII death toll number? Will that come in the next decade while I still have some chance of being alive to see it?  Or is it still 20 or 30 years away?

Inquiring Doomer minds want to know.



Quote from: K-Dog on Oct 26, 2023, 08:55 PMThe large white area represents the next century.  Eight billion are here and eight billion more are coming.

Actually, that assumption is already probably wrong, because 8B more coming assumes the fertility and replacement rate of Births remains at least even, but it already is not, and dropping quickly.  So we probably will not bring 8B new Homo Saps into the world between now and 2100.  Even if we only deliver 4B neo-homo buns out of the ovens over the next 75 years, that still means we have a lot of useless eaters to dispose of and recycle into hopefully some more friendly type of organism to the planetary ecosystem.  All those good organic compounds remaining in the lifeless Homo Sap corpses will get eaten by something and the stuff will get redistributed through the food chain in a very equitable socialist fashion as the system rebalances itself.  There will still be plenty of life on the 3rd planet from the sun in 2100, just not a whole lot of the organisms will be sentient.



This article features a comprehensive set of surveys trying to figure out why the birthrate in the FSoA is declining, which as we all know here is patently obvious overall as being an economic impossibility for Millenials who probably won't be able to afford a McMansion and pay off student loans until their 30s, if ever.  However, the various different survey questions and stats which break this all down are interesting to check out.

The stats have a lot of problems of course, like the attitude about how many kids an ideal family SHOULD have, where about 1/3rd of the Galluup respondents ay 3 or 4.  Yea, OK, but how many families actually HAVE 3 or 4 kids?

So, Elon Musk and the corporate media continue to bemoan this trend, and some Goobermints like Japan and Hong Kong have become SOOO worried that they are offering fairly pathetic financial incenttives for people to have kids, but any real solution to the affordability problem and the depressing future problem any kids you have face is nowhere in sight.  So, you can expect more of these articles to continue popping up as we move forward here in the global population knockdown race, until we finally get a real good famine, plague or war that takes out not 1500 civilian casualties like the latest Issraeli bombing of Palestinians, but 150,000 Taiwanese when the FSoA bombs Taiwan after the Chinese stage a Coup d'Etat, then the Iranians bomb the Israelis and takeout 1.5M Jews...etc.  Then people will stop worrying abouth the birth rate and start worrying about the death rate.

Seriously, why aren't millennials having kids?



QuoteThen people will stop worrying about the birth rate and start worrying about the death rate.

Yes, declining birth rates bother the rich.  It is right up there with 'people don't want to work'.

If America needs more, people finding them is NOT HARD.

Equity is never a consideration when rich people talk about the declining birth rate.  Money causes them to err in thinking.  Excess people will let Musk lower wages.  That produces more starving people in need, but the rich get richer.

If Musk earns $1 from every person working in a Musk enterprise, should the people he employs double then he earns twice as much.  Musk lips move, but his dollars do his talking. 

Another thing money says is that a rising tide lifts all boats.  Which is something only a moron would actually say were money not doing the talking.  Money talks.  This is proof.  Think about it.  Money does not think about leaky boats, but anyone with a brain would.

Yearnings for endless growth on a finite planet results in verbal diarrhea from a man who can buy as much personal space as he wants.


Musk's home country has a few people to spare too.


Seriously, why aren't millennials having kids?

Who can afford to?  An average home in America is over $500K.  At $25 an hour it will take ten years to earn that much.  Add terms of a mortgage on that, and more than half of what a man earns goes into the house for thirty years.

There is enough left over for one dog. And not a big one.


Quote from: K-Dog on Nov 04, 2023, 01:23 PMSeriously, why aren't millennials having kids?

Who can afford to?  An average home in America is over $500K.  At $25 an hour it will take ten years to earn that much.  Add terms of a mortgage on that, and more than half of what a man earns goes into the house for thirty years.

There is enough left over for one dog. And not a big one.

Forget the dog.

A $500000 mortgage with a 10% down payment (from your generous boomer parents?) of $50,000 on a 30 year mortgage with interest rate of 7.72% gives you 360 monthly payments of $3214 each.  Total cost to you over 30 years?  $1,115.040.  Your gross earnings if you make $50K/year for 30 years?  $1.5M.  Thus leaving you about $385K, or about $1100/mo.  Then you have everything else.

Everything else: income tax, heat, electricity, water, waste removal, internet, cell phone, car loan, car insurance, gas, food.

Clearly, he's outta cash by the time he gets through the first 4 on that list, if he even makes it that far.  He never goes out to the movies or a concert or even to a fast food restaurant.  No vacations, ever.  Forget kids, he can't afford the wife, he can't even afford to date someone to ask to marry. lol.

Not to mention, a 10% downpayment is insufficient for a 7.72% mortgage rate, that takes a standard 20% DP.  Doubtful your Boomer parents have a $100K layiing around to hand you as a gift, after the giftss they gave you to pay for college.  Wait...did I forget your Student Loan payments?  lol.

Now, obviously said prospective family man needs his salary to start jacking up from his starting pay of $25/hr, but in today's gig economy, how many of those job are out there?

Of course though, this isn't the 1950s with June Cleaver staying home while Ward goes to work, mom works also, so now you're at $100K, and one of you has a 2nd job for another 20 hrs/week, call it family income of $125K, you might squeak it out if you never get sick and have to go to the doctor, or miss work for 10 days because you got Covid.  Wait... did I forget medical insurance?  roflmaopimp.

The whole bizness is so FUBAR I'm amazed anybody is having any kids at all.  It's just insane.



Quote from: K-Dog on Nov 04, 2023, 12:30 PM

North to Alaska?  ;D

Newzflash:  They're not migrating this way.

The new Alaska population estimate, 736,556, is the highest since 2018, but the state continues to have more people moving out than moving in, and 2022 marked the 10th consecutive year of negative net migration,

Nevertheless, we have a housing shortage. ???



QuoteThe whole bizness is so FUBAR I'm amazed anybody is having any kids at all.  It's just insane.

Musk is, and I doubt he is done.

Who are Elon Musk's kids and their mothers?

It is called Conspicuous consumption
In sociology and in economics, the term conspicuous consumption describes and explains the consumer practice of buying and using goods of a higher quality, price, or in greater quantity than practical. 

All to show you are top dog. 

In the case of Amber Heard the 'consuming of goods of a higher quality' is questionable.  To his credit Musk did not loose any fingers.

But pop pop fizz fizz, oh what a consumer Musk is.

I have not been an angel in my life, and Musk has not done anything that many young men without life experience might not do.  That be true.  But Musk is 52.  And all the kids are hardly older than sperm.  Youth is wasted on the young, and money is wasted on the rich. 

Here's the full list of Elon Musk's children.

  • Nevada Alexander Musk (late)
  • Griffin Musk (Twin)
  • Xavier Musk (Twin)
  • Kai Musk (Triplet)
  • Saxon Musk (Triplet)
  • Damian Musk (Triplet)
  • X AE A-XII Musk
  • Exa Dark Sideræl Musk

But I am confused, some sources say 11 kids.

Regardless, it is a crime against humanity.  Sort of.

And a crime against the kids 4 sure!  Musk has how much time to be a quality dad?  To be any kind of dad?  To even know what the fuck it means to be a dad?

The answer none and no.

Maybe he can hire a few dads to do the parenting he can't do?


Quote from: K-Dog on Nov 04, 2023, 11:52 PM
QuoteThe whole bizness is so FUBAR I'm amazed anybody is having any kids at all.  It's just insane.

Musk is, and I doubt he is done.

Granted as true, but I really wasn't including the .0001% class of Global Billionaires through the .01 class of people worth $20M or so with an annual income of say $1M.

As far as Musk's conspicuous consumption of trophy mothers for his spawn goes, at least he seems to employ them sequentially and keep them around for an average of 3-5 years each before trading them in for a newer model.  Basically the same frequency you would expect to trade in your used Tesla car for the latest model.  Trump actually maintained his wives for around 15-20 years each through plastic surgery and regular lube jobs and engine maintenance.

This sort of behavior has always been the case with rich men, who before they are usually finished with showing off their power in their 70s have accumulated 4 or 5 ex-wives and the accompanying alimony payments, kept manageable through the careful use of pre-nups drawn up by their team of lawyers.  Some aren't even finished in their 70s, Al Pacino recently fathered another child at the age of 82.

In Western culture, this sort of sequential monogamy is the acceptable method for elite class men to display their power.  Middle Eastern and Asian cultures have long had the Harem as the preferred method, where a powerful Sheik or Sultan or Maharajah could have 100 wives and concubines running around his household to choose from on a given night.  Said men who use the shotgun method of sreading out their sperm can have children measuring in the hundreds.

Far as parenting goes, the British method of Boarding Schools is preferred, where the kids are sent off at age 6 or so for 1st Grade, continue through Eton for HS, then university at Cambridge.  The only time dad ever sees his kids id during summer vacations and Holidays.  Nannies cover the job from infancy until school age, so mom is free for her daily tasks of wandering around to charities and evening parties on the yacht, until she is replaced and has her nice alimony check to continue hanging around elite class social events and either marry another billionaire if she is a real hot ticket like a Za Za Gabor, or she has a sequence of boy toys to stay happy, having succeeded using her looks to make it up to the elite class in her teens or 20s.

Regardless how many kids these women pop out of their very expensive vaginas, because there are so few of these folks gobally, it's not enough to even keep up the necessary population of 500M called for by the Georgia Guidestones, which is why Elon Musk is in such a tizzy.  His 11 future Elite rulers won't have anyone to populate the servant's quarters and they'll have to do their own laundry and make their own beds.  If only the Masters reproduce and the Slaves don't, the Masters have to become their own Slaves.




It gets better!

In this article, as the new Leader and Influencer in the world of Billionaire Elites, Elon has moved into the limelight as the Greta Thunberg of the Natalist Movement to Save the World from Depopulation by encouraging his fellow Billionaires to join him in regular procreation with as many Supermodels as possible.

Musk has also pushed other wealthy tech entrepreneurs to have children.

"Contrary to what many think, the richer someone is, the fewer kids they have. I am a rare exception. Most people I know have zero or one kid", Musk wrote on Twitter in May 2022.

Insider would later report that a source who worked closely with Musk said the tech billionaire was "very serious" about the idea that wealth is directly correlated with IQ.

The individual also claimed that Musk had urged "all the rich men he knew" to have as many kids as humanly possible.

That concept has steadily permeated throughout Silicon Valley, drawing substantial criticism.

The adoption of natalism among the wealthy elite appears to stem from the longtermism craze that permeated Silicon Valley in the 2010s.

The article goes on to discuss the various quasi-eugenics arguments equating wealth with intelligence, and efforts by some venture capitalits to fund projects for lengthening the lifespan and selecting quality children as embryos.

The whole bizness breaks down however due to the numbers problem, because there simply are not enough Billionaires and Supermodels around to keep world population numbers up enough to buy all the Teslas that have to be sold for Elon to pay his corporate debt coupons.  Once the banks stop rolling over the debt, Tesla goes BK and Elon will have to take his 50 kids and dozen supermodels on a rocket to Mars before it gets repoed.

You can't make this shit up.  The world has become a South Park episode.

What is a pro-natalist? Elon Musk's warnings to humanity underpin a growing movement among tech billionaires



QuoteInsider would later report that a source who worked closely with Musk said the tech billionaire was "very serious" about the idea that wealth is directly correlated with IQ.

Right, and here I am enjoying lunch in my limo. With my 'Grey Poupon'.  I cut my hair.