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Global Birthrate Decline

Started by RE, Oct 18, 2023, 10:24 PM

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A planet in overshoot rushing into a future of doom, and we have articles like this:

Italy's falling birth rate is a crisis that's only getting worse.

This is criminal ignorance.  A part of me wants very bad things to happen to people who promote this bullshit. 

Does that make me evil?  No actually it does the opposite.  It shows a thirst for justice.  Criminal ignorance is not without consequence.


The ignorance is the result of conditioning.  People have been conditioned to expect perpetual growth for so long, they can't grasp this is nature's way of correcting the problem.  As corrective measures go, it's somewhat better than pandemics, famine and war, but all people see is that it threatens their retirement plans.  lol.



A temporary problem anyhoo.  Fascist states know what to do.

Give it a little time.  And make sure condom vending machines are stocked with an 'approved' brand.

As in blessed by the Pope, holie.


Quote from: RE on May 24, 2024, 12:39 PMThe ignorance is the result of conditioning.  People have been conditioned to expect perpetual growth for so long, they can't grasp this is nature's way of correcting the problem.  As corrective measures go, it's somewhat better than pandemics, famine and war, but all people see is that it threatens their retirement plans.  lol.


Nature's way of correcting the problem.  But people are out of touch with nature.

Cities put nature in museums.  COVID showed how good museums are at preserving things.  They close down when the fat goes, and the land gets lean. 

Now out of touch with nature, the herd has lost its way.  Fundamental knowledge about how the world works is lost.


Quote from: K-Dog on May 24, 2024, 01:01 PM
A temporary problem anyhoo.  Fascist states know what to do.

Give it a little time.  And make sure condom vending machines are stocked with an 'approved' brand.

As in blessed by the Pope, holie.

The leaky rubbers trick only works if the League of Mattresses actually fucks.

Sex-positive feminism had its moment – and now it has been replaced by voluntary celibacy



I am thinking of writing a short story where everyone in some future city has a robot significant other.  They look like real people but technically everyone is celibate and rubbing themselves with toys.  Your choices are male, female or nonbinary robot so you can choose a partner to simulate whatever mental illness you have.  If you need surgery to support a gender delusion, no problem.

The protagonists in the story can be two real people who hook up.  One of them pretends to be a robot.  To avoid trouble with the law it became necessary.


Quote from: K-Dog on May 24, 2024, 08:35 PMI am thinking of writing a short story where everyone in some future city has a robot significant other.

Too late.  Already been done.



Can you talk to a Cherry 2000 about doom without her eyes glazing over after you 'do the thing?'


You'll need to buy the Furiosa Doom model.



There's a bit of Pushback ongoing WRT with the brouhaha over declining fertility rates and the Baby Shortage.  The "proto-Natalists" are being confronted by the climate and ecological collapse crowd over their push to "save humanity" by having babies.

This has divided down straight polarized Left vs Right ideology, with the Right Wing Christian Fundies being joined by the Elite Eugenics Atheist Scientist cohort in the propaganda war against the Greenie Eco-Climate anti-Poverty Socialist contingent.  Particularly loathsome are Malcolm and Simone Collins who are clearly unapologetic racists who along with Elon Musk wanna make sure rich well educated white people out-fuck poor black HS dropouts breeding new welfare recipients.  Instead of claiming God is on their side commanding they go forth & multiply like the Fundies, they look to Science & Math as their irrefutable logic for popping more mini-me meat packages out of the oven.  Of course, they cherry pick the evidence used to justify their cause, just as anyone with a political agenda does with science & scientists.  S & S are just Hired Guns who sell their brains to the highest bidder and make the data fit whatever conclusion it is they want to draw.  Scientists are worse than Cult leaders who quote from the Bible to justify themselves, you just don't get more corrupt.

Rich Proto-Natalists do have the advantage that they can actually AFFORD to have 7 kids, but the bigger disadvantage that there just aren't enough of them.  There are more of the Fundies though, who may eventually benefit from Proto-Natalist Cult Doomsteads funded by Billionaire Cult Leaders & Influencers like Elon Musk and open to White Trash women from Appalachia who agree to be pumped full of fertility drugs and inseminated by Silicon Valley Tech CEOs to populate the planet and buy Teslas.

Meet the Weirdos Making Pronatalism Look Like Racist Insanity



Exponential Population Growth is officially OVAH for the Industriaalized world.



Quote from: RE on Jun 21, 2024, 12:49 AMLot's of charts here from the OECD as the Illuminati sociologists fret over collapsing birthrates.  :-\  :-\


Yeah. - Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.  Simulate progress and world trade.

Grow baby grow.

Grow grow, fuck human and quality of life.  Fuck a civilization that could choose to last a million years.  A civilization that will only last fifty more is so much more...........profitable.

Perhaps a proper use or AI is to identify people who deny overpopulation and advocate for larger families. 
Identify them so they can be dealt with at an appropriate time.

Perhaps more seriously these deniers can be broken down by age sex, and such so we can see what demographic wants us dead.  Because that is what it amounts to.  I'll posit that nobody who wants more meat packages on the earth has ever seen moths around a streetlight so thick the light is dimmed.

Pushing for more babies is insidious.  An entire mindset goes along with that belief, and if the right class traitor takes this notion seriously there is no hope for them.  Hubris has ruined them, and they can't hang with logos.

Uncle Karl clearly explains that profit prevents workers from ever buying all the products they produce in capitalism.  For that reason markets must always expand. (or the system must change).  The math of capitalism is the root cause of Imperialism, which is rebranded as World Trade in our age.  Capitalism is an unstable system, but one which benefits a small class with power.  Falling FASTER than the birth would be the size of people who are unemployed.  Capitalism requires a pool of unemployed.  That too is built into its math of operation.

If humans were to cut numbers so that there were two billion people on the earth allowing for a perpetual civilization, 67 000,000,000,000 people would have lived in a million years.



The precariat.  You are never too old to be one. 

What is the real reason for concern over national and birth decline concerns.  There is no one reason but a cluster of them.

I will be blunt.  Old people are the new 'N' word.  Old people won't get, can't get full time jobs.  And going part-time means your past is irrelevant.  Talent and education means you are toilet trained to get to work on time.  PHD or HS dropout, at 65 how much difference is there?  Can you say "will you be using our mobile app".  That is all that matters, because sucker you got no other options.  The old employee is the new slave.  The new cheap worker.

Employers want cheap workers who show up on time, have a good work ethic and vanish.  Emphasis of course on cheap.  Complaining about a birth rate decline suggests a 'worker crisis'.  Real or not.  Mix in some mumbo-jumbo about work being good for people and voila.  Grandpa should work till he drops.  Society needs him to do it.  And he's a nice guy.  He smiles and gets along.  He'll go fer it.

Any fix except change the stinkin system.  Reorganize thought once again to keep things the same.

Very good video.


This shit is starting to get on my nerves.  The fucking politicians and capitalists  screaming at people to "HAVE BABIES!!! While there aren't even enough fucking houses a family could afford to live in.  Let's have Homeless Babies!   ::)   If it wasn't so tragically pathetic and stupid it would be laughable.

The one bright spot is that no matter how hard they scream,  J6P just says no to babies!  ;D  Child care alone is $1000/mo EZ.  Add in your food, med & dental, the bigger house you need, figure $3000/kid/mo.  When they start handing out $40K/yr to be a professional parent, they might get some takers.  Maybe.

The movement desperately trying to get people to have more babies