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Migration Madness & Mayhem

Started by RE, Jan 06, 2024, 05:48 AM

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Since moving here to the new forum, one major story of the ongoing Collapse of Industrialization has escaped getting its own focus thread:  Immigration.  Most of the recent stories have gotten mixed up with the Homelessness and Housing threads, for the obvious reason that just about none of them crossing the borders these days have a place to live.

The migration problem is much deeper than just homelessness however, and it really demonstrates how provincial and bankrupt the belief is that we're not experiencing collapse because the lights are on here and cannibals aren't eating babies yet.  People who say this see no further than their own backyards, and since BAU seems to be operating here in the FSoA, Kollapsniks were wrong, there's plenty of oil so don't worry, be happy.

The reality is that collapse is moving along at a growing pace, which you can measure by the number of countries experiencing so much political upheaval that they have become ungovernable failed states.  This includes practically every country in South America, even formerly stable ones like Venezuela and Argentina.  Seeking to escape escalating violence, poverty and crumbling infrastructure, record numbers are swarming the borders, boarding buses and flooding the streets of "sanctuary cities" like NY, Chicago and Denver.  Each location adding 1000s of new homeless each week in cities unable to find additional beds just for the hundreds of additional locally grown homeless.

It's a recipe for civil unrest and with the POTUS election this year, we're likely to see conflict in the streets come he dog days of summer.  Should be interesting.

White House responds to growing migrant crisis in Chicago




What does history say about SB4,

The U.S. Supreme Court on March 6, 1857, ruled (7–2) that a slave (Dred Scott) who had resided in a free state and territory (where slavery was prohibited) was not thereby entitled to his freedom.  That African Americans were not and could never be citizens of the United States.

That the Missouri Compromise (1820), which had declared free all territories west of Missouri and north of latitude 36°30′, was unconstitutional. The decision added fuel to the sectional controversy and pushed the country closer to civil war.

Abbot wants to read history another way.

The U.S. Supreme Court on March 19th, 2024, ruled (6–3) that a wetback (Juan) who had resided in a free state and territory (where work is a right) is not hereby entitled to Work.  That Hispanics are not, and can not ever be citizens of the United States.


A long photo essay about the death count at the southern border.

A general tale of tragedy which in my usual caring manner jumped into my brain as "Who pays for all these dead people?"

Anyone who has dealt with a funeral knows it costs money to dispose of the meat package once the soul has left on its journey to the Great Beyond.  As the numbers creep upward down on the TX border, you have a ton of people needed to collect, catalogue and dispose of the corpses you gotta pay, I hope slightly more than min wage.

I'm sure the local taxpayers don't like this much, but I also imagine getting enough money from the state or feds to cover it is close to impossible.  I also suspect this problem will grow to the point the bodies will pile up faster than they can be removed.  Piles of Skulls and Bones at the border.


'Where do we put the bodies?'




A young man or woman trying to make their way in the world.  Willing to work their ass off and travel thousands of miles to build a normal life.  Killed by a desert they were unprepared for.  How can you know this and not be changed.

QuoteUpon seeing the bottle, I thought it was a repurposed bleach bottle. It had a similar shape and size. Enciso tells me that these plastic bottles are made in Mexico, specifically with migrants in mind. The bottles are black because they don't "shine at night," he says.