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Anyone want to ask McPherson anything about the "end"?

Started by Knarf, Jan 21, 2024, 06:23 AM

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 I joined LinkedIn a while back to find some rare pot. I didn't post much, but found a few interesting people there. I just got an email yesterday asking if I wanted to "friend" Guy McPherson? I followed the link and clicked yes to see what would happen. He happened to be on so we chatted a bit. He said the oceans are dying. and gave me a link to his presentation of the "methane bomb". I would love it if you all would ask him some questions that would challenge his knowledge bias. I guess he has the rapid collapse of industrial civilization down to "now".


According to Guy, we were supposed to already be extinct.  You're wasting your time asking him any questions at all, he's an ideologue with his own agenda and version of reality.



Guy had collapse down to 'NOW' ten years ago.  McPherson does NOT know any more than we do.  And his extreme catastrophicism is not logical.

I once had a high opinion of Guy.  A soldier of truth illuminating the masses in a tireless pursuit to spread the enlightenment.  Reason and concern for fellow man ruling the day.

Then I realized he only sees things from one side.  It is a side we mostly agree with, but his side is not balanced. Guy only sees the downside, and he is quick to extol his academic background in defense and mutter peer-reviewed this and that.  His technique works well on people who don't have a lot of knowledge.  It does not work on me at all.  Instead, I see someone who is lite on the science.

Guy suffers from the hubris many of our talking heads do.  It is not enough for him that we USE UP ALL OUR RESOURCES and SIMPLY starve.  No, humans are special, we have the power to terraform the planet and make it uninhabitable.  We will go Venus, an end more befitting a creature molded in the image of a god. <-- NOT

On this Guy is simply WRONG.  Humans can foul the nest only enough to cause our own extinction.  Then the Earth  recovers and before the continents drift a mile the world will look like we were never here.  Humans are a forgotten memory of the universe before the continents drift another mile.  New mega fauna will evolve to enjoy the last 100 million years of pleasant sunshine.  Then the sun cooks the earth.  The palm trees and crocodiles at the south pole die.  Barren hot sands here.  Then the Earth is vapor, but somewhere in the night sky the game of life goes on.

It will take a few decades and much pain before we do ourselves in.  Guy's fantasy that the world goes up in smoke next year is an escape.  A way to not deal with reality.  A privileged delusion.

Guy promotes denialism.  Guy's social function is to promote the popular idea that people concerned with the future are bat-shit crazy.  All hail the status quo.  Consume, pay your taxes, and shut the fuck up.  Watch Netflix and die.

Bill Nye met Guy causing Andrew Revkin from The New York Times (oooohh-ahh) to say McPherson was an "apocalyptic ecologist ... who has built an 'End of Days' following.

Complete with some kinky shit rumor has it.

Michael Tobis, a climate scientist at the University of Wisconsin, said McPherson "is not the opposite of a denialist. He is a denialist, albeit of a different stripe."

David Wallace-Wells called McPherson a "climate Gnostic" and on the "fringe.

Climate scientist Michael E. Mann said Guy was a "doomist cult hero.

Before the millennium I thought spreading the message Guy style made sense.  Then I quickly  realized people ignore reason and prefer to live in fiction.  Reason is hard work and we are naturally lazy.  How humans think became a great interest of mine. * I have learned that Guy is doing the exact opposite of what must be done to actually wake people up and make them change.

The exact opposite!

Guys message at the end of the day is for everyone to just enjoy the time we have left.  Sit back and do nothing.  What is the point.  We are all going to die.  Hambone, our Charlie Manson of doom has the same idea.  Dumfucks who want to give the younger generation nothing to live for.  They take your time to make a dime, and think it is fine.

Do nothing is exactly what our oligarchs want us to do.  And that means Guy too.

Check out YANSS 276 in the link.