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Infrastructure Collapse

Started by RE, Mar 31, 2024, 11:56 PM

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Using the Baltimore Bridge collapse as kickoff for this topic here on Diner v2.0, which in addition to bridges would include stuff like the electrical grid, water and oil pipelines, landfills, waste processing etc etc etc.

The Baltimore problem is somewhat unique in that it resulted from an accident rather than say a Hurricane or just decay from lack of maintenance, but actuarially speaking, accidents are part of the equation with all infrastructure when it's around for a long enough time.  Computing the insurance premiums for such things is a nightmare of course, and Lloyds of London or whoever the reinsurer is on thid disaster is going to take a total bath.  Don't be surprised if somebody declares bankruptcy, or if you get a cascade of failures if it can't be contained with a Goobermint bailout.

I think the MD Goobernator is overstating the level of disruption this will cause to the supply chain, while the Port of Baltimore is a big hub, the East Coast has several ports that can pick up the slack while they work on replacing the bridge.  It's not as critical as the Port of Los Angeles or Long Beach are on the West Coast.  Still it will cause logistics problems and some itemsss may be hard to get in some areas.

Key Bridge collapse a national economic catastrophe, Maryland's governor says