Read RE's blog at Global Collapse 

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Started by K-Dog, Aug 13, 2024, 09:52 AM

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The ACP is has many of the same people who are behind Midwestern Marx.  I have had an interest in Midwestern Marx for months.


I did a call in on Noah's show.

Start at 1:36:40  I left a link to a post about 'Carbon Fee and Dividend.' on the Discord so users could visit the Diner and read about it here.

Being on the show caused the men in black to wipe us out.  Several days of Diner activity has been lost.  I just restored what I could, and I regret not making a new back up right after I did the call-in.  It was a precise surgical strike that wiped the post and member database clean.

The tables where RE added links to his You-Tube channel was wiped out. He will have to remember what he did to fix it.

Carbon fee and dividend is not a tax. Taxes are collected by government for government use. A fee collected and paid to all people equally is a payment from the social commons not a tax. It is important to understand this or you likely will dismiss the benefits. Consider oil as the example, coal and gas would have fees collected as well but talking about one is easier. Money is taken at the wellhead where it is mined. Before first sale. If a dollar worth of oil is pulled out of the ground a percentage of value is taken from it. A percentage determined by a citizens assembly. After that the added cost is passed on as markup in the distribution chain. All the money is equally divided among all citizens. This allows the individual to cancel the fee added at the wellhead if they use an average amount of fossil fuel. If you use less fossil fuel than average the system pays you money. If you use more you pay more. Collected money is equally distributed with kids getting a percentage starting at 16. Younger children don't use gasoline or diesel, and the money, all of it, must go to citizens who use oil products. Younger kids are excluded because they do not buy anything and the money is paid out to consumers to offset the added price consumers must pay. Having a citizens assembly set the fee is appropriate and should not be done by government. Government provides infrastructure, but the commons should decide to do with the commons. Not an elite group.


Perhaps republishing the Kamala rant had something to do with it.

Sorry, men in black.  She's back.

* it takes a minute to get to Kamala.  I could have cut the first minute, but I liked what Carlos was saying.  I had to check out Apologetics, and found this by checking out who Lukács was.

QuoteThe thinkers of the Frankfurt School — Adorno, Horkheimer, Habermas, Benjamin, Wellmer, Marcuse — were for Lukács too much devoted to theorizing capitalism and barbarism and too little about changing it. They were like imagined world-weary residents in the Grand Hotel Abyss, observing the unfolding catastrophe but doing nothing to intervene to stop it. They were about theory, not praxis.

That is the same as my gut feeling.