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- Diner Censorship

Started by monsta666, Aug 16, 2024, 08:31 AM

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Many moons ago I ran a forum that was subject to a distributed denial of service attack. The website did not talk about any controversial topics so it could just be part of the internet landscape where hackers abound. This kinda thing sucks but it is not a given (by itself) of a deeper conspiracy. Or have you been hiding Hunter Biden's hard drive in your basement K-Dog? :P


Quote from: monsta666 on Aug 16, 2024, 08:31 AMMany moons ago I ran a forum that was subject to a distributed denial of service attack. The website did not talk about any controversial topics so it could just be part of the internet landscape where hackers abound. This kinda thing sucks but it is not a given (by itself) of a deeper conspiracy. Or have you been hiding Hunter Biden's hard drive in your basement K-Dog? :P

Think about this.  If I did have one of Hunters hard drives there would be a reason for fuckification.  It would still be wrong, and a denial of free speech, and a theft, but it would make sense in a twisted way.

QuoteThe United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC), also called the FISA Court, is a U.S. federal court established under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 (FISA) to oversee requests for surveillance warrants against foreign spies inside the United States by federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies.

As things are I do not have a hot hard drive in the basement so the fuckification is no more than pure abuse of power.

'foreign' is mentioned but Monsta is a British subject so I'm sure the definition of foreign is legally satisfied.  Further if there is a legal issue over deleting the Diner, the FBI can just ask the British Intelligence Services to do the deleting.  The way 'they' ask 'them' to surveil through cameras when legal issues concerning rights of privacy of native born Americans are involved.  The five eyes share info.

This video link was lost in the attack.

Could it be that some of the founding members of the ACP are not fully aware of what the guvmint is up to?  I have a John Perkins awareness of what the government does.  Keeping my awareness away from the naive might be part of the motivation.

QuoteThe Communist Control Act of 1954 is an American law signed by President Dwight Eisenhower on August 24, 1954, that outlaws the Communist Party of the United States and criminalizes membership in or support for the party or "Communist-action" organizations and defines evidence to be considered by a jury in determining participation in the activities, planning, actions, objectives, or purposes of such organizations.The Communist Control Act of 1954 (68 Stat. 775, 50 U.S.C. §§ 841–844) is an American law signed by President Dwight Eisenhower on August 24, 1954, that outlaws the Communist Party of the United States and criminalizes membership in or support for the party or "Communist-action" organizations and defines evidence to be considered by a jury in determining participation in the activities, planning, actions, objectives, or purposes of such organizations.

The FBI exists to maintain class differences and stamp out alternative politics. 

There is no Soviet Union, and my only relationship with China is I buy stuff.  The ACP I am promoting is 100% American.  Trying to convict someone under this law could be difficult.  But this law is on the books, and is obviously being used to prevent peaceable free assembly.

QuoteCongress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Trumps stacked court would find a workaround to the above and uphold a conviction.  If I am the one convicted the outrage generated would be worth it.  But that would never happen because I would be dead before the case made it to court.  Provided of course the news about me was public.  Otherwise I'd just be put in a Federal Prison and die.

Wiping the Diner from 'their' point of view is a seizure.  The warrant is sealed so we don't get to know it exists for national security reasons.

QuoteTitle 18, U.S. Code, Section 3052, specifically authorizes special agents and officials of the FBI to make arrests, carry firearms, and serve warrants. Title 18, U.S. Code, Section 3107, empowers special agents and officials to make seizures under warrant for violation of federal statutes.

The next time the Diner is wiped 'they' will be destroying evidence which would be used in our defense.  I clearly state our peaceable intent.


Quote from: monsta666 on Aug 16, 2024, 08:31 AMThis kinda thing sucks but it is not a given (by itself) of a deeper conspiracy.

Tough sell to some Monsta. Some folks are quite gifted at taking "proof" and assembling it into intricate and amazing explanations for the "why" things happen.


Quote from: K-Dog on Aug 16, 2024, 11:06 AMI have a John Perkins awareness of what the government does.

This John Perkins?

I'm not sure if you meant this reference as a good thing...or a bad one...?



Quotea good thing...or a bad one...?

You obviously think bad, do you have dirt on him?

John is a whistleblower.  He is wise to switch his attention to Ayahuasca and shamanism.  It gets the target off his back.  That is Ok, he wrote the book and is an American hero.  How John wrote the economic hit man book is an interesting story.  He tells it in the video.

John became a man of conscious, you have a problem with that?

Quote18 minutes in.

I get what you're saying I agree with you but due to the trajectory
that we're currently on right now now in this world in this nation do you really see that as a possibility?

I do.  How it would be implemented I don't know , but I wouldn't be sitting here with you if I didn't believe that.  I wouldn't be writing books.  I'd be out you know whining and dining and drinking myself silly.  I don't know how, but I do think we're moving in that direction.  I mean solar wind have moved us away from fossil fuels.  They are at their infancy, but 20 years ago everybody said solar will never be economically feasible.  It is.  That's just one example of what what I hear, and I've had the opportunity to travel around the world speaking because of these books that have gotten to be so popular and and more recently doing a lot of it by zoom and everywhere I go I see that people are really waking up to the fact that we have to change and that's the first stage.  They're not actually changing, remember perception we're change our perception is changing.  The next step is to implement actions that uh honor the new perception. 

We haven't really got to the taking the actions in a very strong way yet and as you mentioned earlier we're being distracted terribly by the the war in Israel in Gaza the war in Ukraine and and so many so many distractions the political the political outrage that's hitting this country right now is you know a big distraction yeah, and there's so many distractions.  But people still around the world are getting that we need to change.

I do think there's hope, I would hate to put a probability on it.  I also think there's a pretty high probability that we won't go that direction and if we don't make the changes that we need to make we're headed toward more and more catastrophe.

I truly believe there's these two paths. in fact the Algonquin speaking people where I come from in New Hampshire a long time ago said human beings at some point in history are going to be offered the opportunity to take two paths. One path will lead to their destruction as human beings the other will will lead to a much more glorious world.  I think we're at that crossroads right now.  That's my belief and and I'm sticking to it.  It may not be true but it gives it gives me the hope that we can take the right path.  I see people around the world wanting to do that.

I feel no need to educate John Perkins about Jevon's Paradox and that the existing system will actually use more fossil fuels than would be used without any solar at all.  I'll bore everyone with that math on another day.  JP is in a good place.  Why harsh the buzz.


Quote from: K-Dog on Aug 16, 2024, 04:46 PM

Quotea good thing...or a bad one...?

You obviously think bad, do you have dirt on him?

I think ambivalent about him. His wiki certainly appears to contain content that casts doubt on his overall veracity.

Quote from: K-DogJohn is a whistleblower.  He is wise to switch his attention to Ayahuasca and shamanism.  It gets the target off his back.  That is Ok, he wrote the book and is an American hero.
Yeah, the wiki substantiates "author", but not "hero". From the wiki I couldn't even tell if the comment related to run of the mill US policy and how it destabilizes the politics of other countries or pushes its business ideas out the door and his writing a book about it as though it is something new is even relevant.

I mean really, like Bay of Pigs didn't happen decades earlier demonstrating that the US certainly screws around in the politics of others, in ways FAR more obvious than diddling around with loans.

Quote from: K-DogJohn became a man of conscious, you have a problem with that?
Maybe he had already had one before he wrote the book? And Hitler had a conscious, so that isn't much of a bar to pretend someone doesn't have.

Quote from: K-DogI get what you're saying I agree with you but due to the trajectory
that we're currently on right now now in this world in this nation do you really see that as a possibility?
You say "trajectory we're currently on right now" and I'm betting you don't mean the US whupping the world at oil production, reuseable rockets not possible 5 years ago, private businesses boosting cars towards Mars just because they can and the US still know...the US....?

I agree that the trajectory of humans being human continues. And that the consequences of that have been both good and bad since slightly after agriculture was invented.

I agree that I don't see THIS trajectory changing, and it seems safe to go with millenia of humans being human as continuing in the future.

Quote from: K-DogI feel no need to educate John Perkins about Jevon's Paradox and that the existing system will actually use more fossil fuels than would be used without any solar at all.  I'll bore everyone with that math on another day.  JP is in a good place.  Why harsh the buzz.
Jevons paradox is the original concept, so good thing you don't need to educate him on outmoded ideas, the rebound effect is more the modern expression of this ECONOMIC issue, math is a science of the natural world, economics is social science because folks who can't do math need to tell stories that aren't required to be grounded in the natural world.

Not being familiar with "a good buzz" I'll take your word that being drunk/stoned/high/tripping/doped/wasted/buzzed/smashed/plastered/bombed and baked is a good thing.

I only needed one drunk in the family as a 10 year old to learn this.